Writing & Reporting
Writing & Reporting
Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and certain other countries. Published in the United States of America by Oxford University Press 198 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016, United States of America. © 2019, 2016, 2012, 2009, 2005 by Oxford University Press For titles covered by Section 112 of the US Higher Education Opportunity Act, please visit www.oup.com/us/he for the latest information about pricing and alternate formats. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, by license, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reproduction rights organization. Inquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above. You must not circulate this work in any other form and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Bender, John R., author. | Davenport, Lucinda, author. | Drager, Michael W., author. | Fedler, Fred, author. Title: Writing & reporting for the media / John R. Bender, University of Nebraska-Lincoln ; Lucinda D. Davenport, Michigan State University ; Michael W. Drager, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania ; Fred Fedler, University of Central Florida. Other titles: Writing and reporting for the media Description: Twelfth edition. | New York : Oxford University Press, [2018] | Includes index. Identifiers: LCCN 2018019923 | ISBN 9780190649425 (pbk. text) Subjects: LCSH: Reporters and reporting—Problems, exercises, etc. Classification: LCC PN4781 .B385 2018 | DDC 070.4/3—dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2018019923
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Journalism Today 3
Selecting and Reporting the News 14
Newswriting Style 29
The Language of News 47
Libel, Privacy and Newsgathering Issues 79
6 Ethics 106
Basic News Leads 131
Alternative Leads 163
The Body of a News Story 180
Quotations and Attribution 211
11 Interviewing 235
Feature Stories 256
Writing for Broadcast News 274
Visual Journalism 294
Speeches and Meetings 311
Brights, Follow-Ups, Roundups, Sidebars and Obituaries 337
Public Affairs Reporting 355
Introduction to Investigative Reporting 391
Journalism and Public Relations 414
Appendix A
City Directory 435
Appendix B
Summary of AP Style 451
Appendix C
Rules for Forming Possessives 469
Credits 473 Index 475
CONTENTS Preface xix
SECTION I THE TOOLS OF JOURNALISM 1 Chapter 1 Journalism Today 3 Technology and Journalism 3 Types of News 6 Evolution of the News Business 6 Journalism as a Profession 7 Journalism Competencies 8 The Modern Journalist 9
Journalism Style 10 AP Stylebook 10 Journalism Terms 11 Copy-Editing 11 Copy Format 11
THE WRITING COACH: The “N.E.R.D.” Factor in Getting a Job 13
Chapter 2 Selecting and Reporting the News 14 News Characteristics and News Elements 15 Timeliness 15 Impact or Magnitude 16 Prominence 16 Proximity 17 Unusualness 17 Conflict 18 Other Characteristics 18 The Nature of the Medium and the Community 18
Types of News 19 The Concept of Objectivity 20 What Is Not Newsworthy? 21 Offensive Details 21
Sensationalism 21 Rumors 22 Sexual Assault 22 Names of Juveniles 22 Trade Names 22
The Importance of Accuracy 23 Accuracy in Facts 23 Accuracy in Names 24 Accuracy Is a Priority 24
GUEST COLUMNIST: Why I Stayed at a Small-Town Newspaper 25 THE REPORTER’S GUIDE to Accuracy 26 Review Exercises 27
Chapter 3 Newswriting Style 29 Simplify Words, Sentences and Paragraphs 29 Eliminate Unnecessary Words 32 Quiz 34 Remain Objective 34 Respecting Diversity 35 Racism 36 Sexism 36 Ageism 37 Avoid Stereotyping Other Groups 38
Additional Newswriting Considerations for Digital Media 38 THE REPORTER’S GUIDE to Newswriting Style 39 Review Exercises 40
Chapter 4 The Language of News 47 The Effectiveness of Words 47 Mastering Grammar 48 Nouns 49 Verbs 49 Independent and Dependent Clauses 50 Active and Passive Voice 52 Appositives 52
Common Grammatical Errors 53 Run-on Sentences 53 Comma Splices 53 Agreement Errors 53 “That”–“Which” Confusion 55 “Who”–“Whom” Confusion 55 Misplaced Modifiers 56
CONTENTS Dangling Modifiers 57 Personification 57 Parallelism 58 Syntax 58
Spelling 59 Punctuation 59 Writing Like a Pro 59 Diction 59 Precision 60
Use Strong Verbs 61 Problems to Avoid 62 Overuse of Adjectives and Adverbs 62 Clichés 63 Slang 64 Technical Language and Jargon 64 Euphemisms 65 Profanity 66 Stating the Obvious 66 First-Person References 67 Negative Constructions 67 Echo 68 Gush 68 Vague Time References 68 Use of the Present Tense 69 Excessive Punctuation 69
THE WRITING COACH: Become a Power Lifter When Picking Verbs 71 THE REPORTER’S GUIDE to the Language of News 72 Review Exercises 73
SECTION II THE LAW AND ETHICS OF JOURNALISM 77 Chapter 5 Libel, Privacy and Newsgathering Issues 79 Libel 80 The Elements of a Libel Suit 81 Who Is a Public Official? Who Is a Public Figure? 85 Major Defenses to Libel Suits 87 Steps for Avoiding Libel Suits 89
Privacy 90 Intrusion 90 Giving Publicity to Private Facts 92 False Light 93 Appropriation 94
Newsgathering Issues 94 Access to Nonjudicial Events and Records 95
Access to Judicial Proceedings 98 Confidentiality for Sources and Information 100
THE REPORTER’S GUIDE to Libel, Privacy and Newsgathering Issues 102 Review Exercises 104
Chapter 6 Ethics 106 Codes of Ethics 107 Ethical Decision Making 107 Who and How Many? (Two Questions) 108 What Is the Purpose of the Story? (Two Follow-Up Questions) 108 Can I Explain My Decision? (Six Questions) 109 The Potter Box 109 News Media Credibility Considerations 109
Ethics Issues Regarding Conduct 110 Plagiarizing and Fabricating Information: Never Acceptable 111 Finding Sources 111 Recording Interviews: Audio Recorders and Video Cameras 112 Eliminating Conflicts of Interest 113 Maintaining Objectivity 114 Interviewing Victims 115 Respecting Privacy of Sources 115 Avoiding Deceit: Posing and Misrepresentation 115 Witnessing Crimes and Disasters 116
Ethics Issues Regarding Content 117 Avoiding Speculation: Get the Facts and Provide Accurate Context 117 Using Visuals: Newsworthy or Sensational? 117 Altering Images 118 Deciding When to Name Names 118 Covering Killers 119 Reporting on Public Figures and Celebrities 119 Reporting Rumors and Speculation 120 Reporting on Terrorism 120 Publishing Ads 120
THE WRITING COACH: Journalists Should Understand: Victims Face Wall of Grief 121 THE REPORTER’S GUIDE to Ethics 122 Review Exercises 123
SECTION III THE BASIC SKILLS OF JOURNALISM 129 Chapter 7 Basic News Leads 131 Prewriting 131 Identifying the Central Point 131 Story Outlines 132 Planning the Digital Story 133
The Summary News Lead 135 Sentence Structure in Leads 138 Guidelines for Writing Effective Leads 138 Be Concise 138 Be Specific 139 Use Strong, Active Verbs 140 Emphasize the Magnitude of the Story 141 Stress the Unusual 141 Localize and Update 142 Be Objective and Attribute Opinions 143 Strive for Simplicity 144
Some Common Errors 144 Beginning with the Attribution 144 Minimizing the News 144 Using Agenda Leads 145 Using Label Leads 145 Listing Details 146 Stating the Obvious 146 Reporting the Negative 147 Exaggerating 147 Distorting the Story 147 Following All the Rules 147 Forgetting Your Audience 148 Using the First Draft 148
THE WRITING COACH: Oh Where, Oh Where Does the Time Element Go? 149 THE REPORTER’S GUIDE to Writing Leads 150 Review Exercises 151
Chapter 8 Alternative Leads 163 Criticisms 166 Types of Alternative Leads 167 “Buried” or “Delayed” Leads 167 Multiparagraph Leads 168 Quotation Leads 169 Question Leads 169 Suspenseful Leads 171 Descriptive Leads 171 Shockers: Leads with a Twist 172 Ironic Leads 173 Direct-Address Leads 173 Words Used in Unusual Ways 173 Other Unusual Leads 174
THE REPORTER’S GUIDE to Writing Alternative Leads 175 Review Exercises 176
Chapter 9 The Body of a News Story 180 The Inverted-Pyramid Style 180 Organizing the Information 181 Writing the Second Paragraph 183 Ending the Story 186 Complex Stories 187
The Hourglass Style 189 The Focus Style 191 The Narrative Style 192 Using Transitions 197 Explain the Unfamiliar 197 The Importance of Examples 199 The Use of Description 199 The Need to Be Fair 201 The Final Step: Edit Your Story 201 THE WRITING COACH: How to Find the Right Endings to Stories 202 THE REPORTER’S GUIDE to Writing News Stories 203 Review Exercises 204
Chapter 10 Quotations and Attribution 211 Quotations 212 When to Use Direct Quotations 212 When to Use Indirect Quotations 214 When to Use Partial Quotations 215 When Sources Seek Quote Approval 216
Blending Quotations and Narrative 217 Explaining Quotations 217 To Change or Not to Change Quotations 218 Deleting Profanities 220 Editorialization 220
Attribution 221 The Purpose of Attribution 221 Statements That Require Attribution 221 Guidelines for the Placement and Frequency of Attribution 222 Direct Quotations 223 Partial Quotations 223 Indirect Quotations 224 Word Choice in Attributing Statements 224 Identifying Sources 225
THE WRITING COACH: Do You Use Said Enough? 228 THE REPORTER’S GUIDE to Quotations and Attribution 228 Review Exercises 230
Chapter 11 Interviewing 235 Preparing for the Interview 236 Selecting Interview Sources 237 Researching Sources and Topics 239 Preparing Questions for the Interview 239
Conducting the Interview 241 Selecting a Location 241 Organizing the Questions 242 Dealing with Reluctant Sources and Asking Tough Questions 244 Special Situations 246 Taking Notes 248 Recording Interviews 248 Final Thoughts 249
Writing the Interview Story 249 GUEST COLUMNIST: Interviewing Three People about a Deadly Accident 250 THE REPORTER’S GUIDE to Interviewing 251 Review Exercises 252
Chapter 12 Feature Stories 256 Finding Story Ideas and Gathering Information 256 Parts of Feature Stories 258 The Lead of a Feature Story 258 The Body of a Feature Story 258 The Ending of a Feature Story 260
Types of Feature Stories 261 Profiles or Personality Features 261 Historical Features 263 Adventure Features 264 Seasonal Features 264 Explanatory Features 265 How-to-Do-It Features 265 Occupation or Hobby Features 266 Behind-the-Scenes Features 266 Participatory Features 267 Other Types of Feature Stories 267
THE REPORTER’S GUIDE to Features 268 Review Exercises 269
Chapter 13 Writing for Broadcast News 274 The Broadcast News Story 274 Leads 276 The Hard Lead 277
The Soft Lead 277 The Throwaway Lead 278 The Umbrella Lead 278
The Body of a Story 278 Updating Broadcast News Stories 280 Guidelines for Copy Preparation 281 Formatting Copy 281 Editing Copy 281 Timing Copy 281 Reviewing Copy 281 Story Length 282 Story Script 282 Using Audio 282 Using Video 284
Sources for Broadcast News 284 News Services 284 Newspapers, Online News and Broadcast News Sources 285 Public Relations News Releases 285 People 285 Broadcast Interviews 285
Writing the Broadcast Story 286 Writing for the Audience 286 Writing for Your Announcer 288
Being a Broadcast Journalist 290 THE REPORTER’S GUIDE to Broadcast News Writing Style 290 Review Exercises 291
Chapter 14 Visual Journalism 294 The Roots of Visual Journalism 294 Visual Journalism Today 297 Ethics of Visual Journalism 298 The Digital News Package 299 Capturing Photographs 299 Capturing Video 302 Creating Good Video 303 Capturing Audio 304
Required Technology 306 Digital Video Recorder 306 Digital Camera 306 Digital Audio Recorder 307
THE REPORTER’S GUIDE to Visual Journalism 307 Review Exercises 308
SECTION IV APPLYING THE SKILLS OF JOURNALISM 309 Chapter 15 Speeches and Meetings 311 Advance Stories 312 Covering the Speech of Meeting 313 Follow Stories 313 Organizing Speech or Meeting Stories 315 Writing Effective Leads 316 Writing Transitions 320
Remember Your Audience 321 Check Facts 321
Adding Color 322 Report What You Hear 322 Describe What You See 323
THE WRITING COACH: The Expectations of Public Officials toward Journalists 324 THE REPORTER’S GUIDE to Reporting Speeches and Meetings 325 Review Exercises 326
Chapter 16 Brights, Follow-Ups, Roundups, Sidebars and Obituaries 337 Brights 337 Follow-Ups 339 Roundups 341 Sidebars 342 Obituaries 343 Writing the Biographical Obituary 344 Writing the Feature Obituary 346
THE REPORTER’S GUIDE to Writing Brights, Follow-Ups, Roundups, Sidebars and Obituaries 348 Review Exercises 349
Chapter 17 Public Affairs Reporting 355 Crime and Accidents 356 Police Sources 357 Key Police Documents 357 Respecting Victims 359 Writing the Crime or Accident Story 361
Local Government 362 City and County Governments 363 School Districts 366
Courts 369 General Information about the Court System 370 Criminal Cases 371 Civil Cases 373
GUEST COLUMNIST: Developing Sources on the Police Beat 375 GUEST COLUMNIST: Journalists Deliver the Information the Public Needs 376 THE REPORTER’S GUIDE to Public Affairs Reporting 377 Review Exercises 378
Chapter 18 Introduction to Investigative Reporting 391 What Is Investigative Reporting? 392 Whom and What to Investigate 393 Developing an Investigative Story 394 The Story Idea 394 Resources 399 Planning the Story 400 Gathering Documents 400 Developing Sources 402
The Investigative Interview 403 Writing the Investigative Story 404 Using Technology in Investigative Reporting 405 Using Computers to Get Answers 405 Using Social Media 406 Using Statistics 407
Ethical Issues in Investigative Reporting 408 GUEST COLUMNIST: Developing Investigative Story Ideas 411 THE REPORTER’S GUIDE to Investigative Reporting 412 Review Exercises 413
Chapter 19 Journalism and Public Relations 414 What Is PR? 414 PR Agencies 415 Corporate, Nonprofit and Government PR 416
Working with News Media 417 Advance Stories 418 Event Stories 418 Features 418 Discoveries and Results 419
Tips for Effective News Releases 420 List a Contact and a Follow-Up Person 420 Send the Release on Time 420
CONTENTS Use Journalism’s Five W’s 420 Write Well 420 Localize Information 420 Provide Visuals 420 Provide Links 421
From the Journalist’s Perspective: Working with Press Releases 421 The No. 1 Problem: Lack of Newsworthiness 422 Limited Interest 422 Contrived Events 422 Rewriting for Newsworthiness 423 Rewriting for Wordiness 423
The No. 2 Problem: Lack of Objectivity 424 Advertisements 424 Eliminating Laudatory Adjectives and Puffery 424 Telling the Public What to Do 425
Other Problems with News Releases 425 Stating the Obvious 425 Absence of Solid Facts 426 One-Sided Stories 426
THE REPORTER’S GUIDE to Public Relations 427 Review Exercises 428
Appendix A City Directory 435 Appendix B Summary of AP Style 451 Appendix C Rules for Forming Possessives 469 Credits 473 Index 475
ou might think the news business is in trouble if you look only at the traditional measures of success: circulation and advertising revenue. The New York Times’ daily circulation has dropped to about 570,000 printed copies, and its advertising revenue from the print edition was $64 million for the third quarter of 2017. But these numbers do not reflect the new realities of U.S. journalism. While the Times has lost print subscribers, it has rapidly gained digital subscribers. It now has 2.5 million people who pay to read the newspaper online. The Times’ overall subscriber base has more than doubled over the last four years. For the 2017 third quarter, digital subscription revenue was $86 million. The transition from a print advertising revenue base to a digital subscription revenue base has been a rocky one for the news business, and it is not complete. But the Times and many other newspapers are profitable and are looking to expand. The readership and revenue numbers for the Times and for most other news organizations reflect a changing industry. More and more Americans turn to digital devices—computers, tablets, smartphones—for news. In the digital world, however, advertisers depend less on traditional news and entertainment media for access to the consumers they want to attract than they did in the print world. As the news business has changed, so have the expectations for the men and women starting careers in journalism. Journalism schools and departments are rethinking their curriculums as they try to figure out what sets of skills will best prepare their graduates for finding and holding jobs. At some schools, students are learning how to write HTML code, tell stories visually, develop and manage databases and even design video games. Other schools want students to become proficient in multiple skills, such as shooting still and video images and creating webpages, as well as the more traditional journalistic skills. A few schools have closed their journalism programs or merged them with other departments and majors. At the same time, news editors and producers who hire journalism graduates want employees with solid skills in the core of writing, editing and researching. They want reporters who can think critically to evaluate information and work in teams to develop and present stories. Just as the news business and journalism education have been changing, this textbook has been changing. We have added material on such things as writing
for digital media and visual journalism. At the same time, we remain committed to emphasizing the basic skills of journalism, skills that will be demanded of all reporters, no matter whether they are writing for a traditional newspaper, a television station, an online news organization, a blog or a public relations organization. Every journalist must be able to write clearly and correctly and make complicated issues understandable and interesting. The function of journalism that sets it apart from other jobs and communication businesses is its role in providing citizens in a democracy with the information they need to govern their society. As James Madison said nearly 200years ago, “Popular government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy or perhaps both. K nowledge will forever govern ignorance. And a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power that knowledge gives.” Self-government in the 21st century requires citizens to confront such issues as health care, global warming, criminal justice, economic stability, international trade, war and diplomacy. The catalogue of issues is long and daunting. To make sound decisions about these issues, people need reliable information. And most will get the bulk of it from journalists. The reporters who are best able to provide that information will be ones who have a broad understanding of how s ociety works and the ability to explain the issues and how they affect citizens in an understandable and interesting manner. The task of journalism is an important one, but much of the public doubts journalists and the news they provide. Complaints of bias and fakery are common. Some people call news biased because it does not agree with their beliefs and ideologies. Public officials often complain about unfairness or inaccuracies when they are the target of critical coverage, even when the reports are accurate. But journalists have contributed to the public’s distrust by making mistakes, f ailing to put events into context and ignoring important points of view. In a few instances, reporters have made up stories, quotations and sources. Although journalists who do this are fired when they are discovered, their actions taint the entire profession. Dealing with public distrust is a challenge that young journalists will have to confront. And the distrusts probably will linger for many years. No simple solution exists. The best course is to concentrate on presenting the news as thoroughly, accurately and fairly as possible. Cultivating two traits can help journalists achieve those goals: 1 . Be engaged in the world around you. 2. Be articulate. Being engaged in the world means reporters have a high degree of curiosity about their beats and life in general and they feel empathy for the subjects of their stories. Curiosity helps reporters see story ideas in almost everything around them and develop the stories assigned to them: ●● Many communities have charter schools, which are supported with tax
money but exempt from some of the requirements placed on public schools.
PREFACE Do students in charter schools perform as well as students in ordinary public schools? Do charter schools enroll the same proportion of students with disabilities or students whose native language is not English as public schools? ●● Civil forfeiture laws allow states to confiscate money and property obtained illegally, as through the sale of illegal drugs, and use the money to finance law enforcement. What do state and local governments do with the money and property they confiscate? Are the people whose property is confiscated always convicted of crimes? ●● States offer tax incentives to lure businesses to provide more jobs for their citizens. What businesses are getting these tax incentives? How much do they cost and how many jobs do they create? These are just a few examples of the kinds of questions and stories journalists can generate if they are curious. Reporters must constantly ask about the details of their beats, even when they have no expectation the answers will lead to stories. No reporter can predict what tidbit of information may help unravel a great story. Even the information that yields no story might help the journalist understand and explain events to an audience. Being engaged also means having empathy for the sources and subjects of news stories. People in the news often confront highly emotional situations. They may be victims of crime or the relatives of a victim; they may have lost loved ones in a plane crash; they may be athletes who have just suffered a defeat; or they may be community residents worried about how a proposed development might affect their lives and their property. A story about a knife attack by a male employee on a female supervisor is not just an antiseptic crime story or an exercise in deductive logic. It is a story about anger, frustration, betrayal, terror and humiliation. Areporter who cannot empathize with the people involved cannot truly u nderstand their experiences or tell their stories. The ability to empathize does not require reporters to abandon objectivity and impartiality. Empathy differs from sympathy. Sympathy requires one to have the same feelings as another or to achieve a mutual understanding with another. Empathy involves projecting one’s personality into that of another to understand the other person better. Journalists who have empathy for others can u nderstandthem without embracing or approving their emotions. E mpathy is consistent with objectivity; it also is indispensable for producing a truly objective and thorough story. If reporters cannot understand the emotional states of the people they write about or assess the emotional changes events inflict on sources, they will fail to report the full story. Curiosity and empathy enable reporters to get the who, what, when, where, why and how of a story. Putting those elements into a coherent, interesting and readable story requires that journalists be articulate, which combines at least two skills. One is the ability to use words effectively, to select the appropriate words and use them correctly and to arrange them in sentences that are grammatically correct and properly punctuated. The other skill is the ability to organize the elements of the story—the facts, the quotations and the anecdotes—in a manner that is captivating, informative and dramatic.
Reporters who understand grammar and diction can construct sentences that are clear and precise. The following sentences contain the same words but mean different things, simply because one word is in a different location:
She kissed only him on the lips. She kissed him only on the lips. A skillful writer understands that in the first sentence, “only” limits whom she kissed, and in the second sentence, it limits where she kissed. A skillful writer also knows that one of these sentences accuses the subject of a crime:
Wanda sent her husband Bob to the store. Wanda sent her husband, Bob, to the store. The first sentence uses “Bob” as an essential modifier of “husband,” meaning that Wanda has more than one husband and the one she sent to the store is Bob. The sentence implies Wanda has committed bigamy. The second sentence, because it uses commas before and after “Bob,” makes it clear that Wanda has only one husband, and his name is Bob. The ability to construct clear, correct sentences is fundamental. But a news story may contain nothing but clear, correct sentences and still be impossible to understand because the writer has failed to organize the material. Readers, listeners and viewers crave organization; if they do not find it, they give up. A story that jumps from one topic to another and back to the first without any sense of direction will confuse people and drive them elsewhere for information. Reporters need to know how to organize information so its significance and drama become clear. All of the skills one needs to become a great reporter—curiosity, empathy, knowledge of grammar and the ability to organize stories—are skills a student can learn. Some students may learn them more easily than others, or some may develop one set of skills more than the others. But anybody who can handle college-level course work can cultivate the skills a professional reporter needs. The 12th edition of this textbook offers many features—some new to this edition— to help students master the skills of news reporting.
New Features in the 12th Edition As with the previous editions of this textbook, the 12th edition contains several changes. It also adheres to the approach and practice Fred Fedler developed when he created this textbook nearly 40 years ago. The co-authors, who have taken over much of the responsibility for this book, hope longtime users will be comfortable with it and new users will find it attractive. Although the 12th edition contains many changes, some major ones are worth noting: ●● Foremost is the addition of a workbook separate from the textbook. The textbook
still contains exercises for students, but the addition of the workbook has allowed us to expand the number of exercises from which instructors may choose.
PREFACE ●● For the past two editions, the book contained a separate chapter on the prac-
tice of digital journalism. Because all journalists now need skills in preparing digital content, this information has been spread throughout the textbook. The chapter on visual journalism, which was new with the last edition, has been retained (Chapter 14). ●● The summary of Associated Press style has been returned to the textbook as Appendix B. Students can now find and refer to the summary quickly and easily. ●● The book contains many visual elements, including full-color photographs and colorful graphics. New visuals and expanded captions reflect more recent events and correspond to and supplement the text. ●● Many of the sidebars from the previous edition have been reorganized into two new boxes, “Hot Tip” and “From the News.” These boxes provide students with important do’s and don’ts and examples from specific news stories, respectively. ●● The text includes many new examples on events that current and future students will likely remember. These include the election of Donald J. Trump as president, the controversy over the use of lethal force by police against minority citizens, and protests by athletes against such police killings.
Other Features of Interest Appendices This book provides three appendices: a city directory, a summary of Associated Press style, and rules for forming possessives.
Reporter’s Guides Nearly every chapter ends with a reporter’s guide (e.g., “Reporter’s Guide to Accuracy” in Chapter 2) that summarizes the major points covered in the chapter and helps students organize their writing assignments and make sure they are including all important information.
Flexibility “Writing and Reporting for the Media” is flexible. Teachers can assign the chapters in almost any order. Moreover, the book and workbook provide enough exercises that instructors can assign their favorites and then assign extra exercises for students who need more help. Some teachers use the book for two semesters: for basic and advanced reporting classes. There are enough exercises for both terms. The book can be used in general media writing classes and those specific to newswriting and reporting. Still, those who prefer the book’s traditional emphasis on the print media can assign the chapters on public relations and writing for broadcast media as optional readings.
Hundreds of Examples The text contains hundreds of examples from the work of students and professionals. Each new topic or discussion of errors typically includes examples. Students are also shown how to avoid or correct errors.
Some examples have been written by prize-winning professionals, and students can use their stories as models. For instance, examples from The Associated Press, The New York Times, The Washington Post and several other U.S. newspapers, large and small, illustrate many of the concepts discussed in the text.
Realistic and Often Genuine Exercises Many of the exercises in this book are from real events. Chapter 15 (“Speeches and Meetings”) includes President Trump’s speech announcing the decision to withdraw from the Paris climate change agreement. Chapter 17 includes exercises based on real traffic accidents, crimes and fires. Exercises in other chapters, although fictionalized, are drawn from real events. To add to the realism, many of the exercises contain ethical problems: profanities, sexist comments, the names of rape victims, bloody details and other material that many editors would be reluctant to publish. Students completing those exercises will have to deal with the problems, and their decisions are likely to provoke class discussion.
Instructor’s Manual The authors provide a detailed Instructor’s Manual that includes ideas and recommendations and discusses accuracy, grades, suggested policies and assignments. These sections are followed by sample course outlines and lists of the exercises that contain ethical dilemmas and sexist remarks. The manual also includes tests covering AP style, vocabulary, attribution and spelling.
Practical Approach Like previous editions, the 12th edition is concrete, not abstract or theoretical. Its tone is practical and realistic. Its language is clear, concise, simple and direct. Because of the book’s realism, students will encounter the types of problems and assignments they are likely to find after they graduate and begin entry-level jobs with the media.
Pro Challenge A few exercises in the chapters about leads and the body of news stories have been completed by professional journalists. With these exercises, students can compare their work to that of the professionals.
A Note of Thanks Journalists are wonderful people: enthusiastic, interesting and helpful. While working on this book, we wrote to dozens of them. Reporters, photographers and editors from Portland to Philadelphia, from Miami to New York, answered our letters and provided advice and samples of their work.
PREFACE The authors wish to thank Joe Weber, an associate professor of journalism at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and a former bureau chief for Business Week, who extensively revised and rewrote Chapter 16. We would especially like to thank the many professionals who have given us permission to quote their work: Tom Rosenstiel, the executive director of the American Press Institute; Craig Silverman of the Toronto Star; Steve Buttry, digital transformation editor of Digital First Media; Sue Hadden Beard, retired editor of the Waynesboro (Pennsylvania) Record Herald; Henry McNulty, owner of Henry McNulty Communication Services and a former associate editor of the Hartford (Connecticut) Courant; David Cullier, an assistant professor of journalism at the University of Arizona; Matthew Stibbe, freelance journalist and CEO of Articulate and Turbine; Roy Peter Clark, senior scholar and vice president of the Poynter Institute for Media Studies; Don Fry, an affiliate of the Poynter Institute for Media Studies; Andrew J. Nelson, a reporter for the Omaha (Nebraska) World-Herald; Don Stacom, a reporter for the Hartford (Connecticut) Courant; Joe Hight, former editor of the Colorado Springs (Colorado) Gazette and The Oklahoman of Oklahoma City; Paula Lavigne, a reporter for ESPN’s Enterprise and Investigative Unit; Jack Hart, former managing editor of The Oregonian in Portland; Scott Pohl, a radio news reporter for WKAR in East Lansing, Michigan; Robert Gould, television journalist and instructor at Michigan State University; and Naomi Creason, city editor for the Carlisle (Pennsylvania) Sentinel. Numerous organizations, publications and news services gave us p ermission to quote their stories or republish their photographs: Aaron Bagley, Alamy Stock Photo, American Horse Publications, Andrews McMeel Syndication, AP Photo, Associated Press, The Bakersfield Californian, Biloxi Sun Herald, Brooklyn Daily/Brooklyn Courier, Bruce de Silva, Cagle Cartoons, Cartoonstock, Charleston Gazette, Chicago Tribune, CNN, Daily Bruin, The Daily Pennsylvanian, Delaware Online, The Denver Post, The Detroit News, Dizzi Globile Pty Ltd., Don Stacom, Earthworks, Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, Franklin and Marshall College, Getty Images, The Image Works, International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, iStockphoto, Jarrett Hill, Jennifer Bogo, Joe Hight, John Atkinson, John Guilfoil, Kentucky Kernel, LA Times, Lansing State Journal, Lincoln Journal, Mark Anderson, Mercury News, The Morning Call, National Press Photographers Association, NME, NPR News Now, The Oklahoman, Omaha World-Herald, Pew Research Center, The New York Times, The New Yorker, NY Daily News, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Politifact, The Poynter Institute, Portland Press Herald, Press Institute, Reporter’s Committee for Freedom of the Press, Reuters, San Francisco Chronicle, Shutterstock, Society of Professional Journalism, Tampa Bay Times, TBC Media, Texas Monthly, Toronto Star, University of Washington, The Washington Post, Western Morning News, WildJunket.com, ZUMA Press, Inc. The following professionals completed the “Pro Challenge” exercises: Naomi Creason of The Sentinel in Carlisle, Pennsylvania; Leah Farr, director of strategic communications for ABWE International in New Cumberland, Pennsylvania; Ryan Marshall, reporter for the Frederick (Maryland) News Post; Carolyn Swift Lasako, formerly of The (Easton, Maryland) Star Democrat; Liz Vargo Kemmery,
formerly of the Waynesboro (Pennsylvania) Record Herald and now director of creative services at Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania; and Brendan deRoode West, formerly of The Times-Tribune in Scranton, Pennsylvania and now an editorial manager for Penn Foster. Additional thanks for reviews and editing go to colleagues Geri Alumit Zeldes, Michigan State University, and Patricia Mills, independent writing professional and formerly of Ball State University; and to Serena Carpenter, Nicholas J. Robinson and Julie Goldsmith, while they were students at Michigan State University. Thanks also to Jason Greene for reviews, Rachael Greene for pop culture examples, Duygu Kanver for research and Jen Ware for contributing augmented content in the prior (11th) edition. For their insightful comments and useful suggestions during the development process, thanks go to Marie Carey, University of Massachusetts; Michael A. Deas, Northwestern University; Mark Grabowski, Adelphi University; Catherine M. Hastings, Susquehanna University; Holly Hepp-Galvan, Fordham University and College of Mount Saint Vincent; Roberta Kelly, Washington State University; Tim Nicholas, Mississippi College; Emmanuel U. Onyedike, Virginia Union University; Lisa Pecot-Hebert, University of Southern California; John Roche, Marist College; Merwin Sigale, Miami Dade College; Maggie Lamond Simone, SUNY Oswego; Robert D. Spurrier, Endicott College; Stan Zoller, Lake Forest College; and, all of those reviewers who have chosen to remain anonymous. We would also like to thank the staff at Oxford University Press. They have worked wonders with making the text more visual, colorful, rigorous and intellectually challenging for instructors and their students. Our thanks go to Acquisitions Editor Toni Magyar, Development Editor Janna Green, Assistant Editor Katlin Kocher, Editorial Director Petra Recter, Senior Production Editor William Murray, Production Manager Lisa Grzan, Art Director Michele Laseau, Marketing Manager Braylee Kremer, and Vice President and Publisher John Challice.
About the Authors John R. Bender is a professor in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Bender worked for six years for the Pittsburg (Kansas) Morning Sun, starting as a reporter covering local government and politics. He became the paper’s assignment editor, news editor and then managing editor. During his term as managing editor, the Morning Sun won awards for farm coverage, photography and editorial writing. He has taught at the college or university level for more than 30 years. He was an assistant professor of journalism at Culver-Stockton College in Canton, Missouri, for five years, and he joined the faculty of the University of Nebraska in 1990. His teaching and research areas include news reporting and writing, communications law, media history and controls of information. In 2007, he won a College Award for Distinguished Teaching, and in 2011, he received UNL’s James A. Lake Award for his work in promoting academic freedom. He is also a past executive director of the Nebraska High School Press Association. Bender has held a number of faculty governance positions at UNL, including president of the Faculty Senate. His bachelor’s degree is in sociology from Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri.
PREFACE He holds a master’s degree in journalism from the University of Kansas and a doctorate in journalism from the University of Missouri at Columbia.
Lucinda D. Davenport is the director of the School of Journalism at Michigan State University, and was a former dean of Graduate Education and Research for the College of Communication Arts and Sciences. She recently received recognition as the Outstanding Woman in Journalism and Mass Communication Education from the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Commission on the Status of Women. Teaching awards include the College of Communication Arts and Sciences Faculty Impact Award and the Michigan State University Excellence in Teaching Award. Davenport participates on numerous committees concerning journalism education and has been president of the board of directors for MSU’s independent student newspaper. She has several Top Faculty AEJMC awards for her research that focuses on innovative technologies, journalism ethics, data analytics and media history. Davenport has worked as a reporter, broadcast journalist and announcer, public relations practitioner and online news editor. As an undergraduate at Baylor University, she earned a double major in journalism and radio/TV/film. She earned a master’s degree in journalism from the University of Iowa and a doctorate in mass media from Ohio University. Both her thesis and dissertation were firsts about online news and information.
Michael W. Drager is an associate professor in the Department of Communication/Journalism at Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in art from Millersville University in Pennsylvania. While working as a newspaper reporter, he earned a master’s degree in c ommunication at Shippensburg University. Drager received his doctorate in mass media from Michigan State University. As a journalist, Drager has worked as a reporter, copy editor, editorial writer, columnist and photographer. He has also worked in public relations as a writer and publications designer. As an educator, Drager has 31 years of experience in both public and higher education. He has taught courses in news writing and reporting, news editing and design, digital journalism, public relations writing, photography, photojournalism, magazine design, and media law and ethics. His research explores the relationship between mass media and public policy, and pedagogical approaches to basic writing and editing instruction. In addition, he has conducted workshops and seminars on the relationship between journalism and public institutions. In 2011, Shippensburg University recognized his commitment to diversity by presenting to him the Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. Humanitarian Award.
Fred Fedler taught journalism at the University of Central Florida for 38 years until his retirement in 2008. For 16 years he was the head of the UCF School of Communication’s Journalism Division. Fedler received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin in Madison and then worked as a newspaper reporter in Dubuque and Davenport, Iowa, and as a copy editor in Sacramento, California. He received his master’s degree from the University of Kentucky and doctorate from the University of Minnesota. He conducted research in the field of
journalism but also wrote freelance for popular publications. Fedler’s other books include “Introduction to the Mass Media,” “Media Hoaxes” and “Lessons from the Past: Journalists’ Lives and Work—1850–1950.” In addition, Fedler served on numerous committees concerned with journalism education. Many students and teachers have written us over the years telling us what they like and dislike about this book and suggesting new features. We have adopted many of those ideas, and we would like to hear from you. If you have a comment or suggestion, please write one of us: John R. Bender College of Journalism and Mass Communications University of Nebraska–Lincoln Lincoln, Nebraska 68588-0474 [emailprotected] Lucinda D. Davenport School of Journalism Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1212 [emailprotected] Michael W. Drager Department of Communication/Journalism Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania 1871 Old Main Drive Shippensburg, Pennsylvania 17257 [emailprotected]
ny discussion about journalism must include democracy because the history of journalism is intertwined with the history of the United States and its road to liberty
1 “The press should be considered not as
for all. Since its birth, America’s democratic society and its
a fourth branch of
notion of a free press have served as role models for other
government but as an
countries. “Western thought probably created one idea that was more powerful and enduring than any other,” said Tom Rosenstiel, the executive director of the American Press Institute. “It is that people can self-govern. We can be free and lead ourselves. Journalism evolved out of that idea.”
essential counterweight to government, the basic check against abuse of official power.”
The First Amendment states that we are more likely to find truth from a greater diversity of views and information, and the truth shall rise above. However, in today’s world, people are exposed to more information than ever before, and they sometimes struggle to sift through the rumors, gossip and facts. It is reporters who make sense of it all and provide knowledge. As Rosenstiel told students at Michigan State University, journalists supply the road map that we can use to navigate civic life. Journalism is the way in which people learn what is going on in their communities and across the world. It creates our common vocabulary and enriches social connectivity. It provides the foundation of facts by which we think about things. It gives information accurately and in context so that citizens can make good decisions to lead productive lives and compromise with one another. Journalists and the social flow they create are a part of that democratic process. Journalism is an enduring, noble calling.
Katharine Graham, newspaper publisher
Technology and Journalism The fundamental skills of journalists are knowing how to think and distilling information. Reporters’ intellectual discipline, their skills and their use of technology have moved them to a higher position than in the past, according
to Rosenstiel. Technology allows us to access mountains of information, and reporters navigate through them to provide knowledge and truth in a context that helps people understand the world and their role in it. Journalists develop an intellectual rigor of looking at the world to uncover truth and can use technology to their advantage. The basic foundation and principles of journalism have remained constant even while the tools and technologies have changed: Journalists provide news to audiences accurately and ethically. Technology simply provides reporters with different ways to gather, organize, present and distribute information efficiently. The journalism industry has always applied the strengths of developing technologies to its advantage. The printing press gave people The People for a Free Press rally was one of several marches held greater access to information than h andwritten early in Trump’s presidency; it responded to his apparent intolerance of news stories and outlets that disagree with his views. translations and provided it more quickly and broadly, making it cheaper and improving literacy. The telegraph sent information to distant places more rapidly than carrier pigeons could fly. Typewriters replaced handwritten copy. Trains distributed newspapers to communities faster than the Pony Express or stagecoach did. Photography helped people see events more realistically than drawings; color photos appeared truer to life than black-and-white images; drones captured hard-to-reach images; and 360° cameras gave viewers control over what they saw. The telephone enabled the exchange of information more swiftly than
A typesetter (or compositor) proofs a page of metal type for the Los Angeles Mirror-News in the 1950s.
The publishing process is all computerized today.
Technolog y and Journali sm
letters or personal visits. Radio helped people hear events imme18–29 65+ 30–49 50–64 diately instead of reading about them later. Television allowed TV 27% 45% 72% 85% people to watch events as they unfolded; satellite brought global Online 50 49 29 20 issues into our living rooms 24/7. Radio 14 27 29 24 As time passed, the internet eliminated the expense of Print newspapers 5 10 23 48 printer’s ink and newsprint. Tweets helped gather information and send updates, while reader comments and posts strengthNote: Just 1% said they never got news on any platform(not shown). Figure 1.1 Use of News Platforms, by Age Group ened stories. Today, augmented content offers audiences addiand Percentage The majority of Americans across tional information that is embedded in stories. Virtual reality generations use multiple devices to get news. Note: (VR) and immersive journalism puts audiences inside the story, Just 1 percent said they never got news on any platform (not shown). and live video sharing on social media carries breaking news as Source: http://www.journalism.org/2016/07/07/pathwaysit happens. to-news/ As these examples show, new forms of journalism emerge as the media landscape constantly evolves. Traditional and newer media continue to compete, then make room for each other and find their niche. Whatever the form—text, audio, video, photograph, d ocumentaries, design, 3-D information graphics, comics, augmented content or VR—journalists provide professionally reported, fact-based content. Most Americans use multiple devices—television, radio, printed newspapers and magazines, computers, smartphones and tablets—to keep up with the news (see Figure 1.1). The more devices people use, the more they usually follow the news. Consumers turn to digital and printed newspapers and TV more than any other source for reliable news. They often learn about an event from family, friends or social media and then follow up on it with a reputable news outlet. Interestingly, a Pew Research Center study shows that tech-savvy people use traditional media just as much as non-tech-savvy people. About 40 percent of American adults often get their news from an online source, such as news websites, news apps and social media. Half of the news consumers between the ages of 18 and 49 often get their news online. Facebook and YouTube are the most popular social media sites to find news, a ccording to a Pew study in 2017. The study also found that most social media news c onsumers still get most of their news from traditional sources. Net A lot Some Information found on social media is probLocal news orgs 60% 82% 22% lematic. Anyone can say anything, and people National news orgs 59 76 18 often do, to carry out an agenda. For example, “fake news” on social media is usually “click bait.” Family, friends & 63 77 14 acquaintances In other words, it is intentionally provocative in order to entice people to click on the story and But social media garners less trust than either thus increase the number of views on the website. % of web-using U.S. adults who trust the information they get from ... As Figure 1.2 shows, many people do not trust Social media 4 30 34 the news they find on social media. To ensure that online information is reliable, users should Figure 1.2 Percentage of People Who Trust the News, by Source always check the original source to confirm it Factors such as fake news and click bait make news from social media is from a professional journalist and a credible sites the least trustworthy format. news outlet. Source: http://www.journalism.org/2016/07/07/trust-and-accuracy/
Types of News Regardless of the medium or technology people use, virtually everyone looks for news. About 75 percent of Americans want news every day, according to the American Press Institute. While people use various devices (e.g., radio, TV, newspapers, laptops) to access news, they turn to four to five different sources. They might go to separate sources for weather (NOAA), sports (ESPN), science ( National Geographic), entertainment (TMZ), community news (hometown weekly) and national news stories (NPR), for example. The source a person uses may depend on the nature of the news, such as a quickly changing event (hurricane), a slow-moving issue (tax reform) or a specific topic (health). Most news topics hold similar interest levels to everyone, regardless of the source and the person’s age, socioeconomic status or political leanings (see Table 1.1).
Evolution of the News Business News is a business. It takes income to pay journalists, buy supplies and maintain equipment to produce the news. Before the 1900s, readers supported newspapers and magazines through circulation (subscriptions and single copy sales). Then a dvertising became the major revenue source for printed media, TV and radio. Your grandparents and maybe your parents can remember when all radio and television were free. While certain news sources, such as many online newspapers, are free today, the business model of consumers supporting the media is returning. Newsorganizations no longer want to rely on unpredictable
Percentage of People Who Follow News, by Topic and Age Group % Who Follow News on This Topic
60 and older
Traffic and weather
Environment and natural disasters
Your local town or city
National government and politics
Business and the economy
Crime and public safety
Foreign or international issues
Health and medicine
Schools and education
Science and technology
Social issues
Lifestyle topics
Entertainment and celebrities
Art and culture
Source: http://www.americanpressinstitute.org/publications/reports/survey-research/personal-news-cycle/
Journali sm a s a Profe s sion advertisers who can place ads with the competition or eliminate advertising when their b udgets are tight. People are now accustomed to paying for their favorite channel options on cable and satellite TV. They have become familiar with being charged a fee for satellite radio. And they are getting used to the idea that they must pay for news if they want professional and ethical journalists investigating stories—not fake news possibly written by illegitimate sources. For many young people, paying for news is a way of life. A top reason that consumers pay for news is that the publication excels at covering important subjects. Since the 2016 presidential election, legacy news publications (print and/or digital) have seen dramatic increases in subscriptions. The New York Times experienced record circulation growth—100 percent from the prior year, the best in its history for growth in one quarter—in the months following Trump’s election. The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal and The Atlantic also have experienced continuing upward swings. Legacy publications are only part of the picture. A national study from the Media Insight Project found that more than half of Americans pay for their news by subscribing to (print or digital) newspapers or magazines, buying news apps or making donations to news media. Specifically, almost 40 percent of millennials (ages 18–34) pay for news. This statistic is supported by a 2017 Reuters digital news report in Politico, which states that millennials are the driving force in this area. Both studies focused on news publications, but the numbers would certainly have been much higher if radio or TV news had been included. A lot has happened in the news business recently. Some newspapers folded during the Great Recession (2007–2009). Others with economic challenges transitioned from print to digital. Printed community newspapers generally continue to do well b ecause they do not compete for national advertisers or with the internet. Some daily newspapers have private owners, such as Warren Buffett and Jeff Bezos, who invested in the newsroom to improve the product. Others prosper as solely digital products and have hired many full-time journalists, such as HuffPost (started in 2005 and awarded a Pulitzer in 2012) with its many international editions and BuzzFeed (begun in 2006) with about 1,300 employees in 18 cities worldwide. Bloomberg News (started in 1990), which reports on business and finance, began with six people and is now in 72 countries, has 146 news bureaus and employs almost 20,000 people. Barcroft Media (started in the B ritish owner’s back bedroom in 2003) pays its journalists an above-average salary of $99,000 and has 2.8 million paid subscribers and 60 million viewers of its B arcroft TV. De Correspondent, a Dutch publication that focuses on investigative reporting, was launched in 2013 by raising $1.7 million in eight days through a crowdfunding campaign. The money came from people who believe professional journalism isimportant.
Journalism as a Profession All news outlets need trained journalists with high standards. Reporters are professionals who cover topics with truth, passion and authority. It is a great responsibility to accurately and ethically report news to members of society. People need journalists to sift through mountains of information to report news honestly and in context so that the public knows what is happening and can make informed choices. In order to work together successfully in a democracy,
Reporters work from the makeshift media desk at the Occupy Wall Street protest in New York City.
people need to know the opinions of politicians and others, as well as the effects that issues have on citizens. The most essential tools for journalists are not dependent on a computer but on their minds and hearts. They are the very human qualities of curiosity, integrity and empathy, coupled with the storyteller’s tools—scene, metaphor and imagery, said Poynter Institute’s Chip Scanlon. Furthermore, managers of online websites told researcher Max Magee that the top r equirements for story editing are news judgment and knowledge of grammar and style; for content creation, the ability to report and write original stories and edit visuals; and for attitudes and overall skills, attention to detail, communication skills, the ability to multitask and an awareness or ability to learn new technologies.
Journalism Competencies The Poynter Institute developed a pyramid of journalism competencies that identifies the ideal attributes of a journalist (see Figure 1.3). Reporters do not need to be experts in all the areas included, but they should be versatile and conversant in them. The following list takes a closer look at each element. ● Judgment: Along with evidence, this
Mission & Purpose
Critical Thinking
Figure 1.3 The Pyramid of Journalism Competence This diagram encapsulates the various skills journalists need. Source: https://www.poynter.org/news/pyramid-journalism-competencewhat-journalists-need-know
competency is the cornerstone of the pyramid. Decisions on what to publish are generally based on two questions: Is it important? And, is it interesting? Some stories are important but not immediately interesting or vice versa, and other stories fall into both areas. Journalists become experts in recognizing the stories that matter and that are sometimes invisible to others. They make their stories relevant to audiences so that consumers understand the impact of the information. ● Evidence: Reporters gather and verify information and present stories of public interest. They collect information through various methods, including examining documents, interviewing, observing and analyzing data. Journalists verify information through triangulation, which means using more than one source to determine whether something is true.
Journali sm a s a Profe s sion ●● Storytelling: The best storytellers are those who give audiences a unique
experience. Journalists are versatile in telling stories in different genres and forms for different media and audiences. They know grammar and punctuation rules and use news elements to transform information into narratives. Stories are not simply reports. ●● Critical thinking: Journalists look at patterns and trends as they interpret information for audiences. They give context to facts by asking such questions as, “Why is this person saying this?” and “Why now?” ●● Numeracy: Numbers help make sense of the world. Knowing how to adjust for inflation, break down tax increases and use spreadsheets enables reporters to perform their watchdog role. Many corrupt politicians and corporations have been exposed through the use of numbers. ●● Technology: Technology provides different ways to gather, organize, present and disseminate information. Journalists use technology to do their jobs better. They also think about the ways that people use media. ●● Audiovisuals (multimedia journalism): Journalists are able to shoot video, interview sources and write with just their cellphone. Some reporters combine these elements in a story. Being versatile with audio and visuals enables journalists to improve storytelling. Photography, video, sound bites, data visualization and design are all elements to consider when gathering information in the field and presenting the story in different media. ●● Civics: Knowledge about the foundations of democracy, government processes, politics, history and power within communities helps journalists to ask the right questions and put information into context for audiences. ●● Culture: Society is made up of all types of people whose points of view should be represented in the news. Journalists are sensitive to including diversity and respectful of different points of view. Understanding others—different genders, ages, races, religions, ethnicities, abilities, sexual orientations and socioeconomic levels—is as important when reporting within a local community as it is when working as a foreign correspondent in another country. ●● Mission and purpose: This element represents the pyramid’s apex. A clear sense of the purpose of journalism determines its relevancy in society. Knowledge about ethics, standards, journalism history, the First Amendment, democracy, law and social contracts informs the role of journalism in local communities and in the global village.
The Modern Journalist Journalists have the option to provide news in more formats and platforms than ever before. As more people access news online, journalists learn web publishing software, record and edit audio and visual clips and use social media. In traditional reporting, journalists gather information from documents, interview sources, write the story and publish it in print or broadcast. While the writing process is essentially the same, the advent of digital media opened new avenues in storytelling. Digital media allow journalists to combine more text and visual elements to create story packages. Stories can include various combinations of text, audio, video, photo slideshows with music or narration, 3-D information graphics, animation, comics and virtual reality.
J O U R N A L IS M T O DAY For instance, a newspaper journalist covering a state Senate race writes stories about the campaign and the candidates as they give speeches and meet voters. The stories appear in both print and web editions. The print story may run with a photograph or illustration of a candidate or a bar chart of candidates’ popularity among various communities. In the not-too-far future, audiences will be able to scan the printed text with their smartphone for audio or video that demonstrates or supplements what the text describes. This is called augmented content. The web package includes all the elements of the print edition and can augment its story (without scanning) with audio and video podcasts of an interview with each candidate. It can link to the candidates’ websites with their party platforms, to a government site with voter registration information, to a nonpartisan site with the incumbent’s voting record, to sites representing issues the candidates support or oppose and to their blogs. The package also may contain a 3-D map of communities that candidates visited, an animated timeline of the election race, a photo slideshow and more. A comment section allows readers to post their thoughts on the story or the candidates. Tweeting the story alerts followers about election coverage updates. Regardless of the platform, journalists never lose sight of the most important element: the story. And, the most important part of the story is the writing. Reporters write effectively for a standard story in print and broadcast, a digital news package, a blog or a tweet. Versatility is a key skill for today’s journalists— this textbook examines the breadth and depth of news reporting and writing across storytelling forms and media platforms, giving a full picture of the modern journalist.
Journalism Style Journalism graduates should be able to walk into any newsroom and immediately write a story using standard guidelines that professionals follow. This textbook and your instructor will show you the standard Associated Press (AP)-style copy-editing symbols and format generally accepted by news organizations all over the world. (Please see the inside front cover for these symbols.) Knowing the guidelines makes it possible for journalists to move seamlessly from one news organization to another.
AP Stylebook The reason professional news stories from across the country can be read easily is they are written in a consistent style. This consistency helps journalists in any news organization know, for example, when the street suffix should be spelled out or abbreviated (Avenue or Ave.) and how to correctly write and punctuate times (two o’clock, 2 o’clock, 2:00 p.m. or 2 p.m.) and dates (January 3, 2015, or Jan. 3, 2015). The Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law is the style reference for journalists—writers, reporters, editors and students. Learning the
Journali sm St yle guidelines becomes easy with practice. (The most common ones are included inAppendix B.)
Journalism Terms Journalists do not use jargon—terminology specific to a field—in their stories, but there is journalism jargon used within the profession. For example, if reporters talk about “the third graph,” they are referring to a third paragraph of text and not a visual information graphic within the story. Here are some other common terms and their definitions: Byline: Name of the journalist(s) who reported and wrote the story. Copy: Written version or draft of the story. This term is a holdover from when reporters would keep an original of the story and give editors a copy to review. Dateline: City or town, if outside the local area, where the story took place, followed by an em dash (e.g., “AUSTIN, Texas—”). Graph or graf: Abbreviation of “paragraph.” Headline: Title that summarizes the story, usually written by the editor before the story is published. Lead or lede: News peg. This is the sentence(s) that encapsulates why the story is worthwhile. It is often the first sentence that summarizes the who, what, where, when, why and how. Students frequently confuse the lead with the headline. Slug: Two or three words to describe the story uniquely, placed in the top left corner of the copy’s first page. The second line is the journalist’s name, and the third line is the date. The slug might be duplicated on each page of the story.
Copy-Editing Reporters edit and correct their stories on computers before sending the final version to an editor. Sometimes the editor prints out the story (or “copy”) to review it. The corrections are inserted in the digital copy or the printed story, and it is returned to the reporter for revisions. The process of reviewing, revising and proofreading stories is called “editing.” Many instructors require students to print out and edit their stories using standard copy-editing symbols.
Copy Format Journalists have developed a unique format for their stories that is relatively consistent from one newsroom to another (Figure 1.4). Instructors require students to follow the same format with minor variations. For example, some who review printed copy may require students to begin stories one-third of the way
top and bottom margins: 1 inch
side margins: 1 inch slug
Fire Hero Jason T.D. Greene July 14, 2019
start story onethird of the way down the page double space indent paragraph one-half inch
The city fire chief awarded yesterday a fast-thinking teenager who saved her neighbors from a fire that destroyed their home during the night. Rachael D. Morgan, 17, was up late doing homework
symbol to indicate the end of the story. Other symbols might be: “ -30-” or “###”
when she noticed bright lights flickering across her window, said fire Chief Chris Ellis at a special ceremony in City Hall. . . .
lead or lede no hyphens at the end of lines no dividing sentences or paragraphs between pages
Figure 1.4 Journalists format their copy so that it can be edited and read easily.
down the page; they use the blank space for their comments. They might also ask students to type the word “more” at the end of the first page (to indicate that the story continues on another page), head the additional pages with the slug and a page number and type an end symbol at the bottom of the story. Other instructors might review the story electronically and not need these considerations. The objective of this textbook is to act as a springboard, training students in the fundamentals of news judgment, critical thinking and writing. Students who are thoroughly practiced in these fundamentals adapt their knowledge and expertise to all forms of news and media that they might experience as they move from one interesting job to another during their journalism career.
Journali sm St yle
The Writing Coach The “N.E.R.D.” Factor in Getting a Job BY JOE HIGHT
When you graduate from college, it’s important that you gain the “N.E.R.D. I.Q.” in your job search. That means:
N—Networking/names. Get to know people in your career field and the place where you want towork. E—Earn awards and seek additional training. D evelop skills that will enable you to win or place in awards contests. Then attend the awards ceremonies if at all possible. People who do hiring attend these ceremonies or hear about people who win awards. And never stop learning! Seek training that will enable you to pick up new skills or improve current ones. R—Resume. You need a short cover letter, one-page resume and five to seven examples of your work neatly packaged together. Put phone numbers, email address and mailing on both the cover letter and resume. The purpose: To get a phone call for aninterview.
D—Determination. Call if you don’t hear from the person to whom you sent your job application (or send a polite email). Don’t give up. If you don’t get a job immediately, keep trying and ask the paper to keep your resume on file. Send a new one every year or after a significant change (award, major job, etc.). You’ll have an advantage. I—Interview skills. Wear nice clothes that are appropriate to the particular workplace. Don’t slump in the chair. Talk about what makes you the best candidate for the job. Make eye contact. Send a thank-you note afterward. Q—Questions. Be prepared to ask them. Never, never forget to ask questions when you’re asked. Let the interviewer know that you know about thecompany. Joe Hight has been editor of the Colorado Springs (Colorado) Gazette and the Oklahoman of Oklahoma City. He is now the owner and president of Best of Books, Inc.
2 “Journalism is merely history’s first draft.” Geoffrey C. Ward, author andscreenwriter
t the 2013 Boston Marathon, bombs exploded amid thousands of shocked spectators as they cheered runners to the finish line. Runners’ legs fell out from under them
from the force of the blast and bystanders crumpled to the sidewalk after being hit with shrapnel. Pandemonium broke out as shop windows burst, screaming people ran and frantic police searched for the source of the explosions, which killed three people and injured 264 others. Three days later, the FBI identified brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev as suspects. Tamerlan was killed during police pursuit; Dzhokhar was arrested after a four-day manhunt, when police found him hiding inside a boat in a Bostonian’s backyard.
The bombing touched many lives and captured top headlines all over the world for weeks. Six million people watched television news immediately after the bombing and more than 40 million tuned in to the last three hours of the manhunt. Millions more turned to their mobile devices and computers to read journalists’ tweets, blogs and stories on news websites, while others read text messages from friends or relatives in Boston. Some news seekers connected with friends on social media, such as Facebook or Twitter, to discuss what they read or saw on websites or television. The event continues to be in the news, with stories on the survivors, plans for a memorial and the release of two movies about the attack. Editors and news producers from all over the country had no difficulty determining what to cover the day after the bombing: There was only one news story. Even when the following days brought many compelling stories, editors emphasized similar ones because they applied the same sets of news values— values they developed through years of experience. As time went on, many perspectives emerged. Using their news judgment, journalists filed thousands
News C har ac teri stic s and News Element s
When major events such as the Boston Marathon bombing happen, there is little doubt as to the importance of the story. The question becomes how to tell it.
of stories with local and national angles, focusing on the significant and interesting details. News judgment is a learned art. Journalists select stories from the many events and issues happening locally and globally. These stories inform, educate or entertain their particular readers, viewers or listeners. Editors determine the angle or element of the story that is most important to this audience.
News Characteristics and News Elements Newsworthiness can vary from small towns to metropolitan areas. Although no single definition acknowledges all the factors affecting the selection process, journalists agree that news stories possess certain values. Jack Hart, former managing editor of The (Portland) Oregonian, says a good story should have the following characteristics: (1) an interesting central character who (2) faces a challenge or is caught up in a conflict and (3) whose situation changes as (4) action takes place in (5) an engaging setting. Most journalists say that newsworthy stories possess the classic news values (or news elements) of timeliness, impact or magnitude, prominence, proximity, unusualness, and conflict.
Timeliness News is so named because it is information about an issue or event that has just happened (e.g., minimum wage increases going into effect) or that is new to audiences (e.g., city council members taking extravagant trips on taxpayers’ dime). Reporters stress current information—stories occurring today or yesterday, not
several days or weeks ago—and report it accurately. For example, residents of Flint, Michigan, wanted up-to-the-minute information on why the water in their homes was brown and what the health ramifications were. They looked to journalists to tell them where to buy bottled water, how lead poisoned the water, how long they would be without tap water and who was responsible for the crisis. Radio, TV and the web are ideal media for publishing the latest information while newspapers and magazines offer new, in-depth information with more developed angles and added content. No matter the medium, reporters always look for fresh angles and new details to build their stories. They feature the newest Bottled water is delivered to a fire station in Flint, Michigan. Lawsuits information early in the story and keep older, regarding the state’s and city’s roles in the water crisis continue to background information to a minimum, weavbe filed. ing it throughout or adding it at the end. Journalism students often borrow ideas from existing stories. However, the original idea has probably lost its timeliness and is no longer new to the public. And “borrowing” is a slippery slope. In addition to borrowing other people’s ideas, students may be tempted to use or paraphrase quotes from a published story or press release. This practice is unethical if it appears as though the student interviewed the source. It is plagiarism if he or she presents the work as his or her own and does not attribute it to the original reporter or news source.
Impact or Magnitude Journalists choose stories that affect (impact) large numbers of people (magnitude). An international agreement to collaborate in the fight against ISIS is important news because the group’s terrorist acts affect many countries and people around the world. The disappearance of a plane with 239 people on board is more newsworthy than the story of one missing person because more families and friends are involved. Similarly, a new state law prohibiting the use of mobile devices while driving affects more people than a law restricting anyone under 18 from using tanning salons.
Prominence Routine events can become newsworthy when they involve prominent individuals, such as state senators, business leaders or celebrities. For example, if a classmate appeared drunk at a party and stated that cocaine ought to be legalized, it would not be as newsworthy as if your governor did so. That’s a double whammy. Ordinary people may become prominent when they are involved in a news event. When a crime is committed or an accident occurs, the media will name the adult suspects or victims. Once the story runs through a news cycle and is no longer considered newsworthy, the subject’s status usually diminishes. TheElizabethan
News C har ac teri stic s and News Element s
phrase “nine-days wonder” and Andy Warhol’s reference to “15 minutes of fame” refer to short-lived publicity. The news story might be short-lived to audiences, but it might have a life-long effect on the people involved; therefore, journalists treat subjects with sensitivity.
Proximity Proximity may be geographic or psychological. In terms of the former, an event becomes more newsworthy the more local it is. Readers, viewers and listeners are most interested in and affected by stories about their own communities and people they know. The Boston Marathon bombing was covered more extensively—with more in-depth stories and for a longer period of time— in Boston and the surrounding New England area than in other parts of the United States and the world. Residents in other states were intensely interested in the event, but fewer were as likely to be personally affected as those in Boston. Other news organizations did not cover up-to-the-minute events as they unfolded in the city, but they found local angles to connect their communities to the tragedy, such as a resident who ran in the marathon or the relative of a victim. Psychological proximity refers to an emotional connection to an event. For example, audiences throughout the world are riveted to news stories about school shootings because they also have families and worry that their children’s school could be next. Two individuals separated by thousands of miles but sharing a characteristic or an interest may want to know more about each other. An A merican mother may sympathize with the problems of a mother in a distant country. College students everywhere often have similar concerns.
Unusualness Deviations from the norm—unexpected or unusual events, drama or change—are more newsworthy than the commonplace. A story of a robber who returned a victim’s cellphone because he did not like the model is more newsworthy than one about a robber who simply stole a phone. Journalists are alert for the unusual twists in otherwise mundane stories. For example, fires might receive only a brief mention if there is no significant damage and no one is harmed. However, the circumstances surrounding a house fire in rural Pennsylvania captured attention: A member of a conservative religious sect set the fire to punish three people from his church because he thought they were sinners. In an editor’s mind, this story does not occur every day, and it was frontpage news. Critics charge that the media’s emphasis on the unusual gives audiences a distorted view of the world. They say that the media fail to portray the lives of normal people on a typical day in a typical community. Editors respond that, because it is impossible to cover every piece of news, they report issues requiring the public’s attention. Even so, journalists also report on more common events, such as individuals helping others in need, organizations striving toimprove literacy rates and programs working to reduce or defeat domestic violence.
Prince Harry and Meghan Marklepose for photos after announcing their engagement. Although engagements are a common occurrence, those involving royalty and celebrities garner more attention from the public and the press.
Conf lict Conflict is apparent when people have different points of view. Their reasons for disagreeing about a social issue or government policy are more informative than the reasons of people who agree on everything. Conflict among government officials or agencies, private organizations or individuals often provides r eaders, viewers and listeners with different opinions about issues or resolutions that might affect them. Furthermore, it makes a story more interesting. Conflict may also be internal to an individual. The student secretly living out of her car while working her way through college may face personal embarrassment and time and resource conflicts. A war amputee may struggle to live his life differently than before the war. In each of these stories, the conflict can be positive. Conflict can exist in any story.
Other Characteristics Dozens of other factors affect journalists’ selection of news and their efforts to inform, educate or entertain audiences. You probably recognize the following types of news stories. ●● Reporters look for humorous stories—anything that will make the audience
laugh. ●● They report straightforward events—storms, earthquakes, assassinations—to help audiences learn more about what is happening in the community and elsewhere. ●● They investigate complex issues that affect individuals and communities, such as the risks and benefits of opening a halfway house for former prison inmates. Journalists use their professional training to gather, sift through, organize and clearly explain complicated phenomena. The internet and computer-assisted reporting (CAR) skills help them access and analyze information to present it concisely, and their ability to identify and interview people affected differently by an issue brings the data to life.
The Nature of the Medium and the Community Other news characteristics are shaped by the type of medium. Printed daily newspapers emphasize local events occurring during the last 24 hours but provide updates on their website. Large metropolitan dailies cover their communities but may also include extensive national and international coverage. Weekly community newspapers focus on local news that has happened in the last seven days. Some weekly news magazines report events of national interest in more depth and explain an event’s significance; others summarize interesting and important news events that happened in the past week. Television reports headline news—pertinent information about the day’s major stories. Broadcasters also favor visual stories (ones with strong, dramatic pictures) over stories that are complicated and difficult to illustrate. Commercial radio reports the news in a few sentences, while public radio gives news more airtime to cover stories in greater depth. All types of news organizations use social media to share quick
Type s of News
updates on breaking news. Journalists tweet a new story in 280 characters, and they blog to add fresh perspectives on the beat they cover. A news organization’s size and the community it serves also influence news selection. A news organization in a small town may report several local traffic accidents; one in a medium-sized city may cover only those that cause serious injury; and one in a big city may report only those that involve prominent people or tie up traffic for several hours. Community or weekly newspapers often publish news of all sports events, from little tyke to high school competitions, and every wedding and engagement announcement. Metropolitan newspapers may report only professional and major college sports teams and may be more selective about what social announcements they publish. News organizations also develop tendencies and traditions to emphasize some types of news stories over others. The New York Post traditionally focuses on crime, sports and photographs. The New York Times, which appeals to a wealthier, better educated audience than the Post, places a greater emphasis on political, business and foreign news. Many people subscribe to several news sources to get comprehensive news. Their community newspaper and local TV offer local news; the nearby metropolitan newspaper and website provide state and regional news; and national news organizations, such as the Wall Street Journal, USA Today or National Public Radio, cover events unfolding across the United States and in other countries.
Types of News Journalists recognize two major types of news: hard and soft. “Hard news” usually refers to serious and timely stories about important topics that inform or e ducate. These stories may describe an accident, major crime, fire, speech or press conference. Journalists sometimes call hard news “spot news” (reporting it on the spot), “straight news” (not fluff), or “breaking news” (events occurring or “breaking” now). “Soft news” usually refers to feature or human-interest stories. Soft news entertains as well as informs; it may make readers laugh or cry, love or hate, envy or pity. Soft news might be a profile of a local person who has risen to prominence or a story about an unusual hobby (teaching dogs to “talk”), a “how to” (have a successful job interview), home decor (front-yard snow sculptures), or history (the first newspaper in the state was started in your town). Although still newsworthy, soft news often is less timely than breaking news. Consequently, editors can delay Neil Maes (left) prepares for the Scripps National Spelling Bee with soft stories to make room for more timely items. the help of his parents, Peter and Christy. Eleven-year-old Maes, who See Table 2.1 for examples of hard and soft news, is deaf, uses bilateral cochlear implants and other assistive devices in as well as the other characteristics discussed so his spelling competitions. Stories on Maes’ experience are examples of soft news pieces. far in this chapter.
Applying the Elements of News
Two bombs exploded at the finish line of the Boston Marathon earlier today.
Impact or magnitude
About 27,000 runners and 500,000 spectators from across the globe attended the Boston Marathon.
President Obama at the White House reassured Americans that all questions about the bombings would be answered. “We will get to the bottom of this. And we will find out who did this; we’ll find out why they did this. Any responsible individuals, any responsible groups will feel the full weight of justice,” he said.
Two sisters from our city who ran in the Boston Marathon are coming home today.
While thousands of spectators ran away from the explosions, many others ran toward the chaos to help others.
President Obama called the bombings an act of terrorism.
Hard news
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev pleaded not guilty to 30 federal counts in his first court appearance today.
Soft news
The Boston Marathon is the world’s oldest annual sporting event and is held on Patriot’s Day, the third Monday in April.
Public Journalism In covering public affairs, or civic events and issues, reporters engage audiences in public debate by asking the following questions, sometimes called the five W’s and H. The why and how of a story sometimes are not confirmed until later: ●● Who is involved, cares, is affected, needs to be included, has a stake, is missing from this discussion? ●● What happened, are the consequences, does it mean to citizens, would this accomplish, values are at work? ●● When did this happen, were things different, can things be different, should talk lead to action? ●● Where did it happen, are we headed, is the common ground, should debate take place, is the best entry point for citizens? ●● Why did it happen, is this happening, do we need discussion, are things not happening, should we care? ●● How did it happen, does it affect civic life, did the community cope, does my story encourage action or help the public decide?
The Concept of Objectivity News stories must be objective, or free of any reporter bias or opinion. Journalists gather information and report it as accurately as possible—they should not comment, interpret or evaluate. If an issue is controversial, they interview representatives of all sides involved and include as many views as possible. Some sources may make mistakes, and some may lie. Journalists may point out inconsistencies or inaccuracies in sources’ statements, but they should not call peopleliars. Biases, whether intentional or not, often appear in a story when a reporter covers only one side of an issue or gives one side more space or time than others. By going beyond one or two sources and treating all sides of an issue fairly, journalists provide their audiences with the facts they need to understand a story more fully. Total objectivity is an ideal; nonetheless, balance and fairness can be achieved through thorough reporting and clear writing. Routine newsroom practices encourage impartiality. For example, several reporters may contribute information to a story another reporter writes. Several editors may then evaluate and edit the story. Team members serve as checks on one another: If one expresses an opinion in a story, another has a chance to detect and eliminate that bias. Objectivity is important in public affairs, or civic, journalism. Supporters base public journalism on a fundamental concept of democracy espoused by former president James Madison: By participating in the governing of themselves, people preserve democracy. To achieve this kind of democracy, the press must inform the citizenry. This process allows the public to decide what is important. Professor Jay Rosen, a leading advocate of public journalism, has a philosophy about the field’s proper task: Journalists should do what they can to support public life. The press should help citizens participate in public life and take them
What I s Not Newswor thy ?
seriously when they do. It should create and nourish the sort of public talk some might call a deliberative dialogue. Most important, perhaps, journalists must see hope as an essential resource that they cannot deplete indefinitely without costs to the community. To accomplish these goals, journalists must listen to all voices, not just the loudest, and listen particularly to those people whose views on issues fall near the center, not just those at the extremes. The routine five W and H questions (who, what, when, where, why and how) work well, but they may not be the only ones to ask. Reporters explore the layers of civic life in their communities and are aware of the different neighborhoods because people in these areas may have various experiences and opinions regarding issues. Finally, reporters identify the community leaders who can be engaged as sources. Community leaders are not limited to elected officials: Private citizens can also be knowledgeable sources regarding issues facing a community.
What Is Not Newsworthy? Reporters recognize what information is newsworthy as well as what is not. They rarely mention routine or expected procedures, such as that a city council met in a city hall and began its meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. They also delete the obvious and the irrelevant, for example, that police officers rushed to the scene of a traffic accident or an ambulance carried the injured to a hospital. In most of the following cases, journalists ask if the information is central to thestory.
Offensive Details Editors generally omit material that is obscene, gruesome or in poor taste, usually on the grounds that their stories reach children as well as adults. What is the purpose of showing grisly photographs or video of a victim if the item’s focus is to bring attention to a fourth accident at a particular intersection with a broken traffic light?, for example. Normally, news organizations avoid specifics about sexual assaults and omit most graphic or bloody details about accidents because they do not add to the point of the story.
Sensationalism Most news organizations avoid sensationalism but not sensational stories. Historically, the word “sensationalism” has described an emphasis on or exaggeration of stories dealing with crime, sex and oddities. However, some events—presidential assassinations, wars and disasters—are inherently sensational and legitimate news.
Despite its motto of being fair and balanced, Fox News has been criticized for being biased. In 2017, the network changed its slogan to “Most Watched, Most Trusted.”
S E L E C T IN G A N D R E P O R T IN G T HE N E W S Journalists evaluating a potentially sensational story, or potentially scandalous information to include within a story, ask themselves the following questions: ●● Is the story newsworthy and important to the community? If so, how? ●● Does each piece of information add to the reason for writing the story? ●● Does the public need and have a right to this information? ●● Whom will this story or piece of information help, and how many? ●● Whom will this story or piece of information harm, and how many? ●● How will people react to the information?
Rumors Social media gaffes have reinforced the need for professional journalists. Anyone can tweet a comment or rumor—if it is repeated enough times, people assume it must be true. Journalists do not assume; instead, they investigate the veracity of rumors. If they find no evidence that one is true, they usually conclude that there is no story. However, editors may decide that a story exposing a prevalent false rumor will be more helpful to the people involved (e.g., by clearing a person’s reputation) or the community (e.g., by eliminating general anxiety) than if they remained silent. If a rumor is true and important to the public, editors may run it as a well-researched story.
Sexual Assault Most news organizations refuse to identify victims of sexual assault, even when they have a legal right to do so. Some journalists believe that publishing the names of victims may discourage others from reporting assaults.
Names of Juveniles The news media generally do not identify juveniles accused or convicted of a crime unless they are tried as adults for a serious offense, such as murder. In many cases, the names are withheld until authorities have filed charges and prosecutors have decided to try juvenile defendants as adults. However, high-profile mass shootings receive so much media attention that the victims and shooters often are quickly identified.
Trade Names
At the time of writing, more than 80 women have accused film producer Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault. Whereas victims usually prefer privacy, most of these women are celebrities and accustomed to public attention. They have also come forward to encourage and support other women who have been assaulted.
Some editors hesitate to mention trade names because they think it is unnecessary and provides free advertising for the products. Although specific names can add detail, which is important to a story, reporters should use generic names unless a trade name is pertinent or helps readers gain understanding. “Soft drink” is
T he Impor tanc e of Ac cur acy an acceptable generic term for Dr Pepper or Sierra Mist. Similarly, a journalist should report that someone used a “tissue” rather than a Kleenex or made a “photocopy” rather than a Xerox.
The Importance of Accuracy Errors affect the public’s perception of the media and ultimately the media’s credibility with the public. Editors, instructors and the public do not tolerate sloppiness of any kind, and they are particularly critical of errors in spelling, names and facts because there is rarely any excuse for them. Reporters who repeatedly submit stories with errors may be suspended or fired and have a hard time finding another job.
Accuracy in Facts Professional journalists do their best to report the news as fairly and accurately as possible. And they do a good job: The information appearing daily in the various media across the globe is overwhelmingly accurate. Still, errors do get reported, and they can hurt the people involved in a story. For example, three days after the Boston Marathon bombing, the front page of the New York Post featured a photograph showing two men with backpacks; the accompanying story said they were suspects. In fact, the photo was of Salaheddin Barhoum, 16, and Yassine Zaimi, 24, who were simply spectators and avid runners. Their backpacks were filled with running gear. Yet both men say that they suffered emotional and reputational injury as a result of being falsely identified as suspects. Inaccuracies can also be costly: The newspaper settled a defamation suit with both men for an undisclosed amount. Carelessness, laziness and hurrying through a story cause most factual errors. After finishing a news story, reporters must recheck their notes to be sure it is accurate. Journalists never guess or assume the facts. If they lack some i nformation, they consult their sources again. If the sources are u navailable or unable to provide the information, reporters may have to delete portions of the story or, in extreme cases, kill the entire item. “Fake news” has become a catch-all phrase that frequently is used incorrectly. President Trump uses the term in attempts to discredit news outlets and stories he does not like. Journalists do not participate in fake news or alternative facts, which is deliberate misinformation. They do not use quotes from sources in their stories without checking the veracity of the information and the reliability of the source. Their job is to pursue accuracy; otherwise, mistakes can lead to incorrect labels of “fake news” or “alternative facts.” Journalists research and learn a topic in order to write about it. Too often, when asked about a fuzzy sentence or paragraph, beginners respond, “I really didn’t understand that myself.” If the reporter does not understand something he or she has written, neither will the audience. Reporters who do not understand information return to their source and ask for a better explanation or find a source who can explain it. Journalists also use words they know. Sometimes students incorrectly repeat words or phrases they do not understand but have obtained from a document, website or interview. For example, if a reporter uses the word “decibel,” he or she should
Infowars.com, a site managed by Alex Jones, features fake news and conspiracy theories.
know exactly how loud a decibel is in order to put the word in context for audiences. Accurate writing requires specifics instead of generalities. Getting specifics requires more effort, but in the end the story will be clearer, more accurate and more interesting to readers, viewers and listeners. Journalists ask sources, “How do you know?” and they ask for examples. The response may provide additional sources for information. Reporters are vulnerable to misinformation because many people want to publicize their views. Journalists might interview sources who have impressive titles or sound as if they know what they are talking about. But some sources may be ignorant of the facts, and others may lie. The reporter’s job is to separate assertions from facts. A news organization’s most important asset is its credibility, and managers protect that asset.
Accuracy in Names Many people—including the authors of this textbook and, perhaps, you—have something in common: Their names are frequently misspelled. Dozens of names have different spellings, such as Ali/Allee, Rachael/Rachel, Jason/Jayson, and Fredrick/Fredric/Frederic/Frederick. Reporters confirm the spelling of names and the use of nicknames. Most misspellings anger two sets of people—those who were intended to be named and those who are inadvertently named. Reporters verify the spelling of names by consulting a second source, usually a document (such as the telephone book or a city directory) or the internet. Some journalists ask sources to write their name and title, but they always confirm the spelling of both before ending an interview.
Accuracy Is a Priority Some news organizations maintain a fact database composed of names, places, businesses, dates, and numbers that have all been verified and run in prior stories. Their journalists turn to these databases to check similar facts that appear in new stories. In an effort to eliminate errors, a few editors may give the people named in news stories an opportunity to read and correct the item before publication. A lthough science writers and other journalists who deal with complex issues often follow this practice, most prohibit it because sources usually try to change statements they disagree with, not just factual errors. Other editors might ask sources to verify only their statements. Another practice to prevent errors is to use a checklist such as the one in “The Reporter’s Guide” box, on p. 26. Craig Silverman, fake news expert and BuzzFeed’s media editor, has led accuracy workshops at the Poynter Institute and encourages journalists to make up a best practices “to-do” list for news writing. After all, airline pilots review a checklist before every takeoff and travelers often use a checklist for packing.
T he Impor tanc e of Ac cur acy
Guest Columnist Why I Stayed at a Small-Town Newspaper BY SUE HADDEN
I’m one of the lucky ones. After 35 years, I still actually enjoy coming to work. That’s because I work for a small-town newspaper (circulation 9,000) that cares about its community. Every
I got to write a feature story about the long-retired fourth-grade teacher who had inspired me to become a writer . . . returning the favor by telling her story using the words she taught me to love.
single day, my fellow newsroom employees and I have
After an industry that had been in town for more than a
a brand new chance to inform, to inspire and to bring a
century announced plans to build elsewhere, readers told
smile to those who read The Record Herald.
me my commentary captured the emotions of losing an
I interview a lot of college graduates eager to land their first jobs. When I ask where they envision themselves in
icon that had given employment to grandfathers, fathers, husbands and sons.
the next five years, most say they hope to land a spot on a
It concerns me that fewer and fewer young writers are
big-city daily newspaper, move on to a public relations firm
interested in “paying their dues” at small-town papers like
or go to work at a glossy magazine.
this one. It concerns me even more to see the brightest of
That’s sad . . . not just for them, but also for small-town journalism. I grew up in the town that is today such a vital part of
them leave for higher paying jobs in bigger places where they’ll go from being hometown writers to just another cog in a very big wheel.
my life. Like those fresh graduates, I had my eyes focused
Who will write and edit local stories 20 years from
on big horizons when I set out to make my mark on the
now? I fear it will be fleeting journalists who will have very
world. But a marriage, a daughter and lots of pleasure trips
little connection to this community, its history, its places
to far-off places big and small convinced me that the grass
and its people.
is pretty green in my own backyard.
The opportunities are huge for those who manage to
My 17 years as a beat reporter gave me the opportunity
“catch” small-town journalism fever. At a small paper, you
to meet people and walk into environments I never knew
can learn all there is to know about interviewing, writing,
existed, to ferret out violations of the open records law,
layout, photography and copy editing. You have a really
to expose skullduggery in public office and to write about
good chance of seeing your byline on the front page each
wrongs that needed to be righted.
and every day.
It also gave me the opportunity to spotlight the small-
Complete strangers will feel comfortable about pick-
town heroes who quietly meet the needs of those less for-
ing up the phone and calling you to offer criticism, advice
tunate, to bring a smile with just three paragraphs and to
and tips, and perhaps set you straight on something you
put everyday people on the front page.
When I learned about an asthmatic who lived in public housing and couldn’t afford an air conditioner, I picked up the phone and talked with a human services worker with whom I was on a first-name basis. Now our town has a program that provides fans and air conditioners to the less fortunate. A story about the poor attendance records of several members of the school board led to an overhaul at election time.
A publisher once told me a good newspaper is one that is in conversation with the community it serves. I worry that conversation will one day turn to deafening silence. Sue Hadden worked for 36 years as a staff writer and then editor for The Record Herald in her hometown of Waynesboro, Pennsylvania, until her retirement.
The Reporter’s Guide to Accuracy While Reporting ●● Ask sources to spell or write down their names and
titles; verify the spellings. ●● Record or transcribe interviews. ●● When someone cites numbers, ask for (and check) the
source. ●● Ask, “How do you know that?” ●● Seek documentation. ●● Verify claims with reliable sources. ●● Save links and other research. ●● Ask sources what other reports on the subject are
While Writing ●● Note facts that need further verification (highlight,
circle, etc.).
Before Submitting (Final Checks) ●● Verify numbers and math (have someone else check
your math). ●● Check names with more than just your notes and one
other source.
●● Confirm titles (people, books, places, businesses). ●● Validate locations. ●● Verify quotes with your notes/recording/transcript. ●● Confirm attributions. ●● Check definitions. ●● Confirm that URLs are correct and that the cited con-
tent is still there. ●● Call phone numbers. ●● Ensure that spelling and grammar are correct. ●● Look for spell-checker errors. ●● Verify or remove assumptions. ●● Consult the original source if you have any doubts. ●● Clarify by reading the final copy to someone who
understands portions where your understanding is weak.
After Filing ●● Correct any errors you found in your archives, data-
bases or other resources you control (but be certain you verified the new information). Adapted from http://stevebuttry.wordpress.com/2011/01/04/ MY-VERSION-OF-CRAIG-SILVERMANS-ACCURACY-CHECKLIST/. Steve Buttry was director of student media at Louisiana State from 2015 until his death in 2017.
Review E xerc i s e s
Review Exercises After you complete the following exercises, compare your answers with those of your classmates.
1. News Judgment You are the editor of a news outlet in your city and have space for one more photo. For each of the following pairs, select the image you would use and explain your choice. 1. a. Kate Middleton visiting a local hospital. or b. College students protesting the local university’s fourth tuition increase in five years. 2. a. Two students from one of your city’s elementary schools participating in the semifinals of a national spelling bee. or b. Three high school seniors being led away in handcuffs after being charged with causing nearly $80,000 in damage to the school, allegedly by spraying fire extinguishers onto computers and into file cabinets and smashing computer monitors and other equipment. 3. a. A young child in Afghanistan handing a bunch of flowers to a U.S. soldier. or b. The bodies of an Afghan father and his four children killed in a suicide bombing near an American compound in Afghanistan.
2. Newsworthiness 1. Rank the following stories by their newsworthiness for your local news outlet, using 1 for the most newsworthy and 10 for the least newsworthy. You can assume the stories are current. Be prepared to explain your choices. 1. A large real estate agency in your community has hired two new vice presidents. 2. The U.S. Department of Education released a report today that shows high school students in your city reached an all-time high in their SAT exam scores. 3. The state approved a plan to build a six-lane bypass around your city that will cost $584
million and destroy thousands of acres of prime agricultural and developable land. 4. A city man was charged in an arson fire that destroyed an apartment building and killed eight people, including five children. 5. FBI investigators visited the public libraries in your city to check on the reading records of several local residents they believe may be linked to terrorism. 6. Three Israelis and 10 Palestinians were killed in a suicide bombing at a bus stop in a suburb of TelAviv. 7. The parents of quintuplets in your city saw their five children off to school for the first time, as the three boys and two girls were picked up by a bus that took them to kindergarten. 8. More than 100 people were killed and another 800 injured when a runaway passenger train collided with a freight train in Tanzania. 9. Tennis star Serena Williams married Reddit founder Alex Ohanian in a fairy-tale wedding. 10. City officials agreed at the regular council meeting to spend $228 million to build a new trash incinerator that would burn trash from the city as well as from six surrounding counties. 2. Rank the following stories by their newsworthiness for your local news outlet, using 1 for the most newsworthy and 9 for the least newsworthy. Be prepared to explain your choices. 1. A controversial painting called “The da Vinci Male Mona Lisa,” was sold in New York for $450.3million, the highest amount ever bid for anauctioned work of art. 2. The driver of a compact car escaped injury early today when her car was struck by a freight train at a railroad crossing. 3. Police and prison officials in your city were conducting a mock prison escape when three inmates walked out of the prison and disappeared. 4. A new senior citizens center opened on the east side of the city offering nearby residents a place to get a hot meal at lunchtime, participate in games
and educational programs and pass time with friends. 5. Several long-time residents in the city are being deported, as they are technically undocumented immigrants. 6. An Arkansas woman was convicted in the deaths of her four children who were drowned in the family’s bathtub. She was found guilty of four counts of second-degree murder. 7. Your state’s Department of Labor and Industry announced today that the unemployment rate rose to 7.5 percent despite a rally that saw significant increases in the stock market. 8. A city police officer was arrested and charged with aggravated assault and using undue force after he broke the leg of a man who was attending a concert. The officer who was on duty patrolling the stadium parking lot mistook the man for a scalper, got into an argument with him and threw him to the ground. 9. A group of teenagers from a nondenominational church youth organization volunteered to help two elderly sisters maintain their home so that they would not be fined by the city for having a blighted property. The youths mowed grass, trimmed hedges and painted the sisters’ house. 3. Patricia Richards, a 52-year-old businessperson in your city, today announced that she is running for mayor. You know and can prove all the following facts, but you have never reported them because she was a private citizen. Which ones would you include in your announcement story? 1. She is a cancer survivor. 2. At the age of 17, she and two friends were charged with stealing a car. The charges were dropped because the car was recovered undamaged and thecar’s owner, a neighbor, declined to prosecute. 3. She established, owns and manages the city’s largest chain of furniture stores. 4. She has diabetes. 5. She has been divorced three times.
6. Each year, she donates more than $1 million to local charities that help troubled young women, but always avoids publicity and insists that the charities never mention her donations. 7. She is a recovering alcoholic; she has not had a drink in 20 years. 8. Before going into business for herself, she was fired from two other jobs because of her drinking. 9. Her campaign literature says she attended the University of Iowa, yet you find that she never graduated. 10. Various tax and other public records reveal that her chain of furniture stores is valued at $20 million and, last year, earned a profit of $2.3 million. 4. One of your state representatives, Joseph Collins, was involved in a traffic accident that resulted in the death of another driver and his passenger. Collins had minor injuries. Which of the following details would you use in a story on the accident and which would you discard? 1. Collins is married and has two children. 2. As an attorney, Collins successfully defended two people who had been accused of vehicular manslaughter. 3. Collins was speeding and ran a red light. 4. A woman, who didn’t want to be identified, called your newsroom and said the minivan she and her children were riding in was almost struck at an intersection one time by a car driven by Collins. 5. Friends of Collins said he often joked about having a “lead foot.” 6. Police said alcohol was not a variable in this accident. 7. Collins has had five tickets in the past four years for speeding and reckless driving. 8. Collins was first elected to office nine years ago. 9. The driver of the other car often said he did not vote for Collins. 10. Two people, a male and a female, in response to the accident, called police to accuse Collins of sexual harassment.
nlike other forms of writing, journalism is fact-based storytelling to an audience with varied interests, education levels, ages and other demographics. With
3 “It’s as interesting and as difficult to say a thing well
their good news judgment, journalists identify immediately
as to paint it. There is the
the importance of a story and its supporting elements.
art of lines and colours,
They then communicate how the event is significant to the individual. They present complex information in a way that allows almost everyone to understand it easily. Furthermore, their writing makes audiences want to continue reading, watching or hearing the story.
but the art of words exists too, and will never be less important.” Vincent van Gogh, artist
Text and visual journalists achieve this goal by using newswriting style. This method lets them present factual information succinctly and clearly. It also ensures that they follow basic reporting principles: Separate fact and opinion, and remain impartial.
Simplify Words, Sentences and Paragraphs Table 3.1 provides examples of different writing types: news, fiction and academic. Each is distinctive by its respective style. A major part of newswriting style is simple language. George Orwell, in his classic “Politics and the English Language,” complained that too often writers replace strong verbs and concrete nouns with abstract phrases. Such phrases tend to obscure facts and confuse media audiences. No one wants frustrated readers who must untangle the vague meaning of a word. Similarly, listeners and viewers who are stuck on a phrase miss important information while the news story continues.
N E W S W R I T IN G S T Y L E Another practice that can cause confusion or missed information is packing too many ideas into a single sentence. Consider the following example:
CNN’s Don Lemon reviews his story before going on air.
The mayor said he was happy that the council had passed the resolution to increase the public library tax to provide more funds to expand the library’s book collection, to build a website and to add a new wing to house g overnment documents, but that the amount of the increase was not enough to do everything that has to be done because repairs are needed to the roof of the public library building and facilities must be improved for the disabled. Now read the revised, clearer version:
The mayor said he was happy the council passed the resolution increasing the public library tax. The amount of the increase, however, was not enough to do everything that has to be done, he said. The tax increase will
Types of Writing
News story
A third robbery this month at the Starlite Apartments on Washington Street has tenants worried about their safety and building security. Two robbers with nylon stocking face masks stole a cellphone, a computer, DVDs and possibly other items at about 11 p.m. yesterday, according to Police Sgt. Katharine Jordan. “This has never happened to me before, and it’s frightening,” said Lyle Bagley, the tenant of the apartment, as he wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans a fourth time in as many minutes. “Ithought a deadbolt would keep my stuff and me safe.”
Fiction excerpt
Lyle’s mind was whirling as he waited for the police to arrive. He was nervous and panicky as he wondered what he could tell them about the robbery. Was it his phone, computer and four DVDs that were stolen . . . or was it five? Were they really taken or had he just left them someplace? Maybe he had left one in his car. Didn’t he let his sister borrow a couple? Too bad he hadn’t renewed the insurance on his phone—where was he going to get the money for a new one? Was there anything else? He thought he saw the burglars—two guys with masks—he was sure of that—right? Who could it have been? Was it Megan’s ex-boyfriend, who always glared at him, and the guy’s smarmy younger brother, who tagged along everywhere? Lyle collapsed on the bed because he was feeling nauseous and needed to think. Should he move someplace else? Was someone out to get him? Was this just random? It was such a violation of his personal space. Nothing like this had ever happened before.
Academic article
Previous literature has shown that occupants whose homes are vandalized feel a disruptive sense of emotion similar to that of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The current study used a triangulation of methodologies, such as statistical survey, content analysis and qualitative in-depth interviewing. The researchers analyzed results, taking into account stratified sampling, demographics, dependent and independent variables, standard deviation of probability distribution and margin of error.
Simplif y Word s , S entenc e s and Par agr aph s
provide funds to expand the library’s book collection, build a website and add a new wing to house government documents. Other needed work includes repairs to the library’s roof and building access for the disabled, the mayor said. Journalists use short sentences and short paragraphs. They focus on one idea within a sentence or even a paragraph. They rewrite long or awkward sentences and divide them into shorter ones that are easier to read and understand. Research has consistently found a strong correlation between readability and sentence length: The longer the sentence, the more difficult it is to understand. Put another way, more words mean more things to remember and connect. One survey found that 75 percent of readers understood sentences containing an average of 20 words, but comprehension dropped rapidly as the sentences became longer. This statistic does not mean all stories should have only short sentences. Too many short sentences strung together makes the writing sound choppy. Long sentences, constructed well and used sparingly, can be effective tools for the writer. Moreover, sentences that vary in length make the writing more interesting. Here is an example written by Anne Hull, a former reporter at the St. Petersburg (Florida) Times. The story is about a police officer who defended herself when a teenager pulled a gun that evidently had no bullets. The sound she heard from the gun would reverberate for months. Click. It was the same sound the key in the lock makes as the father comes home now to the empty apartment, greeted by the boy in the golden frame. Notice the construction of these sentences. One is the ultimate of brevity—only one word—and the other two are 11 and 29 words, respectively. The combination creates a vivid picture for the reader, as well as a rhythm that creates drama and touches the emotions of the officer, the father and the reader. Journalists write for the eye and also the ear, listening to the natural flow of the words and sentences they write. They test their stories by reading them aloud to themselves or to a friend. If the sentences sound awkward or unsuitable for a conversation, reporters rewrite them to eliminate complex phrases and long or awkward sentences. They also remove ambiguities and vague terms by being direct and factual. One way to keep sentences short, clear and conversational is to use standard word order: subject, verb and direct object. Notice how explicit and concise the
Simplify Language To simplify stories, avoid long, unfamiliar words. Whenever possible, substitute common shorter and simpler ones (known as nickel-and-dime words) that convey the same meaning, such as the following examples: “about” not “approximately” “home” not “residence” “bruises” not “contusions” “cuts” not “lacerations” And to eliminate confusion, keep together words that belong in one phrase: out ➤ She threw the baby out with the bathwater. up ➤ He picked the dog up from the kennel.
N E W S W R I T IN G S T Y L E following sentence b ecomes when it uses this sequence: ➤ T he half-time show at Super Bowl 51 received
was performed by Lady Gaga and six for her half-time show at Super Bowl 51
Emmy nominations were given to her because of it. Be certain that each sentence contains related ideas. If not, parts can be eliminated or go elsewhere in the story. Reporters from the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, the McClatchey Company and the Miami Herald collaborated to write a series of articles on the Panama Papers, leaked documents that exposed off-shore tax havens. The team shared the 2017 Pulitzer Prize in Explanatory Reporting. The prize board describes the award as recognition of reporting that “illuminates a significant and complex subject, demonstrating mastery of the subject, lucid writing and clear presentation.”
➤ A former student at Echo Elementary School, he was elected president of the college’s student senate. She succeeded in getting tickets by being
➤ H aving been the first person in line for the concert, she wanted to show she could succeed at any thing she put her mind to, such as buying her first car when she was 16.
Words that form sentences should flow smoothly, and the sentences that form aragraphs also should flow together, logically combining similar thoughts or p ideas. The common practice in journalism is to start a new paragraph with each shift in topic, no matter how slight. Paragraphs in news stories often are one sentence because nothing more is needed to get a point across. But ideas that are related or belong together should not be artificially separated just to create shorter paragraphs. Needlessly separating ideas yields choppy writing. Another reason to write in short paragraphs is that large, dense blocks of text discourage readers. Short paragraphs are best also when writing for audio or video. Journalists divide stories into bite-sized chunks that are easy to read, hear and understand.
Eliminate Unnecessary Words Unnecessary words confuse audiences and make reading and listening more difficult. Journalists use brevity to help people grasp the main idea of a story and retain enough detail to make stories interesting and informative. Some words— “that,” “then,” “currently,” “now” and “presently,” for example—are almost always unnecessary. Writers who use two or more words when only one is needed waste time and space. For instance, eliminate redundant words referring to time, such as “past history,” “is now” and “future plans.” Notice how easily unnecessary words can be deleted from the following sentences without changing their meaning: began
➤ ➤ She was able to begin starting college classes her last and senior year in high school.
Eliminate Unnec e s s ar y Word s He plans
➤ ➤ At the present time he is planning to leave for the state of New York at 3 p.m. in the afternoon next Thursday. One death occurs
➤ ➤ Deaths are extremely rare, with only one fatality occurring in every 663,000 cases. ➤ ➤ This is not the first elected office she has held in the city. She also has been a city council member, a member of the library board and a tax collector. Journalists also eliminate clichés so closely associated with newswriting that they are called “journalese.” The term identifies phrases journalists use to dramatize the events they describe. Avoid the following clichés: fires rage
Don’t Write Like This Here are some fun examples of bad writing from statements made on auto insurance forms. These drivers attempted to summarize the details of their accidents in the fewest words possible. ●● Coming home, I drove into the wrong house and collided with atree I don’t have. ●● I thought my window was down, but I found out it was up when Iput my head through it. ●● I collided with a stationary truck coming the other way.
temperatures soar
●● The guy was all over the road. Ihad to swerve a number of times before I hit him.
earthquakes rumble floods go on a rampage developing countries are war-torn, much-troubled or oil-rich Some words repeat the same idea. The following phrases contain only two or three words, yet at least one—marked in italics—is unnecessary: in fact exactly identical hurry up mutual cooperation reason why
armed gunman split apart unexpected surprise past experiences free of charge
completely demolished brand new more and more fellow colleague needless to say
Although it is easy to overwrite, journalists try to avoid using too many words when just one or two will do. Here are examples of wordy phrases and their more concise replacements: conduct an investigation into appoint to the post of rose to the defense of succeed in doing came to a stop devoured by flames
investigate appoint defended do stopped burned
shot to death have a need for made contact with proceeded to interrogate promoted to the rank of
shot/killed need met interrogated/questioned promoted
●● I pulled away from the side of the road, glanced at my mother-in-law and headed over the embankment. ●● In my attempt to kill a fly, I drove into a telephone pole. ●● I was on my way to the doctor with rear-end trouble when my u niversal joint gave way causing me to have engine trouble. ●● My car was legally parked as itbacked into another vehicle. ●● The pedestrian had no idea which way to run, so I ran over him. ●● A pedestrian hit me and went under my car. ●● As I approached the intersection, a sign suddenly appeared in a place where no stop sign ever appeared before. I was unable to stop in time to avoid the accident. ●● I was sure the old fellow would never make it to the other side ofthe road when I struck him. ●● An invisible car came out of nowhere, struck my car and vanished. ●● The indirect cause of the accident was a little guy in a small car with a big mouth. ●● I was thrown from my car as it left the road. I was later found in a ditch by some stray cows. ●● The telephone pole was a pproaching. I was attempting to swerve out of its way when itstruck the front end.
Quiz Are you ready for a quiz? Cross out the unnecessary words in the following sentences. Think about the words as you read them. 1. Although he was in a really very quick hurry, he stopped to warn that, in the future, he will seek out textbooks that are sexist and demand that they be totally banned. 2. As it now stands, three separate and different members of the committee said they will try to prevent the city from closing down the park during the cold winter months. 3. Her nice convertible was totally destroyed and, in order to obtain the money necessary to buy a new car, she now plans to ask a personal friend for a loan to help her along. 4. After police found the lifeless body, the medical doctor conducted an autopsy to determine the cause of death and concluded that the dead man had been strangled to death. 5. In the past, the professor often met and talked with the students at the computer lab and, because of their future potential, invited them to attend the convention. 6. Based upon her previous experience as an architect, she warned the committee members that constructing the new hospital facility will be pretty expensive and suggested that they step in and seek more donors. 7. The two men were hunting in a very wooded forest a total of 12 miles away from the nearest hospital in the region when both fell down in a very steep ravine and suffered really severe bodily injuries. 8. Based upon the results of several studies conducted in the past, she firmly believed that the newly prescribed medication will help people with bad liver problems and aid them in their progress toward improvement.
Remain Objective Journalists are neutral observers who relate what happened. They are not advocates or participants. They strive to be as impartial as possible, reporting the facts and details of their stories, not their opinions about the issues and events. Journalists express their views only in editorials and commentaries, which are clearly labeled as such. Reporters who inject their opinions into a story may appear to have also been biased when choosing sources and people to i nterview. Audiences cannot be certain the story is complete, and they may question if the news is onesided. This taints the story and the journalist who wrote it, as well as the public’s reactions to
Re spec ting Diver sit y the news organization and journalism generally. When audience members are given all of the information, they are informed and capable of reaching their own conclusions about issues in thenews. One way journalists keep their opinions out of stories is by avoiding loaded words, for example, “extremist,” “radical,” “fanatic,” and “zealot.” Such words are often unnecessary and inaccurate. Furthermore, not everyone thinks the same way. A “cute kitty” to some people may be a “nasty-looking tom cat” to others. Many times, loaded words state the obvious: An argument was “heated” or a death “unfortunate.” Reporters can eliminate the opinions in some sentences by simply deleting a single adjective or adverb: “famous actor,” “gala reception,” “thoughtful reply.” Here are two more examples: Tickets are $5
➤ ➤ The price of tickets is inexpensive. three people
➤ ➤ The tragic accident killed several people unexpectedly. Entire sentences sometimes convey opinions, unsupported by facts. Editors (and instructors) will eliminate those statements. Notice how the second sentence in each of the following pairs contains a fact, not a personal view: Opinion: The candidate looks like a winner. Fact: CNN exit polls show the incumbent is ahead by six points. Opinion: Everyone is angry about the mayor’s decision. Fact: About 400 people demonstrated in front of city hall to protest the mayor’s decision. Newswriters can report the opinions expressed by other people—the sources for their stories—but must clearly attribute those opinions to the source. If journalists fail to provide the proper attribution, audiences may think the reporters are expressing their own opinions or agreeing with the source. Consider the following example—the second statement correctly c redits the speaker: Opinion: Obamacare is great. Fact: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly known asObamacare, lets children stay on their parents’ health plans until they are 26, said Ali Hussain, the president of the University Student Senate.
Respecting Diversity Journalists avoid generalizing and stereotyping. They do not use offensive, condescending or patronizing terms or phrases in describing other individuals, especially women, people of color, older people and people with disabilities. Good writers are attuned to the “-isms”—racism, sexism, ageism—that can appear in a story even unintentionally. They understand the negative impact their words may have on audiences.
Racism Journalists mention a person’s race, religion or ethnic background only when the fact is clearly relevant to a story. Employees at The New York Times are told, “The writer—or the [sources] quoted in the story—must demonstrate the relevance of ethnic background or religion. It isn’t enough to assume that readers will find the fact interesting or evocative; experience shows that many will find it offensive and suspect us of relying on stereotypes.” A criminal’s race is usually irrelevant to a story. Identifying a criminal by race, when that is the only characteristic known, is especially harmful because it casts suspicion on every member of the race. Henry McNulty, a former associate editor of The Hartford (Connecticut) Courant, explained his paper’s policy on racial identification: A long-standing Courant policy states that race and sex alone do not constitute an adequate description. For instance, if the only thing a witness tells police is that a “white woman” or “black man” committed the crime, the Courant will not use any description. Only when such things as height, weight, hair length, scars, clothing and so forth are given will the newspaper print the information. By that policy, the following description makes appropriate use of a person’s race to describe a specific individual whom some audiences might be able to identify: Witnesses said the bank robber was a white man, about 50 years old and 6feet tall. He weighed about 250 pounds, wore a blue suit and escaped on a Honda motorcycle.
Bill O’Reilly, formerly of the Fox News show The O’Reilly Factor, was admonished for comparing Rep. Maxine Waters’ [D-Calif.] hair to a “James Brown wig.” O’Reilly later apologized for the comment.
All genders should be treated equally in news stories. Most of the time, a person’s gender is not central to a story and does not need to be pointed out. Journalists who are writing about a female ask themselves whether they would write the same words if the subject were a male (and vice versa). A headline that announces “Woman Exec Slain in Waldorf-Astoria” is inappropriate because no journalist would write “Male Exec Slain.” Gender is irrelevant to this story, and the wording suggests that it is unusual for a woman to achieve a position of importance. Sexism can go both ways, however. The headline “Male Nurse Runs for Secretary of State” implies that this man’s occupation is unusual. Journalists avoid occupational terms that note only one gender: “fireman,” “mailman,” “policeman” and “cameraman,” for example. Instead, they use “firefighter,” “letter carrier,” “police officer” and “camera operator.” The Associated Press Stylebook recommends journalists use “spokeswoman” when referring to a woman and “spokesman” when referring to a man—or “spokesperson” if it is the preference of the individual or organization. Journalists often use “spokesperson,” “leader” or “representative” to avoid awkwardness. If it is not central to the story, journalists avoid writing about the attire of men or women. The clothing and hairstyles of all genders should be equally interesting or equally unimportant.
Re spec ting Diver sit y
Journalists use “woman” or “man” when an adult’s gender is important. The words “female” and “male” are too general because they include all ages. “Lady” is a specific class of woman, just as “gentleman” is for a man. Men and women should be referred to by their last names, rarely their first, except in stories in which multiple members of the same family are quoted as sources, and first names are necessary to clarify who is being quoted. Too often news stories identify a spouse only in relationship to the subject: “Justin Timberlake’s wife” or “Hillary Clinton’s husband.” It appears that one person is important and the other is not; it also connotes that the spouse is only a possession. People should be identified by first and last names (not “Mrs. Donald Trump,” but “Melania Trump”). Writers eschew using the pronoun “he” as a general reference to men and women. Yet “he/she” or “he and/or she” can become so cumbersome that it distracts audiences. Writers use the following strategies to avoid this problem: Substitute an article for gender-specific pronouns. the
➤ ➤ An architect must always consult his plans when designing a bridge. Use no pronoun in place of “he” or “she.” ➤ ➤ A nurse will always tell her patients to get some rest. Substitute plural nouns and pronouns for gender-specific ones. Emergency
➤ ➤ An emergency medic must train himself to be ready at all times. The Associated Press has guidelines when referring to LGBTQ people, issues and events, but this information is included only if it is central to the story. Not every person falls under the same categories when it comes to gender (social designation) and sex (biological determinant). Whereas transgender is an umbrella term for people who have an identity different from that which was assigned at birth, transsexuals have physically transitioned from one gender to another. For pronoun references, AP style recommends using either third-person or a plural pronoun.
Ageism There is no magical age at which one becomes “old.” For example, a 60-year-old may be considered a youngster when compared to a centenarian. Two-thirds of major U.S. corporations have boards of directors whose ages average older than 60. Many people are active and continue to work into their late 70s and beyond. When asked to describe their health, a majority of older Americans responded “good” to “excellent.” Yet impractical stereotypes suggest they are all lonely, unproductive, poor, passive, weak and sick. Journalists avoid using special terms when describing older people. For example, using the word “spry” gives the impression that some older people are unusually active for their age. Age should not be a factor in a story about an a ccomplishment—getting elected to office, winning an award—unless it is relevant to the story. The fact that a 70-year-old grandmother wins an election for state senator should not be treated any differently from the election of a
See a problem with this headline? Michael Phelps gets his name publicized while Simone Manuel (left) is not named but is described by her appearance/ethnicity. Penny Oleksiak (right), who tied Manuel for the gold medal in f reestyle swimming, is not mentioned. The story tries to do too much andshould have been split into two s tories—one featuring Manuel and the other on Phelps. The Cosmopolitan article “The Most Sexist Moments from the 2016 Olympics (So Far)” details additional sexist faux pas in the Olympics coverage.
N E W S W R I T IN G S T Y L E 40-year-old father. Neither one’s age nor gender should appear in the headline or the lead of the story.
Avoid Stereotyping Other Groups Many people with physical and mental disabilities lead active lives and contribute to society both professionally and personally. The terms “disabled” and “challenged” have replaced “handicapped.” More acceptable is “person with a disability,” “person who is blind” and so forth. Such phrasing emphasizes the individual before the condition. As always, reference a disability only if it is relevant to the story. Religious groups sometimes accuse the media of bias in the portrayal of members of their faiths. Journalists are careful to avoid stereotyping all followers of a faith because of the actions of a few members.
Additional Newswriting Considerations forDigital Media Newswriting for digital media (web, mobile, social media) has added considerations because digital stories have more elements and methods of dissemination than print stories do. Whereas print can accommodate text and still visuals (photos and information graphics), digital media includes audio and video podcasts, animation and virtual reality, for example. Reporters use Twitter to announce breaking news and write blogs for an additional perspective to a story. Thus, reporters think of digital stories as a package of elements. As in all types of journalism, reporters identify the central point of the story. For digital newswriting, this part is also the anchor for all components of the package. Journalists thus consider what to include, how it will be assembled and how it will be displayed in various digital formats (see Chapter 14 for more on visual journalism). Information is presented differently in various media, usually based on how people interact with a medium. For example, text on a monitor is formatted differently from text on paper because of readability (and a few other reasons). Reading text on a computer monitor fatigues the eye more quickly than reading text printed on paper does. If the monitor’s resolution is low, the text will not appear sharp, which also decreases readability and the time one spends reading news. News stories published on the web usually are in sans serif typeface, such as Arial or Helvetica, because they are less elaborate, sharper and easier to read on a computer monitor. Paragraphs are not indented, but separated by extra space to give eyes a quick rest before starting the next section of information. News stories printed on paper often have a serif typeface, such as Times New Roman or New Century Schoolbook. Paragraphs follow one another in sequence without any a dditional spacing, and the first line of each paragraph is indented.
Additional Newswriting C onsider ations forDigital Media
The Reporter’s Guide to Newswriting Style As you begin to write stories, make sure you follow these
6. Remove unrelated ideas within sentences.
7. Keep sentences with one idea together in one
1. Identify the central point of the story. 2. Prepare a brief outline of the three or four major parts of the story.
paragraph. 8. Use relatively simple sentences that follow normal word order: subject, verb, direct object.
3. Use short, familiar words.
9. Avoid statements of opinion.
4. Use short sentences and concise paragraphs.
10. Avoid generalizing and stereotyping.
5. Eliminate unnecessary words.
Review Exercises 1. Discussion Questions 1. Some people feel that journalists should use long or uncommon words to educate audiences and raise their reading level. Others feel that short, common words help audiences understand stories quickly and easily. What do you think? Give reasons to support your view. 2. You have just been named editor of your college news site. Formulate a policy that specifies when your staff can report that a person is “ adopted,” “biracial,” “receiving welfare,” “gay” or an “ex-convict.” 3. Melania Trump is often described by her physical appearance, and her clothes are often the central idea of news stories. As a journalist, what do you think about this treatment?
phrases that you could replace with simpler ones. Do the simpler words and phrases change the meaning of the story? If so, how? 10. Book authors often use the first name for a woman and the last name for a man. They take more time describing a woman’s physical appearance and d etailing her clothing than a man’s. (If they describe the man at all—for example, rarely are men’s chests described.) Check the next five novels you read. How does the author introduce a new character and refer to him or her later? Is it fair and balanced? Why or why not? What should journalists do in news stories, and why?
2. Being Concise Section I: Using Simple Words
4. Your city’s new mayor, elected today, has never met her father and does not even know his identity. She was raised by her mother, who never married. Would you report that fact and discuss the circumstances while describing the new mayor? Why or why not? What is important to know about a new mayor?
Substitute simpler and more common words for each of the following.
5. A source you are interviewing uses an offensive stereotypical term about senior citizens. Would you print the word? Why or why not?
5. imbibe
6. A bank in your city has named a new president; she is the first woman and first African A merican to hold the position. Should your story about her promotion emphasize these details? Why or whynot?
1. obliterate 2. objective 3. utilize 4. negligent 6. duplicate 7. gargantuan 8. remainder 9. eccentric 10. abandon 11. deceased
7. For one week, examine news stories in any medium. Look for sentences or phrases that are not objective. Why is the sentence or phrase not objective? How would you rewrite it?
12. cognizant
8. How do your favorite TV shows portray gender, age, people of color and people with disabilities? How do the portrayals foster or break stereotypical images?
15. stated
9. For one week, examine every story published on the homepage of your campus or community newspaper. Identify or highlight words and
13. lacerations 14. presently 16. manufacture 17. loathe 18. component 19. obtain 20. relocate
Review E xerc i s e s
Section II: Avoiding Redundant Phrases
14. common accord
A. Cross out the unnecessary words in these phrases.
15. false pretense
1. totally destroyed
16. radical transformation
2. really big
17. blazing inferno
3. postponed until later
18. perfectly clear
4. freak accident
19. entwined together
5. seldom ever
20. died suddenly
6. major breakthrough 7. dead body 8. qualified expert 9. dangerous weapon 10. armed gunman 11. honest truth 12. future plans 13. awkward predicament 14. fully engulfed 15. lag behind 16. write down 17. free of charge
C. Cross out the unnecessary words in these phrases. 1. small in size 2. join together 3. general public 4. honest truth 5. acute crisis 6. fell down 7. lag behind 8. protrude out 9. resume again 10. usual custom
18. maximum possible
Section III: Avoiding Wordy Phrases
19. foreseeable future
A. Use a single word to replace each of these phrases.
20. lose out B. Cross out the unnecessary words in these phrases.
1. on the occasion of 2. despite the fact that
1. necessary requirement
3. at an earlier date
2. young girl
4. is going to
3. duplicate copy
5. tender his/her resignation
4. shot to death
6. united together in holy matrimony
5. underground subway
7. give instruction to
6. both alike
8. on account of
7. underlying purpose
9. was in possession of
8. narrow down
10. register approval of
9. broad daylight
11. due to the fact that
10. calm down
12. exceeding the speed limit
11. divide up
13. made the acquaintance of
12. front headlight
14. stated the point that
13. true fact
15. file a lawsuit against
16. be acquainted with 17. came to a stop 18. rose to the defense 19. draw to a close 20. arrived at a decision B. Use a single word to replace each of these phrases. 1. raze to the ground 2. made contact with 3. bring to a conclusion 4. on a few occasions 5. for the reason that 6. made an escape 7. give encouragement to 8. file a lawsuit against 9. conducted an investigation of 10. summoned to the scene
Section IV: Eliminating Unnecessary Words Eliminate the unnecessary words from the following sentences. 1. Kate Middleton talked to each and every child individually in the classroom. 2. The candidate running for the office of mayor will conduct a poll of the residents. 3. The North Korean president showed he was upset over the miserably failed missile launch that did not go as planned. 4. He said the birthday party was an unexpected surprise. 5. The police officer tried to calm down the accident victim, who was hurt. 6. The woman, who is a lesbian, said the old habit her daughter had of sleepwalking in the middle of the night was a really unique pattern that would take a qualified sleep expert to break. 7. The female state governor said there was an absolute guarantee that federal and local officialswould cooperate together so that local residents would have utility services exactly identical to the ones they had before the storm.
8. If past experience is any indication, the car club members will polish up the antique vehicles no matter whether or not they can predict rain in the foreseeable future. 9. The mayor asked the council members to make a definite decision about the ordinance even though those who support the measure are few in number and flatly reject any compromise. 10. U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said that important essentials are being infringed upon in regard to the contract negotiations between North Korea and South Korea, the two countries involved in the talks. 11. The hockey player said she was acquainted with the author of the book about concussions on account of the fact they had made contact with each other years ago when she was experiencing post-traumatic concussion symptoms while he was doing research for the book. 12. The university’s board of directors wanted to wait until later a decision on the project until the board received definite proposals from the contractors. 13. The mayor said the physical size of the new amphitheater was somewhat small, but it would have the maximum possible impact on the city’s future plans. 14. Police have the belief that it was a freak accident that allowed the deadly poison to seep out of the tanker truck and cause the worst ever chemical spill in the country’s history. 15. Firemen responding to the scene of the house fire were confronted with a blazing inferno and succeeded in doing their best to contain the flames.
Section V: Rewriting Wordy Sentences A. Remove all redundancies and unnecessary words from the following sentences, eliminating as many words as possible and correcting any other errors. 1. The mayor said everyone had to cooperate together or someone would file a lawsuit against thecity. 2. It would appear that the new school mascot, which got a stamp of approval from alumni, will make an appearance at Saturday’s game.
3. As a matter of fact, some of the tickets were free of charge to the contest winners while other tickets cost the sum of $50 for handling fees. 4. Police claimed the armed gunman was carrying a dangerous weapon when he entered the bank with the underlying purpose of robbing it. 5. Local residents said they planned to evacuate in the event that the floodwaters reached the banks of the river and completely destroyed the town. B. Remove all redundancies and unnecessary words from the following sentences, eliminating as many words as possible and correcting any other errors. 1. When the Wonder Woman movie came to an end, audience members commented to the effect that they liked the film. 2. The mayor said the issue in question is not being dealt with on the grounds that her opponent is not taking into consideration the feelings of voters. 3. The professor asked the student to make an approximation of how many people in the state would enter into bonds of matrimony this year and how many would postpone the decision untillater. 4. The business owner said his equipment would depreciate in value due to the fact that the warehouse in which it was stored went up in flames. 5. All of a sudden, the motorist realized just now that she was exceeding the speed limit and came to a stop just before she saw the policeman on duty. C. Remove all redundancies and unnecessary words from the following sentences, eliminating as many words as possible and correcting any other errors. 1. While they had not come to a final conclusion in regard to the plans for the new educational program, the members of the school board said that tentatively a total of about more than 800students ultimately would be served. 2. According to the currently held belief on the part of the design engineer, Jonathan Emory, who is 56 years old and Hispanic, the important essentials for completing the construction project on time will require check points between the design phase and the actual construction.
Review E xerc i s e s
3. Doctors rushed the boy who had been injured in the collision between two cars at the intersection of Main and King streets into the emergency ward and later said the boy currently was in critically serious condition. 4. Policemen chased the suspects vehicle through town at a speed estimated to be in the vicinity of approximately 80 miles per hour after it sped away when the officers arrived at the scene of the accident. 5. The attorney for the perpetrator said despite the fact that a dangerous weapon had been found at the scene of the crime it did not necessarily mean that the weapon happened to belong to her current client.
Section VI: Simplifying Overloaded Sentences Shorten and simplify the following and correct any other errors. 1. Two university students, Jonathan Colson and Marie Parkinson, both seniors and both majoring in business in the Department of Economic Sciences, were driving south on Addison Drive during a thunderstorm when a tree, which was blown down by strong winds, fell across the road in front of them and Colson swerved to avoid the tree before hitting a utility pole with his car and causing more than 10,000 people to lose electricity to their homes. 2. Police officers chased the suspect, who had attempted to rob Robert Ames and his wife, who live at 1345 Grassland Avenue, of $3,500 in cash and jewelry that was in a small safe in their home, into the park where he tried to climb through the window of a childrens playhouse and got stuck in the window because his belt buckle caught on a protruding nail and officers had to cut the man’s belt in order to get him out of the window and charge him with robbery, burglary and resisting arrest. 3. Mary Johnson, who is 51 and lives at 414 West Coast Boulevard and who is an emergency room nurse at Mercy Hospital and was on duty at 3p.m. yesterday, was surprised when a woman who looked just like her was brought into the
emergency room after a minor traffic accident at the intersection of Lakeview Drive and Darlington Avenue in which the woman’s car was struck in the rear by a pickup truck while she was stopped at an intersection and Mary began asking the woman questions about her family and past history, discovering that the woman had been adopted, but had been told she had a twin sister who had been adopted by another family when the sisters were three years old, so Mary introduced herself to her long-lost twin sister. 4. The mayor said she was more than willing to support the ordinance the city council was proposing to begin the building of a new facility to house elderly city residents who needed to have a place they could go when they could no longer live independently in their own homes, but the cost of such a facility had to fall within the current fiscal realities of the revenue stream city taxes could generate to support such a building program without raising taxes for city residents, which the mayor knows will upset city residents who will hold her responsible for any proposal the city counsel a pproves in the long run.
3. –Isms Section I: Avoiding Sexual Stereotypes Remove sexist language and comments from the following sentences. 1. The policeman told the cameraman that the accident occurred when the car swerved to avoid an old lady who stepped off the curb. 2. Congressman Janice Byron, a petite 38-year-old mother with a sunny disposition, voted in favor of the education bill, probably because her kids are of school age. 3. The men and their girl friends were expecting the concert tickets to arrive an hour before the show started. 4. The postman told the co-eds that she did not have a package for them today. 5. The author, Oliver Brooks, was in an attractive open-necked, blue shirt that showed off his sweaty, heaving chest and tousled blond hair as he rushed in late to the book signing, around 3:20 p.m.
Section II: Avoiding Exclusively Gender-Specific Nouns and Pronouns Replace the gender-specific language in these sentences with gender-neutral terms, reduce wordiness and correct any other errors. 1. A policeman has to inspect his weapons before going on patrol. 2. The secretary said she couldn’t find the papers before the meeting that her boss incorrectly filed before that. 3. The councilman said it is a fact that the average man will not understand the ordinance. 4. The teacher wrote a letter to each of her students, welcoming them to her class. 5. Encounters with dogs can be frightening experiences for a mailman as he makes his rounds delivering mail to his customers each day.
Section III: Avoiding Stereotypes Ensure that the following sentences contain no stereotypical language or comments. Correct any other errors. 1. Jackson Smith, a spry 86-year-old resident of Greeley Court, is a real old-timer when it comes to cars because everyday he drives a 1936 Chevrolet coupe that he amazingly restored just last year. 2. The spunky newsboy dropped the paper on the porch just as the pretty housewife lazily opened the front door. 4. Margaret Adams, an attractive woman dressed in a knee-length gray business suit and black highheeled shoes, became the first woman president and chief executive officer of the male-dominated Hudson Industries. 3. As pressure increased from 20 men and 60 ladies protesting the club’s policies, the spokesman for the club said she had reached a gentleman’s agreement with the protesters. 4. Members of the American Indian Movement went on the warpath today when federal agents attempted to interrupt a powwow of tribal elders.
Section IV: Remaining Objective Eliminate the words and phrases that reveal opinions, stereotypes or –isms.
1. The surprisingly good student choral group from Central High won first place at the state conference. 2. Three soldiers training at a nearby army base died tragically in the helicopter accident despite heroic efforts to save them. 3. The female president of the board, who is a 68-year-old grandmother and the matriarch of the family-owned company, wanted to expand the business, but did not believe there were enough extra funds to do it at this time. 4. Tickets for a game at the new stadium will cost only $30 per person, which is really reasonable.
Review E xerc i s e s
something the university president, a divorced father named Jim Smith, flatly rejected. 3. The church’s layman committee, which was made up of four men and three girls, two of whom were Hispanic and one who was Asian, anticipated in advance that a reason for the construction of the new church would help more people be able to attend the services. 4. Adam Levine, the good lead singer for Maroon 5, stated the fact that the concert would be free and open to the public, and he had the belief that the number of attendees would be really a lot.
5. It was miraculous that only three people were injured in the 20-vehicle, chain-reaction collision on the fog-bound interstate.
5. The incumbent senator, a man with a questionable past, planned to introduce legislation in the nottoo-distant future on the grounds that the poor needed jobs.
6. The famous speaker, who truly will delight her audience, will discuss the relationship of economics and poverty at tonight’s interesting presentation.
6. Mike Deacosta, his wife and their two children, Mark and Amy, were invited to the congressmans reception along with several other local residents.
7. In a startling discovery, police claimed to have identified the despicable man who attacked the poor, defenseless 65-year-old man.
7. The police officer made it perfectly clear to the motorist that he had been exceeding the speed limit and would face the maximum possible fine if he did not locate his drivers license presently.
8. The tall master-of-ceremony towered over the buxom matron as he presented her with the prestigious award for her efforts on behalf of the animal shelter. 9. Theater-goers are urged to buy their tickets early, at a cost of only $20, for the sensational community theater production of “Wicked,” which can look forward to a long run in the city. 10. The city council did a good thing when they voted to make it legal to manufacture medical marijuana in the zoned industrial parts of the city.
4. Testing All Your Skills Correct all errors in these sentences. 1. It was an impetuous decision, but the 20-yearold surfer boy commented to the effect that he planned to purchase a new car when he graduated from college. 2. The students future plans for the recreation center would require university officials to reconstruct the entire facility at a cost of two million dollars,
8. Before a young child can begin school, they must be able to read and write their name. 9. The informative information was presented at this point in time because all the members of the board, including Chairman Maggy Baille, were present and accounted for and would be able to vote on the proposal to increase contributions to the employees retirement accounts. 10. An attractive young brunette, Donna Moronesi, seemed to be an unlikely candidate for the office, but she has surprisingly raised more than 1 million dollars before the campaign has even begun. 11. He sustained the loss of his right eye, had lacerations and contusions and broke his leg in the unfortunate accident. 12. As a matter of fact, the mayor claimed she had already considered the attorneys proposal, but the terms of the agreement to settle with the bitter old man who filed a lawsuit against the city over the
death of his dog which had been taken to the city pound was not in accordance with the best interests of the city and its local residents. 13. The attorney was in possession of evidence that helped the jury to arrive at a decision.
negotiating a fair and equitable contract with her employees on the grounds that the massive increase would create an acute crisis of confidence among the employees and change the ground rules of the negotiations.
14. It was the consensus of opinion of the board and chairman Jane Abbott that the impetuous offer by the other company would be a hindrance to
15. He stated that the important essential thing to remember is that the deficit was then not nearly as large as it is today.
THE LANGUAGE OF NEWS “The romance between Andrew and Marion was truly magic,” he said. Actually, the relationship was “magical.” What’s the difference? “Magic” is a noun meaning the “use of charms and
4 “In the English language, it all comes down to this:
spells to control events or the art of producing illusions by
Twenty-six letters, when
sleight of hand.” “Magical” is an adjective meaning “producing
combined correctly can
extraordinary results as if by magic.” But what about a similar pair of words, such as “tragic” and “tragical”? In this case, “tragical” is a noun meaning “the tragic element in art or life,” whereas “tragic” is an adjective meaning “of or having to do with tragedy.”
create magic. Twenty-six letters form the foundation of a free, informed society.” John Grogan, journalist/writer
The Effectiveness of Words Writers sometimes misunderstand the words they use. Other times they fail to express their ideas clearly and precisely. In such cases, their sentences may state the obvious or impossible or carry unintended, often comical, meanings. Consider these examples: The patient refused an autopsy. Getting into the bathtub, the phone rang. The girl wore a hat on her head made of straw. Before the age of reason men took everything for granite. She carried her broken leg in a casket for six weeks. People expect journalists to have mastered the English language. When news organizations hire a reporter, they look for someone who understands and respects the language, knows spelling and grammar, possesses an extensive vocabulary and writes in a clear and interesting manner. Those who devote their
lives to journalism strive to select the exact word needed to convey an idea, use the word properly and place it in a sentence that is grammatically correct. Of course, even careful writers make mistakes, sometimes hilarious ones. But if the errors become too numerous, they can damage a news organization’s credibility and require costly and embarrassing corrections. When a major event occurs, such as the election of a new president, a terrorist attack, the shutdown of a government, or the death of a celebrity, dozens and sometimes hundreds of journalists rush to the scene, gather information and then transmit it to the public. They write about the same event, but some stories are much better than others. Why? Newspapers from around the world covered the election and inauguSome reporters are particularly adept at ration of Donald Trump. In whatever language they write, reporters gathering the information needed to write follow the rules of grammar, spelling and punctuation. exceptional stories. Others produce exceptional stories because of their command of the English language. Their language is forceful, and their stories are written so clearly and simply that everyone can understand them. These reporters describe people, places and events involved in news stories and use quotations that enable the people involved to speak directly to the public. Skilled reporters can transform even routine events into front-page stories.
Mastering Grammar Since the development of written languages, humans have created rules g overning their usage. Basic understanding of English grammar begins with knowing the parts of speech and how they are used (see Table 4.1). All words are classified as one or more parts of speech. The rules and principles used to combine these parts into sentences are called syntax. Successful writers learn syntax and understand the importance of good sentence structure for conciseness and clarity. Sentences can be either simple or complex. Simple sentences usually include a subject, a verb and a direct object. The subject is the person or thing doing the action; the verb describes the action; and the direct object is the person or thing acted on. Consider this sentence: The batter hit the ball. “Batter” is the actor (the subject of the sentence). “Hit” is the action (the verb), and “ball” is the thing acted on (the object). Sometimes sentences include indirect objects, which tell who received the action. To test for an indirect object, place “to” or “for” before the word. The following sentences have both direct and indirect objects: Paul gave Jennifer the tickets. Gail showed her sister the letter.
Ma stering Grammar
Parts of Speech Nouns Verbs
Words that name any animate or inanimate thing: people, animals, places, qualities, acts or ideas. Words that describe action; they tell what things and people do. Words that describe or modify nouns and pronouns.
Words that describe or modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.
The words “a,” “an” or “the” and their equivalents used as adjectives.
Pronouns Prepositions
Words that replace proper or common nouns to avoid needless and confusing repetition of a noun. Words that show a relationship between a word or phrase that comes before a preposition, called an antecedent, and a word or phrase that follows, called an object or a subsequent.
Words or phrases that connect other words, phrases, clauses or sentences.
Words or short phrases that express strong, sudden emotions.
Indirect object
Direct object
the tickets
her sister
the letter
When a noun alone is used as an indirect object, it usually comes between the verb and the direct object, as in the preceding examples. But when the indirect object follows the direct object, it takes the form of a prepositional phrase. Paul gave the tickets to Jennifer. Gail showed the letter to her sister.
Nouns The subject of a sentence can be a noun, pronoun, gerund or infinitive. A gerund is a verbal noun, formed by adding “-ing” to the base form. The infinitive is the basic dictionary form of the verb, appearing with or without the particle “to,” which can stand as a noun phrase (among numerous other uses). Noun subject: Bill threw the ball. Pronoun subject: He threw the ball. Gerund subject: Throwing the ball is tiresome. Infinitive subject: To throw the ball all day is tiresome.
Verbs There are three types of verbs: transitive, intransitive and linking. Transitive verbs propel the action in the sentence from the subject to the object. They are always followed by a direct object.
T H E L A N G UAG E O F N E W S People believed the mayor when he said the water was safe to drink. “Mayor” is the object of “believed.” Intransitive verbs also show action, but they are not followed by a direct object. They can also describe an action or provide a sense of location and are often followed by prepositional phrases or adverbs. People believed fervently in the mayor. Or simply, People believed. In the first sentence, “fervently” is an adverb that describes “believed.” The second example is a complete verb because it takes neither a direct object nor a predicate complement. Linking verbs express a state or condition and link a noun, pronoun or adjective that describes or identifies the subject. The most common linking verb is “to be.” The man with the snake tattoo on his arm is the only suspect in the case. Other verbs may be used as linking verbs, as in these sentences: He looks guilty. The bridge seems sturdy. In both examples the verb links the idea in the subject to the idea in the predicate (the part of the sentence containing the verb), stating that the subject possesses the condition described in the predicate.
Independent and Dependent Clauses A clause is a group of words containing a subject and verb and is used as part of a sentence. An independent clause is a complete sentence; it can stand independently. A dependent clause, on the other hand, is an incomplete thought. Consider the following two sentences: The senior trip to the museum was very popular, but many parents complained about the cost. We ordered pizza for the meeting, which everyone on the news staff likes. Both sentences contain two clauses. However, one sentence contains two independent clauses and the other contains an independent clause and a dependent clause. How can you tell? Separate the two clauses and see whether they make sense on their own.
Ma stering Grammar The senior trip to the museum was very popular. Many parents complained about the cost. We ordered pizza for the meeting. Which everyone on the news staff likes. If you picked the first sentence as the one that contains two independent clauses, you are correct. Both are complete sentences, joined by the conjunction “but.” The first part of the second sentence is also an independent clause because it can stand alone. However, the second half, “which everyone likes,” makes no sense if it is disconnected from the other clause. Its clarity and meaning depend on the first part of the sentence. Dependent clauses can come at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a sentence. In the following examples, the dependent clauses are in italics: When the sun came out, everyone felt more cheerful. Typewriters, which were once state-of-the-art word-processing machines, disappeared when personal computers arrived. You need to install an underground sprinkler system, if you are planning to create a lawn in the desert. Writers can combine independent and dependent clauses in a number of ways. One way is to combine an independent clause with a dependent one to make a complex sentence. I eat dinner after my last class is over. Another is to combine two independent clauses to make a compound sentence. Ice skating is her favorite sport, but she enjoys roller skating, too. And yet another way is to string one or more dependent clauses together with two or more independent clauses to create compound-complex sentences. I visit my aunt whenever I go home for the holidays, but I call her almost every week. Sentences can also contain phrases, which are related groups of words that lack a subject, verb, or both. Prepositional phrases and verbal phrases are common types. They may be incorporated into the body of the sentence or introduce the main clause. The first of the following sentences ends with a prepositional phrase, and the second begins with a verbal phrase (both are italicized). People spend more time outdoors in the springtime. Tired from his bicycle ride, Michael took a nap. Sentence parts can be combined and arranged in endless ways. Writers vary sentence structure to keep their prose from becoming too predictable and simplistic, but simple sentences that stick to subject-verb-object order are the clearest and most easily understood.
Active and Passive Voice Sentences that use the subject-verb-object order are active-voice sentences; the subject performs the action. A passive-voice sentence reverses the structure so that the action is done to the subject: the direct object of the active-voice sentence becomes the subject; the subject becomes part of a prepositional phrase; and the verb is replaced with its past participle and a form of the verb “to be.” In the following example, the passive-voice sentence is two words longer than the active-voice sentence, but it says the same thing. Those extra words are unnecessary stumbling blocks for readers. Active Voice: The batter hit the ball. Passive Voice: The ball was hit by the batter. The actor or subject can disappear from a passive-voice sentence: Active Voice: The mayor gave Alex an award. Passive Voice: An award was given to Alex. Writers should avoid the passive voice not only because it is wordier than the active voice but also because it often camouflages responsibility. If a disaster strikes or a defective product harms someone, government or business officials may admit “mistakes were made,” but the passive construction reveals nothing about who made the mistakes or why. The passive voice is the ally of all who seek to evade responsibility; it is the enemy of all who seek clarity.
Appositives An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that renames, identifies, explains or in some way supplements the meaning of another noun or noun phrase. An appositive that is accompanied by modifiers is called an appositive phrase. Appositives may be either essential or nonessential. An essential appositive defines the noun or noun phrase it accompanies. It is not set off with punctuation. A nonessential appositive adds supplemental information and is set off from the rest of the sentence with punctuation, usually commas or dashes. In the following examples, the appositive or appositive phrase is in italics. Essential appositives: The required class Organic Chemistry 101 is one of the most difficult in the program. The film “Moonlight” won three Academy Awards. Team captain Ronald Stevens called for a meeting of the players. Nonessential appositives: “Gone with the Wind,” a novel about the Civil War era, is laden with subtle racism.
C ommon Gr ammatic al Error s My car—a real lemon—is in the repair shop again. That blouse is the same color as my living room curtains, dark green.
Common Grammatical Errors Run-on Sentences A run-on sentence contains two or more independent clauses with no punctuation separating them. The following are run-on sentences: I love to read books I would read a new one every day if I could. We did not know which restaurant we wanted to eat at we drove for hours until we found one we all agreed to eat fast food. To correct this type of error, add punctuation in the appropriate places, separate the clauses into separate sentences, or rewrite the sentence: I love to read books; I would read a new one every day if I could. We did not know which restaurant we wanted to eat at, so we drove for hours until we found a fast-food place we all agreed on. Good writers carefully edit their stories to eliminate any run-on sentences.
Comma Splices Some writers attempt to fix a run-on sentence by inserting a comma between the two independent clauses. Doing so creates another type of error known as the comma splice. Here is an example: The purchase of a used car is hard, there are many good ones available. There are four ways to fix this sentence: The purchase of a used car is hard. There are many good ones available. The purchase of a used car is hard, but there are many good ones available. The purchase of a used car is hard because there are many good ones available. The purchase of a used car is hard; there are many good ones available.
Agreement Errors A basic principle of grammar is that nouns and verbs should agree with each other, as should nouns and pronouns. The principle is simple, but the opportunities for error are numerous.
If The Telegraph were an A merican newspaper, this would violate subject-verb agreement. But British writers often use plural verbs for collective nouns.
If the subject of a sentence is singular, use a singular verb; if the subject is plural, use a plural verb. Getting subjects and verbs to agree is easy when sentences are simple. But when prepositional phrases separate subjects and verbs or when the subject is a collective noun, agreement becomes trickier. In the next example, the singular noun “team” is the subject, and the prepositional phrase “of researchers” describes the subject. The verb should agree with the singular “team,” not the plural “researchers.” has
➤ ➤ A team of researchers have gathered the information. Some nouns—such as “economics,” “politics” and “physics”—may appear to be plural because they end in “s,” but they are considered singular in certain senses. is
➤ ➤ Economics are a required course. Nouns that refer to a group or a collection of individuals as a whole are called collective nouns. Examples include “committee,” “club,” “jury,” “regiment” and “team.” Proper nouns that identify organizations—“Congress” and “Microsoft,” for instance—also are collective nouns. In American English, collective nouns are considered singular and require singular verbs and pronouns: announces
➤ ➤ The jury announce their verdict. Note the change in pronoun, from “their” to “its.”
➤ ➤ The American Society of Newspaper Editors have begun a program to help journalists with their writing.
NOUNS AND PRONOUNS Not only must pronouns agree with verbs, but they also must have the same number and gender as their antecedents. A singular feminine noun requires a singular feminine pronoun, and a plural neuter noun requires a plural neuter
C ommon Gr ammatic al Error s pronoun. In the following examples, the pronouns are underlined and their antecedents are in italics. Rachael took her work with her when she visited New York. The carpenter replaced the nails in their container. Collective nouns cause the most problems with noun–pronoun agreement. When beginning writers are unsure whether a collective noun is singular or plural, they often try to have it both ways. They use singular verbs with collective nouns but plural pronouns to take their place: its
➤ ➤ General Motors is expanding their product line. its
➤ ➤ The faculty gave their vote to the director. However, if the subject is a plural collective noun, a plural pronoun is needed: their
➤ ➤ The committees reviewed its goal of curbing children’s access to internet pornography.
“That”-“Which” Confusion “That” and “which” are relative pronouns that introduce clauses referring to ideas, inanimate objects or animals without names. They are little words, but they can make a big difference in the meaning of a sentence. The following sentences illustrate this point: Jason used the lawn mower that is in the garage. Jason used the lawn mower, which is in the garage. In the first sentence, “that” implies many lawn mowers exist on the property— in the yard, the garage and the barn—but Jason took the one from the garage. In the second sentence, the clause introduced by “which” is not essential. There is only one lawn mower on the property, so it is the only one Jason could use. It helps to know where the lawn mower is, but the information is not necessary to understand the sentence. Here’s a rule that can help decide between “that” and “which”: If the sentence is read without the subordinate clause and the meaning does not change, “which” should introduce the clause. Otherwise, use “that.”
“Who”-“Whom” Confusion “Who” and “whom” are also relative pronouns, but they begin clauses that refer to people and animals with names. who
➤ ➤ It was Morgan that came by the house yesterday. that
➤ ➤ It was a stray cat who ate the bird. The distinction between “who” and “whom” torments some writers. “Who” is the subject of a clause; “whom” is the object of a verb or a preposition (“Who
T H E L A N G UAG E O F N E W S tweeted whom?”). Whether a word is a subject or an object might not always be clear in relative clauses or questions, both of which may depart from normal word order. Either “who” or “whom” may appear as the first word in a question, depending on its grammatical relationship to the rest of the sentence. These two sentences illustrate the difference: Who gave you the Kindle? Whom do you prefer as your district’s legislator? In the first example, “who” is the subject of the clause, the initiator of the action “gave.” In the second, “whom” is the direct object of the verb “prefer.” Here are two more examples: To whom
➤ ➤ Who did you speak to? whom
➤ ➤ The report names the man who the police suspect of the crime. In the first sentence, the relative pronoun is the object of the preposition “to.” In the second, it is the direct object; it refers to the person the police suspect. Both should be “whom.” One way to avoid or reduce confusion over these words is to replace them with a personal pronoun. Isolate the “who” or “whom” phrase. If “he” or “she” sounds right, use “who.” If “him” or “her” would be more natural, use “whom.” Do that in the following sentence and it is easy to see that “whom” is wrong: The candidates argued about whom was responsible for the tax increase. At first, the relative pronoun “whom” appears to be the object of the preposition “about,” but it doesn’t sound right when replaced with “him” or “her.” That’s because the relative pronoun is the subject of the clause “was responsible for the tax increase.” No one would say “her was responsible,” but “she was responsible” makes sense. Therefore, the relative pronoun to use here is “who.”
Misplaced Modifiers Modifiers are words or phrases that limit, restrict or qualify some other word or phrase. Modifiers should appear as close as possible to the word or phrase they modify. Misplaced modifiers can make sentences ambiguous, confusing or nonsensical: She retold the ordeal of being held hostage with tears running down her cheeks. Readers might think the phrase “with tears running down her cheeks” modifies “hostage”—that she was crying while she was a hostage. But the phrase really tells how the woman behaved as she talked about her ordeal. The following version is clearer: With tears running down her cheeks, she retold the ordeal of being held hostage.
C ommon Gr ammatic al Error s In the next example, the revision clarifies that the victim is left lying on the back seat, not just his hands and feet: , taped his hands and feet
➤ ➤ The gunmen tied the victim and left him with his hands and feet taped and lying on the back seat.
Dangling Modifiers Modifiers dangle when the word or phrase they are supposed to modify does not appear in the sentence. This error may happen when a thoughtless or hurried writer starts a sentence intending to state an idea one way and then switches in midsentence to express it in another way: the teacher congratulated the class
➤ ➤ Pleased with everyone’s papers, the class received congratulations.
➤ ➤ Angered by the unannounced closure of the plant, security guards of employees who were angered by the unannounced closure of the plant
hurriedly cleared the area . Readers understand that introductory words and phrases modify the subject of the sentence. If that is not the case, the modifiers are either misplaced or dangling.
Personification Avoid treating inanimate objects or abstractions as if they were human. Objects such as buildings, cars, stores and trees cannot hear, think, feel or talk. Yet some writers see—and repeat—the error so often they fail to recognize it and continue to personify such things as corporations, countries and machines. Memorial Hospital treated her for shock and a broken arm. She was driving west on Hullett Avenue when two cars in front of her slammed on their brakes. Can a hospital treat patients, or is that the job of a hospital’s staff? Can a car slam on its own brakes? Of course not. Luckily, personifications are easy to correct: owner of the
➤ ➤ The store said it will not reopen . Highway planners intended the road
➤ ➤ The intention of the road was to help farmers transport their crops to market. Personification also contributes to two other problems. First, audiences cannot determine a story’s credibility if reporters fail to identify their sources. The public can assess the credibility of a statement attributed to a mayor or governor, but not the credibility of a statement attributed to a city or state. Second, personification allows people to escape responsibility for their actions. Officials cannot be held accountable if reporters attribute their activities to a business or government.
Parallelism When writers connect similar ideas, they do so with parallel structures. Grammatically parallel structures create harmony and balance in writing, and they help readers compare and contrast the ideas that are linked within the sentence. The principle of parallelism requires that items in a series take the same grammatical form: for example, all are nouns, all are verbs or all are prepositional phrases. If the first verb in a series uses the past tense, every verb in the series uses the past tense. If the first verb ends in “-ing,” all must end in “-ing.” If reporters fail to express like ideas in the same grammatical form, their sentences become convoluted and confusing: less
➤ ➤ Police said the plastic handcuffs are less bulky, not as expensive less difficult
and no key is needed to remove them from a suspect’s wrists than metal handcuffs. 4;
➤ ➤ The Greenes have three children: 4-year-old Gordon, Andrea, ;
who is 3, and little Fielding is not quite 25 months.
Syntax As mentioned earlier, syntax refers to the arrangement and relationships of the words and phrases in a sentence. If parts of the sentence are disjointed or improperly arranged, the sentence will confuse readers. Sometimes, the syntax error is simply the misplacement or omission of words: should
➤ ➤ Hill said people cannot afford to be partisan but, instead, will with
work each other to help fix the world. Other times, the syntax errors are more extensive, requiring a rewrite: Wrong: Church said she was certain that her many years of attempts at being a creative writer, would be her calling, but found it was not. Better: Church said she spent years trying to become a creative writer but discovered it was not her calling. Three practices can help writers avoid syntax errors: (1) Keep sentences as simple as possible. Sentences that follow the subject-verb-object order are least likely to have syntax problems. (2) Think about what you want to say before writing the sentence. Planning the sentence forces you to think about the selection and arrangement of the words and phrases. (3) Reread and edit what you have written. Reading your writing aloud is especially helpful. Often the ears can detect syntax problems the eyes overlook.
Writing Like a Pro
Spelling When readers complain about inaccuracies in news stories, they are often referring to spelling errors. Misspellings reflect laziness on the part of the writer, and they sometimes cause readers to doubt the facts in the story. Correct spelling is as important for w riters in broadcast journalism as it is for those in print. News announcers often lack time to review the reporter’s copy for misspelled words, and misspellings may cause them to make m istakes on air. Common phrases such as “a lot” and “all right” are frequently misspelled. Confusing Spelling errors such as this one are not only embarrassing for the words that look or sound alike but have different journalist and news organization but also make people distrust the meanings, such as “accept/except” and “capital/ story’s content. capitol,” are another common source of spelling errors. (See the vocabulary exercise at the end of this c hapter.) Reporters usually follow formal rules for spelling. For example, they normally use “until” rather than “till” and “although” rather than “though.” A final point about spelling: Spell-check programs for computers help many writers. However, a computer program can look only at the spelling of a word, not how it is used. If you were to write, “There cat’s name is Savannah,” the spellchecker would not catch that “there” should be “their.” No one should depend solely on a spell-check program.
Punctuation Punctuation marks (see Table 4.2) help make the meaning of a sentence clear to a reader. Some punctuation marks indicate the pauses and stops that the voice makes when speaking. They specify not only where the pause goes, but the length of the pause as well. Other marks indicate inflections in the voice, such as questions or exclamatory remarks. Taken together, a sentence is only as clear as effective punctuation can make it. A misplaced punctuation mark can completely change the meaning of a sentence. Therefore, mastering punctuation is essential for anyone who aspires to write clearly.
Writing Like a Pro Diction Writing like a professional is hard work. It requires practice and an understanding of the effectiveness of the words selected to convey a thought or idea. A writer’s choice of words and style of expressing them is called diction. Diction in writing can be either formal or informal. By choosing one type, a writer establishes a tone for the story and the characterization of the subjects.
Punctuation Marks
Period (.)
A period ends a sentence—period. Without a period, thoughts and ideas in sentences would collide and confuse the reader.
Comma (,)
A comma creates a short pause within a sentence.
Semicolon (;)
The semicolon is often used to connect two independent clauses without using a conjunction.
Colon (:)
The colon lets the reader know that a list, a sentence fragment, a sentence or a quotation follows.
Hyphen (-)
The hyphen is a connector and often is used to join words to form compound modifiers.
Dash (– or —)
An en dash (–) is primarily used to show a range between dates or numbers. The em dash (—) is used to create an abrupt and longer pause than a comma. It often is used to highlight an aside or brief change in thought that accompanies a sentence.
Parentheses ( )
Like an em dash, parentheses are used to set off additional information.
Quotation marks (“. . .”)
Quotation marks enclose the exact words spoken or written by someone else.
Apostrophe (’)
The apostrophe is used to form possessives and contractions.
Question mark (?)
The question mark ends any sentence that is a question.
Exclamation point (!)
The exclamation point ends sentences uttered with great emotion or emphasis.
Alight, breezy feature story may use informal language and contractions, setting a conversational tone. A news story about the president may use more formal language and set a more serious tone. When in doubt, stick with formal diction. As William Safire notes in his book “How Not to Write: The Essential Rules of Grammar,” contractions are not as powerful. The word “not” is strong. Safire says, “‘I won’t’ sounds stubborn, but ‘Iwill not’ sounds determined and slightly more emphatic.”
Lynn Truss, author of “Eats, Shoots & Leaves: A Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation,” points out an error in a Toronto Star headline.
To communicate effectively, reporters must be precise, particularly in their selection of words. Mark Twain wrote, “The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug.” The perfect choice makes a sentence crackle; imprecision creates mush. Some errors occur because the reporter is unaware of a word’s exact meaning. Few journalists would report that a car “collided” with a tree, a “funeral service” was held, a gunman “executed” his victim or a child “was drowned” in a lake. Why? Two objects collide only if both are moving; thus, a car can strike a tree, but never collide with one. A funeral is a service; therefore, “funeral service” is redundant. “Executed” means put to death in accordance with a legally imposed sentence;
U s e Strong Verb s
only a state—never a murderer—can execute anyone. A report that a child “was drowned” would imply that someone held the child’s head underwater until the victim died. Such considerations are not trivial. Journalists who fail to use words correctly can undermine their credibility and the accuracy of their stories and confuse or irritate their audience. Thus, instructors will object when students use language that is sloppy and inaccurate. When reporters fail to express ideas clearly and precisely, audiences can derive meanings different from the ones intended. The unintended meanings may be difficult for the writer to detect. Double meanings in the following headlines, all of which appeared in newspapers, illustrate the problem: Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers Farmer Bill Dies in House Queen Mary Having Bottom Scraped Lawmen From Mexico Barbecue Guests Iraqi Head Seeks Arms Confusion sometimes arises because words look or sound alike. College students often confuse words such as “buses” and “busses,” “naval” and “navel,” and “reckless” and “wreckless.” The word “busses” refers to kisses, not the vehicles people ride in. A “navel” is a belly button, and some motorists drive “wrecks” but are convicted of “reckless” driving. Some words are simply inappropriate in news stories. Few editors or news directors permit the use of words such as “cop” or “kid” (they prefer the more formal and proper “police officer” and “child”) or derogatory terms about a person’s race or religion. Editors and news directors also prefer the word “woman” to the archaic “lady.” Many ban the use of contractions except in direct quotations. Professional journalists object to using nouns as verbs. They would not write that someone “authored” or “penned” a book, a city “headquartered” a company or an event “impacted” a community. Nor would they allow a reporter to write that food prices were “upped,” plans “finalized” or children “parented.”
Use Strong Verbs Verbs can transform a drab sentence into an interesting and powerfully descriptive one. Notice the impact of the underlined words in a paragraph from a New York Times story about opioid addiction in America:
Once a popular honors student, Katie Harvey became addicted to heroin and has entered rehab several times. In telling Harvey’s story, the reporter used active and powerful verbs in the lead to help set the scene and hook the reader.
T H E L A N G UAG E O F N E W S Katie Harvey walked out of the house where she lived with friends, shoved her duffle bag into her mother’s car and burst into tears. By comparison, the following original sentences are weak and bland, yet it is easy to improve them. Simply add a strong verb and change them from passive to active voice. found the bodies
➤ ➤ The bodies were located by rescue workers shortly after 6:00 p.m. Blustery thunderstorms sweeping across the state Monday afternoon toppled a
➤ ➤ A historic railroad bridge that was once the tallest and largest in the world was destroyed by strong thunderstorms that crossed the state Monday afternoon. Strong verbs describe one specific action. Weak verbs cover a number of different actions. The first sentence in the following example is ambiguous because it uses a weak verb. The last three use specific, descriptive verbs and are more informative: His brother got a personal computer. His brother bought a personal computer. His brother won a personal computer. His brother stole a personal computer. Avoid the repeated use of forms of the verb “to be,” such as “is,” “are,” “was” and “were.” These verbs are overused, weak and dull, especially when a writer uses them in combination with a past participle to form a passive-voice verb, such as “was captured.” As noted earlier, sentences using passive verbs are also wordier than those with active ones. Both revisions cut five words from the original sentence: Company
➤ ➤ It was discovered by the company’s lawyers that the financial records were incorrect. A neighbor called the
➤ ➤ Police officers were summoned to the scene by a neighbor. p
Problems to Avoid Overuse of Adjectives and Adverbs News writers avoid adverbs and adjectives because they lack the force and specificity of nouns and verbs. William Strunk Jr. and E. B. White, authors of the influential book “The Elements of Style,” wrote, “The adjective hasn’t been built that can pull a weak or inaccurate noun out of a tight place.” Along the same lines, Mark Twain warned, “When you catch an adjective, kill it.” Most adverbs and adjectives waste space by stating the obvious. They may also unintentionally inject a reporter’s opinion into the story. If you write about a
Problem s to Avoid child’s funeral, you do not have to comment that the mourners were “sad-faced,” the scene “grim” and the parents “grief-stricken.” Nor is there reason to report that an author is “famous,” a witness “alert” or an accident “tragic.” Editorial comments can often be removed by eliminating adverbs and adjectives: ➤ ➤ It was not until Monday that university officials finally released the Monday
report .
promised to fight it
➤ ➤ Upon hearing about the frivolous lawsuit, the mayor made it quite clear that she plans to fight the outrageous complaint.
The word “finally” in the first sentence implies that university officials were negligent and should have released the report sooner. Similarly, reporting the facts in the second story clearly and concisely eliminates the need for words like “frivolous” or “outrageous.” And saying the mayor made something “clear” implies she is stating a fact, not an opinion.
Clichés Clichés are words or phrases that writers have heard and copied over and over. Many are so old and overused that they have lost their original impact and meaning. Clichés do not startle, amuse or interest the public. The news media can overuse a fresh phrase so much that it quickly becomes a cliché. The U.S. invasion of Iraq began with an intensive barrage of bombs and missiles designed, as military leaders described it, to produce “shock and awe” among the residents of Baghdad. After the attack, the phrase started appearing in stories dealing with such topics as football, the economy and insect invasions. Soon, “shock and awe” aroused only disgust and boredom. Journalists employ clichés when they lack the time or talent to find words more specific, descriptive or original. A reporter under deadline pressure may say
T H E L A N G UAG E O F N E W S that a fire “swept through” a building, an explosion “rocked” a city, police officers gave a suspect a “spirited chase” or protesters were an “angry mob.” Other clichés exaggerate. Few people are really as “blind as a bat,” “cool as a cucumber,” “light as a feather,” “neat as a pin,” “straight as an arrow,” “thin as a rail” or “white as a sheet.” Political reporting is especially susceptible to clichés. It seems as though candidates always are nominated in “smoke-filled rooms,” or they “test the waters” before “tossing their hats into the ring.” Other candidates launch “whirlwind campaigns” and “hammer away” at their opponents, or they employ “spin doctors” to control unfavorable news. Some candidates “straddle the fence” on the “burning issues of the day.” However, few “give up without a fight.”
Slang Journalists avoid slang, which tends to be more faddish than clichés. Some words that started out as slang have won acceptance as standard English. “Blizzard,” “flabbergast” and “GI” (for soldier) are among such terms. Most slang never makes the transition, however. Feature stories and personality profiles sometimes employ slang effectively, but it is inappropriate in straight news stories because it is too informal and annoying. Moreover, slang may baffle readers who are not of the right age or ethnic group to understand it. Slang is often specific to each generation and rapidly becomes dated so that a term used in a story may already be obsolete. During the 1990s, young people developed a set of “slammin’” slang terms and “dissed” anyone still using the slang of the 1980s as a “Melvin.” In the early 2000s someone may have shown “props” to friends who knew the “off the hook” films showing at the “grind-house” and gotten “stoked” about “poppin’ tags” and looking for “lollipops” at the mall. Slang also conveys meanings or attitudes journalists may want to avoid. Terms such as “flaky,” “ego trip” and “flatfoot” convey evaluations—often negative and stereotypical—of the things described. Reporters, however, leave such comments to editorial writers or readers and viewers.
Technical Language and Jargon People in trades and professions develop their own technical language or jargon. When professionals use jargon to impress or mislead the public, critics call it gobbledygook, bafflegab, doublespeak or bureaucratese. Most jargon is abstract, wordy, repetitious and confusing. For example, a government agency warned, “There exists at the intersection a traffic condition which constitutes an intolerable, dangerous hazard to the health and safety of property and persons utilizing such intersection for pedestrian and vehicular movement.” That sentence contains 31 words. A good journalist could summarize it in four: “The intersection is dangerous.”
Problem s to Avoid Many of the sources reporters routinely use—doctors, lawyers, business people, press releases, technical reports, and police and court records—speak in or contain jargon. Journalists must translate such language into plain English. Consider this quote: Dr. Stewart McKay said, “Ethnic groups that subsist on a vegetarian diet and practically no meat products seem to have a much lower level of serum cholesterol and a very low incidence of ischemic diseases arising from atherosclerotic disease.” The statement can be clarified by removing the jargon: Dr. Stewart McKay said ethnic groups that eat little meat have low rates of coronary heart disease and related illnesses. Technical language may be appropriate in some specialized publications or broadcasts intended for experts in a particular field, such as medicine, business or engineering. It is not appropriate in pieces aimed at a mass audience.
Euphemisms Euphemisms are vague expressions used in place of harsher, more offensive terms. They often are used by journalists, public relations professionals, industrial and corporate leaders—as well as ordinary people—to soften blunt language, but they sometimes can lead to unintended consequences. Social media exploded in April 2017 when a video showing Dr. David Dao being dragged from a United Airlines flight was posted. The flight was overbooked, but Dao had refused to give up his seat; the airline officials had police forcefully remove him. United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz apologized for having to “re-accommodate” the passenger. This term became a euphemism for physically assaulting him. Some etiquette experts say that good manners require the use of euphemisms. Prudishly, Americans often say that a woman is “expecting” rather than “pregnant,” and that they have to go to the “restroom” rather than the “toilet.” Whatever value euphemisms have for etiquette, they detract from good news writing, in which clarity and precision are the most important goals. But sometimes news events force reporters to use descriptive words in place of confusing and awkward euphemisms. One of the more famous examples is the 1993 story of Lorena Bobbitt, a Virginia woman who used a kitchen knife to cut off her husband’s penis after he allegedly raped her. The word “penis” rarely had appeared in news stories, and some organizations were squeamish about using it, especially in headlines. Euphemisms like “member,” “organ” or “offending organ” appeared instead. The widespread coverage the Bobbitt case received apparently diminished journalistic sensitivity to the word. A computer search found more than 1,000 news stories that used the word “penis” in the six months after the Bobbitt story broke, compared to only 20 mentions in the previous six months.
T H E L A N G UAG E O F N E W S As with sex, Americans often employ euphemisms when talking about death. They say that a friend or relative “passed on” or is “no longer with us,” not that he or she has died and been buried or cremated. Hospitals report a “negative patient outcome,” not a death. Funeral directors object to being called “morticians,” a word that itself was originally a euphemism for “undertakers.” During a recession, major companies lay off thousands of employees without admitting it. Instead, corporate executives say they are “restructuring,” “downsizing” or “rightsizing” to get rid of “excess workers.” War spawns grotesque euphemisms, perhaps, as some critics say, to hide the human pain and suffering every war causes. Killing the enemy has become “servicing the target.” Airplanes no longer bomb enemy soldiers; they “visit a site.” Civilians who are killed during attacks are called “collateral damage.”
Profanity News executives allow profanity only when it is essential to a story’s meaning; even then, they refuse to publish the most offensive terms. In 2014, leaked audio conversations between Victoria Nuland, U.S. assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, and Geoffrey Pyatt, U.S. ambassador to the Ukraine, included profanity. In an opinion piece in The New York Times, Jesse Sheidlower noted that most major news organizations, including The Washington Post, A ssociated Press, The Wall Street Journal and CNN replaced some letters of the profane expression with dashes or asterisks. The Los Angeles Times said that Nuland used “a blunt expletive when expressing frustration.” The New York Times noted that she had “profanely dismissed” European efforts in Ukraine. However, Reuters used the profanity in a direct quote: “‘So that would be great, I think, to help glue this thing and have the U.N. help glue it and you know . . . fuck the EU,’ she said.” To understand why writers and editors at newspapers, television news programs and their online and social media versions avoid profanity, one has to look only at their audience. They provide information to a wide general public—one that encompasses many age, cultural and social groups—unlike the magazine industry, which often targets a specific audience. “Rolling Stone” readers can expect profanity in a story, but readers of The New York Times do not.
Stating the Obvious Dull, trite, obvious remarks are called “platitudes,” and journalists must learn to avoid them. The following sentence appeared in a story about technological changes that had occurred during the life of a 100-year-old woman: Superhighways, high-speed automobiles and jet planes are common objects of the modern era. The sentence would have been more interesting if it had described the changes in more detail and clearly related them to the woman’s life, such as the following: Lila Hansen once spent three days on a train to visit relatives in California. Now, she flies there in three hours every Christmas.
Problem s to Avoid When people stop reading, watching or listening to a story, they rarely think about why it bored them. Perhaps it is just a series of platitudes, which say nothing new. Thus, people sometimes quit reading the story because it is no longer i nteresting or newsworthy. To avoid repeating platitudes, reporters must recognize them when they conduct interviews. If a bartender is robbed at gunpoint, there is no reason to quote him saying he was scared. Most people confronted by guns are scared, and they often say so. If journalists want to quote the bartender—or any other source— they should ask more penetrating questions until they receive more specific, interesting or unusual details.
First-Person References Except in extraordinary circumstances, journalists should remain neutral observers. They should not mention themselves in news stories. Journalists avoid the words “I,” “me,” “we,” “our” or “us,” except when they are directly quoting some other person. Beginning reporters sometimes use these words when referring to the community in which they work or the United States. Use of first person pronouns implies the writer and the news organization endorse what is said. When the story involves political situations or actions, that implication undermines the objectivity of the news organization. Consider this example: must
➤ ➤ The governor said our state demands that we take action to curb its our government spending. The pronouns “our” and “we” in the first version suggest the writer agrees with the governor, but others may think the amount the state spends is just right or too low.
Negative Constructions For clarity, avoid negative constructions. Sentences should be cast in positive form, as in the following examples: rarely
➤ ➤ The student did not often come to class. prove her client was insane
➤ ➤ The defense attorney tried to disprove her client’s sanity. Sentences containing two or three negatives are wordy and even more difficult to decipher. These negative constructions force the reader to pause to determine their meaning: favor
➤ ➤ The women said they are not against the change. ➤ ➤ The senator said she would not accept any campaign contributions only
from people who do not live in her district.
Echo An echo is the unnecessary repetition of a word. Good writing avoids an echo by eliminating redundant words or phrases. ➤ ➤ Her annual salary was $29,000 a year. ➤ ➤ In Japan, cancer patients are rarely told they have cancer. Writers sometimes repeat a key word or phrase for emphasis or to demonstrate an important similarity. If the repetition is needless, however, the result is likely to be awkward, distracting or confusing.
Gush Reporters also avoid “gush”—writing with exaggerated enthusiasm. They write news stories to inform members of a community, not to please their sources. News stories should report useful information. They should not praise or advocate. One way to avoid gush is always to use more than one source for a story. A nother is to demand that sources provide specific details to support their generalizations. Using multiple sources who are independent of one another prevents reporters from being misled or manipulated by sources seeking favorable publicity. By insisting that sources provide details and specific examples to support their claims, reporters can minimize sources’ tendency to engage in the kind of self-praise found in these sentences: “We feel we are providing quality recreational programs for both adults and children,” Holden said. Police Chief Barry Kopperud said the city’s mounted horse patrol, which began one year ago, has become a great success. When a journalist finishes an article, it should sound like a news story, not a press release. Yet one travel story gushed that Mexico is “a land of lush valleys and marvelous people.” Gush cannot be rewritten because there is nothing of substance to rewrite. It should simply be deleted. There is a second type of gush—an escalation in modifiers. Columnist Donna Neely explains that what used to be called “funny” is now called “hilarious” and what used to be “great” is now “fantastic” or “incredible.” Advertisers call their inventories “fabulous” and their sales “gigantic.” Delete all such modifiers or replace them with facts and details and let readers and viewers decide for themselves what adjectives are appropriate.
Vague Time References Unless your instructor tells you otherwise, use “today” and “tonight” to refer only to the day of publication and do not use “yesterday” or “tomorrow” to refer to a specific day. Instead, use the day of the week to date events that occur within seven days
Problem s to Avoid before or after the day of publication. For events that are more than seven days in the past or future, use a specific date, such as July 23 or March 4. Using the date or day of the week eliminates the confusion that might arise with the use of “today,” “tomorrow” or “yesterday” in news stories that are written a day or more in advance of their publication. For example, if a fire destroyed a home at 5 p.m. Tuesday, a reporter would write the story later that evening for publication in the Wednesday newspaper. If the reporter wrote that the fire happened “today,” readers would think the fire occurred on Wednesday. If the reporter is writing about an event that will happen on the day of publication, the use of “today” is appropriate, as in this sentence in a morning newspaper: “The concert will begin at 3 p.m. today.” “Yesterday,” “today” and “tomorrow” may be used in direct quotations or to refer to the past, present or future in general and not to specific days. Journalists also avoid the word “recently” because it is too vague.
Use of the Present Tense Print reporters avoid the present tense and terms such as “at the present time” in stories for the printed newspaper because many of the events they report end before readers receive the paper. A reporter working on deadline should not say, “A fire at the Grand Hotel threatens to destroy the entire block.” Firefighters almost certainly would have extinguished the blaze before readers receive the paper hours later. For the same reason, a reporter covering a fatal accident should not say, “The victim’s identity is not known.” Police might learn the victim’s identity in a few hours, and local radio and television stations might broadcast the person’s name before subscribers receive their papers. Consequently, print journalists must use the past tense: A fire at the Grand Hotel was threatening to destroy the entire block at 11:30 p.m. Police were unable to learn the victim’s identity immediately. Stories written for broadcast or for immediate publication on a website or social media are more likely to use the present tense. When the story is likely to reach readers or viewers as the events are unfolding, the present tense may be more accurate and more compelling than the past tense.
Excessive Punctuation Journalists avoid excessive punctuation, particularly exclamation points, dashes and parentheses. Exclamation points are rarely necessary and should never be used after every sentence in a story, regardless of that story’s importance. Parentheses interrupt the flow of ideas and force people to pause and assimilate some additional, often jarring, bit of information: She (the governor) said the elderly population (people 65 and older) had grown twice as fast as any other segment of the state’s population during the last 20 years.
T H E L A N G UAG E O F N E W S Removing the parentheses makes the sentence easier to read: The governor said the percentage of people 65 and older had grown twice as fast as any other segment of the state’s population during the last 20 years. If a source says something that is vague or convoluted, the writer should paraphrase or use a partial quotation rather than insert explanations in parentheses. Here is an example, followed by the revision: “I wish they (school administrators) would quit fooling around,” she said. “They say they don’t have enough money (to hire more teachers), but I don’t believe that. I know they have it (the money); it’s just a matter of priorities—of using their money more wisely.” She said the school administrators should “quit fooling around.” They say they do not have enough money to hire more teachers, but she does not believe that. “It’s just a matter of priorities—of using their money more wisely,” she said.
Problem s to Avoid
The Writing Coach Become a Power Lifter When Picking Verbs BY JOE HIGHT
Consider stronger verbs in your sentences if you want to become a Hercules, or Hemingway, of writers.
Long verbs are not necessarily strong verbs. Jack Hart, who formerly wrote “Writers Workshop” for Editor &
These are verbs that are specific, active and descriptive.
Publisher, recommends that writers devote part of their
They pace your sentence like a smoothly running engine in
self-editing time to strengthen their verbs. He also rec-
a Corvette. They strengthen your voice in writing. As Gary
ommends they use transitive verbs that create the most
Provost writes in “100 Ways to Improve Your Writing,”
ruckus. Those are ones that require direct objects and
they are the executives of sentences—the primary source of
generate casual flow: “Its claws raked her back.” Or strong
energy in your sentences.
intransitive verbs, as in “The skier plunged into empty
This means writers should avoid the passive voice
whenever possible. In “On Writing Well,” William Zinsser
“Nothing injects energy like action. And only verbs
writes, “The difference between the active-verb style and
describe action. They deserve a lot of end-stage attention,”
the passive-verb style—in pace, clarity and vigor—is the
Hart wrote.
difference between life and death for a writer.”
But the question remains: How do you develop the
Likewise, avoid weak linking verbs such as “is” (“there
ability to strengthen verbs in your sentences? By practice.
is,” for example) and “has.” Avoid verbal phrases that carry
By reading. By exercising your language skills as a body-
unnecessary prepositional phrases, abstract nouns or adjec-
builder lifts weights.
tives. Avoid extending verbs with the suffix “-ize.” Avoid tag-
Author John Gardner was a powerful fiction writer who
ging “very” to a verb when a stronger word would be better.
was known for his many passions, including motorcycles—
Often, reporters think they can strengthen their sen-
he died in an accident in 1982—and writing. A friend,
tences by substituting longer verbs such as “purchase” for
Charles Johnson, tells a story in “On Writers and Writing”
“buy” or “conclude” for “end.” However, they’re mistaken,
of how at dinner one evening Joan Gardner teased her
writes Jeffrey McQuain in “Power Language.” He quotes
husband about the archaic language he used in “Jason and
poet Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr., father of the Supreme
Medeia.” The upset Gardner then took a magnifying glass
Court justice, as saying a long word should never be used
and pored over every word in a dictionary so he could find
when a shorter word serves the purpose. McQuain, who
stronger words to revise his story.
also writes a column called “Our Language,” adds that the most inspiring verbs often are the simplest. Watch how these three sets of verbs grow in power as they shrink in syllables: Initiate—introduce—begin—start. Accentuate—emphasize—highlight—stress. Communicate—dialogue—discuss—talk.
Perhaps Gardner was a man of extremes, but the story about him does make a point: that writers must seek the right words, the right verbs, to rank among the strongest of all. Joe Hight has been editor of the Colorado Springs (Colorado) Gazette and the Oklahoman of Oklahoma City. He is now the owner and president of Best of Books, Inc.
The Reporter’s Guide to the Language of News 1. Use subject-verb-object order for sentences. 2. Use singular subjects with singular verbs, and plural subjects with plural verbs. 3. Make sure pronouns agree with their antecedents. 4. Use “that,” “which,” “who” and “whom” correctly. 5. Place modifiers immediately before or after the noun they describe. 6. Do not depend on spell-check programs to find all misspelled words. 7. Choose words that convey your meaning as precisely as possible. Write your story with detail and explanation so it answers all the questions one logically might ask about the topic.
11. Avoid loaded words and opinionated or artificial labels. 12. Avoid mentioning yourself in the story and using the words “I,” “me,” “we,” “us” and “our,” except in direct quotations from a source. 13. Avoid misleading statements about the time of the story. Use the specific day of the week or the date—not “yesterday,” “today” or “tomorrow.” 14. Avoid gush, exaggeration, contrived labels and excessive punctuation. 15. Avoid an echo: Do not unnecessarily repeat the same word in a sentence. 16. Avoid platitudes: Do not state the obvious, such as the fact that a government official was happy to be elected.
9. Prune adjectives and adverbs from your sentences.
17. Avoid the present tense when writing for print media; most events you write about already will have occurred. But for web or broadcast news stories, the present tense may be appropriate.
10. Avoid clichés, journalese, slang and euphemisms.
18. Cast your sentences in positive rather than negative form.
8. Use active verbs and vivid nouns.
Review E xerc i s e s
Review Exercises 1. Vocabulary Choose the correct words in the following sentences and fix any errors in style and possessives. Consult The Associated Press Stylebook for preferred usage and Appendix B for the rules for forming possessives. 1. The news media are a (phenomena/phenomenon) of modern technology that have (altered/altared) the communication landscape. 2. The (envelop/envelope) the treasurer misplaced contained (about/around) $1,000 in contributions. 3. A large (bloc/block) of voters (alluded/eluded) to pollsters that the candidate was (elusive/illusive) when discussing (their/there/they’re) views on foreign affairs. 4. She said rather (than/then) trying to (convince/ persuade) the board of (trusties/trustees) to vote on the measure, she would work with the president and his (aids/aides). 5. They (hanged/hung) the new banner from a (pole/ poll) and invited (more than/over) 200 (people/ persons) to the ceremony. 6. Students are (liable/libel/likely) (to/too/two) demand (less/fewer) regulations (regardless/ irregardless) what rules the committee might (adapt/adept/adopt). 7. The defendants (consul/council/counsel) (waived/ waved) her right to a jury trial, saying he (adviced/ advised) the defendant not to (chose/choose) that option.
for their paper (entitled/titled) “News and Social Media in the Modern World.”
2. Active and Passive Voice Rewrite the following sentences, changing active to passive voice and correcting other errors. 1. The students said there are some healthy choices in the cafeteria. 2. Most shoplifting by teenagers is done on impulse. 3. The robber was described by witnesses as a 20year old male. 4. The car was destroyed by the flood waters. 5. The goal of the fundraisers is to have the public contribute to the organization.
3. Agreement Correct all agreement errors in the following sentences. Rewrite the sentence if necessary. 1. The judge ruled that the committee acted within their rights when they voted to close the factory. 2. If a student under 21 has alcohol in student housing, they will be cited for underage drinking. 3. The jury said they could not reach a decision, leading to a mistrial. 4. The performance of the first three musical acts were very good. 5. Every one of the students want the exam postponed a week.
8. The fire commissioner said the (forth/fourth) option to (reign/rein) in the cost of the firehouse expansion would be to (altar/alter) the (alley/ally) that is located behind the existing firehouse.
4. Plurals and Possessives
9. The woman, an (alumna/alumnae/alumni/ alumnus) of the university, (implied/inferred) that the restrictions she placed on her donation may seem (bizarre/bazaar), but eventually they would be (cited/sited/sighted) as revolutionary.
1. The womens car was parked nearby, and sheriffs deputies asked to see the owners drivers license.
10. The teacher was (discreet/discrete) when he (complemented/complimented) the group (composed/comprised/constituted) of six students
3. Last years outstanding teacher insisted that peoples complaints about the schools problems are mistaken.
Edit the following sentences, correcting for plurals, possessives and other errors.
2. The juror said she opposes assisted suicide “ because a doctors job is to save peoples lives, not end them.”
4. Manvel Jones parents said there younger childrens teacher earned her bachelors degree in philosophy and her masters degree in education. 5. Everyones money was stolen, and the neighborhood associations president warned that the police are no longer able to guarantee peoples safety in the citys poorest neighborhoods.
5. Who and Whom Choose the correct relative pronoun in the following sentences. 1. You went with (who/whom) to cover Hurricane Katrina? 2. He pushed (who/whom) off of the moving truck? 3. With (who/whom) did you go to the movies yesterday? 4. (Who/Whom) ate at the five-star restaurant with the senator last week? 5. (Who/Whom) told (who/whom) to call if there were an emergency?
6. Modifiers Edit the following sentences, correcting for misplaced or dangling modifiers. 1. Touched and emotional, the letters to the soldiers were appreciated.
3. The meeting will decide whether the students have a right to protest the tuition increase. 4. Several vehicles pulled off the highway to assist police during the incident. 5. The witness told the jury he saw the vehicle driving recklessly with its headlights off.
8. Parallelism Rewrite these sentences in parallel form and correct all errors. 1. She said after paying their rent, tuition and shopping for food, students have little money left. 2. To be admitted to the program, students must submit a written application, a portfolio and complete a 500-word essay. 3. The accident victim sustained a broken right arm, a fractured pelvis and his right lung was punctured. 4. Police said the robber was in his mid 20s, medium build, with dark blonde hair, wearing blue jeans, a green t-shirt and a blue cap. 5. Doctors said when the man was brought to the emergency room he was unconscious, blue and had stopped breathing.
9. Strong Verbs and Sentence Structure
2. The child opened the toy truck he received from his mother painted red.
Rewrite the following sentences, using stronger verbs and normal word order (subject, verb, direct object).
3. Coming in soaking wet from the rain, the clothes were thrown in the dryer.
1. The best that can be hoped for is that the decision to postpone construction of the building by university officials will come soon.
4. Having begged for bicycles for months, the father was thanked by his children. 5. While eating the hotdog, the ketchup and mustard tasted great to the boy.
7. Personification Rewrite the following sentences, eliminating personification and other errors. 1. The medicine bottle warns that its adverse effects include slowed heart beat, decreased respiratory function, sweating and nausea. 2. The accident occurred when the car driving east in the 100-block of Main St. collided with a dump truck that was driving west.
2. Sitting across from me at the cafe dressed in a green hoodie and black hat, he ordered an espresso from the waitress. 3. More than 10 student residences have been broken into and have had things taken in the last two weeks. 4. Patients in dire need of treatment for serious injuries or illnesses are required to be taken to the nearest hospital by paramedics. 5. The three-vehicle accident that closed Main Street for two hours so authorities could investigate was witnessed by a bystander who called police to the scene.
10. Complete the Cliché Fill in the missing word from the following clichés. 1. a close brush with 2. a step in the right 3. could not believe her 4. evidence of foul 5. fell into the wrong 6. has a nose for 7. last but not 8. left holding the 9. lived to a ripe old 10. lying in a pool of
11. Clichés and Slang Rewrite the following sentences, eliminating any clichés and slang. 1. The president of the company asked employees to give the benefit of the doubt to his restructuring plan, but his plea fell on deaf ears.
Review E xerc i s e s
5. Brown’s lawsuit charges that, as a result of the auto accident, he suffered from bodily injury, disability, disfigurement and mental anguish. Brown’s lawsuit also charges that he has lost his ability to earn a living and that the accident aggravated a previous condition.
13. Placement Rewrite the following sentences, moving the related words and ideas as close together as possible. Correct any style or grammatical errors. 1. A 45-year-old man was sentenced to five years in prison after being convicted of embezzling $250,000 in Circuit Court on Monday. 2. The city counsel raised the parking fees on streets around campus from 35 cents to 50 cents an hour and restricted parking to two hours Tuesday afternoon. 3. The police arrested the man outside the bank standing near a telephone booth.
2. The crowd erupted in violence when the doors to the club were closed, leaving them outside.
4. Born in Los Angeles, she moved with her family to Philadelphia where they opened a real estate business.
3. The governor said the election had tipped the scales in favor of his party.
5. The principle suspended the student for possessing alcohol for one week.
4. The students believed the program was doomed to failure because few supported it.
6. The 16-year-old girl was driving home after school when her car struck the bridge traveling an estimated 50 mph.
5. Soldiers fought a pitched battle with a group of guerrilla fighters.
12. Jargon Rewrite the following sentences, eliminating jargon. 1. Police said the perpetrators of the burglary would be arraigned later in the week. 2. Teresea Phillips, a/k/a Marie Phillips, testified that she entered the store and helped the defendant steal an unknown quantity of jewelry from the premises on or about the 9th day of last month. 3. The company said it would maximize efforts and utilize every department it had available to overcome the budget crisis. 4. The mayor said if the sanitation engineers went on strike, he would be forced to have other city workers drive the trucks.
7. He is making a list of the empty lots in the neighborhood so he can find the owners and ask if he can plant them next summer. 8. The police said the suspect shot the victim in a deserted section of the development. 9. The new university president met to discuss student concerns with the board. 10. Over $5 million was needed in order to begin construction of the new arts center by the city.
14. Multiple Errors Rewrite the following sentences, correcting all errors. Most sentences contain more than one error. 1. A sheriffs deputy saw the teenagers Chevrolet pull out of the alley, driving recklessly without its headlines on, and arrested it’s driver.
2. The city also said that they cannot silence Zheng Chen, the woman that fears pollution is likely to effect the neighborhoods 300 residents.
6. The committee said they feel the program is a beneficial one because a student can get class credit for all he does at the internship.
3. Seeking more money, publicity, and to help the poor, the churchs members said it wants the city to help it by providing food and offer housing for the homeless.
7. She laid on the beach from 8 AM in the morning until 3 PM in the afternoon realizing what a beautiful day it was.
4. The Public Works Department said they could pave the developments road themselves for less than $1.2 million, the Roess Company submitted a bid of $2.74 million. 5. A jury awarded almost $10.5 million to the operators of an abortion clinic that charged that picketers tormented them and there clients. The clinics operators praised the jury’s verdict, saying their courage and understanding set a needed precedent.
8. The policeman told the jury that they needed to understand police procedures on investigations to understand how the robbery occurred during the trial. 9. The consensus of opinion among participants in the workshop is that a pay raise of 15 to 20 % should be received by the nurses. 10. The woman said her son, who she considered to be a budding genius, was champing at the bit to get to college next year.
o you recognize the name Leah Manzari? Probably not,
“To courageous, self-reliant
but she is a celebrity in one segment of the entertainment
men, with confidence in the
industry. Performing under the name Danni Ashe, she
power of free and fearless
was a pioneer in the online adult entertainment business. Her website, Danni.com, began operation in 1995 and by the early 2000s was generating multimillion-dollar revenues.
reasoning applied through the processes of popular
She retired from the soft-core pornography business in 2004
government, no danger
and sold her website, although it remains active.
flowing from speech can be deemed clear and present, unless the incidence of
Nine years after Manzari retired, the Daily Mail Online, the internet companion to the London-based Daily Mail tabloid, published a story reporting that the porn industry in California had been shut down because an unidentified female actor had tested positive for HIV. The reporter who wrote the story suggested using a photo that would portray the porn industry without having any nudity. The photo the Daily Mail editors selected came from the Corbis Images database and showed Manzari in lingerie on a bed. Behind her, but visible, was a neon sign saying “In Bed With Danni.” The story and the cutline for the photo contained no reference to Manzari or an explanation that the photo was nearly 13 years old. As soon as she learned about the story, Manzari demanded that the Daily Mail remove her photo, which it did. But by that time, the story and photo had spread across the internet. Manzari sued for libel in U.S. district court in California. Associated News Ltd., owner of the Daily Mail Online, moved to dismiss the case under California’s anti-SLAPP law. “SLAPP” stands for strategic lawsuits against public participation. The law deters suits intended solely to silence comment on matters of public importance. When the judge denied the motion, the company appealed to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The appellate court considered two issues: Could the story and photo be considered defamatory toward Manzari? Could she prove that Associated News published the story with actual malice, meaning the company knew the story was false or published with reckless disregard for whether it was false? In July 2016, the court ruled that the answer to both questions was yes. Even though the
the evil apprehended is so imminent that it may befall before there is opportunity for full discussion. If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence.” Louis Brandeis, U.S. Supreme Court justice
story never used Manzari’s real or stage name, the photo implied that the story was about her. Reasonable readers could easily conclude that she was the actor who tested HIV-positive. Her face was recognizable in the photo, and her stage name was visible in the sign. The court also said Manzari might persuade a jury that the Daily Mail published with actual malice. The Corbis Images database from which the Daily Mail obtained the photo clearly stated that the photo had been taken in 2000. Therefore, the publishers knew the photo was unrelated to the HIV issue, yet they failed to explain that to readers. This case illustrates some points about libel law that even beginning journalists should know. One Former soft porn actor Leah Manzari (aka Danni Ashe) poses for her is that publishers are responsible not only for what website in 2000. they say explicitly but also for any implications readers, viewers or listeners might reasonably draw from a news story. A nother is that, although there was no evidence the Daily Mail intended to defame Manzari, it could still be held responsible for any injury to her reputation. Finally, even though public figures have to meet a heavy burden to win a libel suit, it is not an impossible one. Under the right circumstances, public figures can and do win libel suits. Journalism students usually investigate legal restraints on the media in specialized media law courses. This chapter introduces three areas that affect reporters almost daily: libel, privacy and access to news. The first two are covered more extensively because the danger of a lawsuit is high and the cost of defending or losing one can be great.
Libel “Libel” is defamation by written words or by communication in some other tangible form, whereas “slander” is defamation by spoken words or gestures. Traditionally, the law has treated libel more harshly because the written word was more permanent and could reach more people than the spoken word. However, broadcasting blurred that line long ago because it can reach millions of people i nstantly. Many states now consider broadcast defamation libel rather than slander. The internet further erodes the distinction: Words, moving images and sounds can reach millions through the web, where they can remain almost indefinitely. Libel is a major concern for the mass media. Juries sometimes award millions of dollars to successful plaintiffs. The Media Law Resource Center surveyed 557 libel trial verdicts over a 26-year period and found that the average damage award by a jury to a plaintiff was $2.85 million. Often that figure was reduced by the trial judge or an appeals court. The average final award was a little more than $560,000. Even when media organizations win libel suits, they still might spend millions on court costs and attorneys’ fees. Libel suits jeopardize not only the news organization’s pocketbook but also its reputation. News organizations build their reputations on fairness and accuracy.
Libel A libel judgment blemishes that status, sometimes irreparably. Individual journalists involved in libel suits may also lose their reputations or their jobs. Therefore, journalists must know what constitutes libel and what defenses can protect them in a suit.
The Elements of a Libel Suit A person who files a libel suit involving a statement published in the mass media must prove certain elements. Different authorities have different requirements, but here are six generally recognized parts of a libel suit: 1. Defamation: A communication is defamatory if it is likely to injure the plaintiff’s reputation among upstanding members of the community. 2. Identification: The defamatory communication is either explicitly or implicitly about the plaintiff. 3. Publication: The defamatory communication has been distributed to at least one person other than the plaintiff. 4. Falsity: The plaintiff must present credible evidence that the defamatory communication is false. 5. Injury: The plaintiff must present evidence that he or she has suffered some actual injury, which may be emotional or reputational as well as physical or economic. Plaintiffs who can prove the defendant published the statement with actual malice do not have to prove actual injury. 6. Fault: The plaintiff must prove the defendant was negligent (failed to act reasonably in the circumstances) in publishing the defamatory communication or published it with actual malice. In most states, private individuals who sue for libel must prove only negligence. Public officials and public figures must prove actual malice.
DEFAMATION Proving that a statement is defamatory involves two steps. The first requires a judge to determine that the statement is capable of a defamatory meaning; in the second, a jury decides whether a substantial segment of the respectable public understood the statement as defaming the plaintiff. Some statements obviously have the power to injure reputations—for example, statements that a person has committed a crime, has a terrible disease, has been incompetent in business or has engaged in serious sexual misconduct. Arthur Snyder, a former Los Angeles County supervisor, was the subject of emails w ritten by Steve Lamb, a member of the Altadena, California, Town Council, and sentto other officials. The emails said Snyder had sexually abused his daughter, participated in a satanic ritual and made his daughter available for abuse by others participating in the ritual. Snyder and his daughter sued for libel, and the California Court of Appeals had no trouble concluding the allegations were capable of injuring their reputations. But not every unflattering or even offensive statement is legally capable of a defamatory meaning. A statement has to sound factual and believable. Calling a person a “scumbag,” for instance, is too vague and imprecise to be defamatory. Sometimes, the context in which the statement appears determines how
L IBE L , PR I VAC Y A N D N E W S G AT H E R IN G IS S U E S recipients are likely to understand it. Before he died, the former Beatle George Harrison and the Honolulu Advertiser were sued by two of Harrison’s neighbors. The newspaper had reported on Harrison’s objections to a court order allowing his neighbors to cross parts of his property. “Have you ever been raped?” Harrison asked the Advertiser. “I’m being raped by all these people. . . . My privacy is being violated. The whole issue is my privacy.” The neighbors claimed Harrison’s remarks accused them of the crime of rape, but the Hawaii Supreme Court concluded “rape” was being used in a metaphorical rather than a literal sense and reasonable readers would understand it as such. Sometimes, a statement conveys no obviously defamatory meaning. Instead, readers, viewers or listeners must combine the statement with known facts to find the defamation. Max Braun sued Armour & Co. over an advertisement that said his meat market carried Armour bacon. There’s nothing obviously defamatory about selling bacon, but Braun ran a kosher store catering largely to Orthodox Jews. Many of Braun’s customers who saw the ad stopped coming to the store. The New York Court of Appeals agreed that he had a case for libel. Sometimes publications contain no explicitly defamatory statements, but they create defamatory implications by omitting key facts or by using certain combinations of words and pictures. When James Humphreys, a criminal defense lawyer, ran as a Democrat for a West Virginia congressional seat, he asked his former neighbors Harry Bell and his wife to endorse him and appear in a photograph with him. The photo ran in a Humphreys campaign brochure and on his website; it also appeared in an attack pamphlet prepared by the National Republican Congressional Committee, with the headline “Humphreys Defended Sex Offenders as a Criminal Defense Lawyer.” Next to the heading was the photo of Humphreys and Harry Bell, with Bell’s wife cropped from the picture. Bell claimed the brochure defamed him because the juxtaposition of the headline and the photograph created the impression he was a sex offender. A federal district judge agreed.
IDENTIFICATION Libel plaintiffs have no trouble establishing identification in cases involving the news media. News stories usually identify sources or subjects clearly by name. In fact, detailed identification protects reporters against libel suits. Many suits arise from situations in which similar names create confusion. If a Sam Johnson is arrested for selling cocaine, the commonness of the name creates the possibility of misunderstanding. By identifying the person arrested as Samuel H. Johnson Jr. of 3517 N. Forest St., Apt. 303, the reporter eliminates the possibility of inadvertently defaming other Sam Johnsons in town. The publication can identify a plaintiff without using a name. In response to a lawsuit, a New York hospital issued a press release that referred to “misconduct carried out by former executives.” Joseph A. Pisani, a former vice president of the hospital, sued for libel. The press release never used Pisani’s name, but a federal district court held that the hospital’s statement did identify him: the press release contained a hyperlink to the complaint in the original lawsuit, which mentioned him in connection with the misconduct, and he was fired on the day the hospital issued the press release.
Libel PUBLICATION Obviously, when a statement has appeared in a newspaper or on a television broadcast, it has been published. However, a statement does not have to be so widely disseminated for a person to sue for libel. The law requires only that the defendant made the statement to someone other than the person defamed. For example, Greenmoss Builders sued business services company Dun & Bradstreet for releasing a credit report with erroneous and damaging information about the contractor. Greenmoss won, even though only five clients received the report. Once a libel is published, the plaintiff must sue within the time specified by the state’s statute of limitations. In most states, the statute of limitations is one or two years. A few allow as many as three years. In all states, the statute of limitations runs from the most recent publication; republishing a defamatory statement extends the time during which the plaintiff may sue. Courts have held that the statute of limitations for online publications begins when the content is posted, while updates to the page and hyperlinks to an older page are not considered new publications that restart the clock. Another issue connected with the internet is the liability of interactive service providers. Ordinarily a publisher is responsible for any material it publishes, but a federal law, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, protects interactive service providers. The case of Sarah Jones, a high school teacher and cheerleader for the Cincinnati Bengals football team, illustrates the protection that this federal law offers. Jones sued TheDirty.com for libel when Nik Lamas-Richie, the manager of the company that owns the site, refused to remove user posts suggesting that (among other things) Jones had had sexual relations with Bengals players and had contracted sexually transmitted diseases from a former lover. A jury awarded her $38,000 in compensatory damages and $300,000 in punitive damages. But a federal appeals court overturned the verdict on the basis that The Dirty.com is primarily a platform for content created by others and thus falls under Section 230 protection. The court said the remedy for Jones and people in her situation would be to subpoena Richie and TheDirty. com for information that would help her identify the people who posted the defamatory statements.
FALSITY Some students confuse falsity and defamation. A statement may be false but not defamatory. Falsely saying someone is a war hero, for instance, does not defame that person. Conversely, a true statement may be defamatory. Saying someone was arrested for selling cocaine would defame that person, but he or she must be able to present evidence of falsity to sue for libel. The U.S. Supreme Court imposed this burden on all plaintiffs when the allegedly defamatory statements involve a matter of public concern. Making plaintiffs prove falsity means some defamed persons might not recover damages, but making defendants prove truth means some truthful publications will be punished. The court decided that, when the mass media publish statements about matters of public concern, the First Amendment requires tipping the balance in favor of freedom of the press. Although the plaintiffs must prove falsity only when the defamatory statement involves a matter of public concern, the requirement applies in most cases
L IBE L , PR I VAC Y A N D N E W S G AT H E R IN G IS S U E S involving the mass media. Courts usually conclude that statements appearing in the news media involve matters of public concern.
INJURY Under traditional libel law, courts presumed obviously defamatory statements had injured the plaintiff. He or she did not have to produce any evidence of injury to reputation, monetary loss or emotional suffering unless the defamatory nature of the statement was not readily apparent. In 1974, the U.S. Supreme Court said the presumption of injury was incompatible with the First Amendment. Since then libel plaintiffs usually have had to prove “actual injury,” meaning damage to reputation, humiliation and mental anguish to recover damages. There are two exceptions to this requirement: if the plaintiff can prove the defendant made the defamatory statements with actual malice or if the defamatory statements do not involve a matter of public concern. A case requiring proof of injury involved former Chicago Bull Scottie Pippen, who lost much of his fortune because he received bad financial advice. When news organizations learned of his financial problems, some falsely reported he had filed for bankruptcy. Pippen sued for libel, even though the statement is not clearly defamatory; many people go bankrupt through no fault of their own. Pippen contended he had lost business opportunities after the publication, but a federal appeals court said Pippen would have difficulty showing the false news stories were the cause. In any event, the court said, he would lose his lawsuit because he could not prove actual malice.
This March 1960 advertisement initiated the lawsuit that led to the Supreme Court’s ruling that public officials must prove actual malice to recover damages for libel.
The most crucial issue in modern libel cases is fault, which refers to the state of mind of the person who uttered the allegedly defamatory statement. In other words, did the publisher knowingly, recklessly or negligently say something false and defamatory? Before 1964, many states said publishers of defamatory statements would have to pay damages even if they had taken every reasonable step to ensure the accuracy of the story. The Supreme Court changed that rule in 1964 for public officials who sue for libel and changed it further in cases decided in 1967 and 1974. Public officials and public figures must prove that a defamatory statement was published with actual malice. The term causes confusion because many people think it means ill will, but whether the defendant disliked or wanted to harm the plaintiff is not an issue. All that matters is whether the defendant knew the statement was false or had a high degree of awareness of the statement’s probable falsity when it was published. Proving actual malice can be difficult, as the plaintiff must produce evidence about the defendant’s state of mind.
Libel Since 1964, courts have handed down hundreds of decisions elaborating on what is and is not evidence of actual malice. The following list is not exhaustive but indicates the factors the courts consider. It may be evidence of actual malice if the news organization: ●● Simply made up a story or parts of it that are defamatory, such as fabricating
quotations that make the source look immoral, incompetent or criminal. ●● Published without investigating allegations from a source known to be unreli-
able or biased against the person defamed. ●● Published an unverified story that is so inherently improbable that only a reck-
less person would believe it. ●● Failed to check known sources that could conclusively confirm or deny a
defamatory allegation. ●● Published information from a source who, prior to the publication, had dis-
avowed what she or he had said and the reporter was aware of the situation. It generally is not evidence of actual malice if a news organization: ●● Displayed ill will toward or an intent to harm the subject. A news organiza-
tion’s editorials against a political candidate, for instance, are not evidence by themselves that it published a defamatory news story with awareness of its falsity. ●● Failed to investigate a story when the journalists responsible had no reason to doubt its truthfulness. ●● Failed to investigate all the facts in a breaking news story—a story that had to be published quickly—and had no reason to doubt the truthfulness of what it was publishing. ●● Made negligent errors in reporting a story, such as confusing or misspelling names or reporting complicated statistics incorrectly. ●● Selected a reasonable, but mistaken, interpretation of a complicated or ambiguous document. ●● Adopted an adversarial or investigative stance in reporting a topic. ●● Published allegations even though the subject of the story denied them but failed to offer any evidence that they were false. Private individuals have less difficulty winning libel suits. In most states, they must prove only that the defendant acted with negligence to recover actual damages. As previously noted, “negligence” essentially means acting unreasonably under the circumstances. Usually, the jury decides whether a defendant’s actions were unreasonable. In a libel case, an error such as failing to check public records, misspelling or confusing names or accidentally transposing dates or figures might be considered negligence.
Who Is a Public Official? Who Is a Public Figure? Because public officials and public figures must prove actual malice to win a libel suit, determining whether a plaintiff qualifies as either type often decides the outcome of a case. The Supreme Court has provided only hazy guidelines for distinguishing public officials and public figures from private individuals, leaving states with plenty of room to expand or contract the categories.
The more clearly defined category is that of public official. The Supreme Court has said public officials must hold some government position. The category includes not only elected officials, such as U.S. senators, state legislators and city council members, but also appointed officials and government employees. Even unpaid government officials can be public officials for purposes of libel law. But being on the government p ayroll is not enough. While upper echelon officials such as governors and school superintendents are clearly public officials, a low-ranking worker inthecity sanitation department or a secretaryin the cityattorney’s office probably would not be one. Agray area exists between the top and the bottom Paul Ryan, a former Republican representative from Wisconsin and levels, with the state courts deciding who belongs Speaker of the House, was a public official. where. Most courts have found law enforcement officers and others who make decisions that affect the rights, liberty, health and safety of the public to be public officials. Identifying public figures is even more difficult than identifying public officials. The Supreme Court tried to define “public figure” in a way that would keep the category small. It recognized three types: involuntary, general-purpose and limited-purpose. The court said the essence of public-figure status is that a person has voluntarily assumed some special prominence or role in society; therefore, the group of involuntary public figures must necessarily be very small, almost to the point of being nonexistent. The other two groups are somewhat larger. The general-purpose public figure has such persuasive power and influence as to be a public figure for all occasions. Celebrities from entertainment and sports, such as Ansel Elgort, Taylor Swift, Denzel Washington, Lady Gaga, LeBron James and Richard Sherman, would probably fit this definition. So would people from other walks of life who have become unusually prominent—people like Elon Musk, Ann Coulter and Neil deGrasse Tyson. The Supreme Court said this group must also be small because few people attain such widespread notoriety. The largest category of public figures consists of those who hold that status for the limited purpose of commenting on some particular topic or issue. These public figures have thrust themselves to the forefront of a controversy to affect its resolution. People who organize an abortion-rights march, lead an effort to persuade a school board to change the curriculum in history classes, or argue publicly for laws allowing people to carry concealed weapons are limited-purpose public figures. Journalists need to remember that just being Beyoncé and Jay-Z, seen here at the Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute Gala, are public figures for the purposes of libel law. involved in a newsworthy event does not make a
Libel person a public figure. The Supreme Court has said that people involved in civil court cases, criminal suspects and defendants, individuals and businesses who receive money from the government, and lawyers representing people in court are not automatically public figures. Such people have not necessarily stepped forward to influence the resolution of a public controversy.
Major Defenses to Libel Suits The difficulty of proving actual malice has become media organizations’ major defense in libel cases. Other defenses are available, and they can be important in some cases. The main ones are truth, fair-report privilege and fair comment and criticism.
TRUTH The use of truth as a defense arose when courts presumed defamatory statements were false. Although plaintiffs must now prove falsity, proving a statement true can still defeat a libel claim. Proving truth does not mean proving a news report accurate in every detail. Most courts require only proof that the sting or the gist of the charge is true. For example, a television news report about four Florida teenagers being arrested for bullying and defaming other teens on Facebook said “dozens” had been victimized, implying there were at least 24 victims. The parents of one plaintiff sued for libel, arguing that this number was incorrect and the police had never said how many teens were defamed. But a Florida court said the sting of the charge was that the girl had been arrested for cyberbullying. The precise number of victims did not affect the truth of that charge. The defense of truth does not protect the accurate republication of defamatory charges made by other people. A news organization that reports a defamatorystatement a bank president makes about a competitor cannot escape liability by demonstrating that it accurately quoted the speaker—it is also responsible for proving that the underlying statement is true. There are some exceptions to this rule; the main one is the fair-report privilege, which allows news organizations to report on official proceedings and documents.
FAIR-REPORT PRIVILEGE The law recognizes certain occasions when people need absolute protection from libel suits. People called to testify in court, for example, cannot be sued for defamation because of what they say on the witness stand. Members of legislative bodies, such as Congress and state legislatures, cannot be sued over remarks they make in the course of their official duties. News organizations enjoy a similar privilege to report on what happens in courtrooms and legislative chambers and on what official documents say. As a result, a reporter covering a trial cannot be sued for reporting false and defamatory statements made by a witness so long as the story accurately summarizes the testimony. This defense is powerful, but it can lead to injustices. New Jersey resident Janice Lee, a sales account manager for a distributor of hair products, was a rrested by New York police during their bust of an alleged sex and prostitutionring. The New York attorney general’s office announced at a press
Justin Bieber’s arrest report in Miami on January 23, 2014, for suspicion of drunk driving. News reports based on official documents like this one are protected from libel suits so long as they fairly and accurately describe the documents, even if those documents contain defamatory falsehoods.
conference and in a press release that Lee had been arrested along with several other suspects. News of the arrest was disseminated by media in both states. Lee was innocent of all charges filed against her. Nevertheless, she spent nearly a week in jail and several more days getting the charges dropped. She later sued several news organizations for libel for having publicized her arrest. The federal district court that heard her case ruled that the fair-report privilege protected the news stories because they were “full, fair andaccurate.” Journalists have the fair-report privilege when describing such governmental proceedings as court hearings, administrative agency meetings and legislative sessions at all levels of government, from town council to Congress. In most states, the privilege extends to official documents, such as police reports, health inspection reports, official government correspondence and court records. In some states, the privilege also applies to reports of nongovernmental meetings open to the public for discussion of matters of publicconcern. A news organization loses the protection of the fair-report privilege if its story contains errors that would injure the plaintiff’s reputation. Also, the privilege does not apply to information obtained from sources other than official documents or proceedings.
FAIR COMMENT AND CRITICISM Everyone has the right to an opinion. The fair comment and criticism defense protects people who express their opinions about matters of legitimate public interest from libel suits. Usually, the defense applies only if the opinions are based on true facts, are the sincere opinions of the speakers and are not motivated solely by ill will. Courts have struggled with how to separate statements of fact from statements of opinion. As the Supreme Court observed in one case, inserting “in my opinion” before a factual statement does not diminish the statement’s power to defame. Furthermore, most of what is published in newspapers, magazines, TV news broadcasts and blogs blends fact and opinion. Editorials may
Libel state opinions, but they also contain facts. News stories may report facts, but they also report the opinions of the journalist’s sources. A persistent issue is how much emphasis courts should give to the context in which a defamatory statementappears. A case involving a book review published in The New York Times illustrates the difficulties courts have with the fair-comment defense. In his review of “Interference,” a book on organized crime’s influence on professional football, Gerald Eskenazi concluded that the work contained “too much sloppy journalism.” The book’s author, investigative reporter Dan Moldea, thought the remark libeled him and sued. After a federal district court granted The Times’ motion to dismiss the case, Moldea appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. At first, the appeals court ruled that the statement was sufficiently factual that a jury could decide whether it was true. Furthermore, Supreme Court precedents prevented it from attaching much weight to the fact that the statement appeared in a book review. A short time later, however, the court reconsidered its decision and c oncluded that the Supreme Court’s rulings did not prevent courts from considering context in libel cases. When context is relevant, it helps indicate whether people will understand a statement as factual. The court said that, in the context of a book review, the accusation of sloppy journalism was exactly the kind of thing a reader would interpret as opinion and not as something that could be proved true or false.
Steps for Avoiding Libel Suits No checklist or set of steps can guarantee that a news organization will never face a libel suit. Some have been sued even after they have checked stories and found evidence for every potentially defamatory statement. Usually, the conscientious news organization will win, but the cost of defending against the suit can be daunting. Here are some things journalists can do to limit their risk: 1. Make sure everything in the story, especially any potentially defamatory statement, is newsworthy. Nothing is gained by risking a lawsuit over a statement that has no news value. 2. Identify everyone mentioned in the story as fully as possible. 3. Ask people who are attacked or criticized in news stories to respond, and include the response, even if it is just a flat denial. If a person refuses to respond, say so in the story. 4. If a person who has been attacked or criticized presents credible evidence to support his or her denials, check out that evidence. 5. Interview every relevant source and read every relevant document; do not ignore sources or information that might contradict any potentially defamatory statements. 6. Find out what basis a source has for making a defamatory charge and what the source’s motives might be. 7. If a source for a story has credibility problems, explain them in the story.
L IBE L , PR I VAC Y A N D N E W S G AT H E R IN G IS S U E S 8. Avoid confidential or anonymous sources. Reporters might be asked to reveal their sources at a libel trial. If they refuse to do so, judges may tell jurors to assume the reporters made up the information. 9. Never use confidential or anonymous sources for making attacks on a subject. Use them only for factual information that can be verified by other sources or documents. 10. If a story uses documentary sources, make sure the documents are understood and quoted accurately. Double-check the information in any documents; even official records may have errors. 11. If a story is not breaking news, take additional time to make sure the investigation is thorough and the story is accurate. 12. Adhere to organizational policies regarding keeping notes, tapes and other materials. If the policy is to keep all such materials, be sure everything is kept. If the policy is to destroy materials, make sure all are destroyed. Do not destroy some and keep others.
Privacy At not quite 130 years old, the right to sue for invasion of privacy is relatively new in terms of legal history. Yet lawsuits over various forms of this type of offense have become a major concern to media organizations because people are more concerned about their privacy. The law recognizes four kinds of invasion of privacy: intruding on a person’s seclusion or solitude, giving publicity to private facts, placing a person in a false light and appropriating a person’s name or likeness for one’s own benefit (see Table 5.1). The last is primarily a concern for advertisers, although news and advertising messages could be the basis for a lawsuit over any of the four forms. The status of these four ways of invading privacy varies from state to state. Some states have recognized them in statutes; in others, court decisions have recognized privacy rights even in the absence of specific statutes. Some states do not recognize all four forms. Nebraska, for example, does not recognize a right to sue for giving publicity to private facts, and Texas does not recognize false-light actions.
Intrusion Intrusion represents what most people think of as invasion of privacy. Barging into a person’s home without permission or rummaging through someone’s private desk is intrusion. But one does not have to enter another’s space physically to commit intrusion. One could intrude by technological means, such as using a powerful telephoto lens to see someone in a private location or using highly sensitive microphones to pick up a private conversation. A plaintiff in an intrusion case must be able to show that the defendant i ntruded into an area where the former had a reasonable expectation of privacy. Some places obviously are private: a person’s home, a hotel room, a hospital room, a handbag or a briefcase. Even if a newsworthy event is happening on private property, a journalist may not enter without the owner’s or legal occupant’s permission.
Types of Privacy Invasion
Legal Requirement
To establish a case for invasion of privacy by intrusion, the plaintiff must show that a. t he defendant intentionally intruded, physically or otherwise, on the plaintiff’s solitude or seclusion, and b. t he intrusion would be highly offensive to a reasonable person in the plaintiff’s situation.
Publicity to private facts
A plaintiff suing over publicity given to private facts must prove a. the defendant gave publicity to b. private facts about the plaintiff, c. t he disclosure of which would be highly offensive to a reasonable person in the plaintiff’s situation, and the facts disclosed are not a matter of public concern.
False light
The plaintiff in a false-light lawsuit must prove a. the defendant portrayed the plaintiff in a false light b. that would be highly offensive to a reasonable person in the plaintiff’s situation. In some states, all false-light plaintiffs must prove the defendant portrayed the plaintiff in a false light with the knowledge of its falsity or reckless disregard for whether it was false (actual malice). Some states say only public figures who sue for false light must prove actual malice. Private individuals can win by proving the defendant was negligent.
A person suing for appropriation (sometimes called misappropriation) must prove that a. the defendant used the plaintiff’s name or likeness b. without consent c. for the defendant’s benefit (usually meaning some kind of commercial benefit). A similar type of lawsuit, usually brought by a celebrity, is over infringement on one’s right of publicity. This requires the plaintiff to show that the defendant a. used some distinctive element of the plaintiff’s identity b. without consent and c. c aused injury to the plaintiff (which may simply be the loss of an opportunity to capitalize on one’s fame).
The California Supreme Court has also found that the reasonable expectation of privacy extends to at least some workplace situations. An ABC r eporter, Stacy Lescht, worked undercover at a company that offered psychic readings by telephone. While on the job, Lescht wore a hidden microphone and camera. She recorded conversations she had with some of her co-workers, among them Mark Sanders. After ABC aired a story about the telepsychic business, Sanders sued for invasion of privacy. A jury awarded him $1.2m illion in damages. An appeals court reversed the award, but the California Supreme Court reinstated it. ABC contended Sanders had no expectation of privacy because the telepsychics worked in open cubicles and could hear one another’s conversations. However, the Supreme Court noted the office was not open to the
L IBE L , PR I VAC Y A N D N E W S G AT H E R IN G IS S U E S general public; therefore, Sanders had a reasonable expectation that his conversations with colleagues would not be recorded or photographed surreptitiously and broadcast. Patrons and employees of businesses that are open to the public, such as restaurants and stores, may also have some reasonable privacy expectations. As this case shows, the surreptitious recording of conversations is an issue closely related to intrusion. Reporters should always ask sources for permission to record conversations with them, even though recording without permission is legal in most states if one party consents. The consenting party may be the journalist who is doing the recording. However, 11 states—California, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Washington—currently require the consent of all parties, at least in situations where there is an expectation of privacy. Surreptitiously photographing people also presents legal problems. At least 24 states outlaw using hidden cameras in private places. The laws vary widely: Some apply only to unattended cameras; others prohibit only attempts to use hidden cameras to photograph people in the nude. Dani Mathers, a former Playboy Playmate of the Year, was charged with a misdemeanor after she took a photo of a nude 71-year-old woman in a Los Angeles fitness club locker room. Mathers posted the photo on Snapchat, along with the comment, “If I can’t unsee this then you can’t either.” After changing her initial not-guilty plea to no contest, she was sentenced to 30 days’ community service and three years’ probation; the fitness club also banned her from all 800 of its U.S. facilities. While someone on a public street or in a public park has no expectation of privacy, there are limits to what reporters can do even in public places. Photographers or reporters who become so aggressive that they place their subjects in danger may be committing intrusion or some other tort. Courts do not consider o rdinary n ewsgathering techniques—examining public records; interviewing someone’s friends, relatives, enemies and associates; and interviewing or attempting to interview a person—intrusive.
Giving Publicity to Private Facts Everybody has secrets, and most people would be upset if theirs were made public. Lawsuits for publicizing private facts allow people to receive compensation for injuries when their secrets are revealed. This form of privacy lawsuit, however, presents a potential for conflict with the First Amendment because an unfavorable judgment may punish someone who published the truth. For such a case to be successful, the information disclosed must be truly private. Publicizing—meaning disseminating widely—facts that appear in public records, even if they are not generally known, cannot be the basis for a lawsuit. For example, property tax information is public record in most states. If a news organization publishes a list of the most valuable homes in the community, who owns them and how much the owners pay in property taxes, the people named cannot sue for invasion of privacy. Even if the information is not in a public record but is merely known to a large number of people, publicizing it does not invade that person’s privacy.
The information that is publicized must also be highly offensive to a reasonable person. Disclosure of information that is merely embarrassing cannot be the basis for a lawsuit. The “reasonable person” standard is imprecise, but it asks juries to decide not by what would be offensive to the most sensitive or insensitive individual but by what a reasonable person in the plaintiff’s situation would find highly offensive. Not surprisingly, many of the cases involve sex or nudity. Publicizing private medical information, relationships with spouses or children and personal financial information might also be highly offensive. Even if the matter publicized is highly offensive to a reasonable person, the plaintiff still must prove there is no legitimate public interest in the information. Courts have generally held that news organizations may publish private facts about people so long as they bear some logical connection to a matter of public concern, such as information about people who are victims of accidents or crimes. Gawker Media pushed the limit of what is newsworthy when it posted portions of a video of Terry Bollea, better known as former wrestling star Hulk Hogan, having sex with Heather Clem. Bollea sued Gawker for invasion of privacy. Lawyers for the website argued that, as Hulk Hogan, the plaintiff had bragged about his sexual prowess and penis size; thus, he could not claim that his sexual activities were private. Bollea said that Hulk Hogan was a public character, but the video showed a private moment. A Florida jury concluded the video was not newsworthy and awarded Bollea $115 million in actual damages and $25 million in punitive damages. The award drove Gawker Media and its founder, Nick Denton, into bankruptcy. Courts generally have interpreted the phrase “matter of public concern” to include not only political and governmental information but also news of sports, entertainment, fashion and other matters likely to engage popular attention. The public interest is broader in people who are public figures—movie stars, sports heroes and important political figures—but it may also include private individuals who have been caught up in newsworthy events. Moreover, this interest extends beyond the specific event or situation and includes other aspects of the subject’s life and information about his or her relatives, so long as those facts have some bearing on the matter of public concern.
False Light A false-light invasion of privacy lawsuit resembles a libel suit in many respects. In fact, a person often may sue for either or both on the same evidence. The major difference between them is that a libel suit redresses injury to a person’s reputation, whereas a false-light suit protects a person’s interest in being let alone. Actor José Solano Jr., who played Manny Gutierrez on the TV show “Baywatch,” sued Playgirl magazine after it used his picture, without permission, on its cover. Solano said the picture and accompanying headlines gave the false
Terry Bollea (aka Hulk Hogan) testifies against Gawker at the Pinellas County Courthouse in St. Petersburg, Florida.
L IBE L , PR I VAC Y A N D N E W S G AT H E R IN G IS S U E S impression he had posed nude for the magazine. The headlines said things like “12 Sizzling Centerfolds Ready to Score With You,” “TV Guys: Prime Time’s Sexy Young Stars Exposed” and “‘Baywatch’s’ Best Body: José Solano.” A federal a ppeals court said the juxtaposition of the photo and the headlines could convey the false and highly offensive impression that Solano had posed nude for the m agazine. Furthermore, there was evidence the editors knew they were conveying a false impression. The magazine’s senior vice president had ordered the editors to “sex up” the January 1999 issue. And subordinate editors were aware the headline about the centerfolds was positioned where headlines about the person pictured on the cover normally run.
Appropriation Anyone who uses the name or likeness of another for his or her own use or benefit may be sued for invasion of privacy by appropriation. This was the first form of invasion of privacy to win recognition in a statute. The most common form of appropriation is the use of a person’s name or likeness in an advertisement. Retired basketball star Michael Jordan received substantial payouts from two grocery chains when their advertisements featuring his name and jersey number appeared in a commemorative issue of Sports Illustrated recognizing his induction into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. Jewel-Osco argued that its ad was not a commercial advertisement, but a federal appeals court said such images advanced the company’s commercial interests. Dominick’s Finer Foods admitted liability but contested the amount of damages the plaintiff wanted. After a jury awarded Jordan $8.9 million, Jewel-Osco reached an outof-court settlement with him. The use of a person’s name or likeness in a news story is not considered appropriation, even though it might benefit the newspaper, magazine or broadcast by attracting readers, viewers, listeners and advertisers. The use must have some reasonably direct connection to a matter of public interest. Generally courts have considered the public interest to include a broad range of topics and have been reluctant to second-guess journalists as to what is newsworthy and relevant. The exemption from misappropriation lawsuits for news publications and broadcasts extends to advertisements promoting them. A news interview program can include the name and likeness of a future guest in ads promoting the broadcast. However, the promotional material must not suggest that the person is endorsing that program, network or station. Nor can a broadcast or publication encroach on a performer’s right to make money from his or her act. The U.S. Supreme Court upheld a judgment against an Ohio television station that broadcast a human cannonball’s act in its entirety, ruling that the station had infringed on this right.
Newsgathering Issues The First Amendment expressly protects the right to speak and to publish, but it says nothing about the right to gather information. The Supreme Court has recognized that freedom of the press means very little without this right, but the
Newsgathering I s sue s rights reporters have to information are largely defined by a hodgepodge of state and federal statutes and court opinions. This section covers three newsgathering issues: access to nonjudicial events and records, access to judicial proceedings and confidentiality for sources and information. Reporters should always remember that the First Amendment does not protect them from prosecution if they engage in illegal conduct to gather news. Posing as a police officer, buying drugs and stealing documents are all illegal activities, and reporters who are prosecuted for crimes cannot plead that they were doing so to gather information for a news story.
Access to Nonjudicial Events and Records NEWS SCENES When a river floods a city, police discover a murder or a fire destroys a building, police, rescue workers and firefighters try to control the area to save lives and protect property. Some officials, however, worry as much about their images and how they will appear in news accounts as they do about citizens and their property. They may try to control what reporters and photographers see and how they report what they see. When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, journalists rushed to the city to report on the extensive damage, the plight of the victims and the rescue efforts. But officials for the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers tried to prevent some of the reporting. At one point, FEMA tried to impose a “zero access” policy to block coverage of the recovery of bodies. Photographers for Bloomberg News and the Miami Herald were escorted away from a recovery site, and other reporters were harassed while trying to gather information. Eventually, CNN obtained a restraining order from a federal district court, preventing FEMA from enforcing its policy. Yet even after the restraining order had been issued, soldiers threatened to revoke the credentials of a reporter and a photographer from the San Francisco Chronicle if they wrote about or took photographs of the recovery of bodies. The protests and demonstrations that broke out in Ferguson, Missouri, following the fatal shooting of a young black man by a police officer brought news reporters from around the country. During one evening’s protest, which degenerated into a riot, reporters Wesley Lowery of The Washington Post and Ryan Reilly of HuffPost were ordered by police to leave the McDonald’s where the pair had been working on their stories. The reporters tried to take video of the confrontation, but they were arrested. One officer slammed Lowery into a soda machine and then handcuffed him. Although the reporters were soon released from custody, news organizations and even President Obama objected to what seemed an unjustified interference in newsgathering. Some journalists are worried that the climate for newsgathering is worsening. Washington, D.C., police arrested nine reporters who were covering protests at the inauguration of Donald Trump. Prosecutors dropped charges against seven of them. Of the remaining two, one was acquitted of all charges after a trial. The other was awaiting trial as this book was being written. Several reporters who were trying to cover protests following the acquittal of a white police officer
Reilly’s and Lowery’s regular tweets from the scene of their arrest kept their followers updated on the situation in Ferguson.
Covering News Scenes The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press recommends reporters and photographers do the following to minimize the risk of being harassed by police when covering protests, crimes or disasters: ● Always carry press credentials. ● Don’t trespass on private property
or cross clearly marked police lines. ● Don’t take anything from a crime
scene. ● Obey all orders from police officers,
even if doing so interferes with getting the story or the photo. (The alternative might be going to jail.) ● Don’t argue with arresting officers. ● Have $50 to $100 on hand to pur-
chase bail bond. ● Have a government-issued photo ID.
who had killed a black man were arrested. One, a reporter for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, was knocked to the ground and pepper-sprayed, even though he was carrying press credentials. And Ben Jacobs, a reporter for The G uardian, tried to ask Republican congressional candidate Greg Gianforte about the cost of a GOP health care plan. Gianforte responded by body-slamming Jacobs. Gianforte’s campaign initially blamed the reporter for the incident, but eventually the candidate was charged with misdemeanor assault. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 40 hours of community service and 20 hours of anger management classes.
RECORDS AND MEETINGS All states and the federal government have laws that help citizens and reporters access government records. The main federal law is the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA, which can be pronounced as FOY-ya and is used as both a noun and a verb). This law has given the public access to such things as documents showing that the FBI has targeted groups such as Greenpeace and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals for surveillance in the name of fighting terrorism and to National Security Agency files on the alleged UFO crash near Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947. Basically, the FOIA opens to public inspection all records held by agencies of the federal executive branch, unless the records fall into one of nine exempt categories (see Table 5.2). If a record is exempt, the agency may still release it but is not required to do so. Much litigation under the FOIA concerns whether records are exempt. Since passing the FOIA, Congress has amended it several times. It has excluded information about foreign intelligence, counterintelligence and terrorism. It has also made it easier for law enforcement agencies to withhold information about their investigative procedures and techniques. When Congress created the Department of Homeland Security, it exempted from disclosure information that the department receives from private businesses about weaknesses in the country’s critical infrastructure.
Newsgathering I s sue s
The FOIA says federal agencies should release nonexempt information in response to any written request that reasonably identifies the records. The relevant agency is supposed to respond within 20 working days, but it may have 10 additional days if a request involves unusual circumstances. Actually getting the information, however, could take much longer. The National Security Archive, a private organization that frequently uses the FOIA, discovered that some requests had been pending for more than 20years. Most agencies have backlogs of requests—Congress has encouraged them to reduce this problem by making more information available online. The change has dramatically reduced backlogs at some agenUnivision anchor Jorge Ramos is physically removed from a news cies like the National Aeronautics and Space conference held in Iowa during the 2016 election campaign, where he Administration, but the impact at others, such as attempted to ask Donald Trump about his immigration proposal. the Department of Justice, has been minimal. State and District of Columbia laws about opening government records and meetings to the public and the press vary considerably. Some are very broad and have few exemptions. Others exempt dozens of kinds of records or meetings or have other qualifications that limit access. Some public officials flout or ignore the law because they dislike having their records opened to public inspection. News organizations in most states have conducted statewide surveys of official compliance with public records laws and have found many instances of withheld records. New Jersey reporters discovered that, although they had no trouble getting local budgets, they received only 22 percent of their requests for police logs and 31 percent of school superintendents’ contracts. In spite of such noncompliance, reporters rely on state open records laws almost daily because they apply to local governments, like cities, counties and school boards, as well as to state agencies.
FOIA Record Exemptions
1. Classified information. 2. Information related solely to internal personnel rules and practices. 3. Information exempted by other statutes. 4. Trade secrets and confidential commercial information. 5. Interagency and intra-agency memoranda that would reveal decision-making processes. 6. Information that would be a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. 7. Law enforcement investigative files, the disclosure of which would or could cause certain harms. 8. Information about financial institutions. 9. Geological and geophysical information such as maps showing the locations of oil and mineral deposits.
L IBE L , PR I VAC Y A N D N E W S G AT H E R IN G IS S U E S When embarrassing information gets out, states sometimes amend their laws to limit disclosure. During a court hearing on the manner in which Missouri administered lethal injections to execute prisoners, the doctor who supervised executions admitted he was dyslexic, sometimes confused the dosages of the drugs used to kill the prisoners and had been sued for malpractice so often that two hospitals had revoked his privileges to practice. If the drugs used in the lethal injection procedure are not administered properly and in the right dosages, the prisoner can suffer excruciating pain. The doctor was identified as “John Doe” during the hearing, but the St. Louis Post-Dispatch later identified him as Dr. Alan R. Doerhoff. The response of the Missouri General Assembly was not to require more training or competence on the part of its executioners. Instead it passed a law making it illegal to disclose the identities of those who assist in the execution process. It also prohibited medical licensing boards from taking disciplinary action against any members who participate in executions.
Access to Judicial Proceedings Freedom of the press is just one of many rights the Constitution guarantees to people in the United States. The Constitution also says a person accused of a crime has the right to a trial by an impartial jury. These two rights appear to conflict when news organizations publish information that might sway potential jurors. Some authorities have labeled this problem “free press vs. fair trial,” suggesting one right must be sacrificed to the other. Fortunately, most judges, including those on the U.S. Supreme Court, reject that view. Instead, a judge presiding over a trial must protect both the right of a defendant to a fair trial and the freedom of the press. In the 1960s, the Supreme Court said trial judges must protect judicial proceedings when there is a reasonable likelihood that news coverage could prejudice the trial. The court did not say how a judge should curb prejudicial publicity but focused on steps he or she could take to protect the trial without interfering with the news media. For example, a judge could sequester jurors, move trials to new locations if publicity becomes too intense, delay a trial or limit the kinds of statements prosecutors and defense attorneys may make to the press about a pending trial. Although the Supreme Court said nothing about restraining what journalists say about court proceedings, judges in the 1970s started issuing “gag” orders prohibiting reporters from publishing certain information even when they learned it in open court. The court declared this kind of limitation on the press a prior restraint. It is unconstitutional unless the nature and extent of the news coverage threatens the fairness of a trial, no alternative to a prior restraint would protect the trial and a prior restraint would be effective in preventing prejudice. After the Supreme Court sharply limited judges’ ability to impose gag orders, trial courts started denying journalists access to information by closing the courtroom door. Again, the court stepped in to restrict what judges can do. The high court declared in 1980 that the press and the public have a First Amendment right to attend court proceedings that historically have been open to the public
Newsgathering I s sue s and where public observation is beneficial to the proceeding. That right is not absolute, however, and may be curtailed when necessary to protect a fair trial. Judges may close a proceeding if they find a substantial likelihood of prejudice that closure would prevent and alternatives to closure would not work. This is a very difficult standard to meet because it requires the court to find facts establishing both conditions. Access to one particular court proceeding—jury selection—has become especially contentious. Jury selection is considered part of the trial; some attorneys consider it the most important step. But concerns for juror privacy and safety have persuaded some judges to close access to the selection process or prohibit release of jurors’ names. Ronell Wilson, who had the nickname “Rated R,” was accused of killing two undercover police officers. Prosecutors persuaded the federal trial judge that Wilson presented such a threat that the jurors should be selected in sequestered sessions and their identities, addresses and occupations should be kept confidential. Occasionally, courts have closed jury selection even in cases where their safety was not threatened. The court that tried Martha Stewart on charges she had lied about insider stock trading barred news organizations from the jury selection process. News organizations objected, and a federal appeals court said the trial court had failed to show that closure of jury selection was necessary to protect Stewart’s right to a fair trial. Some states close or limit access to proceedings in juvenile, family or divorce courts. Other states allow public access to such courts. The U.S. Supreme Court has not specifically ruled on the matter. The problems with gag orders and court closures became so severe in the 1970s that some state press and bar groups collaborated to write guidelines for dealing with each other during trials. These voluntary guidelines, which are also supposed to protect the interests of news organizations and criminal defendants, generally say the media should be free to report the following: ●● Basic information about a suspect, such as name, age, address and marital
status. ●● The charges against the suspect. ●● The circumstances under which the suspect was arrested, including whether any weapons were used. ●● The names of those who have filed complaints against the suspect. ●● If the crime involved a death, who died and how. ●● The identities of the investigating agencies and officers. The following information should not be published under most bar-press guidelines: ●● The existence and nature of any statement or confession the suspect made to
authorities. ●● The results of any tests. ●● Opinions on the credibility of the suspect, any witnesses or any evidence. ●● Opinions about the outcome of the trial. ●● Any other statements made outside the presence of the jury that might be highly prejudicial.
L IBE L , PR I VAC Y A N D N E W S G AT H E R IN G IS S U E S Furthermore, the guidelines strongly discourage publishing a suspect’s criminal record because such information is considered highly prejudicial. However, preventing its disclosure might be impossible, given that it is a matter of open record in many states and could be in a newspaper’s clip file. Although bar-press guidelines are voluntary, reporters should pay attention to them and think carefully about the risks that publishing certain information may pose to criminal defendants. Many people think a person who has been charged with a crime is guilty, even before a trial. The National Registry of Exonerations, a joint project between the University of Michigan and Northwestern University law schools, lists more than 2,200 cases in which a person who was convicted of a crime was later found to have been innocent, often because of DNA evidence that was tested years later. In many of these cases, the people who were later exonerated seemed clearly guilty at the time of their trials. A well-known example is the 1990 trials of the Central Park Five, which drew national attention. Teenagers Yusef Salaam, Kevin Richardson, Antron McCray, Raymond Santana and Korey Wise were arrested for the brutal rape and assault of a 28-year-old woman in New York’s Central Park. Under intense and possibly coercive interrogations, all confessed to the crime. Although they recanted their statements, the fact they had confessed convinced the jury—and most of the press and public—of their guilt. Even before their trials began, many presumed the youths were guilty. All five served time in prison. Nearly 13 years after the crime, Matias Reyes said he alone was responsible; DNA evidence confirmed his confession.
Confidentiality for Sources and Information For almost as long as reporters have written news, they have used confidential sources. Reporters depend on such people for some of their best stories. Because many sources will provide information only if they know they are safe, reporters routinely promise to protect their identities. Law enforcement officials, grand juries, courts, legislative bodies or administrative agencies sometimes demand the names of confidential sources or other information the reporter wants to protect. The lawyers and judges want this information because they think it is relevant to a criminal or civil case. Reporters may receive subpoenas ordering them to testify before an official body. The subpoena may also direct them to bring their notes, photographs, tapes and other materials they collected. A person who fails to comply can be cited for contempt of court and sent to jail, fined or both. Several major cases have underscored the dilemma reporters sometimes face. Judith Miller, a former reporter at The New York Times, spent 85 days in jail for contempt of court when she refused to disclose who had leaked the identity of covert CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson to the media. Although Miller never published a story naming Wilson, the agent’s name had been revealed to her in conversations with White House officials. Eventually, M iller’s source, I. Lewis (“Scooter”) Libby released her from her pledge to keep his name secret, and she testified to the grand jury. Libby eventually was convicted of perjury.
Newsgathering I s sue s In another case, freelance video blogger Josh Wolf recorded a demonstration by anarchists in San Francisco that turned violent. A police officer was injured and a police car damaged during the protests. Wolf sold some of his footage to a local television station and posted edited clips of the rest on his website. Federal prosecutors thought Wolf might be able to identify some of the demonstrators who had committed crimes; they subpoenaed him to testify and turn over all of his tapes, including the unpublished portions, to a grand jury. Wolf refused and was held in contempt of court. He spent 226 days in jail, the longest term ever served by a journalist for refusing to reveal confidential sources or information. He was released after mediation resulted in an agreement with the federal government. Wolf persuaded prosecutors he had no information relevant to their investigation, and he agreed to post all of his videotapes on his website, making them available to prosecutors and the general public. Subpoenas are a common problem for news reporters. Generally, broadcast news organizations receive more subpoenas than print news outlets. Most of the orders to radio and television stations ask for video or audio recordings, both outtakes and portions aired. Newspapers are more likely to receive subpoenas demanding that reporters reveal confidential information or sources. Reporters have had mixed success resisting subpoenas. Some state and federal courts have recognized a reporters’ privilege to protect confidential sources and information. The extent of this protection varies greatly, but usually it allows reporters to shield their sources except when the information is essential to a case, can be obtained in no other way and would serve a compelling governmental interest. Courts generally have held that this privilege does not apply to nonconfidential information and sources or to actions a reporter or photographer might have witnessed firsthand. Even in states that recognize a privilege, news organizations sued for libel must disclose confidential sources or information that the plaintiffs might need to make their case. In addition to the privilege recognized by some state and federal courts, 40 states and the District of Columbia have shield laws that specifically guarantee a journalist’s right to protect confidential sources or information. Again, the laws vary: some let journalists protect confidential sources and unpublished information; others limit the protection to confidential sources. State laws also differ in who is protected. Some shield laws apply to anyone engaged in gathering and disseminating information to the public. Others cover only professional journalists, often meaning people associated with traditional media. Such laws may leave bloggers and other nontraditional journalists unprotected. Furthermore, some states grant reporters a nearly absolute privilege to refuse to testify, whereas others qualify the privilege. Yet even in states that recognize an absolute privilege, journalists are required to provide information vital for securing a criminal defendant’s constitutional right to a fair trial. Congress has refused so far to pass a federal shield law.
Former Fox News reporter Jana Winter covered a shooting in an Aurora, Colorado, movie theater that left 12 dead. Sources told her the suspect had filled a notebook with violent images and notes and sent it to a psychiatrist days before the shooting. The Colorado court issued a subpoena for her to reveal her sources, but this order also had to be enforced by the state of New York, where Winter was based. The state refused on the grounds that its reporter’s shield law protected journalists’ sources. The defense’s attorney appealed to the Supreme Court but lost.
The Reporter’s Guide to Libel, Privacy and Newsgathering Issues Defamation 1. “Libel” is defamation by written words or communication in another tangible form; “slander” is defamation by spoken words or gestures. 2. Libel plaintiffs often must prove six elements: defamation, identification, publication, falsity, injury andfault. 3. Fault is often the most important issue in a libel case. Public officials and public figures who sue for libel must prove actual malice (knowledge that the information is false or reckless disregard for its probable falsity). Private individuals must prove only negligence. 4. “Negligence” means the publisher failed to do what a reasonable and prudent person would have done in the same circumstances. 5. Public officials are people in government who hold positions high enough that they have or appear to have influence over public affairs. 6. Public figures are people who are widely known and influential or who have taken a leadership role in trying to influence decisions about issues of public concern. 7. The major common-law defenses to libel suits are truth, fair-report privilege and fair-comment privilege.
Privacy 1. Invasion of privacy comprises four types of lawsuits:
consent. Eleven states require the consent of all parties, at least where there is an expectation of privacy. 4. Publicity to private facts involves publicizing private information about another person, the disclosure of which would be highly offensive to a reasonable person and which is not of legitimate public concern. 5. False light involves portraying another person in a way that is false and highly offensive (but not necessarily defamatory) to a reasonable person. 6. Appropriation is the use of another person’s name or likeness for one’s own benefit, usually meaning some kind of commercial use. Using a person’s name or likeness in a news story is not considered appropriation if it bears some connection to a matter of public interest.
Newsgathering Issues 1. Journalists gather information at scenes of crimes, fires and natural disasters. 2. Reporters should never interfere with the work of police, firefighters, medical personnel or other officials. Police or other authorities sometimes object to the presence of news gatherers. 3. Access to meetings and records is governed by state and federal laws. 4. The U.S. Freedom of Information Act opens the records of the federal executive branch to public in-
intrusion, publicity to private facts, false light and
spection, but nine categories of records are exempt
from disclosure.
2. Intrusion is one person intentionally intruding on
5. The Sunshine Act opens meetings of some federal
the privacy of another, by physical or other means, in
agencies, such as the Federal Communications
a manner that would be highly offensive to a reason-
Commission and the Federal Trade Commission, to
able person. To sue for intrusion, the plaintiff must
show that the defendant intruded on an area where the former had a reasonable expectation of privacy. 3. In most states, reporters may surreptitiously record conversations with a source without his or her
6. State open records laws require disclosure of the records of most state and local governmental bodies. The agencies and governmental units covered and the exempt records vary from state to state.
Newsgathering I s sue s 7. State open meetings laws require that the meetings and associated records of various governmental units be open to the public. Some meetings may be exempt, and most state laws allow for executive sessions under some circumstances.
prejudicial, alternatives to a prior restraint would be ineffective or a prior restraint would be effective. 10. Journalists need confidential sources to report some stories, but if a grand jury or a trial court wants to know the identity of a confidential source, the
8. Court proceedings are generally open to the public.
reporter must either reveal the source or face the
Limited closures to prevent news coverage that
possibility of going to jail for contempt of court.
might prejudice potential jurors against a defendant are permissible, especially during pretrial hearings. 9. Judges may not impose prior restraints on what news
11. Forty states and the District of Columbia have shield laws, which allow journalists to withhold the names of confidential sources and other confidential information. The laws vary greatly in what is protected
organizations may report about criminal proceedings
and how strongly. The federal government has no
unless the news coverage has been extensive and highly
shield law.
Review Exercises 1. Libel Decide which of the following sentences and paragraphs are potentially libelous. Label each statement that is dangerous for the media with a D and each statement that is safe with an S. 1. Police officers said they shot and wounded Ira A ndrews, a 41-year-old auto mechanic, because he was rushing toward them with a knife. 2. Testifying during the second day of the trial, Mrs. Andrea Cross said her husband, Lee, never intended to embezzle the $70,000, but that a secretary, Allison O’Hara, persuaded him that their actions were legal. Her husband thought they were borrowing the money, she said, and that they would double it by investing in real estate. 3. A 72-year-old woman, Kelli Kasandra of 9847 Eastbrook Lane, has been charged with attempting to pass a counterfeit $20 bill. A convenience store clerk called the police shortly after 8 a.m. today and said that she had received “a suspicious-looking bill.” The clerk added that she had written down the license number of a car leaving the store. The police confirmed the fact that the $20 bill was counterfeit and arrested Mrs. Kasandra at her home about an hour later. 4. Margaret Dwyer said a thief, a boy about 14, grabbed her purse as she was walking to her car in a parking lot behind Memorial Hospital. The boy punched her in the face, apparently because she began to scream and refused to let go of her purse. She said he was blond, wore glasses, weighed about 120 pounds and was about 5 feet 6 inches tall. 5. “I’ve never lived in a city where the officials are so corrupt,” Joyce Andrews, a Cleveland developer, complained. “If you don’t contribute to their campaigns, they won’t do anything for you or even talk to you. You have to buy their support.” 6. The political scientist said that Americans seem unable to elect a competent president. “Look at whom they’ve elected,” she said. “I’m convinced that Carter was incompetent, Reagan was too lazy and senile to be even a mediocre president, the
first George Bush cared nothing about the people, Clinton was a scoundrel and the second George Bush—the worst of the bunch—was a liar and abuffoon.” 7. Police Chief Barry Kopperud said: “We’ve been after Guiterman for years. He’s the biggest drug dealer in the city, but it took months to gather the evidence and infiltrate his operations. His arrest last night was the result of good police work, and we’ve got the evidence to send him away for 20 or 30years.” 8. Officer George Ruiz filed a $100,000 personal injury suit against Albert Tifton, charging that Tifton punched him in the nose last month while the police were responding to a call about a domestic dispute at Tifton’s home. “It’s the third time I’ve been hit this year,” Ruiz said. “I’m tired of being used as a punching bag by these criminals, and I’m doing what I can to stop it.” 9. Ruth Howland of 1808 Gladsen Blvd. is running for president of the local coin collectors society. Her opponent is Thomas C. Paddock of 1736 Hinkley Road. Howland has sent a letter to all members of the local society saying Paddock is a communist and an anarchist. 10. A prosecuting attorney, who asked not to be identified, said charges would be filed within the week against Mayor Sabrina Datolli, accusing her of having accepted bribes. 11. The firefighters union held a no-confidence vote on Fire Chief Tony Sullivan. The president of the union said Sullivan had been arbitrary and capricious in his decisions about layoffs resulting from budget cuts. 12. An activist for a local animal-rights organization, Julie Allyn, said she had investigated a fire at Weston’s Pet Hotel that had killed 19 dogs and had smelled fire accelerant on the bodies. 13. Suzanne Kopp, whose husband died of lung cancer, is the president of a local group advocating tougher regulation of tobacco products. In a speech to high school students, Kopp said, “Tobacco company executives are nothing but
murderers. Morally, they stand no better than the paid assassin.” 14. Officer Daniel G. Silverbach is investigating a convenience store robbery. Silverbach said of the store clerk, Wayne Brayton, 410 University Ave., Apt. 279, “He’s acting suspiciously and is not able to give a coherent account of the robbery. I think he’s doing drugs of some kind.” 15. Professor Ahmad Aneesa, a microbiologist, said of a paper published by Professor William Baxter, a microbiologist at another university, “These results run contrary to everything we know about microorganisms. I know Baxter has a great reputation, but only a fool would accept his findings without more investigation.”
2. Privacy For each of the following passages, choose the form of invasion of privacy that fits best. Write I for intrusion, P for publicity to private facts, A for appropriation and F for false light. 1. A story describes a man as a veteran of combat in Iraq who has received a Purple Heart and medals for valor. In fact, the man served in the military during the Iraq War but was never in Iraq or in combat. 2. A local car dealer wants to run an advertisement that promotes the low prices for his vehicles with the headline “Bargains That Outshine the Stars.” To illustrate the advertisement, he wants to use photos of famous Hollywood stars such as Jennifer Aniston and Matt Damon. 3. A news story reports that a member of the city council is having a romantic affair with a local business executive. Both the council member and the business executive are married to others. 4. A newspaper reporter follows up on the story of the affair between the council member and the business executive. The reporter follows the business executive to a motel. When she sees the
Review E xerc i s e s
council member arrive, she takes photographs of him getting out of his car in the motel parking lot. Although the reporter is some distance away, she is using a powerful telephoto lens that allows her to photograph the executive and the council member in their room. 5. An in-depth news story reports on a local family whose members have been involved in a number of crimes over the years. The story describes each family member and the crimes they have committed. The story also mentions in passing a member of the family who has never committed a crime. 6. A reporter is investigating a local judge who is reported to have accepted bribes from people accused of crimes in return for lenient sentencing. The reporter tries to interview the judge as he is getting out of his car to go to work, but the judge refuses to talk. However, the reporter sees the judge put an envelope in the glove compartment of his car, which he leaves unlocked. After the judge has left, the reporter opens the car and the glove box to find the envelope, which holds $1,000 in cash and a thank-you note from a defendant in a recent criminal case. 7. A television station reports that police are concerned about the rash of accidents, injuries and even deaths involving children playing in the streets. The station illustrates its story with some video footage of children playing in streets, some of whom are identifiable, and titles its story “They Beg to Be Killed.” 8. A private college in the community recently hired a new dean of students, the first woman to hold the position at that college. A reporter, while preparing a profile of the new dean, discovers that she was born a male and underwent gender reassignment surgery 15 years ago. She told the college officials of her gender reassignment when she interviewed for the job, but she has not made that information public. The profile the reporter writes includes the gender change.
6 “I became a journalist to come as close as possible to the heart of the world.” Henry R. Luce, magazine magnate
journalists, ethics and the responsibilities of a free press in a democratic society has become prominent in the
election of Trump and the rise of “fake news” as a popular term. Ethical reporting is a major part of the issue. Journalists research, analyze and provide the information people need to make good decisions and lead productive lives. Therefore, they must make the right choices when working on a story.
Thousands of professional reporters make many good decisions every day. They use critical thinking and informed decision-making processes when determining which story is more important to report, whom to interview, what questions to ask, what angle to take, whom to quote, which side to present first, how long to make the story, what visuals to use, where to place the story among other stories, and so forth. Even thinking about where and when to interview someone has potential ramifications. Every choice a journalist makes when gathering, organizing and presenting the news—with text or images—requires value judgments. These choices have consequences that are direct and indirect, intended and unintended, short-term and long-term. They also affect others; for example, they may influence thousands of people’s opinions on a political issue or a person’s choice to remain in his or her community after being the subject of a story. Reporters examine their actions on the basis of professional and personal standards. They abide by the ethical codes of their organization, industry, community and society. If they are unsure of a decision, they always take the high road, the morally superior way to deal with something. Above all other principles, journalists must: ●● act and think morally; ●● distinguish between right and wrong; and ●● stay within the bounds of fairness, good taste and common decency.
Ethic al Dec i sion Making
Codes of Ethics Major professional journalism organizations have adopted codes of ethics. An organization encourages its members to adhere to its guidelines, which can also be used by individual media companies to set their own policies. News outlets adapt ethics codes to reflect local standards, as what is acceptable in a metropolitan area might not be permissible in a rural community. News agencies also employ codes of ethics to discourage the most obvious abuses, especially freebies, junkets and conflicts of interest (discussed later in this chapter). Yet some exceptional cases arise; thus, decisions will vary from one news organization to another, which might be one of the system’s great strengths. After considering their news organization’s code of ethics, journalists decide the proper (i.e., ethical) course of action. But any effort to change the system—to force every reporter in various situations to conform to an identical predetermined standard— would limit the media’s diversity and freedom, as well as the public’s access to information. The American Society of Newspaper Editors (ASNE) adopted one of the industry’s first codes, the Canons of Journalism, in 1923. Among other things, the ASNE declared that newspapers should act responsibly by being truthful, sincere, impartial, decent and fair. The Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) has a well-known code. The National Press Photographers Association (NPPA) provides ethical guidelines for visual journalists who produce video and still images, and the Radio, Television, Digital News Association (RTDNA) has a code for broadcast journalists. There are others; for example, National Public Radio (NPR) has a social media code of ethics for their reporters, available at ethics.npr. org/tag/social-media/.
Legitimate news publications, such as these magazines, must include only articles that adhere to the organization’s and the industry’s ethics.
Ethical Decision Making In addition to following the standards of their news outlet and professional o rganizations, reporters learn a set of decision-making q uestions to help them make good, ethical choices. A few decision-making processes are o ffered in the following sections.
The Society of Professional Journalism (SPJ) adopted its current code of ethics in 1996 and revised it in 2014.
Who and How Many? (Two Questions) Two fundamental questions that a journalist should ask when facing an ethical decision are: ●● Who will be hurt, and how many? ●● Who will be helped, and how many?
News stories sometimes hurt someone or some group. If the story hurts a few people and helps several hundred, then publishing it is most likely justified. Perhaps a local doctor has been accused of misdiagnosing symptoms, which has led to unnecessary surgeries and uncured ailments. The story would hurt the doctor and his family, but it would help many people when choosing a physician.
What Is the Purpose of the Story? (Two Follow-Up Questions) Once the decision to publish a story has been made, journalists sometimes get too involved with the micro issues, such as the wording of a story or its headline, the visuals or the placement. While these details are important, reporters must also consider the macro issues by asking a second set of questions: ●● What is the objective of the story? ●● Will my decision contribute to the reason for writing the story?
The answers will help a reporter decide, for example, not to include how a teenager committed suicide because that would not be the purpose of the story. The objective most likely would be to either celebrate the teenager’s life or to reference the incident while educating the community about the increase of teenage suicides and the signs of teenage depression. Here is another example. In some cities, coalitions of merchants, homeowners and government officials combat prostitution by encouraging the police to make more arrests and asking news organizations to publish the names of both prostitutes and their customers. Editors realize that such publicity could ruin reputations, marriages and careers. Both clients and prostitutes often have spouses, children and colleagues who know nothing of their outside activities or criminal actions. In a big bust of 20 accused, one john was a scout leader and another was in a seminary. One of the prostitutes attended law school and another was trying to make ends meet for her family. As the editors discussed the story, they initially focused on several micro issues: placement—a story placed on a jump page is less damaging to the accused than a story on the home page; space—a short story is not as noticeable as a longer one; and graphics and visuals—the type and number of illustrations, if any, can set the tone. They then revisited the macro issue—ridding the community of an unsavory business associated with drugs, violence and disease and other threats to family neighborhoods, children and businesses. Once they clarified their reasons for running the story, they were able to resolve the micro issues more e asily. Theyput
Ethic al Dec i sion Making the story on the home page with a list of the names and mug shots of both the accused customers and prostitutes.
Can I Explain My Decision? (Six Questions) Former journalist and professor H. Eugene Goodwin advised journalists and students to ask themselves six guiding questions while making an ethical decision. These are in addition to the four already discussed. 1. What do we usually do in cases like this? (What is the news organization’s policy on this type of situation, and is it a good policy?) 2. Is there a better alternative? (Harmful results often can be avoided or eased by trying something different.) 3. Can I look myself in the mirror tomorrow? (You must think about how you feel and whether you can live with your decision.) 4. Can I justify this to family, friends and the public? (If we know we have to explain our decisions to our family—such as, what would Mom think?—or to the public in an editor’s column, we might be more careful about our decisions.) Try listening to yourself out loud. 5. What principles or values can I apply? (Some overarching principles, such as truth, justice or fairness, will take priority over others.) 6. Does this decision fit the kind of journalism I believe in and the way people should treat one another? (Our judgments should correspond with the way we believe the media ought to be and the way people in a civilized society ought to behave. Take the high road.)
The Potter Box The Potter Box, shown in Table 6.1, is a moral reasoning framework that a person can complete multiple times in any order to make a decision. It is based on the four categories that its creator, social ethicist and theologian Ralph Potter, believed were universal to ethical dilemmas. A reporter might use the Potter Box when experiencing inner turmoil on running a story about a personal friend and beloved community member who embezzled from the local elementary school. This process is shown in Table 6.2.
News Media Credibility Considerations Professional journalists are trained to think ethically and act responsibly. However, when a story is wrong or the journalist is unethical, the news outlet suffers a
The Potter Box
Facts, without judgments
Values, such as personal, moral, professional and societal
Principles or classic ethical philosophies
Loyalties, such as whom you care most about
Using a Potter Box
Facts, without judgments: A staff member embezzled thousands of dollars.
Values, such as personal, moral, professional and societal:
The school does not have any extra money in its budget. Theloss will affect the business of running the school.
The story would help parents understand why the school cannot provide as many supplies and services for children as it had in the past.
Principles or classic ethical philosophies:
Loyalties, such as whom you care most about:
Rawls’ veil of ignorance, which states that we should remove our personal interests and treat everyone the same way. (Thus, we cover an embezzler who is a family friend the same way we cover an embezzler we do not know.)
The public and the overriding principle for the greater good.
blow to its reputation, and sometimes the whole industry suffers. If it is a large or repeated error, the organization may dismiss the reporter or editor responsible. This alone gives journalists a powerful reason to think through ethical issues. Ethical and accurate credibility is important to news organizations for two main reasons:
NBC Nightly News demoted news anchor Brian Williams after he embellished a story by stating on-air that he had been in a helicopter hit by a rocket-propelled grenade while in Iraq in 2003. (He had not been.)
1. People depend on news media for their i nformation. Unlike bloggers and e veryone else who writes online, professional journalists are trained in news judgment, vet their sources and report news a ccurately. News stories influence audiences, helping them form opinions (“Trump says LGBTQ soldiers are an issue in the m ilitary, but why?”) and decide on a ctivities (“I will choose a country other than North Korea for a study abroad e xperience”) that can have a great impact on their quality oflife.
2. News media must be credible to succeed as businesses. They need audiences for financial support. If people doubt the credibility of a particular news outlet, they will change websites, channels or newspapers. When audiences turn away, advertising and subscription revenues decline, news budgets shrink and comprehensive coverage diminishes, which drives away more audiences. The downward spiral usually continues until the outlet ceases business.
Ethics Issues Regarding Conduct Some ethics issues arise from a journalist’s conduct—his or her decisions, behaviors and practices. Journalists are aware that their personal actions affect other people and influence how the public sees the newsmedia.
Ethic s I s sue s Regarding C onduc t
Plagiarizing and Fabricating Information: NeverAcceptable “Plagiarism” is copying somebody else’s work or taking somebody else’s ideas and passing them off as one’s own. Copying and pasting quotes and other passages from the internet have made plagiarizing easy, but it is also illegal. Journalists who are caught plagiarizing or fabricating information often are dismissed. Some complain that deadlines and competition forced them to act unethically. However, legions of other reporters work under the same deadlines and uphold high principles. They understand that the reason doesn’t matter—if journalists plagiarize or make up information, they are lying to the public. The Boston Globe argued in an editorial that journalists who fabricate or plagiarize stories are stealing something more valuable than money: They are stealing the public’s trust and the news organization’s credibility. In this digital age, it is quick and easy to detect and expose plagiarism. As reporter Jarrett Hill listened to Melania Trump’s 2016 National Republican Convention speech, he recognized words from an address that Michelle Obama Jarrett Hill’s tweet identifies the text from Michelle Obama’s 2008 speech that also appeared in Melania Trump’s 2016 address. gave eight years earlier. He compared the two speeches and found that Trump’s included an entire paragraph from Obama’s. Hill tweeted his findings to friends and fellow journalists, who soon retweeted the message thousands of times, and CNN televised a split screen with both women giving their speeches.
Finding Sources Journalists search for and interview people who can be good sources for their stories. For example, sources for a story on diversity at a university include current students with different demographics, former students, an administrator who tracks diversity and perhaps faculty members who have been at the university for a long time. Journalists seek people with different opinions so that various angles of an issue are presented. Some instructors require three different types of sources instead of similar ones, such as all current students.
FRIENDS AND RELATIVES Journalism students often want to use friends and relatives as sources in their stories. This is a bad idea because it lessens the story’s credibility. Sources should be varied and come from backgrounds different from the reporter. The practice also compromises a journalist’s integrity because a relative or friend usually
E T HI C S willnotmind if the reporter makes up or changes a quote to fit the story. Furthermore, when a journalist uses a friend as a source, he or she expects to be presented in a positive manner, or the journalist tries to make him or her look good in exchange for being in the story.
SCRATCHING BACKS AND BECOMING TOO CHUMMY Journalists need to know where to draw the line between being friendly and being friends with sources. Once that line is crossed, it becomes harder for them to remain objective. Also, sources who become friends expect preferential treatment. They may assume journalists will clean up their bad language or omit quotes that would reflect badly on them. The old adage “You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours” applies here. Sources give credibility to stories, offer ideas, add a different perspective and help with leads for more information. However, they do not consistently offer their time and information freely or out of the goodness of their hearts. They usually expect something in return, such as having only their point of view published or receiving publicity in another story to further their own interests. A reporter’s job is to be honest and objective. They should not fear or ignore stories that cast sources, particularly political or governmental ones, in a negative light. The informant might freeze the journalist out for a while, but not forever. If reporters cultivate a variety of sources representing different opinions, they can continue to do their job. Reputation is important: Journalists gain respect for writing balanced, fair stories. To avoid problems, they might request that a particularly negative story about an important source be assigned to another reporter or ask their editor for a change in beats if they become too chummy with a contact.
CURBING ANONYMOUS SOURCES Reporters make clear at the beginning of an interview that everything is on the record and attributable. The public doubts sources who do not want to be named or held accountable for what they say. The credibility of the story and the journalist diminishes when no one is named to back up assertions. If a source for an important story supplies initial information but does not want to be attributed, the journalist finds someone willing to talk on the record. For some beats, such as national security, reporters must deal with anonymous sources, but these are rare (see Chapter 10). Most newsrooms have a twosource rule to confirm reports—and more is better, especially when the source is anonymous.
Recording Interviews: Audio Recorders andVideoCameras Journalists often record interviews so that they can refer to the audio when their notes are confusing. They also use recorders to prove their stories are accurate and to protect themselves: Sources might claim the reporter misquoted them or even fabricated the entire interview. Some honestly forget what they said. Journalists do not secretly record interviews without their editor’s approval because that tactic is devious and unfair (but see Chapters 5 and 11). The use of
Ethic s I s sue s Regarding C onduc t hidden video cameras raises additional issues. While audio recordings capture only a person’s voice, videos—which often end up on television or the internet—also include people’s faces, clothing and actions. Many people consider hidden cameras a greater intrusion than hidden audio recorders. Lawsuits for invasion of privacy can arise when journalists hide recording devices in places where people can reasonably expect their words and actions to be private. The threat of lawsuits discourages reporters from using hidden cameras or audio recorders unless the story is extraordinarily important and they have exhausted all other means of getting the information they need.
Reporter Kenneth Vogel got a scoop when, at a Washington restaurant, he overheard Trump’s lawyers discussing the investigation of Russian election meddling. Vogel took notes on his phone and also shot a photo of the men. Taking notes of a public conversation is legal whereas recording without permission is not.
Eliminating Conf licts of Interest A conflict of interest exists when journalists, their friends and relatives, or news organizations are in a position to benefit directly from a story. Reporters want to avoid even the appearance of such conflicts, which compromise their objectivity. In an effort to be transparent, they disclose any conflicts of interest in their stories. Audiences will decide if an issue exists and if it caused any bias.
ACCEPTING GIFTS: “FREEBIES” Journalists refuse to accept money or anything else of value from the people they write about—before or after the story is published. Businesses do not give gifts without expecting something in return, whether it is currying favor for a current story or greasing the wheels for any potential stories. Gifts could subconsciously bias a journalist’s story, and the appearance of giving/receiving such items may cause the public to suspect they have influenced the coverage. An editor at The Washington Post has said, “On some newspapers (this one included), the acceptance of a bribe—for that is what it is—is a firing offense.” Unless it is worth only a few dollars—a cup of coffee, for example—journalists refuse gifts. They tell the giver that the item cannot be accepted because of their organization’s policies. Other newsroom guidelines require journalists to return the gift or send it to a charity. For example, reporters at the Detroit Free Press auction the amassed gifts annually and give the proceeds to charity.
ACCEPTING TRIPS: “JUNKETS” Free trips, called “junkets,” were once common. Fashion writers were invited to New York and television critics to Hollywood, with all of their expenses paid. Sports writers might accompany their local teams to games in distant cities, with the teams paying all the writers’ expenses. Many travel writers insist they could not afford to travel if hotels, airlines or other sponsors did not pay for them. Their stories are often compromised and
E T HI C S unrealistic, however, because most people do not get complimentary trips with first-class transportation and managers’ red-carpet treatment. Thus, the writer’s experience neither resembles that of most travelers nor helps them decide how to spend their vacations.
PARTICIPATING IN THE NEWS Journalists have lives outside of the newsroom, and those activities sometimes turn them into newsmakers. When that happens, editors worry that their journalists’ involvement in events might undermine public confidence in the news organization’s objectivity. Editors insist journalists’ first obligation is to their primary employer. Reporters continue to represent their employers as objective news gatherers even after they leave work for the day; therefore, as stated in the SPJ’s Code of Ethics, they should “remain free of associations and activities that may compromise integrity or damage credibility.” News executives generally agree that reporters should not hold public office (either elected or appointed), serve as party officials or help with anyone’s election campaign. When in doubt about a possible conflict, journalists talk with their supervisors. A journalist is perceived as having a conflict when the official or candidate is his or her spouse or a family member. In these cases, editors often move the reporter to another beat or he or she takes a leave of absence until the election or term ends.
FREELANCING At most news organizations, journalists are free to accept outside jobs, provided these roles do not conflict with their regular work. Typically, reporters can work as freelancers, but they cannot sell their work to their employers’ competitors, such as other media in the same market.
Maintaining Objectivity One component of objectivity, as discussed in the previous sections, is absence of bias. Everyone has biases and opinions, but journalists’ can greatly affect a story. They may influence selection of story topics, sources, questions asked, story angle, organization and presentation. For instance, reporters who are passionate about the illegal immigrant issue might have difficulty writing objectively about Trump’s proposed wall between Mexico and the United States. They might unintentionally interview only sources who share their opinions. Those aware of their prejudices might overcompensate in the opposite direction to present an impartial story. Journalists let their supervisors know when they cannot cover a subject objectively, and the editor or news director will assign the story to another reporter. Objectivity also means integrating balance, fairness and accuracy within stories. Impartial facts without context can create inaccurate impressions. In Quill magazine, science reporter and educator Sally Lehrman criticized journalists who simply repeated a scientist’s claim that the Maori, the native people of New Zealand, carried a “warrior” gene that promoted aggressiveness and violence and was linked to their high rates of alcoholism and smoking. Other journalists examined crime rates among the group, which seemed to support the findings. If journalists
Ethic s I s sue s Regarding C onduc t had been independent, critical thinkers, they would have looked at the Maori in a social context to interpret the scientist’s findings. For example, the Maori, descendants of the Polynesians, generally experience discrimination. A well-established link exists among violence, poverty and lack of opportunity, which creates high unemployment, low education levels, low incomes and health disparities. Lehrman argued that, instead of automatically reinforcing a stereotype, these journalists needed to dig deeper to explain the context. Doing so would have exposed and possibly helped the Maoris’ situation by giving the issue greater understanding.
Interviewing Victims Journalists are sensitive to victims and the public’s sense of decency as they photograph and interview victims and grieving relatives. They avoid having victims and their families relive a horrific event. Yet few journalists are psychologists. They may not realize many disaster victims and family members are in shock, which can affect people in different ways, for several days or even months after an event. People in shock sometimes inadvertently twist or forget facts. They may later recant their stories or accuse journalists of making up the interview. Many reporters obtain more accurate and complete stories if they wait several days to speak to victims. Although hard news stories can be written immediately after an event without these interviews, stories with more context and facts from the victim’s family can follow later. Victims or their family members sometimes choose to speak to only one journalist during their time of grief. And, families may have a representative, who might be a relative or close friend. In this case, journalists give their names and telephone numbers to the representative, and they ask the victim to call if and when he or she feels ready to talk. Compassionate, respectful journalists who do not pressure victims and their families receive more in-depth information.
Respecting Privacy of Sources The media sometimes intrude on the privacy of individuals. Although journalists are often within their legal rights, they are not necessarily proceeding ethically. Some people who become involved in major lawsuits, crimes and accidents may expect to be mentioned in news stories about them, but others might be surprised or confused about being in the media spotlight. Reporters are sensitive to individuals who have been thrust into the news. The coverage of private citizens is often different from that of celebrities and politicians, who seek publicity.
Avoiding Deceit: Posing and Misrepresentation Journalists strive to be trusted. They believe that deceit is a form of lying and that lying is unethical, even though a few may think deceit is the only way to get some stories. Yet most experts say the press should not criticize deceitfulness by public officials or businesses if reporters are also being devious while pursuing a story. An investigative story with many in-depth interviews and extensive background research provides a better story than one in which journalists use deception.
E T HI C S Passive posing, where the reporter might appear to a business owner or government official as simply another member of the public, presents few ethical problems. He or she may experience a situation as an average citizen and gather information available to any person. Restaurant reviewers would be ineffective if everyone knew their identities. Restaurant owners, eager to obtain favorable publicity, would offer reviewers special meals and service, making them unable to describe what the average customer receives. Another example is a journalist who wants to cover a protest rally: If protesters realize a reporter is present, they might either act more cautiously or perform for him or her, behaving more angrily or violently to ensure that they got into the news. More serious ethical—and legal—problems arise when journalists actively misrepresent themselves in order to gain access to places and information closed to the general public. For instance, a student reporter might want to investigate how his or her university handles sexual assault claims by posing as a victim or an accused person. Although it might be exciting and easier to write a story in the first-person, it is not a good idea. Journalists should not misrepresent themselves; it is a form of lying. In this case, the reporters should review the reason for the story. If the macro issue is to inform young women and men about the university’s system, researching campus sexual assault policies and interviewing students who experienced the process, university officials, parents and lawyers would be helpful. Finding data on universities nationally would put the individual school into context. In the past, journalists have posed as patients to gather information about a mental hospital or as laborers to write about migrant workers’ exposure to pesticides. Although reporters could be exposing a social ill, the public disapproves of their conduct. They may even face legal penalties because of their dubious methods of gathering information. Journalists talk to their supervisors before they use any form of deceit. News executives might allow their staff to pose only when no other safe way exists to obtain an important story. In addition, journalists state their use of deception in their stories and explain why it was necessary; they also call all people criticized in their stories and give them an opportunity to respond.
Witnessing Crimes and Disasters Journalists and photographers might witness terrible tragedies, such as people drowning, falling to their deaths or fleeing from fire. They react in the same way they would if a member of their family was in physical danger—they help the person, particularly if they are the only ones on the scene. But when a victim is already receiving help from rescue workers, police officers, firefighters or medical technicians, journalists stay out of the rescuers’ way and concentrate on reporting the event. Reporters occasionally learn about a crime or hostage situation while it is in progress and are tempted to interview the suspect, who often has a weapon. However, the potential risk to the hostage outweighs the value of the information gleaned. Audiences will be informed just as well, if not more comprehensively, if the reporter learns information later from police. Furthermore, if he or she interrupts first responders trying to do their jobs, they may be unable to stop the suspect from killing someone or from escaping. Journalists are not hostage negotiators.
Ethic s I s sue s Regarding C ontent
Ethics Issues Regarding Content News executives consider the best ways to inform, educate or entertain their audiences. As the fourth estate, news media are respectful and considerate to sources, subjects and audiences while balancing society’s need to know. Audiences might ignore an important story if the reporter obtained or presented the content in a controversial or unethical manner.
Avoiding Speculation: Get the Facts and Provide Accurate Context When reporters do not know why things happen, they sometimes want to speculate in an effort to explain it to audiences. Their conjectures, however, mislead the public. Journalists refrain from guessing the “why” or “how” until the information is known for a follow-up story. Instead, they steer clear of sensationalism, respect an individual’s privacy and focus on the objective of the story. Journalists can inadvertently transform heroes and victims into bad guys and vice versa by presenting allusions and incomplete facts. When a teenage boy was killed while he and a friend tried to stop a burglar from getting into a neighbor’s home, one newspaper stated that he was out at 4 a.m., smoking, had a gun and was a high school dropout. An anonymous source said the boy “liked to party.” Very little information was presented about the burglar. A different newspaper called the boy a hero and quoted the positive things his family and friends had to say. This story noted that, at the time of the incident, the teenagers were sitting on the porch of one of the boys’ homes because they were minding the rule that smoking was not allowed in the house. The victim was enrolled at an alternative school for dropouts because he was determined to get a GED and he had a job. The gun belonged to the other boy, whom the victim was defending when the burglar stabbed him. The burglar had been arrested several times for burglary and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
Using Visuals: Newsworthy or Sensational? Editors and producers run photographs and videos because they tell a story. But the visual coverage of disasters, including civil wars, bombings, hate crimes, mass shootings and natural disasters challenge many news executives. They seek the proper balance between giving the public what it needs to see without presenting unnecessarily gory images, descending into sensationalism or being accused of running the visual for shock value. Too much repetition of the same graphic can distract people from the purpose of the story and, as researchers explain, numb viewers’ reaction to the horrific events. Sometimes, however, words alone cannot convey the situation as well as a photograph or video can. All journalists make decisions about whether to shield the public from unpleasantness or to educate them on a case-by-case basis. They use their ethical decision-making processes to discuss publishing an image or finding a middle ground by cropping it or giving a long view instead of a close-up. But reporters who cover a lot of murders and accidental deaths might not be able
E T HI C S over time to objectively judge what an audience will find appropriate. Thus, news organizations keep in touch with the public’s attitudes—what is acceptable to city dwellers in the East might not be acceptable to rural folks in the Midwest.
Altering Images Photojournalists are loath to change the content of their photos in newspapers or online because it is dishonest and unethical. Just as writers do not lie about the content of their stories, photographers do not lie about the content of their captured images. Still, they have always been able to alter their photos. In the days of 35 mm prints, photos could be cropped, enlarged or burned to provide more contrast. With digital imaging software, photojournalists can remove a distracting object in the background of a photo without changing the essence and meaning of the picture. (For more on photojournalism and manipulating images, see Chapter 14.)
Deciding When to Name Names News organizations have policies requiring journalists to fully identify everyone mentioned in their stories. However, some participants might make forceful claims for anonymity.
NAMING JUVENILES Journalists usually do not name children who are connected to a crime. Children are not capable of dealing with the associated infamy, which might affect them for the rest of their lives. Traditionally, the criminal justice system has also shielded children under 18 who are accused or convicted of a crime. This protection has been explained on the grounds that juveniles understand neither what they did nor the consequences of their actions. The main exception occurs when juveniles are tried in adult court because the charge is a serious crime or the suspects have already been punished for earlier serious offenses. If several teenagers are charged with committing crimes that terrorized a neighborhood, news executives might feel a need to identify them and perhaps their parents as well. Journalists might decide their obligation to calm people’s fears by informing the community about the arrests outweighs their normal obligation to protect the accused and their families.
WRITING ABOUT VICTIMS OF SEXUAL ASSAULT A national study of news executives showed that most news organizations withhold the names of rape victims. The nature of the crime and the subsequent attention traumatizes and stigmatizes victims in unique ways. Sexual assault is an underreported crime, and news coverage discourages some from going to the police. Astudy on rape victims showed that most were angry about being identified, and a few said they would not have reported the crime if they had known news media would name them. As a result of being named, most victims reported emotional trauma as well as embarrassment, shame and difficulties in their relationships. Although the media does not usually name people who report a sexual assault, they do for those charged. Another study showed that audiences wanted to know
Ethic s I s sue s Regarding C ontent
the accused’s name but felt that news organizations should not identify victims. Sexual assault suspects, like those in other crimes, are always identified so the public has full knowledge about the situation. Moreover, bystanders might come forward with information about the accused, and his or her neighbors can take steps to protect themselves. Thus, identifying a victim has little effect on audiences but may have negative effects on the individual.
Covering Killers People remember events based on how the media covered them. When the news focuses on killers—their backgrounds and their families—and not the victims, some critics say the media glorify killers and imply that they are important and victims are not. For example, many people who saw news coverage of a man ramming his vehicle into anti-racist protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, say they remember the perpetrator better than they do the person killed and 19 others injured. Were repeated stories about the driver’s background verging on sensationalism? Was his story more important than those of the victims? Who should be remembered?
Reporting on Public Figures andCelebrities The public’s right to know often outweighs a government official’s or public figure’s right to privacy. Most Americans seem to agree that journalists should expose government officials who abuse their power, such as those who steer lucrative contracts to cronies, or who have personal problems, such as alcoholism, that affect their work. But does the public have a right to know about a public figure’s private affairs, such as adultery? Proponents argue that if a politician breaks a solemn promise, such as a wedding vow, pledges to his or her constituency might also be meaningless. The public has a right to know about the character of the person who represents them. Another variable is whether the affair is with a member of the government, which could lead to abuse of power or favoritism. On the one hand, public figures and celebrities want to be the center of attention when promoting their causes, such as a new policy or an upcoming movie. When Angelina Jolie visited a refugee camp in Jordan as a special envoy for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, she welcomed the publicity she drew to those displaced by the civil war in Syria. On the other hand, she was reticent to discuss her divorce from Brad Pitt, just as most celebrities do not want the public to know personal things that might be damaging to their image or causes. Critics say those in the public Journalists identify the purpose of a story and what audiences need to eye cannot have it both ways. Journalists use know, such as in the case of New York City mayoral candidate Anthony their professional news judgment to consider Weiner, who was sexting explicit photos to several women, including carefully whether a topic will affect the lives of a minor. Coverage of former Democratic Rep. Weiner’s multiple sex their audiences. scandals and sentencing were important because of his political career.
Reporting Rumors and Speculation Journalists publish established and investigated facts, but the temptation to run unsubstantiated stories grows with the oft-repeated rumors that quickly fly across Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and other social media. Nonetheless, news organizations risk their reputations by publishing false information. All information should be checked out. When an event occurs, some news elements—such as the who, what, where and when—are readily available. However, it might take days or weeks to find out the why or how. Journalists do not provide the why through speculation and interpretation, which could mislead audiences. Theories and conjectures are not news.
Reporting on Terrorism Terrorists want credit for violent acts. Media coverage makes them feel important, and they think it legitimizes their cause. To attract even more publicity, terrorists conduct press conferences. Some want journalists to photograph and interview their captives. Others make videos that show hostages pleading for their lives, reading the terrorists’ demands and warning that they will be killed if the conditions are not met. Terrorists are responsible for bombings, hijackings and mass murders—events that news organizations cannot ignore. Yet some critics insist the media coverage encourages terrorists. They believe that if the media ignored terrorists, they would become discouraged and abandon their acts of violence. Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher urged journalists to stop the coverage, to starve terrorists of “the oxygen of publicity.” Other critics note that Americans have a right to know what is happening in the world, and a news blackout might result in rumors about the terrorists’ activities that are more frightening than the truth. They also fear terrorists would escalate their violence if journalists tried to ignore them. The World Press’s Photo of the Year for 2017 prompted this type of debate among the judges, who were split on their decision. The photo showed the moment after Mevlut Mert Altintas assassinated Andrei Karlov, the Russian ambassador to Turkey, in protest of Russia’s military presence in Syria. One of the judges said he had a “moral concern” that celebrating the photo would magnify attention to a successful terrorist act. Another judge focused on the bravery of the photographer, who shot the image from 15 feet away.
Publishing Ads
AP photographer Burhan Ozbilici happened to be at the Ankara, Turkey, art gallery when Mevlut Mert Altintas killed Andrei Karlov. Ozbilici took about 100 photos of the incident; this image quickly went viral.
News organizations are under no obligation to publish advertisements. Many outlets refuse to publish ads for products and services—tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, happy hours, movies rated NC-17 (adults only), sexual aids, abortion services, handguns, massage parlors and escort services—that may be harmful to members of their community. Some advertisers want to dictate news content and placement of their ads to be close to particular stories. Others may threaten to pull their advertising if news stories reflect negatively on their company’s image or products.
Ethic s I s sue s Regarding C ontent
The Writing Coach Journalists Should Understand: Victims Face Wall of Grief BY JOE HIGHT
Most victims or victims’ relatives face a wall of grief in
●● Realize that you are violating the victim’s space and
the aftermath of a death or disaster. The wall blocks them
may receive a harsh or emotional reaction at first.
from seeing that their lives may improve tomorrow. They
Don’t react harshly if you receive this reaction.
don’t see into the past or future; they see the present and
●● Allow the victim to say “no” after you make the
feel the pain of the moment. Then the reporter approaches them and violates
approach and he or she refuses to answer your question. ●● If the answer is “no,” simply leave a card or number so
their grieving space. Or, in a disaster, several journalists
the victim can call you later. Sometimes the best sto-
approach them.
ries come this way.
So it’s important to learn about coverage of victims. Here are several tips:
●● Know that little things count. Call the victims back to
verify quotes and facts. Ensure photos are returned immediately.
●● When approaching a victim, politely and clearly iden-
tify yourself before asking questions. ●● Treat each victim with dignity and respect. Veteran
AP correspondent George Esper has said, “We should frame our questions with respect and research. We must be sensitive but not timid.” ●● Treat each person as an individual, not as part of an
●● Try to call funeral homes or family representatives
first to connect with a victim’s family member. In most cases, relatives will want to talk about the victims’ lives. In some cases, these may lead to bigger stories. ●● Avoid words such as “closure” to indicate that victims
or members of the community have overcome the trauma connected with a death or disaster. After her
overall number. Each person is different and should be
husband, Secret Service agent Donald Leonard, was
treated that way.
killed in the Oklahoma City bombing, Diane Leonard
●● Never ask “How do you feel?” or say “I understand how
you feel.” Simply say, “My name is . . .” and “I am sorry for what happened.” Then ask questions such as “Could you tell me about your relative’s life?” or “How did this occur?”
said, “This will be a journey we’ll be taking the rest of our lives. It’s part of us, and always will be.” Joe Hight has been editor of the Colorado Springs (Colorado) Gazette and the Oklahoman of Oklahoma City. He is now the owner and president of Best of Books, Inc.
The Reporter’s Guide to Ethics 1. The major principles guiding a journalist’s decisions are to act and think morally; distinguish between right and wrong; and stay within the bounds of fairness, good taste and common decency. 2. Many professional journalism organizations— such as the American Society of Newspaper Editors, the Society of Professional Journalists, and the Radio, Television, Digital News A ssociation—have codes of ethics. 3. When considering a story, reporters should ask themselves who and how many will be hurt by the publication and who and how many will be helped. 4. A Potter Box can help journalists to not only separate facts, values, principles and loyalties, but also lead them to an ethical decision. 5. Plagiarizing another person’s work is never permissible and often results in a journalist’s firing. 6. Reporters should avoid using friends or relatives as sources and should avoid becoming too friendly with sources. 7. Electronically recording an interview without the interviewee’s consent may be legal in most jurisdictions, but it is unethical. 8. Journalists should not accept gifts or junkets from the people or organizations they cover. 9. Journalists, like everyone, have biases, but they should be aware of them and compensate for
them by selecting sources with different views. When reporters feel they cannot set aside their biases on a particular story, they should ask their supervisors for reassignment. 10. Journalists need to be especially sensitive when interviewing victims of crimes or disasters. 11. Journalists should not misrepresent themselves to their sources; they should always reveal that they are reporters working on a news story. 12. News stories should be free from speculation and should present facts accurately and in context. 13. Photographs and videos should provide audiences with helpful information but avoid gore and sensationalism. They should never be altered. 14. Generally the subjects of and sources for news stories should be fully identified, but news organizations usually avoid identifying juveniles who have been accused of crimes and the victims of sexual assaults. 15. The public has an interest in knowing what celebrities and public officials are doing, but public figures still have some expectation of privacy. That expectation is even greater for private individuals who become entangled in news events. 16. Crimes and acts of terrorism are of public concern, but news organizations should avoid giving the perpetrators excessive publicity.
Review E xerc i s e s
Review Exercises 1. Ethical Decision-Making Processes 1. Many journalists memorize a set of ethical decision-making questions that they use regularly. Which ones would you use most often? Would you use different ones in different cases? Give examples. 2. Choose a local issue that presents an ethical dilemma. Use the Potter Box to help you determine a solution. 3. An alum who is a frequent visitor, guest speaker and donor of an accumulated $500,000 to your journalism school referred to President Trump as a white supremacist in a tweet. Is this a story? If so, list any possible ethical dilemmas and the process you would use to find an ethical course of action.
2. Discussion Questions After completing the following questions, discuss your decisions with the class. 1. Which of these actions is plagiarism? Add a few words to explain your answer. A. To sell the notes you took in class. B. To turn in a paper purchased online. C. To use, without attribution, a five-word phrase from a tweet. D. To use, without attribution, a 20-word paragraph from a magazine app. E. While writing about a celebrity, to copy a quote you found online. F.
To use your own words, but another writer’s ideas, that appeared in a TV newscast.
G. To use, but totally rewrite without attribution, a story from another newspaper. H. To use, but totally rewrite with attribution, a story from a webpage. I.
To use a press release without changing a word.
For background while working under deadline pressure, to reprint verbatim several paragraphs from an old story written by another reporter at your news organization.
K. While working for a radio or television station, to read your city’s daily newspaper to determine what’s happening in your community and what stories you should cover.
L. While working for a radio or television station, to broadcast news stories published by your local paper or online without rewriting or attribution. M. While working for a radio or television station, to rewrite stories from your local newspaper or from online and attribute them to the newspaper. N. To duplicate the organization of a story, but not copy the words, from another source, such as Wikipedia. O. While working for a television station, to reuse footage shot by another reporter in a previous story. 2. Aside from the scenarios in the previous questions, what other examples of plagiarism have you experienced? 3. As editor of your student news organization (radio, TV, newspaper, online), you receive an anonymous letter that accuses a faculty member of repeatedly making sexist remarks. Would you publish the letter? If your answer is “no,” at which point would you change your mind? (You can choose more than one response.) A. The student who wrote the letter identifies herself but, because she fears retaliation, insists that you keep her name a secret. B. Two more women come in and corroborate the letter’s content but also insist that you keep their names a secret. C. All three students agree to let you quote them and publish their names. D. The three students play a recording they secretly made in class, one that clearly documents their complaints. E. The students complain that the faculty member also touched them. 4. As editor of your student news organization, which of the following gifts would you allow members of your staff to accept? Explain your decision. A. Free tickets to local plays, movies and concerts for your entertainment editor. B. Free meals at local restaurants for your food critic.
C. Free trips to out-of-town games with your college team for your sports editor. D. Free loan of a sophisticated computer that a manufacturer offers to your technology editor for the school year so she can test new games and software. E. Free one-week trip to Daytona Beach, Florida, for your entertainment writer and a friend to write about the popular spring break destination. 5. As editor of your student news organization, indicate the products and services you would be willing to advertise. Explain your reasoning. A. Hate letters B. Medical marijuana or cannabis clinics C. Guns D. E-cigarettes or cigarettes E. An essay claiming the Holocaust is a hoax F.
Fortune tellers
G. Abortion clinics H. Couples who want to adopt newborns of only a certain race I.
Escort services, massage parlors, nude dancers
6. If you had to write a policy as to the type of ad you would accept, what would you include, and why? 7. As editor of your student news organization, which of the following cases of deception would you permit? Discuss your reasoning. A. After hearing complaints that the university is going overboard on the number and type of penalties regarding Title IX, allow a reporter to pose as a student with a complaint and another reporter to pose as the accused. B. Allow a reporter using a fake identity to join a rebellious group that often marches and holds rallies in the region. C. After hearing that some people may be cheating local charities by collecting food and money from several simultaneously, allow a reporter to pose as a destitute mother to see how much food and money she can collect in one day. The reporter promises to return everything after her story’s publication.
D. Allow two journalists to pose as a s ame-sex couple and try to rent an apartment. Friends have told members of your staff about instances of discrimination. E. A reporter informs you that his brother is opening a bar, and that city inspectors seem to be asking for bribes to approve the building’s plumbing, electrical and health inspections. The reporter suggests that you notify the district attorney, install hidden cameras in the bar and begin to pay the bribes. 8. As editor of your student news organization, choose the practices you would permit. Justify your decisions. A. Allow the sports editor to host a daily program on a local radio station. B. Allow the sports editor to appear in television advertisements for a chain of sports stores in the city. C. Allow the business editor to own stock in local companies. D. Allow a popular columnist, a local celebrity, to charge $1,000 for each one-hour speech she gives. E. Allow a local freelance cartoonist, whose cartoons your newspaper has agreed to publish regularly on the editorial page, to donate money to local politicians.
3. Discussion Questions Read the following situations and decide what a ctions you would take. Discuss your choices with the class. 1. Without your knowledge, a talented young reporter on your staff hacks into the computer system at a competing news organization. The reporter gives you a list of all the stories the rival’s staff is working on. Would you A. Compliment the reporter on her initiative and quickly assign your own staff to cover the stories so you are not scooped? B. Destroy the list and tell the reporter to never again enter the rival’s computer system? C. Reprimand the reporter, suspending her for a week?
Review E xerc i s e s
D. Notify your rival and apologize for the reporter’s actions?
television station won four, and a citizen journalism site won three. How would you handle the story?
E. Notify the police that the reporter may have unknowingly violated a state law?
A. Ignore the story.
2. One of your journalists is writing about a local country club that, she learns, excludes certain cultures. The reporter also learns that your publisher and other influential members of your community are members of the club. Would you A. Abandon the story? B. Inform your publisher about the story and suggest that she resign from the club? C. Tell your reporter to interview the publisher and give her an opportunity to explain her membership in the club? D. Publish the story but never identify any of the club’s members? E. Publish the story, listing your publisher and other prominent citizens who belong to the club? F.
List all 1,200 of the club’s members?
3. As editor of your local daily, you learn that the next day’s installment of Doonesbury, a popular comic strip, shows a political bias that might offend many readers. Would you A. Publish the strip without change or comment? B. Kill that day’s strip? C. Stop publishing the strip forever? D. Change any wording to something less offensive? E. Move the strip to your newspaper’s editorial page and publish an editorial explaining that, although you dislike its content, you believe in freedom of speech? F.
Kill that day’s strip but, in its place, publish a brief explanation and offer to mail copies of the strip to any readers who request it?
4. Each year, the SPJ in your state sponsors an awards competition. Minutes ago, you learned that a r eporter on your staff won first place in feature writing and that your chief photographer won second place in sports. However, another newspaper in the city won five awards, a local
B. Report all the awards. C. Report only the two awards won by your staff. 5. You run the evening news, and a sports reporter mistakenly credited the wrong football player with scoring two game-winning touchdowns. Would you: A. Broadcast a correction the next evening? B. Broadcast a correction and identify the reporter responsible for the error? C. Broadcast a correction and punish the reporter, placing him on probation? D. Broadcast a correction that identifies the reporter and reports his punishment? E. Order the reporter to write a letter to the school, apologizing for his error? F.
Privately punish the reporter, placing him on probation, but publish nothing, treating the incident as a private personnel matter?
G. Do nothing, hoping nobody noticed? 6. Decide how you would respond in each of the following situations. Discuss your reasoning. A. As news director of a local television station, you think an emphasis on crime and violence is bad journalism but don’t know if it affects your newscasts’ ratings. Would you continue to emphasize crime and violence? B. A reporter on your staff has terrible vision, undergoes a new laser procedure to correct her nearsightedness and wants to write a series about the operation and the doctor who successfully performed it. The story is likely to interest thousands of readers, but you learn that the reporter’s operation was performed for free. Would you let her write the series? C. After serving three terms, your city’s mayor—a popular and successful Republican—decides to step down. She then applies for a job as a political columnist for your editorial page and is obviously a good writer. Would you hire her? D. Thousands of people live in your city’s low- income areas. Advertisers prefer reaching
people who are wealthy and well-educated. To improve your newspaper’s demographics would you, as publisher, instruct your circulation staff to ignore your city’s low-income areas and their residents? E. A member of your state legislature proposes applying your state sales tax to advertisements, a policy that would cost the news site, of which you are publisher, millions of dollars a year. When asked, would you contribute $50,000 to a campaign your state press association is waging against the tax? Would you report your decision and the size of any contribution? F.
An extortionist says he has poisoned groceries in your town’s largest chain of supermarkets. Customers continue to shop in the stores. Police say the threat is almost certainly a hoax, and that it will be easier for them to catch the extortionist in a day or two if you delay publishing the story. Would you immediately run the story?
4. Ethical Dilemmas Read the following ethical dilemmas and answer the related questions, giving support for your answers. Discuss your responses with the class. 1. A student at a local high school brought his father’s gun to school and shot another student. The school security guard killed the shooter. In an interview, the principal tells you that the student with the gun was “a troubled child”; she immediately asks you to please not run this statement, that she shouldn’t have said it. Would you run it? Why or why not? 2. After a deadly car accident occurs, you interview the mother of a deceased driver. She tells you that he would have lived if the hospital had not acted so slowly. In describing the hospital, she uses several expletives. For your small-town paper, would you use the expletives? What about in a bigger paper like The New York Times? Does it make a difference that it might appear online for the Huffington Post? Are the expletives necessary? Does including them support the objective of the story?
3. While listening to a police scanner, you hear that a man has been arrested for raping a 16-year-old girl. You go to the police station and talk to the arresting officer. While discussing the case, he says he believes that “this man should fry.” Is it ethical to publish this, or is it editorializing? Is there a better way to use the quote? Is the quote necessary? Does it support the objective of the story? 4. You are assigned to do a profile of a local A frican-American businessman who has just donated a large amount of money to a fund helping the urban black community. While discussing it, he drops a racial slur. Should you use it in your story, even though it takes away from the good deed he has done? 5. Your regular beat includes stopping by the mayor’s office most days of the week, and you regularly talk with the mayor’s secretary. One day she says that she will treat you to lunch and the two of you can discuss what goes on “behind the scenes.” Should you accept the offer of the free lunch, even though she says that it is the only way you will get the information? 6. A local soldier was killed in Afghanistan and brought home. During the woman’s funeral, your videographer captured the deceased’s 5-year-old son wiping away a tear and holding a stuffed bear dressed like Uncle Sam. Should you use the video in your story? Does the decision change, depending on the medium, such as TV or internet or as a photo in print? Should a journalist be at the f uneral, or is that invading the family’s privacy?
5. Stories That Raise Ethical Concerns Each of the following stories involves several ethical dilemmas. Write a news story based on each set of facts, thoughtfully deciding which ones to use and which to discard. Correct any errors you might find.
1. Nursing Home Employees It’s a shocking tale and an exclusive for your newspaper, revealed by a diligent and exhaustive month-long investigation by a team of 5 journalists and one editor on your staff. While visiting a nursing home where her mother is currently living, your police reporter
recognized three faces, all ex-cons. The investigation revealed that felons have daily contact with the most frail and defenseless of your citys elderly residents. No one can say how many nursing home employees have been convicted of theft, prostitution, domestic violence, or other crimes because people in those jobs don’t have to undergo a criminal background check. Using city directories and a multitude of other sources, the team learned the names of 412 nursing home employees and found that 1 in 5 had an arrest or conviction for a felony. Esther Onn, president of the state Coalition to Protect Elders, told one of the reporters that she wants and is fighting for all nursing home employees to be screened: “Our parents deserve the best care society can give them. They shouldn’t have to worry about being robbed or beaten. In some nursing homes in the city we’ve found evidence of real brutality, of residents being terrorized by these thugs. These people work in nursing homes because they can get jobs there. The operators of the places know if they hire ex-cons, they don’t have to pay them much. Giving them jobs at low wages increases the owners profits, and they’re already exorbitant.” But on the other hand Beatrice Rosolowski, spokesman for the State Federation of Nursing Homes, says checking on everyone goes too far and they themselves are pushing other reforms to the system they agree is flawed. “The cracks are there and they are big enough for people to be slipping through,” Rosolowski admits. Theft is the most common crime against nursing home patients, and they are vulnerable because many residents are incapable of even reporting crimes against them, whether theft, brutality, intimidation or neglect. At least some of those crimes are committed by nursing home staffers, which is why people residing in nursing homes everywhere are told to keep their valuables hidden and drawers and doors locked. Even if background investigations of nursing home employees are conducted, the team learned they could be far from adequate since people convicted in other states would likely not be detected and background checks often are not run on people until after they have begun to work. And employees arrested or convicted after their initial check may not be detected until they apply for a job at another nursing home. Blanket screening would be expensive and not likely to make homes much safer. Another source, Atty. Harold Murray, represents 150
Review E xerc i s e s
clients currently suing nursing homes in and around the state. Some have been abused, he said, while others have had their possessions stolen by nursing home workers. “You’ve got housekeepers, custodians, dieticians, and a host of employees who go into these rooms every day and who have contact with residents. Who are these people?” Murray asks. While pursuing the lawsuits Murray obtained records of nursing home workers and did his own background check. Of 378 employee names he submitted, 76 had been arrested for or convicted of felonies. The convictions included prostitution, assault and spousal abuse. Two former prostitutes work at Elder Haven, 3110 East River Parkway, and so does a bank robber released after 14 years in prison. A convicted child molester, Grady Smith, was found by Murray working at Sunnyview Nursing Home, 1012 Peters Dr. Smith was in prison from 1981 to 1993, when he got his current job as a janitor at Sunnyview and, according to police, has been in no trouble since then. The reporters also heard—but have been unable to document—allegations that some nursing home employees strap some residents difficult to handle to their chairs or beds, leaving them in such condition for prolonged periods of time on a daily basis. Unhappy residents families allege but have no proof that some residents are kept heavily sedated even when there is no clear medical or physical reason to do so simply because it makes residents easier to handle.
2. Teen Gang Beginning at the start of last year the police in your city noticed an abrupt increase in crime, especially car thefts and residential burglaries, in the Oakwood Subdivision. As dawn broke early today police went to the homes of 4 teenagers, all students currently at Oakwood high school. The teens were arrested by police, who now say they were part of a ring suspected of involvement in a total of approximately 100 to 150 or more car and home burglaries. Police are looking for two other teens but did not identify them. All are white. All are male. Two of the 6 are on the schools honor roll, which requires a 3.5 gpa or higher. All are between the ages of 16 to 18 yrs of age. In a press conference today your citys police chief said the students apparently took orders from fellow students. His officers recovered property valued at $15,000,
including radar detectors, televisions, stereos, cassette players, guns, cameras, stamp and coin collections, games, compact disc players and a trash bag full of cassette tapes. “Some of these kids were making a lot of bucks,” the chief said. The youngest students, one age 16 and one age 17, were immediately taken to the county j uvenile detention center for incarceration and were subsequently released to their parents. The other two, both 18, were charged with multiple counts of burglary, possession of stolen goods, and contributing to the d elinquency of a minor, and are being held in the county jail with their bail set at $50,000. Because of the seriousness of their crimes, police charged all 4 as adults and identified them as: Claude Nunziata, 16, son of Carmen Nunziata Burt Dolmovich, 17, son of Sandra M. Dolomovich Michael Gandolf, 18, son of Sandra Gandolf Giles Grauman, 18, son of Alyce and Samuel Graumann
The police chief, who personally released the youths names to the press today, said, “The information our investigation is uncovering is that they’ve done a lot more than what we know. One of these punks told my men he’d been involved in at least 80 burglaries
himself. What’s worse, what’s really depressing here, is that we think dozens of students at the school knew what they were doing and, because it was cheap, were buying things from them, things they knew were stolen.” Police chief Barry Kopperud added that the parents of three of the boys voluntarily cooperated by allowing police to search their homes for stolen property taken in the crimes. Carmen Nunziata, the mother of Claude, refused to let the police into her home and refused to talk to the press when you called her today. Police subsequently obtained a search warrant, then proceeded to search the premises. She is divorced and on welfare, with a total of four children to support and is not currently working, having been on welfare for 11years according to public records maintained by the city that you were able to see. The whereabouts of Nunziatas father is unknown at this point in time. “Some parents were aware their sons were wheeling and dealing with property, but they figured they were just swapping with one another,” Kopperudd said. “I don’t know, maybe some knew their kids were crooks.” Some of the recovered property has been returned to its owners. For people who may be wondering whether or not some of the property could be theirs, Kopperud expressed that most of that which was recovered was stolen in the past 30 days and a lot of the rest was sold to other students and at flea markets, so its mostly now all gone.
story—whether fiction or nonfiction—has to begin somewhere. The opening of a story needs to grab people’s attention and hold it. The rest has to flow logically to its
7 “If you don’t hit a newspaper reader between
conclusion. The easiest thing for anyone to do is stop reading,
the eyes with your first
watching or listening, and if the story fails to attract the
sentence, there is no need
person’s attention at the beginning, he or she may ignore it. Just as a story needs a beginning, the process of writing must have one. Few writers can sit at a keyboard and tap out a story without first planning it.
of writing a second one.” Arthur Brisbane, newspaper editor and columnist
Prewriting Identifying the Central Point Writing requires preparation and organization. The preparation begins before gathering information, when the story is just an idea in the mind of the reporter, editor or producer. Earlier chapters of this textbook explained the changing nature of journalism and the concepts of digital journalism, which requires much more planning and organization to deliver content across multiple platforms. The story tree is a helpful tool for organizing and gathering information for a story (see Figure 7.1). When reporters have gathered all the information they think they need for a story, they still face the task of organizing. The best way to start this process is to find the central point, a one- or two-sentence summary of what the story is about and why it is newsworthy. It is a statement of the topic and more. Several stories may have the same subject, but the central point of each should be unique. When Hurricane Harvey struck the Gulf Coast of Texas and Louisiana, people turned to newspapers, television, news websites and social media to find out as much as they could about the catastrophe. Audiences wanted to know what areas were affected and how many people had died or were injured. They wanted to
know the status of local, state and federal government relief and recovery efforts, as well as ways to prevent B-roll Primary the magnitude of the damage and loss of life from sources happening again. Every story about Harvey—whether Scenes to Video Secondary photograph from the view of the rescue and recovery agencies, Side bars sources Photo government officials, witnesses or victims and their People to illustrations photograph families—had its particular central point that distinWritten story guished it from all other stories on the same subject. Photographs Natural Reporters usually have a good idea what the sound Audio Related central point of their stories will be even as they begin interviews websites gathering information. However, unexpected details may emerge and force them to rethink this element. Voice overs Blogs Links Audio Therefore, journalists always review their notes and Sound bytes RSS feeds other materials before they start writing. Doing so ensures that they have identified the most news worthy central point and have the information they need to develop it. It also helps them decide what the major sections of their stories will be. Reporters who fail to identify a central point or who lose sight of it Central Point risk writing incoherent and incomplete stories. Every well-written news story contains a clear Figure 7.1 The Story Tree A story tree can help journalists statement of its central point. It may be in the first organize information for story packages. paragraph, called the “lead,” or in a later paragraph, called a “nut graph,” that follows an anecdote, describes a scene or uses some other storytelling device to entice the audience into the story. By including the central point, writers clearly tell people what they will learn from the entire story. Scenes to Sources to record record
Story Outlines The next step in organizing a news story is to create an outline. A reporter covering a shooting and robbery at a local convenience store might draft this c entral-point statement: “A convenience store clerk was shot by a robber who escaped with only $15.” The outline might have these major sections: Victim and injuries Police identify suspect Witnesses’ descriptions of robber With this skeleton, the reporter needs only to develop each section. Once reporters select a central point and write a brief outline, they go through their notes again to decide what information belongs where. Some number passages; others use colored pens, markers or highlighters to indicate where to put particular facts, quotes or anecdotes. They omit information that does not fit in any of the sections. Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele, investigative reporters who have written several stories for The Philadelphia Inquirer, Time magazine, and Vanity Fair, as well as eight books, say one of the keys to their success is organizing information.
They spend months gathering documents and conducting interviews, all of which are filed by topic or name of individual, agency or corporation. Then they read the material several times because important issues and ideas often become clear only after time. Once they have an outline of the story’s major parts, they start drafting it section by section. Finally, they polish sections and spend most of their time working on leads and transitions between parts. Barlett and Steele’s description of their process confirms what most writers say: No one sits down and writes great stories. Writers must plan their work.
Planning the Digital Story
Collaborators for over 30 years, Donald L. Barlett (right) and James B. Steele have won two Pulitzer Prizes, two National Magazine Awards, and five George Polk Awards together.
Even when developing a story for distribution across multiple digital platforms, reporters first establish a central point. If the story is about an increase in property taxes proposed by local government officials, the c entral point might be the effect the change will have on local residents. Using the story tree, reporters would begin by developing a list of sources to interview—government officials, local residents, business owners and others affected by the increase. They would also develop a list of government databases to scan for information on current tax rates, property values and local government spending.
THE VIDEO STORY Digital journalists need to consider how best to use video with their story. Will it be a highlight segment with quotes from someone who is a source or subject of the story? Will it be a several-minute analysis with comments by several people involved in the story, with voice-over narration and b-roll? Or will it be a mini- documentary with multiple long interviews, interspersed with environmental shots to give viewers a sense of place, and voice-over narration and music? It often depends on the type of story and the amount of time the reporter has to write the story and to edit and prepare the video. Video is often used to explain a complex aspect of a story, which can be done better visually, or to emphasize and dramatize something in the story, but it also can be used to tell the entire story. In planning video for a property tax increase story, reporters would first determine whom they want to record. From government officials, they would learn why the increase is needed and perhaps how the additional revenue will be spent. They would then record interviews with business leaders and local residents for reactions to the proposal. They also would determine what b-roll sequences they would have to record to add context to the story. If a reporter plans to attend a meeting where the matter will be discussed, he or she would want to capture video of the meeting in progress and any reaction from the a udience. If there is no meeting planned, he or she might shoot video that includes areas of the community that will be affected by the increase, such as a shopping mall or business district and the homes in a local subdivision. He or she also may include video of
BA S I C N E W S L E A D S locations where the increased tax revenue will be spent, such as local schools or road construction. (See Chapter 13 for more on video journalism.)
THE AUDIO ELEMENT Journalists have been recording their interviews since the invention of small compact tape recorders and microcassette recorders. With small digital audio recorders, the process is easier than ever before. And the digitally recorded interviews can be uploaded to a computer to be edited and added to the digital news package (see Chapter 13). In planning the story package, reporters have to decide how to use audio clips. As with video, the package could use brief statements from someone being interviewed to explain, emphasize or dramatize a point, or it could use a long interview that tells the entire story. It is important to determine how audio will be used in order to know how much has to be recorded. Audio may also accompany photographic slideshows. This audio may be a narrator explaining what the images represent or music or natural sounds in the background as the viewer reads the captions, or cutlines, beneath each photo. Planning for audio requires reporters to determine whom they want to record; where they want to record; what natural, or environmental, sound they need; and what music, if any, is appropriate. If reporters use any words, images or music others have created, aside from sources’ quotes, they may need to get permission to use them in their stories. Failure to do so could violate copyright law.
PHOTOGRAPHS AND PHOTO SLIDESHOWS Reporters also need to think about still photographs. For example, a newspaper story might appear both in print and online. While the former version may publish one or two photographs, the latter can accommodate as many photos as the editor wants to use. Slideshows often range from six to 15 photographs and may be accompanied by music and/or voice-over narration. Many news organizations have staff photographers who are assigned to stories and take the shots that reporters need. At smaller news organizations, reporters often carry digital cameras to take their own photographs. And most news organizations have their reporters carry digital video recorders because staff photographers are often too busy to hang around for an entire interview. Much like planning for the video story, reporters must take time to think about the photographs they will need. Using the example of the proposed tax increase, photos may include close-up, or mug, shots of the major players, such as the mayor of the community or other government officials; people who spoke at a meeting; or the community leaders who support or are against the change. The reporter also may want to include crowd or background shots if the story Today’s digital audiences expect reporters to provide visual content that will explain and enhance news stories. is taking place at a meeting.
T he Summar y News Lead
The Summary News Lead As mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, the first paragraph or two in a news story is called the “lead” (also spelled “lede”). The lead is the most important part of a story—and the hardest part to write. Like the opening paragraphs of a short story or novel, the lead attracts the audience and, if well written, arouses interest. It should reveal the story’s central point, not hide the subject with unnecessary or ambiguous words and phrases. Every news story must answer six questions: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? The lead, however, should answer only the one or two that are most interesting, newsworthy and unusual. For example, few urban residents know the ordinary citizens involved in news stories, so the names of those people—the “who”—rarely appear in leads. The exact time and place at which a story occurred may also be unimportant. When writers try to answer all six questions in one paragraph, they create complicated and confusing leads. Here’s an example of an overloaded lead and a possible revision: Charles E. Vickers, 47, of 1521 Yarmouth Drive, died and John Aston Walters, 39, of 1867 Colonial Ave., was severely injured Sunday afternoon when the bicycles they were riding were struck near the intersection of Weston and Falmouth roads by a car driven by a man police said had a blood alcohol count of nearly .23 percent and was driving without a license because it had been revoked last year after his fourth conviction for driving under the influence of alcohol. One Mechanicsburg man is dead and another severely injured after the bicycles they were riding were struck by a drunken driver Sunday afternoon near the intersection of Weston and Falmouthroads. Because people and what they do are central to many news stories, some journalists recognize two variations on the summary news lead: the immediate-identification lead and the delayed- identification lead. Reporters use the first type when the identities of the s tory’s major subjects are important or are well known: President Barack Obama will personally welcome Pope Francis at the airport when he arrives for his first U.S. tour, a change for a protocol operation that normally only rolls out the red carpet at the White House. (The [Harrisburg, Pennsylvania] Patriot-News) Citing a recent ruling over custody of livestock seized from a Boonsboro farmer in 2014, Washington County Circuit Court
FROM THE NEWS Leads and the Basic Questions Each of the following leads answers the basic question that seems most important for the story. Who
Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. is nearing a deal to buy one of the country’s biggest power-transmission companies, which would cement electricity as one of the conglomerate’s largest businesses, people familiar with the matter said. (The Wall Street Journal)
Maryland regulators have allowed the state’s first medical-marijuana dispensary to open its doors immediately, even though the drug will not be available for months. (The Associated Press)
William C. Morva was scheduled to be executed Thursday night in Virginia, after supporters failed to convince Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) that Morva’s mental illness merited clemency and a life sentence in the 2006 murders of a sheriff’s deputy and an unarmed hospital security guard. (The Washington Post)
Ukraine has dodged a second cyberattack, officials said Wednesday, suggesting the digital campaign that paralyzed computers across the country and around the world is ongoing. (The Associated Press)
The dismal fiscal situation in many states is forcing governors, despite their party affiliation, toward a consensus on what medicine is needed going forward. (The New York Times)
A nearby resident pulled an Antrim Township milk truck driver from his crumpled tanker Tuesday morning after a Norfolk Southern train crashed into the rig at the Milnor Road railroad crossing. (The [Waynesboro, Pennsylvania] Record Herald)
Judge Mark K. Boyer on Thursday denied a prosecution motion that could have resulted in euthanizing 14 pitbulls held in a pending dogfighting case. (The [Hagerstown, Maryland] Herald-Mail) In many stories, the names of the main subjects are not as important as what occurred. For those stories, reporters use delayed-identification leads, which withhold complete identification of the people involved until the second or third paragraph. Here are two examples: An east Philadelphia man held his girlfriend’s baby at knife point for more than two hours Saturday night before police officers captured him after shooting him with a stun gun. An 82-year-old Dallas woman is slowly recovering from a gunshot wound to the head, and police say they may be on the verge of charging a suspect with attempted murder. Leads that hold back details so the reporter can get to the central point of the article more quickly are called “blind leads.” Beginners should not misinterpret the terminology. A blind lead does not hide the central point of the story,
T he Summar y News Lead
only information that the audience does not need immediately. Blind leads let the journalist tell people what the story is about, to pique their interest and get them into the story. A “catchall graph” usually follows the blind lead to identify sources and answer questions created by the lead. Missing details can be placed in subsequent paragraphs. Here’s an example of a blind lead: It was an Altoona company that lost its appeal to Commonwealth Court, but it’s the state agency charged with overseeing construction matters that’s feeling the pain. (The [Harrisburg, Pennsylvania] Patriot-News) In its second paragraph, the article identified the company and what the case involved. In the third paragraph, the article identified the state agency involved and what it had done wrong. Before reporters can write effective leads, however, they must learn to recognize what is news. After selecting the most newsworthy facts, journalists must summarize those facts in sharp, clear sentences, giving a simple, straightforward account of what happened. Examine these leads, which provide clear, concise summaries of momentous events in the nation’s history: Washington—Supreme Court justices revealed sharp and passionately held differences Tuesday as they confronted California’s ban on gay marriages. (McClatchy Newspapers) Denver—Timothy McVeigh, the decorated soldier who turned his killing skills against the people of Oklahoma City, was condemned Friday to die. (The Dallas Morning News) Dallas, Nov. 22—A sniper armed with a high-powered rifle assassinated President Kennedy today. Barely two hours after Mr. Kennedy’s death, Vice President Johnson took the oath of office as the thirty-sixth President of the United States. (The Associated Press) Leads that fail to emphasize the news—the most interesting and important details—are sometimes described as burying the lead. Here’s an example of an unsuccessful lead: Wentworth County is required to give inmates the same level of m edical treatment the general public receives, Corrections Director Maria Sanchez said. The news in the story, however, was not the level of medical care the county provides inmates. It was the financial problems the county was facing because of the requirement. This rewritten lead makes the significance of the story clearer: Wentworth County’s costs for medical care for jail inmates doubled— from $50,000 to $100,000—last year because of a new state regulation. Friday morning, county and state officials gathered to find a way to pay the bill.
The Poynter Institute gives an “invisible prize” for the best leads in Pulitzer-winning stories. The 2016 winners were AP’s Robin McDowell, Margie Mason and Martha Mendoza for the leads in their stories on slavery in the seafood industry.
Sentence Structure in Leads Most leads are a single sentence. They must be complete sentences and follow all the normal rules for punctuation, grammar, word usage and verb tense. For example, if an event occurred in the past, the lead must use the past tense, not the present. Leads should also include all the necessary articles. Some problems with sentence structure arise because beginners confuse a story’s lead with its headline. The lead is the first paragraph of a news story; the headline is a brief summary that appears in larger type above the story. To save space, editors use only a few key words in each headline. However, that style of writing is not appropriate for leads. Headline: Microsoft begins latest layoffs Lead: Microsoft has started cutting thousands of positions, mostly in its sales department, days after announcing it would shift its sales strategy to focus more on cloud services than on its traditional server and desktop businesses. (The Washington Post) Most leads begin with the subject, which is closely followed by an active verb and then by the object of the verb (i.e., subject-verb-object order; see C hapter 4). Reporters deviate from that style only in the rare case that a d ifferent sentence structure better tells the news. Leads that begin with long qualifying clauses and phrases lack the clarity of simpler, more direct sentences. Long introductory clauses also clutter leads, burying the news amid a jumble of less significant d etails. Author and writing coach Paula LaRocque calls these “backed-into leads.” She describes them as “one of the most pervasive and u ninviting habits a writer can fall into.” Consider the following example: ➤➤ Washington—In the most significant court case dealing with money A
and politics since 1976, a special three-judge panel today upheld portions
several major provisions of a sweeping new law limiting political campaign contributions, it also
parts of the law
donations but found that some of its measures were unconstitutional. (The New York Times)
The original lead delayed the news—information about the court’s decision— until after a 13-word introductory phrase containing information that probably could have gone in the story’s second or third paragraph.
Guidelines for Writing Effective Leads Be Concise The concise style of writing found in journalism makes it easy for the public to understand leads but difficult for reporters to write them. Two- or three-sentence
Guideline s for Writing Ef fec tive Lead s
leads often become wordy, repetitious and choppy, particularly when all the sentences are very short. Like most multisentence leads, the following example can be made more concise as a single sentence: stole a purse containing $50 from
➤ ➤ Two women robbed a shopper in a local supermarket Tuesday. One woman distracted the shopper, and the second woman grabbed her purse, which contained about $50. The original lead was redundant. It reported two women robbed a shopper, and then described the robbery. Reporters use two-sentence leads only when there is a compelling need to do so. Often, the second sentence emphasizes an interesting or unusual fact of lesser importance. Other times, the second sentence is necessary because it is impossible to summarize all the necessary information about a complex topic in a single sentence. The lead in the accompanying article on brain trauma uses a second sentence to illustrate and explain the first. Many readers would find this 26-word lead difficult to read—a better average would be 18 to 20 words. Reporters should examine their leads critically to determine whether they are wordy or repetitious or contain facts that could be shifted to later paragraphs. Journalists shorten leads by eliminating unnecessary background information—dates, names, locations—or the description of routine procedures. Leads should omit many names, particularly those the public is unlikely to recognize or those who played minor or routine roles in a story. Including someone’s name may also require identifying him or her, which uses more words. Descriptive phrases can substitute for names. Similarly, a story’s precise time and location could be reported in a later paragraph. A lead should report a story’s highlights, not all its minor details, as concisely as possible: The FBI on Wednesday arrested a
➤ ➤ A former Roxbury woman, who has eluded federal law enforcement 1983, when
was accused of hijacking an airplane
authorities since she allegedly hijacked a flight from San Juan to Cuba using a plastic flare gun in 1983, was arrested Wednesday as she stood alone on Union Street in Boston, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Although leads can be too long, they cannot be too short. An effective lead may contain only four to six words: “The president is dead,” “Americans landed on the moon” or “There’s new hope for couch potatoes.”
Be Specific Good leads contain interesting details and are so specific that the audience can visualize the events they describe. As you read the following lead from The Tampa (Florida) Tribune, you should be able to imagine the dramatic scene it describes: At 59, she’d never touched a gun—until someone held one to her head.
The second sentence in this lead is not only required to include additional information, but it also gives a compelling detail regarding the topic.
BA S I C N E W S L E A D S Reporters can easily transform vague, dull leads into interesting ones by adding more specific details. The second of the following leads is more successful: The City Council passed an ordinance that will affect all parents and teenagers living within city limits. The City Council ignored the objections of the mayor and numerous parents and voted 6–1 Monday to enact a dusk-to-dawn curfew to keep youngsters off city streets. Some leads use worn-out clichés—a lazy way of summarizing a story. Avoid saying that “a step has been taken” or that someone has moved “one step closer” to a goal. Present specific details: The university’s Board of Governors voted Tuesday to increase
➤ ➤ University officials moved one step closer to increasing tuition 10 percent next year to offset cuts in state funding
and fees for the upcoming school year, leaving students up in the air. Avoid “iffy” leads that say one thing may happen if another happens. In a ddition to being too vague, “iffy” leads are too abstract, tentative and qualified. Report the story’s more immediate and concrete details.
Use Strong, Active Verbs A single descriptive verb can transform a routine lead into a dramatic one. As you read the following lead, you may be able to picture what happened: Deland—After rushing her 7-year-old daughter to safety, Ann Murray raced back to the docks and pounded on her friends’ boats while flames and explosions tore through Boat Show Marina early Friday morning. (The Orlando [Florida] Sentinel) Strong, active verbs, such as “rushing,” “raced,” “pounded” and “tore,” paint a vivid picture of the scene. They capture the drama and emotion of a news event and help the reader understand the impact of the story. The following lead uses several colorful verbs to describe the capture of a wayward Angus steer that escaped his handlers: The suspect tore through a homeowner’s fence, ripped the wires from a satellite dish with his teeth, slammed head-on into a travel trailer, then bolted down the street on his way to a weird encounter with a canoe. (The Orlando [Florida] Sentinel) Avoid passive-voice constructions, which combine the past participle of a verb with some form of the verb “to be,” such as “is,” “are,” “was” and “were” (see Chapter 4). Compare the italicized verbs in these two leads: Passive Verbs: One person was killed and four others were injured Sunday morning when their car, which was traveling west on Interstate 80, hit a concrete bridge pillar and was engulfed in flames.
Guideline s for Writing Ef fec tive Lead s Active Verbs: A car traveling west on Interstate 80 swerved across two eastbound lanes, slammed into a concrete bridge pillar and burst into flames, killing one person and injuring four others Sunday morning. Writers can easily convert passive voice to the active voice. Simply rearrange the words so the sentence reports who did what to whom. Instead of reporting “Rocks and bottles were thrown at firefighters,” report “Rioters threw rocks and bottles at firefighters.”
Emphasize the Magnitude of the Story If a story is important, reporters emphasize its magnitude in the lead. Most good leads focus on the impact stories have on people. When describing natural d isasters or man-made catastrophes, such as airplane crashes, tornadoes or major fires, journalists emphasize the number of people killed, injured and left homeless, as well as the financial cost of the damage to buildings or other objects. When describing a storm, reporters may highlight the amount of rain or snow that fell. The following lead shows how magnitude can be emphasized in a story: New York (AP)—Secondhand cigarette smoke will cause an estimated 47,000 deaths and about 150,000 nonfatal heart attacks in U.S. nonsmokers this year, a study says. That’s as much as 50 percent higher than previous estimates.
Stress the Unusual Leads also emphasize the unusual. By definition, news involves deviations from the norm. Consider this lead: Oelwein, Iowa—Two men have been arrested for stealing a man’s clothes and leaving him to wander around naked, officials said. (The Associated Press) A lead about a board of education meeting or other governmental agency should not report “The board met at 8 p.m. at a local school and began its meeting with roll call.” Those facts are routine and not newsworthy. Most school boards meet every couple of weeks, usually at the same time and place, and many begin their meetings with roll call. Leads should stress the unique—the action that follows those routine formalities. Bank robberies are so common in big cities that newspapers normally devote only a few paragraphs to them. Yet a robbery at the Burlington National Bank in Columbus, Ohio, became a front-page story, published by newspapers throughout the United States. A story transmitted by The Associated Press (AP) explained: A 61-year-old man says he robbed an Ohio bank with a toy gun—he even told the FBI ahead of time when and where—because he wants to spend his golden years in federal prison. After his arrest, the bank robber insisted he did not want a lawyer. Instead, he wanted to immediately “plead guilty to anything.” The man
BA S I C N E W S L E A D S explained he recently was divorced, had no family ties and was disabled with arthritis. He had spent time in at least three federal p risons and wanted to return to one of them. “I knew what I was doing,” he insisted. “I wanted to get arrested, and I proceeded about it the best way Iknewhow.” Reporters must learn to recognize and emphasize a story’s unusual details.
Localize and Update Reporters localize their leads whenever possible by highlighting their communities’ involvement in stories. Audiences are most interested in stories affecting their own lives and the lives of people they know. Reporters also try to localize stories from other parts of the world. When a bomb exploded in a Pan Am plane over Lockerbie, Scotland, newspapers across the United States not only ran the story of the bombing but localized it on the basis of where the passengers had lived. The Gazette in Delaware, Ohio, focused on the death of a student from Ohio Wesleyan University, which is located in the town. Similarly, when the FBI reports on the number of violent crimes committed in the United States, reporters stress the statistics for their communities: The number of violent crimes committed in the city last year rose 5.4percent, compared to a national average of 8.3 percent, the FBI reported Tuesday. Reporters update a lead by highlighting the latest developments in the story. The adoption of digital media platforms—both web and social media—have allowed news organizations to become 24/7 operations, capable of updating information throughout the day. By posting a story online, journalists can retain much of the original story but update the lead with new information as often as necessary. Before the digital revolution, if a breaking story appeared in an early edition of a newspaper, a writer would gather new information and rewrite the story for publication the next day. Instead of saying a fire destroyed a store the previous day, reporters may stress that authorities have since learned the fire’s cause, identified the victims, arrested an arsonist or estimated the monetary loss. In today’s digital media environment, stories may be updated within minutes or a few hours after first appearing on social media or the web. Stories are updated so they offer the public something new—facts not already reported by other news outlets. Major stories about such topics as economic trends, natural disasters, wars and p olitical upheavals often remain in the news for months and must Sean O’Sullivan’s story on the bust of a drug cartel focuses on the work of local investigators, making the story particularly relevant to readers. be updated regularly.
Guideline s for Writing Ef fec tive Lead s Not every lead can be updated or localized. If a story has no new or local angles, report it in a simple, straightforward manner. Do not distort the story in any way or fabricate any information.
Be Objective and Attribute Opinions The lead of a news story, like the rest of the piece, must be objective. Reporters are expected to gather and convey facts, not commentary, interpretation or advocacy. They may anger or offend an audience when they insert their opinions in stories. Calling the people involved in news stories “alert,” “heroic” or “quick-thinking” or describing facts as “interesting” or “startling” is never justified. When accurate, these comments usually state the obvious. Leads that include opinion or interpretation must be rewritten to provide more factual accounts of thenews: ➤ ➤ Speaking to the Downtown Rotary Club last night, Emil Plambeck, wants developers to set aside
superintendent of the City Park Commission, discussed a topic of 5 percent of the land in new subdivisions for parks
concern to all of us—the city’s park system.
The original lead is weak because it refers to “a topic of concern to all of us.” Thereporter does not identify “us” and is wrong to assert that any topic concerns everyone. Here are other examples of leads that state an opinion or conclusion: Adult entertainment establishments have fallen victim to another attempt at censorship. Recycling does not pay, at least not economically. However, the environmental benefits make the city’s new recycling program worthwhile at anycost. To demonstrate that both leads are statements of opinion, ask your friends and classmates about them. Do they all agree that the regulation of adult entertainment establishments is “censorship”? Do they all think that recycling programs are “worthwhile at any cost”? Although journalists cannot express their own opinions in stories, they often include the opinions of people involved in the news. A lead containing a statement of opinion must be attributed so that the audience clearly understands the opinion is not the reporter’s. A lead containing an obvious fact or a fact the reporter has witnessed or verified by other means generally does not require attribution. An editor at The New York Times, instructing reporters to “make the lead of a story as brief and clear as possible,” noted, “One thing that obstructs that aim is the inclusion of an unnecessary source of attribution. . . . If the lead is controversial, an attribution is imperative. But if the lead is innocuous, forget it.” Thus, if a lead states undisputed facts, the attribution can be placed in a later paragraph: Washington—Cars and motorcycles crash into deer more than 4,000 times a day, and it’s taking an increasingly deadly toll—on people. (The Associated Press)
Strive for Simplicity Every lead should be clear, simple and to the point. Here is an example: A party-crasher shot a 26-year-old woman to death at a surprise birthday bash in Queens early Sunday, police and witnesses said. (New York Daily News) The next lead suffers from far too much detail: Officials of the city and the Gladstone School District are breathing sighs of relief following the Clackamas County Housing A uthority’s decision to pull out of a plan to build an apartment complex for moderate-income people on 11 acres of land between Southeast Oatfield and Webster roads. The lead could be rewritten any number of ways. The reporter must decide what the important point is. Here are two versions of a simple blind lead for the samestory: Several city and school district officials applauded the county’s decision to scrap plans for a subsidized housing complex. A new subsidized housing complex will not be built, and city and school district officials are relieved.
Some Common Errors Beginning with the Attribution Avoid beginning a lead with the attribution. Names and titles are dull and seldom important. Moreover, if all leads started this way, they would sound too much alike. Place an attribution at the beginning of a lead only when it is unusual, significant or deserving of that emphasis: At a press conference in Washington, D.C., today, Neil A. Schuster, spokesperson for the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, announced that , U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics officials said Friday
last month the cost of living rose 2.83 percent , a record high . last month
Originally, the lead devoted more space to the attribution than to the news. As revised, it emphasizes the news—the information the Bureau of Labor Statistics released. The attribution has been condensed and can be reported more fully in a later paragraph.
Minimizing the News Chronological order rarely works in a news story. By definition, news is what just happened. The first events in a sequence rarely are the most newsworthy. Decide which facts are most interesting and important, and then write a lead that emphasizes them regardless of whether they occurred first, last or in the middle of a sequence of events.
S ome C ommon Error s Here are two leads. The first begins with actions taken at the start of a city council meeting. The second begins with an action likely to affect a large number of city residents. Which would attract a larger audience? The City Council approved the minutes from its last meeting, approved paying omnibus budget bills and examined a list of proposed ordinances. The City Council voted 6-1 Monday night to increase the city’s police department budget by 15 percent to hire more officers and buy new weapons. Look for a story’s action or consequences. That’s what the lead should emphasize. The second version of the following example stresses the effects of the accident: A 15-year-old boy learning to drive his family’s new car struck a gasoline pump in a service station on Hall Road late Tuesday afternoon. A 15-year-old boy learning to drive created a fireball Tuesday. The family car he was driving struck a gasoline pump at a Hall Road service station, blocking traffic for three hours while firefighters extinguished theblaze.
Using Agenda Leads An opening paragraph that places too much emphasis on the time and place at which a story occurred is called an “agenda lead.” Although these leads are used to announce an upcoming event—public relations news releases use them to promote an organization’s product or event—they should never appear in a news story about something that occurred the previous day. A lead should focus on the news, as the following revised lead does: There’s gold in the garbage society discards, the
➤ ➤ James Matthews, president of International Biotech Inc., a company that manufactures recycling and composting machinery, said, staking his claim on the future of recycling
was the keynote speaker at Monday night’s opening ceremony of the Earth Preser vation Society’s annual conference at the Lyceum Center.
The revised lead focuses on what the speaker said, something the original lead failed to do. Here is a lead that focuses on the time of a story: won five of its seven games and placed second
➤ ➤ Last weekend the women’s volleyball team participated in the last weekend
r egional playoffs .
Using Label Leads “Label leads” mention a topic but fail to reveal what was said or done about it. Leads should report the substance of a story, not just its topic. A good lead does
BA S I C N E W S L E A D S more than report that a group met, held a press conference or issued a report. It reveals what the group did at the meeting, what was said at the press conference or what was written in the report. Label leads are easy to recognize and avoid because they use similar words and phrases, such as “was the subject of,” “the main topic of discussion,” “spoke about,” “delivered a speech about” or “interviewed about.” Here are two examples and how they might be improved: An additional fee for business licenses is one way the
is considering
➤ ➤ The City Council Tuesday night discussed ways of regulating a new topless club in the city. College f
➤ ➤ Faculty and staff members and other experts Thursday they favor a new scholarship program as a way of recruiting
proposed strategies to recruit more minority students.
Listing Details Most lists are dull. If one must be used in a lead, place an explanation before it, never after it. The audience can more quickly grasp a list’s meaning if an explanation precedes it. The following lead is improved by reversing the order: The company that made it, the store that sold it and the friend who lent it to him are being sued by a 24-year-old man whose spine was severed when a motorcycle overturned. A 24-year-old man whose spine was severed when a motorcycle overturned is suing the company that made the motorcycle, the store that sold it and the friend who lent it to him.
Stating the Obvious As previously discussed, avoid stating the obvious or emphasizing routine procedures in leads. For a story about a crime, do not begin by reporting police “were called to the scene” or ambulances “rushed” the victims to a hospital “for treatment of their injuries.” This problem is particularly common in sports news, where many leads have become clichés. For example, stories that say most coaches and players express optimism at the beginning of a season report the obvious: Both want to win most of their games. The following lead is ineffective for the same reason: The Colonial Park school board has decided to spend the additional funds it will receive from the state. Including the specifics of the decision improves the lead: The Colonial Park school board voted Monday night to rescind the 5percent spending cut it approved last month after learning the district will receive more money from the state.
S ome C ommon Error s
Reporting the Negative When writing a lead, report what happened, not what failed to happen or what does not exist: their greatest fears are poor health and poverty
➤ ➤ Americans over the age of 65 say that crime is not their greatest fear, two sociologists reported Friday.
Exaggerating Never exaggerate in a lead. If a story is weak, exaggeration is likely to make it weaker, not stronger. A simple summary of the facts can be more interesting (and shocking) than anything that might be contrived: A 78-year-old woman left $3.2 million to the Salvation Army and 2 cents toher son. A restaurant did not serve a dead rat in a loaf of bread to an out-of-town couple, a jury decided Tuesday.
Distorting the Story Every lead must be truthful. Never sensationalize, belittle or misrepresent. A lead must also set a story’s tone—accurately revealing, for example, whether the story that follows will be serious or whimsical: The party went to the dogs early—as it should have. Parents who host parties for their children can understand the chill going up Susan Ulroy’s spine. She was determined guests wouldn’t be racing over her clean carpeting with their wet feet. “This could be a real free-for-all,” she said. Even though only seven guests were invited, eight counting the host, that made 32 feet to worry about. This was a birthday party for Sandi, the Ulroys’ dog. (The Ann Arbor [Michigan] News)
Following All the Rules Reporters who use their imagination and try something different sometimes can report the facts more cleverly than the competition.
BA S I C N E W S L E A D S Edna Buchanan consistently made routine stories interesting. Here’s a lead she wrote with some imagination. Notice the active verbs and description sheuses: Gary Robinson died hungry. He wanted fried chicken, the three-piece box for $2.19. Drunk, loud and obnoxious, he pushed ahead of seven customers in line at a fast-food chicken outlet. The counter girl told him that his behavior was impolite. She calmed him down with sweet talk, and he agreed to step to the end of the line. His turn came just before closing time, just after the fried chicken ran out. He punched the counter girl so hard her ears rang, and a security guard shot him—three times.
Forgetting Your Audience While writing every lead, remember the audience. Leads must be clear and interesting to attract and keep people’s attention. The following lead, until revised, fails both tests: proposals
➤ ➤ Two policy resolutions will come before the Student Senate would raise student parking and athletic fees by more than $100 a year
this week .
Is the original lead interesting? Why not? It emphasized the number of resolutions the student senate was scheduled to consider. Yet almost no one would care about the number of resolutions or, from the lead, would understand their significance: the fact that they would affect every student at the school.
Using the First Draft Critically examine all leads and rewrite them as often as necessary. First drafts are rarely so well written that they cannot be improved. Even experienced professionals often rewrite their leads three or more times.
S ome C ommon Error s
The Writing Coach Oh Where, Oh Where Does the Time Element Go? BY JOE HIGHT
You’ve just finished your lead and something is missing:
4. And use “on” to avoid an awkward juxtaposition of
the day. Oh, the dreaded time element. Where to place the
the day and a proper name. on ➤ ➤ Police told Smith Tuesday. . . . (The orig-
day so it doesn’t tarnish your fine lead or be criticized by your editor? In his column “Writers Workshop,” which formerly appeared in Editor & Publisher magazine, Jack Hart wrote, “Faulty time element placement produces much of
inal makes it seem that the name of the person is Smith Tuesday.) Please remember, however, that you do not use “on” if
the strange syntax that often taints newspaper w riting.
the time element would not confuse the reader:
We regularly come up with oddities such as ‘A federal
The council meeting will be Wednesday.
judge Monday approved’ or ‘Secretary of State Warren Christopher threatened Monday. . . .’” If you have problems, and most of us do, with the time
5. Hart recommends breaking the tradition of always putting the day or time element at the beginning of
element trap, here are six tips from Hart, the AP Stylebook
the sentence. However, he adds that it’s occasionally
and others:
the best place, especially when considering the example he provided:
1. The most natural place to put the day is immediately after the verb or the main clause. Thus, you follow the basic formula for writing a lead, especially in a hard news story (who, what, time, day or date and place): The robber was killed Friday at the convenience store. 2. Avoid placing the time element so it appears that it’s the object of a transitive verb. If this occurs, use “on” before the time element. on ➤ ➤ The city council postponed Thursday a resolution. . . . (The original makes it seem
Richard “Joe” Mallon received the phone call this week he had dreaded for 19 years. The day or time element can be used properly as a transitional expression, but probably should not be used in your lead. 6. Place your time element in a different sentence. Don’t think that the time element must be in the lead, especially when you’re writing a profile or issue, trend or feature story. In many cases, the time element can be effectively delayed for later paragraphs.
that the council postponed Thursday.) on ➤ ➤ Deputies arrested Thursday a man wanted. . . . 3. Use “on” before the principal verb if it seems awkward after the verb or main clause. on ➤ ➤ The embassy Friday expelled several diplomats.
As always, the best advice is that you read your sentence out loud or to another person to ensure that the time element doesn’t sound or seem awkward. This will ensure that your Mondays, Tuesdays and so on are in their proper place today. Joe Hight has been editor of the Colorado Springs (Colorado) Gazette and the Oklahoman of Oklahoma City. He is now the owner and president of Best of Books, Inc.
The Reporter’s Guide to Writing Leads 1. Be specific rather than vague and abstract. 2. Avoid stating the obvious or the negative. 3. Emphasize the story’s most unusual or unexpected developments. 4. Emphasize the story’s most interesting and important developments. 5. Emphasize the story’s magnitude and its impact on its participants and the public. 6. Use complete sentences, the proper tense and all the necessary articles—“a,” “an” and “the.” 7. Be concise. If a lead exceeds three typed lines, examine it for wordiness, repetition or unnecessary details and rewrite it to eliminate the problems. 8. Avoid writing a label lead that reports the story’s topic but not what was said or done about it. 9. Begin leads with the news—the main point of the story—not the attribution or the time and place the events occurred.
10. Use relatively simple sentences and avoid beginning leads with a long phrase or clause. 11. Use strong, active and descriptive verbs rather than passive ones. 12. Avoid using unfamiliar names. Any names that require lengthy identification should be reported in a later paragraph. 13. Attribute any quotation or statement of opinion appearing in the lead. 14. Localize the lead, and emphasize the latest developments, preferably what happened today or yesterday. 15. Eliminate statements of opinion, including oneword labels such as “interesting” and “alert.” 16. Remember the audience. Write a lead that is clear, concise and interesting and that emphasizes the details most likely to affect and interest people. 17. Read the lead aloud to be certain that it is clear, concise and easy to understand.
Review E xerc i s e s
Review Exercises 1. Evaluating Good and Bad Leads Critically evaluate the following leads. Select the best ones and explain why they are effective; point out the flaws in the remaining leads. Finally, look for lessons—“do’s and don’ts”—that you can apply to your own work. 1. A 24-year-old Greeley man was charged with multiple counts of first-degree murder and arson in the deaths of his wife and three children who died in an early morning fire in their home. 2. City Council has to return a grant it received last year to fix deteriorating road conditions on Main Street. 3. People are jumping into swimming pools and switching buttons to high on air conditioners as temperatures in the Midwest soared to record numbers over the past three days.
were captured Wednesday during another burglaryattempt. 13. The union representing university secretaries and maintenance workers reached a tentative agreement Friday that will give members a 6.5 percent raise over three years. 14. Fingerprints on a candle led the FBI to a man accused of blowing up the building he worked in to hide the shooting deaths of the man’s boss and three co-workers. 15. A teenage driver lost control of his car Wednesday night killing himself and a female passenger, while a 14-year-old friend who was riding in the back seat walked away with only scratches and bruises.
2. Writing Leads
4. University administrators say they are considering imposing the largest tuition and fee increases in a decade because of state budget cuts.
Section I: Condensing Lengthy Leads
5. A petition filed by Councilman William Bellmonte to force the City Council into a special session to reduce local property taxes was thrown out in court Monday after it was discovered that half the names listed on the petition were dead people.
1. Christina Shattuck, 43, and Dennis Shattuck, 45, and their three children, ages 7, 3 and 9 months, all of 532 3rd St., returned home from a shopping trip Saturday night and found their two-story frame house on fire and called firefighters, who responded to the scene within five minutes, but were unable to save the house and its contents, which were totally destroyed.
6. An 85-year-old woman stepped off the curb and into the path of a moving car. She was struck by the car and tossed 50 feet into the air. She died instantly. 7. Ray’s Mini-Mart at 2357 S. Alderman St. was the location of a burglary sometime Friday night. 8. Police Chief Barry Kopperud is concerned that crime is rising in the city. 9. This weekend will offer the best chance yet to see a brilliant performance of “My Fair Lady” at the Fairwood Community Theater, so reserve your tickets now. 10. Loans become a popular way to cut college costs. 11. The tree-lined campus is home to many wild and stray animals. 12. Two men suspected of burglarizing five churches, two homes and a pet store all in one night
Condense each of these leads to no more than two typed lines, or about 20 words. Correct all errors.
2. The local school board held a special meeting Tuesday night so Superintendent of Schools Greg Hubbard could address a group of angry parents who were demanding to know why they were never informed that a middle school student had brought a gun to school and may have been targeting their children during an incident on school grounds last Friday.
Section II: Using Proper Sentence Structure Rewrite the following leads, using the normal word order: subject, verb, direct object. Avoid starting the leads with a long clause or phrase. You may want to divide some of the leads into several sentences or paragraphs. Correct all errors.
1. In an effort to curb what city officials are calling an epidemic of obesity among young people in the city, which mirrors national data on overall obesity of the population, your local city council voted 7-0 to offer free memberships at its meeting Monday night to local youth centers and health clubs in the city for children ages 8 to 15 whose parents do not have the financial wherewithal to purchase the memberships. 2. Despite the efforts of Karen Dees, 19, a student at your university who lives at 410 University Avenue, Apartment 52, and performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation for more than 20 minutes, she was not able to help sheriffs deputy William McGowen, 47, of 4224 N. 21st St., who died while directing traffic after being struck by lightning during an electrical storm.
Section III: Emphasizing the News Rewrite the following leads, emphasizing the news, not the attribution. Limit the attributions to a few words and place them at the end of the leads. Correct allerrors. 1. The National Institutes of Health in Washington, D.C., released a report today indicating that more than 90 percent of all heart attack victims have one or more classic risk factors: smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. 2. According to a police report issued Monday, accident investigators concluded that Stephanie Sessions, 16, daughter of Jeffrey D. and Michelle A. Sessions, of 9303 Vale Drive, had just gotten her drivers license two days before she was involved in an accident in which she rolled the Jeep Wrangler she was driving, injuring herself and two other passengers.
Section IV: Combining Multisentence Leads Rewrite each of the following leads in a single sentence, correcting all errors. 1. Gary Hubard, superintendent of schools, announced a new program for your local school district. It is called the “Tattle-Tale Program.” The program involves paying students to tell on classmates who bring guns or drugs to school or violate other school rules. The program is in response
to an incident last month in which a high school student was caught carrying a loaded handgun on school property. 2. The Bureau of Justice Statistics of the U.S. Department of Justice released a report Monday on the number of people in the United States who have spent time in prison. Last year, about one in every 37 adult Americans was imprisoned or had been in prison at one time. The 5.6 million people who were either serving or had served time in prison represented 2.7 percent of the adult population of 210 million people, according to the report. The figures represent people who served time in federal, state and county prisons after being sentenced for a crime, not those temporarily held in jail.
Section V: Stressing the Unusual Write only the lead for each of the following stories, correcting all errors. 1. The city is sweltering under a heat wave. Temperatures have hit 100 degrees-plus for the past week and humidity levels have hovered between 75 and 90 percent each day. Authorities have been cautioning people, especially the very young and the elderly to stay inside in air conditioning and avoid exerting themselves outside in the sun. City Health Department officials held a press conference this morning to announce that three people had died over the past two days because of the heat. All three were elderly people who lived in the downtown area. Two of the three were a married couple. The one victim was identified as Betsy Aaron, 86, of 410 Hillcrest Street, Apartment 302. Aaron was a retired teacher who had taught elementary school for more than 30 years. The other two victims were Jeffrey Ahsonn, 84, and his wife, Teresa Ahson, 79, both of 49 Groveland Avenue. Ahsonn was a retired mechanical engineer who had worked for the city for many years. Police and health department officials were alerted to the deaths in each case by relatives who discovered the bodies. When they entered the dwellings, police told officials that they found a pair of fans and an air conditioner in each dwelling. The fans and air conditioners had been delivered by city workers to disabled elderly people to help them
cope with the heat wave. But authorities found the fans and air conditioners still in their boxes. They had never been installed. 2. Destiny Schfini is a vice president with S unBank. Schifini is divorced and the mother of two children—a 10-year-old girl and an eight-year-old boy. The children visit her once a month. Schifinis son, Ronald, was visiting this weekend. Schfini is 36 years old and lives at 3260 Timber Ter. Ronald was injured in an accident Saturday afternoon around 2 p.m. The boy was struck by a train. Police said Schifini and her son were riding bikes along Fremont Avenue when the mother decided to take a shortcut across the railroad tracks that run along Fremont Avenue. The boy is on life support in Mercy Hospital and listed in critical condition. He was struck by a train. Witnesses said the mother saw the train coming and crossed anyway and encouraged her son to cross. The boys bike got caught on the tracks and as he tried to free it, the train struck him. Ronald was thrown through the air and sustained broken ribs, a broken pelvis and a bruised heart. Police charged Destiny Schifini with aggravated assault, reckless endangerment, endangering the welfare of a child and failure to obey a train signal. Police said they charged Schfini after they learned from witnesses that Schifini did not help the boy, but taunted him as the train approached. 3. Julius Povacz is a paramedic in your community who serves with the rescue squad in the fire department. The 34-year-old Povaz lives at 210 East King Avenue, Apartment 4. Eight years ago he was tested for human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, and told that the test was positive. Povacz never told his superiors that he had tested positive. A routine check of his medical records last month by fire department officials found the notation that the test was positive. Povacz was relieved of his duties. Povacz said at the time he may have been infected with the virus accidentally by coming in contact with an infected patient at the scene of an emergency. When he learned that he lost his job, Povaz said it was worse than learning that he had tested positive for HIV. Being a paramedic was all he ever wanted to do. He said for eight years he has feared
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that his medical condition would be discovered or that he would develop AIDS and die. The state Department of Health computer system tracks HIV patients and periodically reviews cases. An official at the state Health Department informed Povacz and his superiors yesterday that Povacz is not and never was HIV positive. A second test that was performed eight years ago to confirm the first test indicated no presence of HIV, but the information was never placed in Povaczs medical records by his physician, Dr. Nadine Caspinwall, and Caspinwall never informed Povacz. Povacz is now fighting to get his job back. 4. The police department in your community are investigating a two-vehicle accident. The accident occurred at 5:38 p.m. Thursday during rush hour. The accident occurred at the busy intersection of Huron Avenue and Timber Trail Road. Police said a blue Toyota Camry driven by Cheryl Nicholls, 25, of 1287 Belgard Avenue, ran into the rear of a pickup truck driven by Ronald Dawkins, 44, of 1005 Stratmore Drive. Dawkins is a bricklayer. Nichols Toyota suffered severe damage, but she sustained only bruises and a laceration on her leg. Police said the car was a total loss. Police charged Nicholls with inattentive driving and operating a cell phone while driving. The cell phone law was passed last year by the state legislature and banned the operation of a cell phone while driving. Nicholls was talking to her car insurance company about an error on a car insurance bill when she struck the rear of Dawkins pickup truck. 5. A home at 2481 Santana Avenue was burglarized between the hours of 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. yesterday afternoon. The owner of the home is Dorothy R. Elam, a sixth-grade teacher at Madison Elementary School. She said no one was home at the time. Neighbors said they saw a truck parked in the driveway but thought some repairmen were working at the home. The total loss is estimated at in excess of $8,000. The items stolen from the home include a color television, a videocassette recorder, stereo, sewing machine, computer, 2 pistols and many small kitchen appliances. Also, a stamp collection valued at about $1,000, some clothes, silverware and lawn tools were taken. Roger A. Elam, Mrs. Elams husband, died 2 daysago.
Therobbery occurred while she was attending his funeral at 2:30 p.m. yesterday at the Powell Funeral Chapel, 620 North Park Avenue. Elam died of cancer after a long illness.
Section VI: Localizing Your Lead Write only the lead for each of the following stories, correcting errors if necessary. Emphasize the information that would have the greatest local interest. 1. The U.S. Department of Justice is calling identity theft the crime of the 21st century. Identity theft is the illegal appropriation of another persons personal information—Social Security card number, driver’s license number, credit card numbers, etc.—and using them to drain bank accounts or go on a buying spree. Justice Department officials say it is the fastest-growing crime in the United States. Criminals can get access to peoples personal information by going through their trash or stealing their mail. The Federal Trade Commission estimated the dollar loss to businesses and individuals last year was in the billions. The number of victims nationally is running as high as 750,000 a year. The rate of identity theft complaints nationally is averaging 22 victims per 100,000 people. Justice Department officials say that is too high. But the rate of identity theft complaints in your city is 77 victims per 100,000 people. State Representative Constance P. Wei is sponsoring a bill that would establish a web site that would allow credit card holders to check to see if their numbers have been stolen. The bill also would increase the penalties for identity theft and raise the crime from a misdemeanor to a felony. 2. Your state’s department of education announced that it is awarding more than 30 million dollars in federal grant money to 53 school districts throughout the state. The money is to be used to offset recent cutbacks in state funds given to school districts for educational programs and materials. Among the programs eligible for grant money are innovative programs to help identify and support at-risk youth who are not receiving the help they need. At-risk youth are more prone to failing in school and dropping out, becoming involved with drugs, becoming involved in crime or gang-related activity, and ending up in prison.
The states Commission on Crime and Delinquency identified your local school district as a leader in the effort to help at-risk youth with its C ommunity Helping Hands program. The program i dentifies at-risk youth at an early age and then engages teachers, community members and other students to help at-risk youth through a cademic tutoring, social activities and counseling. The state Commission on Crime and Delinquency through the state department of education is providing $1.2 million to your school districts at-risk p rogram. The funds will help support the programs operation for at least three years.
Section VII: Updating Your Lead Write only the lead for each of the following stories, correcting errors if necessary. 1. Dorothy Heslin is the manager of the Mr. Grocer convenience store at 2015 North 11th Avenue. Heslinn is a 48-year-old single mother with three children. She is seen as a hero by some and a villain by others. Yesterday, two masked men carrying guns barged into the Mr. Grocer and demanded money. As she reached for the cash drawer, Heslinn pulled a .357-caliber Magnum pistol from beneath the counter and fired four shots, killing one robber and seriously wounding the second. Some in the community say it was justified because her life was in danger, but others say she used excessive force. Police today charged Heslinn with aggravated assault with a handgun, attempted murder, second-degree murder and failure to properly register a handgun. 2. There was a grinding head-on collision on Cheney Road yesterday. Two persons were killed: Rosemary Brennan, 27, and her infant daughter, Kelley, age 2, both of 1775 Nairn Dr. The driver of the second car involved in the accident, Anthony Murray, 17, of 1748 North 3 Street, was seriously injured, with multiple fractures. Police today announced that laboratory tests have confirmed the fact that Brennan was legally drunk at the time of the accident. 3. The Steak & Ale restaurant is a popular restaurant and lounge in your community. It is especially popular with college students. The restaurant is located at 1284 University Boulevard. Lastyear,
a group of students was celebrating at the restaurant after a football game. The five students became rowdy and were asked to leave by Sarah Kindstrom, a waitress at the Steak & Ale. The students left the restaurant, but one of them, James Ball, who was 20 at the time, of 1012 Cortez Avenue, Apartment 870, became separated from the group, wandered into the street and was struck by a car. He died at the scene. His parents sued the Steak & Ale for serving underage students alcohol and causing the death of their son. Monday the restaurants owners settled the suit for one million dollars.
3. Writing Basic News Leads Write only a lead for each of the following stories. Correct all errors. 1. It was nearly a tragedy on Monday. Police said it is amazing no one was killed. A train struck a sport utility vehicle at a crossing on Michigan Avenue near the intersection with Wayne Boulevard in your city. Police said the accident occurred at 5:48 p.m. in the evening. Abraham and Estelle Cohen were the passengers in the 2010 Ford Explorer that was struck by the eastbound train. Abraham is 35 years old, and he was driving the vehicle. Estelle is 33 years old and is five months pregnant. The couple’s daughter Emily, who is three years old, was a passenger in the back seat. No one was seriously injured. Abraham works for the city school system. He is assistant director of computer services. Estelle is a public relations representative for Evans Public Relations Group. Abraham, Estelle and their daughter live at 1903 Conway Rd. All three were taken to the local hospital for observation. Abraham suffered contusions on his ribs. Estelle received a small laceration on her forehead that required six stitches. Their daughter, Emily, suffered minor bruises to her right arm and face. Two ambulances were called to the scene to take the family to the hospital. Police said Mr. Cohen was driving west on Michigan Avenue when he came to the train crossing. The crossing does not have warning lights or an automated barrier gate. There are warning signs and a stop sign that require motorists to stop and look for trains before crossing the tracks.
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Police say Mr. Cohen failed to stop at the stop sign and drove into the path of the train. The train was traveling at approximately 15 to 20 miles per hour when it struck the car. Emily was riding in a child safety seat, which police said saved her life. Police said the vehicle suffered extensive damage and had to be towed from the scene. 2. For the past five years, researchers at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, have been studying a sample of 4,000 adult males. The men range in age from 45 to 75. The research cost $1,500,000 and was paid for through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The researchers announced the results today. The researchers have been studying the effects of meditation on men suffering with heart disease. Many of the men involved in the study either had suffered one or more heart attacks and/or had heart valve or heart bypass surgery. The study attempted to determine what effects meditation had on the heart for those suffering from heart disease. Researchers found that the men who were involved in a regular program of meditation lowered their stress and had fewer occurrences of repeat heart attacks or other problems associated with coronary heart disease. Dr. William S mithson, one of the researchers at the NIH who participated in the study, said: “Not only did we find that 75 percent of the men who meditated for an hour to an hour and a half at least three times a week lowered their blood pressure significantly during the period of the study, but we also found that their cholesterol and triglyceride levels dropped significantly. And even the numbers for the other 25% of the men in the study who participated in the meditation group showed some improvement. On the other hand, nearly 80 percent of those who did not participate in the meditation program saw an increase in their episodes of heart attacks, angina or chest pain, shortness of breath and other coronary symptoms. The link between the effects of stress on the heart and coronary heart disease are well known, but this study attempted to find a link between reducing stress levels and the effect on the heart.” Researchers plan to release more information as they analyze the data. Researchers said that meditation alone would not help all heart
disease patients, but could be used in conjunction with a good diet and exercise. 3. People in the United States are concerned about the environment. Many are concerned about the waste that is generated by Americans each day and buried in landfills. The Environmental Policy Group, a non-partisan environmental research and lobbying organization based in Washington, D.C., released a report recently. According to the report, only about one-quarter of the country’s paper, plastic, glass, aluminum and steel is recycled. That amount is only a slight increase from what it was 20 years ago. “This rate needs to be doubled or tripled in the next decade to have a positive impact on the environment. Steps must be taken to increase collection of recycled materials, increase public awareness, increase public participation, increase the development of new markets for recycled products and increase government support for recycling programs. Without these efforts, the planet’s resources will be exhausted,” the report said. Mayor Sabrina Datoli announced a new program at Tuesday nights city council meeting and council voted 6-1 to implement the new program. The new program will provide blue recycling bins throughout the city. Residents will be able to drop their recyclable items in any of the designated bins. In addition, the city will provide smaller blue recycling bins to keep in their homes for recyclable items. Residents will place the smaller household bins by the curb with their normal trash cans. The city will have special trucks that will pick up recyclable items on trash collection days. Datolli said residents will be able to use the larger recycling bins if they have a large quantity of items to recycle. Businesses also will be able to use the bins. Even if someone has only one item to place in a recycling container, it will be worth it, according to Datolli. “Too many times while I have been walking or driving around the city, I have seen someone finish drinking a bottle of water or soda and throw the plastic container in the trash because there is no convenient place to put the recyclable material. These public, recycling bins, placed in strategic places around the city, will address that problem,” Datolli said. The program will cost around $280,000 initially to
purchase and distribute the recycling containers and another $120,000 a year to gather and haul away the recycled items. City Council Member Roger Lo is opposed to the program because of the cost. He is in favor of turning the program over to a private contractor who would collect and sell recycled materials for a profit as a way to pay for theprogram. 4. It’s another statistical study, one that surprised many sociologists around the country. The research was conducted by sociologists at the University of Florida. The $1.5 million study was funded through grants provided by the National Institute of Mental Health and the National Science Foundation. For years, sociologists thought that advanced education translated into greater marriage stability. Now, with new data from the study released Monday, researchers have discovered that marital disruption is greater among more highly educated women than any other group, except those who have not graduated from high school. The study found that many young women who do not graduate from high school cohabitate rather than get married. The sociologists who conducted the new study found some of the reasons why women with graduate degrees are more likely to divorce. The key factor seems to be timing. Women who married early, before they began graduate school, are more likely to have established traditional family roles which they find difficult to change. When the wife goes back to school and no longer wants to handle most of the housework, it causes resentment on the part of husbands. If the husband refuses to pitch in and do his share, it creates tension. Such unhappiness on both sides often leads to divorce. The study found that more than one-third of the women who began graduate school after they were married ended up separated or divorced. By comparison, only 15.6% of those who married after they had finished an advanced degree ended up divorced or separated. This group of women seemed more likely to find husbands supportive of their educational goals, according to the study. 5. It was a sad tragedy. There was a fire Saturday evening in your city. Firefighters said the fire broke out around 9:15 p.m. Ann Capiello, a
nineteen year old student at the local university, called 9-1-1 to report the fire. Firefighters arrived on the scene around 9:25. The fire occurred at the residence of Johnnie and Jacquelin Lewis, 1840 Maldren Avenue. Jonnie, is 29 years old and works as an inspector for Vallrath Industries. Jacquelin is 28 and is a stay-at-home mother who cares for their two children, Krista, age 5, and Jeremy, age 3. Jacquelin and Jonnie had gone out for the evening to go to dinner and a movie. They were celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary. Capiello was babysitting their two children. Capiello was watching television in the living room while the children were playing in Krista’s bedroom. According to Tony Sullivan, the city’s fire chief, the children apparently were playing with matches and attempting to light a candle. Capiello told Sullivan she smelled smoke and ran to the bedroom. She did not hear the smoke detectors go off. She heard the children crying and screaming for help, but she could not reach them because of the smoke and heat from the flames. She called 9-1-1 before returning to the bedroom to try to rescue the children. She suffered first-and second-degree burns on her hands, arms and face as she tried to get back into the bedroom. Firefighters were able to extinguish the blaze quickly, but not in time to save the children. They were found dead in a corner of the bedroom. Sullivan said the children most likely succumbed to the heat and smoke from the fire. Firefighters determined that the batteries in the smoke detectors were dead and were not working at the time of the fire. The fire caused an estimated $39,000 in fire, water and smoke damage to the house. Mr.and Mrs.Lewis discovered the tragedy when they arrived home around 10:30 p.m. to find firefighters and ambulances attheir house. 6. Vernon Sindelair is the treasurer for your county. He has served as county treasurer for 31 years. He is responsible for overseeing the economic and financial business of the county. He is responsible for generating revenue through tax collection and paying the bills for the county. He appeared in the county’s Court of Common Pleas Wednesday morning to plead guilty to charges of embezzlement. State police investigators and
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County Attorney Ronald McNally had been investigating Sindelair for more than a year before charging him three months ago with embezzling more than $1.7million in tax receipts. Sindelair is 63years old. He told investigators he embezzled the money to pay medical bills for his wife who died of cancer last year. MacNally said Sindelair faces up to 30years in prison and fines of more than 1.5million dollars. Judge Edward Kocembra delayed S indelair’s sentencing for two weeks until a sentencing report is completed. Sindelair resigned as county treasurer two weeks after he was charged with e mbezzlement by state and county officials. 7. A random survey of Americans was recently conducted by the United States Congressional Research Service. CRS staff members analyze current policies and present the impact of proposed policy alternatives to members of Congress. Pollsters asked a random cross-section of more than 2,000 American adults about their attitudes toward the nation’s federal income tax, and the results are contained in a 12-page report. The survey was conducted because members of the House of Representatives are about to sponsor a bill to abolish the federal income tax and the Internal Revenue Service. More than 56 percent of those surveyed said the federal income tax is unfair and the system needs to be changed. Asimilar survey conducted 10 years ago found that most Americans expressed more dissatisfaction with their property taxes than with their federal income taxes. However, that trend seems to be reversed because the new survey revealed that only 38 percent of those surveyed were dissatisfied with their current property taxes. The survey, which did not reveal the identity of those surveyed, also found that nearly 30% of respondents admitted to cheating on their taxes at some point during the past five years. The characteristic most respondents used to describe their feelings toward the income tax was “unfair.” Many said they favored a simplified flat tax rate or a national sales tax. 8. Workers from your state’s Department Environmental Resources and rescue personnel from your city’s fire department responded to an emergency around 1 p.m. Thursday. The emergency was at the office of Vallrath Plastics, 1620 Industrial
Boulevard. A large thermometer used on a display of the company’s products broke loose from the display board and crashed to the floor. The thermometer contained mercury, which spread around the office. Fire Chief Tony Sullivan said the thermometer contained about two pounds of mercury. A special hazardous materials unit from the city’s fire department responded to the scene to clean up the mercury. Workers from the Department of Environmental Resources responded with special monitors to make sure all the mercury was cleaned up and that no one in the office was contaminated with the substance. Exposure to mercury can cause birth defects and poisoning, Sullivan said. Wanda Albertson, 39, of 529 Adirondack Avenue, is the personnel director at Vallrath Plastics. She was in the office when the incident occurred. She told emergency workers that it sounded like a bomb going off when the thermometer crashed to the floor and that she saw what looked like little silver balls of metal rolling around on the floor. 9. Don Brame is an inmate in the state c orrectional facility in your state. Braem is a former city employee whose former address was 3402 Virginia Avenue. He is 32 years old. He was an inspector for your city’s housing authority. He is serving an 8-year sentence for burglary. He was found guilty last year of breaking into people’s homes and stealing jewelry, money and electronic devices such as cell phones and iPods. Two months ago he was charged with swindling dozens of women of thousands of dollars from his prison cell. Wednesday he pleaded guilty to the new charges against him and was sentenced to an additional 10years in prison. Police officials said Barlow mailed l etters to men who recently died. The letters were r eceived by the men’s widows. Brame told police he got the names of the men from the obituaries in the local newspaper. The letters were written as bills seeking payment for “services r endered.” The amounts of the “bills” were usually less than 100dollars. Most of the women who received the bogus bills paid them because they thought their dead husbands had i ncurred the debt before their deaths. Or the women may have been too upset at the time to give the bills much thought, said Detective Larry Chevez of the
city’s police department. The scam was discovered when Chevez’s mother received one of the letters and asked him about paying the bill shortly after Chevez’s father died. 10. English teachers in your local school district are facing a dilemma. The local school board voted to ban the teaching of certain books in English classes. Milan Scott teaches 10th-grade English classes at Kennedy High School. One of the books he teaches in his English literature class is “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.” The book was written by Mark Twain. Critics, including some parents, attended last Monday’s school board meeting at 7 p.m. in the cafeteria of Kennedy High School and said that the book should be banned from all schools in the city because it is racist. School board member Jane Tribitt agreed with the critics and proposed a resolution asking the local school board to ban the book along with numerous other titles. The board voted 5–4 to ban the books. Many students and parents who attended the meeting were against the ban. Gary Hubbard is the superintendent of schools. Hubbard said the book still will be available to students in the schools’ libraries. Teachers just will not be permitted to use the books in class or for reading assignments. Scott announced that he intends to ignore the ban and continue to assign the books as part of his literature classes. He said “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” is a depiction of society at the time it was written. Students can learn aboutthat society by studying the historical setting of the book, the characters being depicted and the social context, including the prejudices that existed at the time depicted in the book. The book d escribesthe adventures of runaway Huck Finn and a fugitive slave named Jim as they float on a raft down the Mississippi River. Hubard says Scott will face disciplinary action if he defies the ban. 11. A Kennedy High School soccer player died early Monday morning. Thomas Alvarez was 18 years of age. He is the son of Harold and Tina Alverez of 854 Maury Drive Apartment 11B. Police said he was speeding because he was late for school and lost control of his 2006 Ford Focus and collided with a tree in the 5000 block of Cypress Avenue. He was rushed to Memorial Hospital
with severe head injuries and later pronounced dead by County Coroner Devin White. The crash occurred around 7:15 a.m. He was pronounced dead at 8:30 a.m. Two friends who were riding in the car with Alvarez, James Foucault, 17, of 1452 Penham Avenue, and Margaret Hamill, 16, of 811 North Cortez Avenue, walked away from the accident with minor lacerations and contusions, police said. Fire Chief Tony Sullivan said emergency personnel had to cut Alvarez out of the car. He said Alvarez was not wearing a seatbelt. Maureen Verdugo, principal of Kennedy High School, said the school’s crisis intervention team would be available to talk to students, teachers and staff who are mourning Alvarez’s death. 12. Marc Johnson, a construction worker who lives at 2643 Pioneer Rd., was arrested last week and charged with speeding, drunken driving and vehicular manslaughter after the pickup truck he was driving struck and killed a 13-year-old boy and severely injured the boy’s 41-year-old father while they were riding their bicycles in the 4000 block of Holbrook Drive. Johnson is 23 years of age. Johnson was pronounced dead at Memorial Hospital at 2:30 a.m. today. He was rushed to the hospital from the county jail. A corrections officer at the jail checks each cell in the jail every 30 m inutes. At about 1:30 a.m. an officer saw Johnson lying in his bed. When the officer came by Johnson’s cell at 2 a.m., he found Johnson hanging from a bar in his cell. He had torn strips of cloth from his shirt and fashioned a noose around his neck that he then attached to the bar. Corrections officers attempted to revive him before emergency personnel arrived, but were unsuccessful.
4. City, State and National Leads Write only a lead for each of the following stories. The first set of stories involves events in your city; the second involves events in your state; and the third involves events in the nation. As you write the leads, correct the stories’ spelling, style and vocabulary errors. Discuss your leads with your classmates.
City Beat 1. There was a shooting in your city last week. The incident occurred early Wednesday morning.
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Barry Koperud, the chief of police for your city, said the shooting was senseless and was an execution-style killing of one of the citys police officers. Killed in the incident last week was Officer Allison Biagi, 26years old, who lived at 2634 6th Street Apartment 906B. Biagi was a 4 year veteran of the police department. According to police reports, Biagi was sitting in her patrol car when a twenty-twoyear old white male approached her vehicle and fired eight shots through the driver side window. Bullets struck Biagi in the arm, neck and head, according to reports. She died at the scene. Police, with help of witnesses and video from a nearby bank’s surveillance camera, later identified the shooting suspect as Ronald Collins, 20 years of age, of 2814 Ambassador Dr. Apartment 47D, a constuction worker for Wagnor Development Corporation. Police gave no motive for the shooting. Chief Kopperud announced this morning that Collin had surrendered to police. The Police Chief said that Collin walked into the newly remodeled and modern police headquarters at 9:03 a.m. this morning and calmly said, “I am the one you are looking for. I’m the one who shot the police officer.” Collins did not resist officers as they arrested him and officers handcuffed him without incident. 2. Your city has a planetarium that was built in 1970, the year after American astronaut Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. The facility is located at 625 Park Place adjacent to Memorial Park, which has soccer fields, baseball and softball diamonds, a running track and public swimming pool. The land for the planetarium was donated by Jonathan Herwarthe, a local real estate developer, who also donated some of the money for its construction. The planetarium is supported through a trust fund established by Herwarthe in his will. However, the planetarium, which is enjoyed by many people in the city, is in need of repair. It needs a new projector, new seats, repairs to the roof, better handicapped access, as well as many other repairs and improvements. Jonathan Hurwarthes son, Gregory Hurwarthe, 56 years of age, and his wife, Ruth, of 410 Baltimore Avenue, told city council members that the repairs will cost $500 thousand. Mayor Sabrina Datolli told council members at Tuesday nights meeting that the city did not have
the money to fix the planetarium and would shut it down at the end of the year if repairs could not be made to bring the building in compliance with city building codes. Jonathan Herwarthe told council members at the meeting that he had been able to raise only $250,000 of the half million dollars needed. Thursday morning, the mayor announced that two local attorneys, James R. and Margaret Ungarient, of 7314 Byron Avenue, had pledged $100 thousand dollars to help repair the building and started a crowd-funding campaign to raise the other $150,000 needed. The planetarium is named The Jonathan Herwarthe Memorial Planetarium. “I always thought the planetarium was an asset to our young people,” Datolli said. “It’s there to help children study and learn about the universe. But the city just does not have the funds to make all these major repairs.” 3. Mayor Sabrina Datoli and City Council members William Belmonte and Sandra Gandolf want the city to launch an investigation into a construction accident that killed a local man and injured another man last month. James Randolph, 39 years old, who lived at 654 Harrison Street, was the construction worker who was killed in the accident. The injured construction worker was Lynn R. Pryor, 28 years of age, who lived at 2634 Sixth Street Apartment 45. Both men were employed by Rittmann Engineering Company. According to a report by the police who investigated the accident, the two men were working on a stormwater drain project when the trench they were working in collapsed. Randolph was completely buried in the collapse and Pryor was buried up to his chest in dirt and rock. Passersby heard Pryor screaming for help and were able to dig him out. However, by the time rescuers reached Randolph and were able to dig him out, he had already expired. City M edical Examiner Dr. Marlene Stoudnaur pronounced Randolph dead at the scene. Stoudnour later conducted an autopsy and reported that the cause of death was suffocation. Datolli and Belmonte claim that Rittmann Engineering Company violated city, state and national safety standards, which led to the tragedy. Director of the Code Enforcement Board Todd Drolshagen told city officials he inspected the construction site 2 weeks before the accident
happened and ordered engineers at R ittmann to halt work on the drain project until the trench could be reinforced to make it safer. Drolshagen said the work never stopped and the safety measures were never implemented. The citys district attorney Ramon Hernandez filed papers in county court charging Rittmanns president Anthony Rittmann, 61 years of age, who lives at 9600 Holbrook Drive, with manslaughter and willful negligence in the death of Randolph. A Rittmann spokesman declined to comment on the charges.
State Beat 1. Last week, officials in your state announced the name of the winners of the state’s weekly lottery. It was the largest lottery prize ever won in the state. The value of the winning ticket was 330 million dollars with a cash payout option of 208 million dollars. One of the winners is Ethel Shearer, 28 years of age, who lives at 408 Kasper Avenue Apartment 718. Shearer is a waitress at the Melody Lounge, which is located at 2790 Bolling Drive. Shearer bought her winning ticket at the Jiffy Foods convenience store when she was driving home from work early one morning. It was the first time she had ever won any money playing the states lottery. Shearer contacted officials at the state lottery office the day after the winning number was drawn and she checked her ticket to identify herself as one of the winners. Theother winner was identified as Joel Fowler, who lives at 2006 Hillcrest Street. Fowler is a student at your school. He is an out of state student who transferred to your school last year. Fowler came forward with his winning ticket two days after Shearer identified herself as one of the winners of the top prize. It was the first time in the history of the state lottery that two winning tickets of the top prize have been sold in the same city. Fowler, however, will not be able to claim his winnings. State officials claim that Fowler purchased his ticket illegally. State law requires that players must be twenty-one years of age to purchase lottery tickets in the state. Fowler is only 19 years of age. Fowler is eligible to purchase lottery tickets in his home state because the eligible age to purchase tickets is 18. He told lottery officials he thought
the eligible age to buy tickets was the same for all states. Fowler bought his ticket at a Safeway Supermarket in the city and state lottery officials are investigating to determine if Safeway employees are checking identifications of ticket purchasers to see if they are of age to legally buy tickets. 2. A 13 year old girl wanted to know what happened to money that was earmarked for arts programs in public schools around the state. The girls name is Alyssa Allen. She is the daughter of Christopher and Julie Allen, who live at 1504 Lincoln Drive. Christopher is the director of the Center for the Arts in your city and Julie is a university professor. Julie teaches in the universitys art department. Alyssa filed a Right-To-Know request at the state capital to get information about the grant program that was approved by the state legislature three years ago but schools have never received any grant money. State officials are saying that Alyssa has no legal right to file the request because she is too young. State officials also said Alyssa will have to pay attorneys fees for placing a burden on the state and wasting officials time. Mr. and Mrs. Allyn are threatening to sue the state over the rejection of Alyssa’s request. 3. James Rueben is a state center from the district that represents your city. Mr. Rueben, 54years of age, who lives at 12494 Hillcrest Rd., received a letter from one of his constituents, Shirley Dawson, 59 years of age, who lives at 492 M elrose Avenue. Mrs. Dawson is a teacher at Colonial Elementary School. She is also a widow. Her husband, Steven, was killed in a car accident involving a drunk driver. Mrs. Dawson filed a negligence lawsuit against the driver of the vehicle that killed her husband. Mrs. Dawson was s truggling financially after the death of her husband and after seeing an advertisement for a lawsuit loan program, in which a finance company would loan her money in advance of her settling the lawsuit against the driver involved in her husbands death. She borrowed $25,000 dollars, pledging to repay the sum when the suit was settled. The company she borrowed the money from was Sunset Legal Finance. When her lawsuit was s ettled for $500,000, Mrs. Dawson received a bill from Sunset Legal Finance for $265,000,
Review E xerc i s e s
which company officials said represented interest and processing fees. Mr. Rueben claims that the loan program is abusive because it is not r egulated by the state and takes advantage of people who are in financial trouble. Mr. Rueben wants to introduce a bill that would require lawsuit loan companies to be licensed and establish disclosure requirements, as well as cap the amount of i nterest and processing fees the companies can charge.
National Beat 1. Cellphones are outlawed in prisons across the United States. However, a recent government study found that in your state alone, prison officials confiscated more than nine thousand smartphones from inmates in federal and state prisons located in the state. The study estimated that the nine thousand devices were used to place 1,643,500 calls and text messages over a year. Congress recently passed a law making possession of a cellphone or a wireless device in a federal prison a felony, punishable by up to a year of extra sentencing. But the phones are still getting into the hands of prisoners who use the phones to connect to Facebook and play games. Some inmates, however, use the phones to stay in touch with gang members outside the prison walls and continue to conduct unlawful business, such as drug trafficking, according to the government study that was released Monday. The study stated that cellphones have been smuggled into prisons by guards, visitors and new prisoners entering the prison system. However, the study also stated that cellphones have been concealed inside footballs, tossed over prison walls, or launched from a device called a potato cannon, which shoots a projectile through a pipe. Federal legislators say that they are proposing a bill that would authorize federal and state prison officials to jam cellphone signals in federal and state prisons. Opponents of the proposal say the technology used to jam the signals in prison is not precise enough and could also jam the signals of residents living near the prisons. 2. According to government statistics, more than 300,000 American service members who served in Iraq and Afghanistan are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or major
depression. Officials at the Veterans Administration say that fewer than 800 service members attempted suicide last year. Members of Congress are saying that the figures released by the Veterans Administration are wrong and amount to outright lies. A federal investigation into the Veterans Administration uncovered a string of emails that indicated that more than 1,000 veterans that the VA is caring for attempt suicide each month. That is more than 12,000 attempts last year. Federal investigators are saying that Veterans Administration officials are misleading Congress in regard to the number of suicide attempts to hide the strain the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan are having on the United States Department of Defense and the Veterans Administration. Members of Congress claim that the Veterans Administrations mental health programs are being overwhelmed and are seeking remedies. Some legislators are proposing providing funds so veterans can seek help through private mental health services in order to get the help they need to deal with their depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Congress is looking at providing as much as 50 million dollars to launch the program to pay for private mental health care. 3. Its another national study, this one of married men and women. It found that many married Americans admit keeping a major secret from their spouses, but most secrets have nothing to
due with an affair or fantasy. Of those married men and women with a secret: 48% said they had not told their spouse the real price of something they bought. About 40% of the wives and 30% of the husbands said they wish they could persuade their spouses to be less messy. About a quarter of each sex said they cannot get their partners to lose weight. About 20% of the nations marrieds have dreams or aspirations they haven’t mentioned to a spouse, ranging from living somewhere else (50%) to getting a dog (8%). 16% of both men and women admitted that, at least once during their marriage, they wished they could wake up and not be married any more. About 15% had not told their spouse about a failure atwork. About 15% had not told their spouse about a childs misbehavior. 14% kept quiet about being attracted to another person. Only 9% of the respondents, equally split among men and women, said they had an extramarital affair that remains a secret. The poll was conducted last month by the Centers for Disease Control, which interviewed by phone 700husbands and 700 wives.
wo reporters from competing news organizations attend a city council meeting where the mayor, Sabrina Datolli, announces that the city faces a $6.7 million
deficit. Datolli tells council members that a tax increase will be needed unless the city has a little luck. Specifically, tax revenues must exceed expectations, expenditures must stay
“You have to show reality as it is, not as you wish it to be.” Jorge Ramos, writer and journalist
within estimates, and health care costs and other employee benefits must remain reasonable.
Both journalists listen carefully and take copious notes, intent on capturing the sometimes contentious tone as city officials debate this fiscal dilemma. When the meeting ends, the reporters write their stories. But one piece will be more widely read than the other. One begins with the following lead: City officials Wednesday night debated the possibility of a tax increase to erase the city’s $6.7 million deficit. The other starts this way: City officials are going to need a pretty big rabbit’s foot to keep the city’s budget in the black. Mayor Sabrina Datolli told council during a budget meeting Wednesday night it will take a lot of luck to keep the city out of a financial hole next year. “If we’re lucky, health care costs and our other insurances won’t have a big increase. If we’re lucky, our tax revenues will come in higher than expected,” Datolli said. “If we’re unlucky . . .” If the city is unlucky, it will be looking at a deficit of more than $6.7million. The first reporter began the story with a standard summary lead, covering the who, what, when, where, why and how (see Chapter 7). While there is nothing wrong with this method, sometimes a story begs for a more creative approach.
Photographs such as this one, taken during the annual No Pants Subway Ride, give reporters the opportunity to be creative when composing a lead. Writers often use unusual situations, stark contrasts or irony in their leads to grab and hold an audience.
A LT E R N AT I V E L E A D S The second writer began with an alternative, or “soft,” lead—in this case, a multiparagraph lead. Journalists employ at least a dozen variations of soft leads, but most begin with a story’s most interesting details, often an anecdote, description or question. These leads, which may run four or five paragraphs, are usually followed by a nut graph that states the story’s central point and serves some of the same functions as the summary news lead. Basic summary news leads are more common—and probably easier to write— than alternative leads. The former get right to the central point of the story in order to be concise, but the latter may linger over one aspect. Writing an alternative lead requires thought and imagination: the ability to recognize and convey an interesting idea uniquely. The reporter must paint a picture with words, with an attention to details that the summary lead cannot include because of its conciseness. Alternative leads do not require an unusual story. In the following example, the first lead appears as a routine report about the first day of a smoking ban. The alternative lead captures the news better: Summary Lead: A new smoking ban took effect Monday at Baltimore Washington Medical Center that ends the use of parking lots and outdoor shelters by smokers. Alternative Lead: Terre King’s Monday morning might have been rougher than just about anyone else’s. Not only was it the first day in her 16 years at Baltimore Washington Medical Center that she couldn’t light up, but her job required her to remind people at the entrance about the brand new no-smoking policy. (The Maryland Gazette) Good reporters can write many kinds of leads, choosing an appropriate one for each story. This versatility allows them to avoid the trap of blindly following a particular formula in news writing. Although summary leads are effective for many stories, alternative leads allow journalists to stretch the boundaries of their creativity. However, appropriateness is important. The use of alternative leads depends on the publication and the self-imposed stylistic restraints of the writer. When reporters finish a story, their editors expect it to be well written: clear, concise, accurate and interesting. If a story meets these criteria, editors are unlikely to object if its lead uses an alternative form. Nor are they likely to object to a summary lead that creatively and freshly captures the essence of a story. Consider this example. When members of a Bronx street gang crashed a christening party, a fight broke out, someone fired shots, and a 10-year-old girl was killed. The New York Post, the Daily News and The New York Times all covered the incident. The first two papers used summary leads; the third used an alternative lead that linked the killing to the shooting of another girl in Brooklyn: A 10-year-old altar girl was killed by stray bullets outside her Bronx church yesterday after a gang of armed street thugs crashed a christening party and began arguing with guests. (New York Post) Little Malenny Mendez went to church to celebrate a new life, but instead she lost her own. (New York Daily News)
Alternative Lead s
FROM THE NEWS Summary and Alternative Leads Here are more examples of standard summary leads and the alternative leads that lend freshness to the story:
Summary Lead
Alternative Lead
Police are investigating the theft of more than $17,000 in cash and checks from a Sunday night religious service in Franklin County.
The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, but He is not a suspect in the theft of $17,000 in checks and an undetermined amount of cash Sunday from the collection taken at the Cumberland Valley Steve Wingfield Encounter.
A 21-year-old Hampden Township woman was shot and killed by her former boyfriend despite having a court-issued protection-from-abuse order, according to township police.
Trisha Edelman got a protection-from-abuse order, but she still died last week.
Hagerstown (Maryland) Herald-Mail
Edelman was 21 and lived in Hamden Township. She was pregnant and had a 2-year-old daughter. Her former boyfriend, Adam Trump, 25, shot her in the stomach, then carried her body into his New Cumberland apartment, police said. When police found Trump on Wednesday morning, he was in bed with her body. Edelman had secured a PFA order in July after she told police Trump pulled a gun on her and tried to smother her. A PFA order is designed to protect domestic-violence victims from further abuse. Do they go far enough to protect victims? Harrisburg (Pennsylvania) Patriot-News
A Food and Drug Administration advisory panel last month recommended allowing doctors to use the Lap-Band, a less drastic form of weight-loss surgery, in somewhat thinner, but still obese patients, offering possible relief for millions struggling with their weight.
After years of trying—and failing—to lose weight with diet and exercise, Esther Eppler decided last summer she was ready to take a more extreme step: surgery. But Crozer Chester Medical Center gave Eppler, 46, of Boothwyn, some disappointing and ironic news. At 5 feet tall and 174 pounds, she wasn’t fat enough. Her Body Mass Index (BMI) of 34 fell just short of what doctors and insurers usually require for weight-loss surgery. Eppler, who has high blood pressure and a family history of diabetes, now has reason to hope she may yet get the procedure. A Food and Drug Administration advisory panel last month recommended allowing doctors to use the Lap-Band, a less drastic form of weight-loss surgery, in somewhat thinner, but still obese patients. The Philadelphia Inquirer
Malenny Mendez, a 10-year-old girl from the Bronx, loved to strap on her in-line skates and smile at anyone who sauntered past her parents’ grocery store. Katherine Crisantos, a 4-year-old girl from Brooklyn, loved the connotation of the word Friday, because it meant a trip with her big sister to Burger King for fries and soda.
A LT E R N AT I V E L E A D S Early yesterday morning, both girls, children of Mexican immigrants, were shot in the head less than an hour apart at parties given by friends and relatives. (The New York Times)
Criticisms During the 1940s, The Wall Street Journal became one of the first daily newspapers to use soft leads. Many others, including the Los Angeles Times, The Miami Herald and The Boston Globe, have since given their reporters more freedom to experiment with their writing, leading the dailies to become known as “writers’ newspapers.” Proponents of soft leads say whether the lead works is what matters, not the type. They disparage the traditional summaries as “suitcase leads,” meaning that newspapers tried to jam too many details into leads, like a traveler trying to fit too many clothes into a suitcase. They also say summary leads are unnatural, deter reporters from writing good stories and eliminate the possibility of surprise, thus making all stories sound alike. The more literary style of soft leads may help traditional print versions of newspapers compete for readers in an ever-changing media landscape. By using soft leads, newspapers can make their stories more interesting. Even as newspapers have moved into web-based news delivery, thereby increasing the immediacy of their content, alternative leads are still being employed to entice readers. But not everyone embraces alternative leads. Critics call their use “Jell-O journalism.” They complain that soft leads are inappropriate for most news stories: too arty, literary and pretentious. Furthermore, they are too long and fail to emphasize the news. If a story begins with several paragraphs of description or quotations, for example, its most important details may be buried in a later paragraph. Critics also complain that some reporters strain to write fine literature, and many lack the necessary ability. The following example illustrates how poorly constructed alternative leads can confuse readers and make them impatient. You have to read more than 145 words before getting to the story’s main point: Eleanor Lago considers herself an intelligent, educated woman. She’s read the information provided her by the Grand Rapids Township Board. She’s talked to friends and neighbors. And she intends to vote Tuesday in a special election that could determine the township’s future. Former Los Angeles Times sportswriter Jim Murray, who won the National Sports Media Association (NSMA)’s Sportswriter of the Year award 14 times, was known for leads such as “Mickey Charles Mantle was born with one foot in the Hall of Fame. Unfortunately, the other was in a brace” and “Excuse me while I wipe up the bloodstains and carry off the wounded. The Dodgers forgot to circle the wagons.”
“I just want to do what’s best,” says Lago. Like many residents, though, she’s not sure what that is. An unusual battle is being fought in this smallest of Kent County townships, a raggedy-shaped 16 square miles set cheek to jowl against the cities of Grand Rapids, East Grand Rapids and Kentwood. The battle is not about zoning, the more typical flash point of local politics. Nor is it about leaf burning ordinances or other grass-roots laws in this suburb of nearly 11,000 people. This battle is about what the community can do to keep from being nibbled to pieces by annexation.
Type s of Alternative Lead s
The writer’s intention was good: describing an intelligent voter who is confused about an important issue. But the introduction would have been more effective if cut in half. The reporter could have eliminated some description, cut the clichés and avoided saying what the election was not about. The remaining sections of this chapter describe and offer examples of the various alternative leads.
Types of Alternative Leads “Buried” or “Delayed” Leads A “buried,” or “delayed,” lead is the most common type of alternative lead. Typically, it begins with an interesting example or anecdote that sets a story’s theme. Then a nut graph—perhaps the third This alternative lead, from an article in the Brooklyn Courier, connects with the subject of the story. or fourth paragraph—states the central point and provides a transition to the body, moving the story to the general issue or problem. Like a traditional lead, it summarizes the topic; it may also explain why the topic is important. Here are two examples of buried leads. The first is by Walter R. Mears of The Associated Press, who takes a different approach to writing about a company filing for bankruptcy. The second is by Jeremy Roebuck of The Philadelphia Inquirer, who wrote about the sale of a dilapidated landmark wooden bridge. Washington (AP)—Time was, writing meant typewriting. Words like these—written on a television screen—were composed on the solid keyboard, banged noisily onto a piece of paper, XXXXd out when they weren’t quite right, ripped out and scrapped when the paragraphs just didn’t work. It’s easier and faster with the computer, a reality that pushed Smith Corona Corp., the last big-name American typewriter manufacturer, into bankruptcy on Wednesday. Philadelphia—While his childhood friends spent their days on the sports fields, Mike Hart spent his digging through dumps. Trolling the detritus for old bottles and kerosene lamps, he found fascination in objects other people cast aside. Now 49 and head of his own historic building preservation firm, Hart, of Harleysville, plans to take home one of his greatest finds yet. He’s getting the bridge no one wanted. After giving more details about the bridge’s history, the story reaches the central point in the ninth paragraph, which is the nut graph: But four years after the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation closed it to pedestrian and motorist traffic, citing concerns about its structural integrity, the township decided the bridge had to go.
A LT E R N AT I V E L E A D S The rest of the story addresses the struggles of government officials to come up with the money to remove the bridge, the attempt to sell it on an internet auction site, the agreement with Hart to remove the bridge and what he will eventually do with it. A delayed lead can introduce a complex or abstract problem by showing how the problem affects a single individual—someone the audience may know or identify with. Or an anecdote can illustrate a problem and arouse interest in the topic. Some buried leads surprise their public with an unusual twist. If a story is only three or four paragraphs long, journalists may save the twist for the last line. If a story is longer, they use the twist to lure readers to the nut graph, which then provides a transition to the following paragraphs.
Multiparagraph Leads Other news writers think of a lead as a unit of thought. Their summary leads consist of two or three paragraphs that flow into each other as if they were one: Carlisle—It didn’t take Mark Toigo and Jay Shettel long to realize they had bought an aerodynamic pile of junk. They had paid $75,000 to a West Coast aircraft broker who’d advertised the early 1950s Grumman Albatross amphibious plane on the Internet auction site eBay. It was a sight-unseen deal. Toigo of Shippensburg and Shettel of Carlisle didn’t get a good look at the Albatross until they ventured to a Brazilian air force base outside Sao Paolo, where the venerable old bird was roosting. The Albatross was grimy, beaten-up, partially scavenged and anything but airworthy. “Right away, we named her ‘Dirty Girl,’” Toigo said. Four years and about $500,000 worth of work later, Dirty Girl still needs a final face-lift, but she flies. (The [Harrisburg, Pennsylvania] Patriot-News) The ATVs kicked up sprays of dirt, their riders waving American flags and protest signs as they rumbled along a disputed canyon trail that federal officials had closed to motorized vehicles. Their message Saturday was clear amid the dust: This was the latest challenge by citizens saying they are defending state and local rights against an increasingly arrogant federal government that’s overstepped its role in small communities such as Blanding. The protagonist this time wasn’t a private rancher like Cliven Bundy, who prevailed in a standoff with the Bureau of Land Management in Nevada. This protest was the brainchild of a public official, San Juan County Commissioner Phil Lyman, who contends that this town of 3,500 residents has tried hard to compromise with the bureau to reopen scenic Recapture Canyon to all-terrain vehicles. (Los Angeles Times)
Type s of Alternative Lead s
Quotation Leads Reporters usually avoid using quotations in leads. Sources generally do not provide quotes that meet three criteria for leads: summarize the entire story (not just part of it), be brief and be self-explanatory. Some editors prohibit the use of quotation leads because they lack clarity and often are too long and complicated. As with the use of any quotation in a story, the source’s statement should be so effective the reporter cannot improve it. When used in the first line ofastory, a quotation also must reveal the central point, as these two examples do: “I wanted to slam the plane into a mountain so I could die with my husband,” said Betty Smith, whose husband died at its controls. But then she thought of her children on the ground. “Our children can’t read, add or find countries on a map,” the nation’s teacher-of-the-year said at a congressional hearing Wednesday. If a quotation is only sensational, it fails to satisfy the criteria for a lead. It may be suitable elsewhere in the story, however. Reporters have other ways to startle an audience or grab its attention. Remember that the lead provides the organization for the rest of the story. If the quotation fails to bring people into and set the stage for the story, it will confuse and discourage them. A long, complicated quotation, even within the body of a story, will raise unnecessaryquestions. Quotations that begin with words needing identification or explanation— such as “he,” “she,” “we,” “they,” “it,” “that” and “this”—should not be leads. The audience has no way of knowing to whom or what the words refer and, when the subject’s identity is revealed, may have to reread the quotation to understand its meaning. Consider the following example: “The water was rising so fast and the bank was so muddy and slippery Ijust didn’t think I could get away from that torrent of water.” That’show a Bremerton man described his ordeal just before rescue workersused a utility truck to pluck him out of a tree he had climbed to escape a flashflood during Monday night’s thunderstorms. Such leads can be rewritten with a brief introduction to enhance clarity: A Bremerton man who was rescued from a tree he had climbed to escape a flashflood Monday night said, “The water was so fast and the bank was so muddy and slippery I just didn’t think I could get away from that torrent of water.”
Question Leads Questions can make effective leads. Some editors, though, prohibit this type because they believe news stories should answer questions, not ask them. Question leads also often run the risk of being clichés.
A LT E R N AT I V E L E A D S To be effective, question leads must be brief, simple, specific and provocative. The question should contain no more than a dozen words. Moreover, the audience should feel absolutely compelled to answer it. Avoid questions if people’s responses may discourage them from continuing with the story, as in this example: Are you interested in nuclear physics? A few might be interested in nuclear physics, but many would think the topic too complicated. This question lead also fails because someone can answer “yes” or “no,” possibly ending his or her interest in the story. A question should concern a controversial yet familiar issue that interests and affects an audience. Avoid abstract or complicated questions requiring a great deal of explanation. The following question is ineffective because it is too a bstract, long and complicated. Furthermore, it fails to ask about issues that everyone is certain to care about: If you were on vacation miles from your house, and you thought the mechanics at a service station deliberately damaged your car, then demanded an exorbitant fee to repair it, would you be willing to file criminal charges against the mechanics and return to the area to testify at their trial? The following questions also fail, but for different reasons. The first asks about an issue unlikely to concern most people. The second is unanswerable and flippant, treating a serious topic as a trivial one: Have you thought lately about going to prison? Someone was swindled today. Who’ll be swindled tomorrow? Here are two more effective question leads. Notice that each reporter immediately answers the questions. Fill out college application? Check. Take the SATs? Check. Have three or four college courses already under your belt? For students hoping to get accepted at higher-end colleges, taking a few Advanced Placement courses—accelerated high school classes that count for college credit depending on how students score on a standardized test—is no longer a nice add-on to college resumes. It’s the norm. (The [Harrisburg, Pennsylvania] Patriot-News) Could this be the end of cereal aisle showdowns between parents and sweet-toothed tots? New reduced-sugar versions of popular children’s breakfast cereals—everything from Froot Loops to Frosted Flakes— certainly sound promising, but consumers might want to hold off chiming in when Tony the Tiger says, “They’re Gr-r-reat!” (The Associated Press)
Type s of Alternative Lead s
Suspenseful Leads Some reporters write leads to create suspense, arouse people’s curiosity or raisea question in their minds. By hinting at some mysterious development explained in a later paragraph, this type of lead compels the audience to finish a story: It is the fire bell that signals the beginning of each firefighter’s day. It is the same bell that summons firefighters to action. And it is the same bell that marks their last alarm. (The [Palm Springs, California] Desert Sun) It is difficult to run a successful business when you keep losing half of your work force year after year. Just ask James Griffe—or any other beekeeper. (The [Harrisburg, Pennsylvania] Patriot News) The first story focuses on the deaths of several Palm Springs firefighters; the second reports on the economic devastation an insect parasite was causing for beekeepers.
Descriptive Leads Other leads begin with descriptive details that paint a picture before moving gradually into the action. The description should be colorful and interesting so that it arouses the public’s interest. It should also help summarize the story. The following examples show the effectiveness of descriptive leads. Noticethe use of concrete images and active verbs in the first one: “sirens wail,” “lights strobe” and “vehicles speed.” The second sets the scene and provides background details for a feature story about a couple with P arkinson’s disease. Thefocus of the story is the doctor who treats them and the relationship his father had with Maurer’s family as their doctor in Illinois many years ago. Sirens wail in the night. Emergency lights strobe red and blue throughthe windows as a Lincoln Navigator and Ford Crown Victoria rush through a red light in Northwest Washington, the cars ahead of them slowing, pulling to the curb. The big black vehicles speed past, straddling the solid yellow center lines, a mile or so from the White House. Are they outriders for the president? Is he headed this way? Is it the vice president? The king of Siam? It’s Mayor Adrian M. Fenty. And he’s late for a citizens meeting near Anacostia. (The Washington Post)
These articles—from the college newspapers the Daily Bruin and the Kentucky Kernel, respectively—feature excellent descriptive leads.
Parkinson’s disease worked on Goldie Maurer like a slow-moving robber, taking away things one at a time. Baling hay. Birthing calves. Working the controls of a John Deere tractor. Each lost activity seemed to pull Maurer further from what she was—aMidwestern-born farm girl, raised in the 1920s on a farm near tinyLena, Ill. The tremors and faulty sense of balance started 25 years ago, longafterMaurer moved from Illinois to a farm in northern DauphinCounty. First, she surrendered garden chores, such as tending strawberry andpotato plants. Then, she had to give up handling equipment, such as riding a snowmobile to far-flung parts of her farm in Washington Township. It was the tremors, she said. (The [Harrisburg, Pennsylvania] Patriot-News)
Shockers: Leads with a Twist Reporters like “shockers”: startling leads that immediately capture the public’s attention. The following examples have an unusual twist that adds to their effectiveness: Soon it will be spring again. The snow will melt, the dogwoods flower. Trumpets will blast, graves will open, and the Earth will begin a fivemonth descent to its fiery end. Radio evangelist Harold Camping can hardly wait. (The Philadelphia Inquirer)
Type s of Alternative Lead s Managua, Nicaragua—She had been raped. She was pregnant. And she waspoor. And Rosa was 9. That gave her one more reason to want an abortion. (Los Angeles Times)
Ironic Leads Closely related to shockers are leads that present a startling or ironic contrast. The use of striking details is likely to arouse curiosity: For months, high school sophomore Sara Corbett of New Hartford, Conn., had begged her mother for permission to get her tongue pierced. On Aug. 7, 2004, Sara’s mother, Robin DeBaise, relented and the two went to a nearby mall. The next day, Sara, 16, was in severe pain. At her aunt’s house, she found a couple of methadone pills—amounting to twice the recommended dosage—and took them. She passed out and was rushed to a hospital, where she died. (USA Today) When union activist Oliver French goes on trial today on charges of killing two auto plant colleagues and wounding two others, he likely will be portrayed as the victim. (The Detroit News)
Direct-Address Leads Reporters occasionally use a form of direct address, speaking directly to their audience: If you think you’re too smart to fall for an Internet scam, you’re probably kidding yourself. (The [Harrisburg, Pennsylvania] Patriot News) If you just spent another Valentine’s Day alone and lonely, the state of Maryland can hook you up. (The Baltimore Sun)
Words Used in Unusual Ways Journalists who are clever and have a good imagination (or a good grasp of literature), might use a common word or phrase in an uncommon way: Sufferin’ succotash—Sylvester had better stay home. A statewide vote in Wisconsin could pave the way for legally shooting stray cats there. (USA Today) Perhaps it was God’s joke on a newly ordained priest when the Rev. Jim Farnan, former class clown and no stranger to the detention room, was
A LT E R N AT I V E L E A D S asked to speak with the occasional clone of his former self at Our Lady of Fatima School. (The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette) This style is difficult, because what seems funny or clever to one person may seem corny or silly to another. Also, the subjects may be too serious for such a light touch: Oakland County Prosecutor Richard Thompson wants to be known by the criminals he keeps. (The Detroit Free Press) The story was about the high costs a prosecutor was creating for the county by refusing to plea bargain with criminals.
Other Unusual Leads The following leads are effective but difficult to categorize. Notice their simplicity, brevity and clarity, as well as their emphasis on the interesting and unusual. The first lead introduces a story describing the effects of uncommonly cold weather on the economy. The second reports the death of actress Audrey Hepburn, who starred in the movie “My Fair Lady.” The third introduces the man in charge of demolishing Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Washington—Jack Frost is nipping at our growth. (The Wall Street Journal) Audrey Hepburn was the fairest lady of them all. (The Detroit News) Circuses have ringmasters. Military boot camps have drill sergeants. The Three Rivers Stadium implosion has Greg Yesko, who’s a bit of both. (The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)
Type s of Alternative Lead s
The Reporter’s Guide to Writing Alternative Leads 1. Be curious. Be observant. Be creative. 2. Make sure the alternative lead is appropriate for the story. 3. Understand that the “news” is still the most important aspect of the story—don’t focus on w riting a brilliant lead and then not apply the same rigor to the rest of the story. 4. Use alternative leads with the proper story structure. 5. Vary your use of alternative leads. Don’t rely on just one or two types because your story leads will become predictable and your writing stilted. 6. Know that some alternative leads—quotation, question and direct-address leads—should be used sparingly. Don’t overuse them or they lose their power.
7. Look for a “play” on words—using words in an unusual way—to catch the audience’s attention. 8. Make sure that the alternative lead “fits” the story— do not use an ironic lead if there is no irony present in the story or a suspenseful lead if the story is merely about a routine government meeting in which there is nothing controversial or suspenseful. Do not try to “oversell” the story with an alternative lead. 9. When writing question leads, be sure to answer the question in the story, preferably near the question itself. 10. Paint a picture with words when using a descriptive lead to set the scene of the story. Use descriptive nouns and powerful, active verbs.
Review Exercises 1. Evaluating Alternative Leads Critically evaluate the following leads, each of which uses one of the alternative forms discussed in this chapter. Select the best ones and explain why they succeed. Point out the flaws in the remaining leads. As you evaluate, look for lessons—“do’s and don’ts”—that you can apply to your own work. 1. Are you ready for a big change? 2. “I saw the train coming at us and I knew it would never get stopped.” 3. No shirt! No shoes! No service! Unfortunately, the 350-pound black bear that wandered into the city limits and pried open a window to break into the Oakhill Restaurant couldn’t read. The bear was captured by state game commission officers after it had ransacked the restaurant’s kitchen and helped itself to a variety of treats. 4. Amy Clauch sat beside the rough-hewn pine fence, her fingers rubbing the worn knuckles of the knots in the rope she held in her hand. The sweet scent of clover hay wafted on the light breeze that blew through the barn. She sucked in a deep breath and held it. The scent lingered. She wished it always would. The sun hung in the early morning cobalt blue sky like a spotlight in a theater, illuminating her, the actor on this stage. This is where she wanted to be— free from the confines of the four pale beige walls that surrounded her in clinical sterility for months. She tugged at her jeans. Her lips pursed. “You can do this,” she whispered in prayer to herself. Clauch rocked the wheelchair to the left and reached for the stirrup hanging limply from the saddle. Pulling herself upright, she grimaced as she felt the braces tighten on her legs. The muscles in her arms clenched as she pulled herself into the saddle. The chestnut mare flinched at the load and Clauch grabbed the worn leather saddle horn to steady herself. Her smile stretched her cheeks to their limit. She was back where she belonged. It had been eight months since a riding accidentleft Clauch temporarily paralyzed from the waist down.
5. Too much work. Too many demands. Too many responsibilities. Not enough time. Stress is killing Americans, the American Medical Association said in a report released Monday. 6. Should high school students have to take a competency test before receiving their diplomas? 7. The state’s motorcycle riders won the right today to have the wind in their hair and bugs in their teeth. The state Legislature passed a bill eliminating the state’s helmet requirements for riders 18 and older. 8. How much would you pay for, say, a triple heart bypass? Or gall bladder surgery? As government officials struggle to rein in health care costs without sacrificing the quality of care, they find themselves confronted with the question of who should pay how much. 9. “If we can’t solve the state budget crisis today, the students of tomorrow will suffer the consequences,” school Superintendent Gary Hubbard said about the state’s failure to pass a budget before the start of the school year. 10. The Freedonia County Fair begins today and if you want to catch all the action this week, you better get to the fairgrounds. 11. Billy Lee Anderson pushes the blond hair away from his blue eyes, exposing the dusting of freckles on his forehead. The 12-year-old sits in a chair that is a bit too adult for his small frame, his feet, clad in gleaming white athletic shoes, dangling several inches above the floor. There is an air of innocence surrounding the boy that will make it hard for any jury to believe that he could have set the fire that killed his parents and baby sister. But that is what prosecutors will attempt to do as Anderson’s murder trial gets underway today. 12. You’re driving down a tree-shaded city street when a child runs out from between two parked cars. Could you stop in time? 13. Thompsontown hit a grand slam over the weekend as all four of its Little League teams won their championship games.
14. When Jim and Suzanne Baker left the mall, they were loaded down with Christmas presents and laughing about the surprises they had in store for their children. Half an hour later, they were dead. 15. It actually was a dark and stormy night when Sharon Murphy sat down in front of her typewriter to start writing her first novel.
2. Writing Alternative Leads Using techniques you studied in this chapter, write an alternative lead for each of the following stories. Correct any errors you find. 1. A group of ecologists and biologists at your university and other schools have come up with a unique idea. They want to transplant African wildlife to the Great Plains of North America. Julie Allen, 1504 Lincoln Drive, is an associate professor of biology at your university. She had this to say about the idea, “I think it would be wonderful to drive across the Great Plains and see lions and elephants and giraffes roaming the prairie.” The idea was developed by more than 30 scientists as a way to perpetuate species that are slowly facing extinction because of declining habitat in Africa. The scientists say there is plenty of room left in the American West for these types of animals. Relocating the animals could help them increase their numbers. The plan is being criticized by ranchers, developers and other scientists, who say that it would be difficult to introduce animals to a place they had never lived. Ranchers, such as Jim Smithson, who lives in North Dakota and is vice president of the Western Stockman’s Association, claims such a move would devastate the regions cattle industry. “How many steers or dairy cows can a pride of lions eat in a week?” Smithson said. Supporters of the idea say the animals they want to relocate would be held in large game parks or private reserves. They would not be allowed to roam free. Other critics say the transplanting of alien creatures could have devastating effects on native creatures. The animals being brought to places they have never lived could introduce new diseases or could d estroy native wildlife. In addition, taking wildlife from Africa could hurt the tourist trade on that continent.
Review E xerc i s e s
2. It was an intense situation for police Wednesday afternoon. It was an adventure for the six-month-old daughter of Michael and Ethel Perakiss of 876 Collins Street. Everything ended OK, police said. Megan Perakiss, the daughter of Michael and Ethel, was in the back seat of a 2006 Ford Explorer sport utility vehicle when it was carjacked by a man who had just held up the convenience store where Ethel had stopped to get gas. The robbery of the Quik Shoppe convenience store at 2752 Michigan Avenue occurred shortly after 2 p.m., according to Police Chief Barry Kopperud. Kopperud said the suspect walked into the store and waved a handgun in the face of Edwin C. Jimenez, manager of the store. He ordered Jimenez to empty the cash register into a cloth bag he threw on the counter and threatened to shoot him if he did not. The thief made off with an undetermined amount of money. Megan was unaware of what was going on. Police said Ethel pulled into the convenience store to get fuel and had just finished pumping the gas when the robber ran from the store and pushed her away from the vehicle. Reports of the carjacking sparked a massive, multi-agency search for Megan that at one point included nearly two dozen units from the city’s police force. Ethel Perakiss left her keys in the ignition while she was filling the fuel tank. Police described the armed robbery and carjacking suspect as a 6 foot 1 inch tall white male in his early to mid-20s wearing a white T-shirt and long black pants. He had short, neatly cropped hair. “My baby’s in the back seat,” Perakiss shouted as the carjacker drove away. About 40 minutes after the ordeal began, Kopperuud said, police officers spotted the missing vehicle abandoned in the parking lot of a Chinese restaurant with Megan inside. The carjacker apparently had fled, leaving the vehicle unlocked and running with the air conditioner on. Police said they were shocked but pleased that the incident ended so quickly and without harm to thechild. 3. It was just one of those days for Representative Constance P. Wei. Wei is the representative for the 86th District. Wei, who lives at 206 North Wabash Avenue, is a proponent of limited government. State representatives have been trying to
pass a ban on using cell phones while driving. Wei thinks it is an infringement on individual rights. “All this is is Big Brother telling you what to do,” she said. Advocates of the ban say it is an issue of safety. They point to a recent accident in which five people were killed in a two-car accident. The driver who caused the accident was a 48-yearold man who was talking on his cell phone while trying to pass another car on a two-lane stretch of road. Witnesses said the man swerved into the path of the other car and the two vehicles collided head-on. Two of the five people killed were children. The state legislature has never backed a ban on cell phone use, but other states have instituted successful bans. Opponents of the ban, including Wei, claim the ban will not affect safety because forcing people to pull off the road and get out of their cars to talk on the phone could be more hazardous. In addition, opponents say that the state cannot ban all distractions drivers create, such as eating, reading or applying makeup while driving. Proponents of the ban want it to take affect in January of next year. Wei was on her cell phone Wednesday as she was driving home. She was talking to State representative Peter Mackey, 89th District, about postponing a vote on the bill banning cell phone use while driving when her Cadillac Sedan de Ville struck the rear of a car driven by Michael Jeffreys, 41, of 2781 Collins Ave. Jeffreys suffered minor injuries and was taken to Mercy Hospital. He was treated and released. Police said the accident occurred at 5:37 p.m. at the intersection of 29th Street and Melrose Avenue. Jeffreys was stopped at a traffic light. Wei did not see the red light or the cars stopped in front of her and rammed the rear of Jeffreys Toyota Camry. Police said the Camry suffered severe damage. Weis Cadillac sustained an estimated $8,000 in damage. 4. It’s a unique idea. The National Association of School Boards said it had no record of any other district doing it or considering it. School board members and school administrators in your local school district are considering changing the school week to cut costs. The state announced that it does not have enough money to fund schools because of the slow economy and schools will have to
cut their budgets. Superintendent of schools Gary Hubbard told school board members at Monday night’s meeting that the district has cut all the fat out of the budget that it can. “We’ve cut out after-school programs and eliminated all but the essential teacher’s aides positions,” Hubbard said. “We’ve even raised the price of school lunches, but we are still coming up short.” Hubbard and school board members are proposing to go to a four-day school week to help the district save money. The school day, which now runs from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. would be lengthened by two hours, running from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to make up for the loss of one day during the week. Hubbard and the board say the district could save more then one million dollars in transportation, food service and janitorial costs. The board voted 7–0 in favor of theproposal. 5. Your city officials received a gift on Tuesday. Attorney Richard Cycler handed a check for over $2 million to Mayor Sabrina Datolli. The money will be used to build the Willie Hattaway Center in an annex of City Hall. Plans to develop the annex into a community center, senior citizens center, a historical exhibit hall and meeting and conference rooms had been postponed for several years because of a lack of funds to complete the project. The city had built the annex with money from a federal grant but could not raise enough money to complete the project. The building has been an empty shell for more than seven years. City officials were using the space to store boxes of old water bills and other papers. Willie Hattaway gave the money to the city in his will. Hattaway died last year. He was 98. He was a widower. His wife, Estelle, died 10 years ago. Everyone, including his neighbors, was surprised that Willie had that much money in the bank. Willie lived in a modest two-story, white clapboard house on Virginia Avenue for more than 60 years. Flowers surrounded the house. Hattaway loved to work in his garden and flower beds. He was particularly fond of roses and grew several assorted varieties. He had entered Sunnyview Retirement Home on Wisconsin Avenue last year, shortly after his 97th birthday. Neighbors said he could no longer take care of himself after he fell and broke hiship.
Neighbors said Hattaway drove a car that was 40 years old and never traveled very far from home. The car, a green Chevrolet Impala, is still parked in the garage. Hattaway did not want to sell the car even though he had not been driving since he was 90. He enjoyed sitting on his porch and talking to neighbors or giving neighborhood children treats of candy or fruit. He did not live extravagantly. “It just goes to show that you never really know your neighbors. Willie was such a wonderful, friendly gentleman. He was so generous with his time helping neighbors and playing with the neighborhood children. It doesn’t surprise me that he would be so generous with his money, too,” said a former neighbor Marilyn Boudinot, 41, of 4340 Virginia Ave. Hattaway and his wife had no children. He was a retired construction worker who had invested his money in the stock market for many years. 6. It was an unusually harsh sentence, according to some people. Sarah Zerwinn, 27, of 2021 Dyan Way, was sentenced yesterday by Circuit Court Judge JoAnn Keappler. Zerwinn was sentenced to 60 days in jail for failing to take her daughter to kindergarten. Or Zerwinn could go back to school. Public education is compulsory in the state, and school officials have been asking the courts for years to provide stiffer penalties for the parents of chronically truant children. School officials say that children who fall behind early because they do not attend school regularly have a harder time succeeding in the higher grades. Zerwins daughter, Jennifer, who is six years old, missed 111 out of 180 days of school last year and was late an additional 21 times. All of the absences were unexcused.
Review E xerc i s e s
Jennifer told school officials that her mother often slept late and was not able to help Jennifer get ready for school. Several months ago, school officials declared Jennifer a habitual truant, and Zerwinn was ordered to appear in court. Ajudge ordered Zerwinn to make sure Jennifer attended school, but the absences continued. Z erwinn was taken back to court by school officials and Kaeppler found her in contempt of a court order to ensure she took her daughter to school. After pronouncing the sentence, Zerwinn was led away in handcuffs. Zerwinns attorney, Miguel Aceveda, asked the judge not to sentence his client to jail, but give her probation instead. Kaeppler said during the sentencing that Zerwinn could avoid jail time if she agreed to attend kindergarten with her daughter to make certain that she attended and got there on time. Zerwinn would have to attend the classes her daughter attends and participate in the activities here daughter does. “Perhaps you will learn something about the importance of your daughters education,” Kaeppler said. Acevede told the court that Zerwinn works nights and is unable to wake up in time to get her daughter ready for and off to school. However, Kaeppler said that is no excuse for Zerwinns failure to provide an education for her daughter. Acevde told the judge he felt the judges sentence was too harsh because it would place an unreasonable burden on the defendant. Karen Bulnes, attorney for the school board who brought the case against Zerwinn, said, “I certainly think this sends a message that the courts are willing to take a strong stance against parents of chronically truant children. We are doing this for the good of the children.”
sometimes I have good
luck and write better than
focus or narrative. While no single technique works best for
“I have tried simply to write the best I can;
I can.” Ernest Hemingway, journalist and novelist
he portion of a news story that follows the lead, called the “body,” contains the information a reporter believes the public needs to know. This information can be
presented in several styles: inverted pyramid, hourglass, all people, all stories or all reporters, each requires thorough reporting, organization and effective presentation. Whatever story style a writer chooses, he or she must determine how best to convey information to the audience.
Think of writing a news story as driving a train along a track. The rails are the story’s central point and give the story direction. The railroad ties—who, what, when, where, why and how—provide a foundation. The train’s engine is the lead; it must be strong enough to pull the rest of the story, and its whistle must capture the public’s attention. Each car that follows represents a paragraph containing information and providing structure; these “cars” can be arranged in whatever sequence—for example, from most important to least or chronologically—seems most effective. Cars filled with research, verification, multiple sources, quotes, anecdotes and descriptions strengthen the train. The amount of information needed to complete the story determines the number of cars. Holding the train cars together are couplings, which represent the transitions between paragraphs. Without strong transitions, the paragraphs disconnect from one another. This chapter discusses the writing styles and techniques reporters often use to write effective bodies for their news stories.
The Inverted-Pyramid Style
Inverted-pyramid stories arrange the information in descending order of importance or newsworthiness. The lead states the most newsworthy, important or striking information and establishes the central point for the rest of the story. The second paragraph (and sometimes the third and fourth) provides details
T he Inver ted - P yr amid St yle
that amplify the lead. Subsequent paragraphs add less important details or introduce subordinate topics. Each paragraph presents additional information: names, descriptions, quotations, conflicting viewpoints, explanations and background data. Beginning reporters must learn this style because it helps them decide what is most important and what is least important. It also helps discover “holes” in their information— details that have not been collected and need to be found. The primary advantage of the inverted pyramid is that it allows someone to leave a story after only one or two paragraphs yet still learn the newest, most newsworthy and most News consumers, whether in print or online, are skimmers. They glance at headlines and then check the lead to determine if the story important facts. The inverted pyramid also interests them. The inverted-pyramid story structure gives an audiensures that all the facts are immediately unence the important information at the beginning of the story. So even derstandable. Moreover, if a story is longer on a short subway ride, they can read stories that are important to than the space or time available, editors can them and learn what is going on in their community and the world. easily shorten it by deleting paragraphs from the end. The inverted-pyramid style also has several disadvantages: ●● Because the lead summarizes facts that later paragraphs discuss in greater
detail, some may be repeated in the body. ●● A story that follows the inverted pyramid rarely contains any surprises; the lead immediately reveals the major facts. ●● The inverted-pyramid style evolved when newspapers were the public’s first source for breaking news; now radio, television, social media and the internet fill that role. ●● Readers with less than a high school education cannot easily understand stories written in this style. ●● The inverted pyramid locks reporters into a formula and discourages them from trying new styles. Many writing coaches discourage using the inverted pyramid, saying it is overused, confusing and often irrelevant. Nevertheless, the style remains a common format for organizing news stories, partly because of its inherent advantages and partly because using it is a difficult habit to break. Daily deadline pressures in the age of the internet and social media also encourage its use because devising new styles requires additional time, critical thinking and, perhaps, more rewriting.
Organizing the Information An inverted-pyramid story about a two-car collision that injured several people might contain a sequence of paragraphs similar to those outlined in Figure 9.1. Normally, reporters emphasize people: what they do and what happens to them.
Lead Summarizes the story Paragraph Two Identifies the injured Paragraph Three Explains how the accident occured Paragraph Four Reports charges filed against driver(s) Paragraphs Five, Six, Seven Quotes driver(s), police officer(s) and witness(es) Paragraph Eight Describes unusual damage to the cars Paragraph Nine Describes traffic problems caused by the accident Paragraph Ten Presents Minor Details
Figure 9.1 Inverted-Pyramid Style The inverted-pyramid style of story writing has been a staple of news writing for decades.
Consequently, the injuries to the people would be described early in the story. Damage to the cars is less important and would be reported later; it might also be left out, unless it was unusual. Paragraph three would describe the accident itself—the recent action and main point of the story. Quotations add detail and color as well as a pleasing change of pace. The remaining paragraphs add less essential information and might be deleted if space or time was limited. The exact organization varies depending on the story’s unique facts and most newsworthy points. The second, third and, maybe, fourth paragraphs should provide details that develop and support the lead. The following inverted-pyramid stories are cohesive because the leads summarize their topics and the second and third paragraphs present their most important details. Neither story ends with a summary or conclusion; instead, the final paragraphs present the least important details. LOTHIAN—A Glen Burnie man was in serious but stable condition yesterday, a day after he fell asleep at the wheel and collided with a box truck in south county. David A. Calligan Jr., 19, was driving a 1998 Ford Explorer east on Route 258 near Brookswood Road just before 3 p.m. when he fell asleep and crossed the center line, county police said. The Ford collided with a westbound GMC box truck, which overturned, trapping Calligan. A county fire department spokesperson said it took 15 to 20 minutes for fire-fighters to free Calligan, who was flown by state police helicopter to the Maryland Shock Trauma Center in Baltimore. The box truck driver, 29-year-old Ulise Trujillo-Hetteta of Waldorf, and passenger Raphael Ignot, 26, of Fort Washington, were not seriously hurt. (The Maryland Gazette) HARRISBURG—Pennsylvania was put on notice Thursday that it faces another credit downgrade and higher borrowing costs if it does not improve its deficit-ridden finances. The sharply worded warning by Standard and Poor’s that suggested state government is guilty of financial mismanagement came amid a sixday-old stalemate as lawmakers tussle over how to pay for a $32 billion spending package. They face a midnight Monday deadline for D emocratic Gov. Tom Wolf to make a decision on the main a ppropriations bill on hisdesk. Pennsylvania has struggled with an entrenched post-recession deficit, and credit downgrades in 2012 through 2014 have left it with among the nation’s lowest credit ratings. (The Associated Press)
T he Inver ted - P yr amid St yle
In the first example, an editor could easily remove the last couple of paragraphs if necessary and still retain the essential information of the story. The second example contained a total of 14 paragraphs; the last four addressed the fact that negotiations among state legislators were ongoing. As you can see, these final paragraphs could easily be cut without affecting significant information presented at the beginning of the story. Many of the facts reported in longer news stories are of approximately equal importance. These stories are more likely to resemble Figure9.1. However, other stories are organized in the manner shown in Figure 9.2. Editors at Franklin & Marshall College’s The College Reporter work Immediately after the diagram’s summary on the next edition of the school’s online newspaper. The inverted- lead, section 1 presents several paragraphs that pyramid story structure allows editors to cut a story’s length quickly and efficiently. contain information of roughly equivalent importance. Those paragraphs may present some additional information about a single topic or several different but related subLead topics. Section 2 may describe a somewhat less important aspect of the story. Section 1 Section 3 presents more facts of about equal importance to one another but of Section 2 less importance than those in section 2. Section 4 contains the least important Section 3 details, perhaps routine procedures, background information or a reminder of related or similar incidents that occurred in the past. Section 4
Writing the Second Paragraph The second paragraph in a news story is almost as important as the lead—and almost as difficult to write. Like the lead, the second paragraph should emphasize the news. In addition, it should provide a smooth, logical transition from the lead to the following paragraphs. When using the delayed-identification style of summary lead (discussed in Chapter 7), it is important to identify the story’s source or subject in the second paragraph. Journalists must also use an effective transitional word or phrase to ensure that the audience understands the connection of the source or subject identified in the opening paragraph. Here is an example of a lead and second paragraph: An Indiana woman died early Monday morning in a fiery three-vehicle accident on the Pennsylvania Turnpike that closed the highway for more than six hours. The victim, Mary A. Burnett, 56, of Bloomington, lost control of her SUV, crossed the median and collided with an oncoming westbound tractor-trailer, according to Pennsylvania State Police. Note that the words “The victim” are used as a transitional device to identify “Mary A. Burnett” as the “Indiana woman” used in the lead to avoid confusion.
Figure 9.2 An Alternative Inverted- Pyramid Style The inverted-pyramid style often resembles this shape rather than the typical pyramid.
T H E B O DY O F A NE W S S T O RY Sometimes reporters fail to emphasize the news in a story’s second paragraph. Other times they fail to provide smooth transitions. As a result, their stories seem dull or disorganized. The following pages discuss both of these problems and present some solutions.
AVOID LEAPFROGGING Journalists often introduce an individual in their lead and begin their second paragraph with a name. However, many fail to say clearly that both refer to the same person. The audience is forced to guess. Most people usually guess right— but not always. This problem is so common that it has a name: “leapfrogging.” To avoid it, provide a one- or two-word transition from the lead to the name in the second paragraph: ➤ ➤ ALLENTOWN (AP) —A man rammed his car into his wife’s car, then shot her in the arm and leg before bystanders tackled him, police the man suspected of the attack,
said. Police expressed gratitude to the bystanders who helped bring Felipe M. Santos, 53, of Allentown , into custody Monday.
CONTINUE WITH THE NEWS After providing a smooth transition between the lead and the second paragraph, continue with information about the topic summarized in your lead. Some reporters shift to a different topic, a mistake certain to cause confusion: The mayor and City Council agreed Monday night to freeze wages and make city workers pay more for benefits in an effort to close a budget deficit that is now larger than officials expected. Mayor Sabrina Datolli, who has been a lifelong resident of the city, is in her fourth term as mayor. She has seen many ups and downs over her years as mayor, but hopes the city can overcome its problems. This story seems to discuss two different topics. The lead summarizes a problem that confronts city officials everywhere: balancing budgets. The second paragraph shifts to the mayor’s career and hopes. It fails even to mention the problem of balancing the budget. The following revision corrects the error: The mayor and City Council agreed Monday night to freeze wages and make city workers pay more for benefits in an effort to close a budget deficit that is now larger than officials expected. Mayor Sabrina Datolli said the wage freeze and other measures are needed to prevent layoffs of city employees, cuts in programs and more drastic fiscal surgery to balance the city’s budget.
NAMES, NAMES: DULL, DULL Reporters sometimes place too much emphasis on their sources’ identities. As a result, their second paragraphs fail to convey any information of interest. Consider the following example: A highway engineer was killed Wednesday at an Interstate 95 construction site when a tractor-trailer owned by Shearson Trucking Inc. plowed through
T he Inver ted - P yr amid St yle a concrete barrier and struck him. A materials engineer, Riley Patterson of Independent Testing Laboratory Inc., was killed in the mishap. J onathan Martin, a site manager for Baldini Construction Co., saw the accident happen. The paragraph can be rewritten to emphasize the news—what the source said, saw or did, not who he is: A tractor-trailer plowed through a concrete barrier at an Interstate 95construction site Monday, killing a highway engineer. The force of the crash pushed the concrete barrier into a piece of road equipment, crushing the engineer, Riley Patterson. Patterson had been using a core-drilling m achine to bore a sample hole in the concrete roadbed when the accident occurred. He was pronounced dead at the scene. Jonathan Martin, a worker at the site, said he saw the truck crash through the barrier but could not warn Patterson because of the noise of the drilling machine.
BACKGROUND: TOO MUCH, TOO SOON Avoid devoting the entire second paragraph to background information. The second paragraph in the following story is dull because it emphasizes routine, insignificant details: Local Red Cross officials expressed alarm Wednesday that blood supplies are dangerously low prior to the beginning of the long holiday weekend. Nancy Cross, executive director of the Broward County Chapter of theAmerican Red Cross, said the Red Cross strives to maintain an adequate blood supply for emergency situations. “The role of the Red Cross since it was founded is to help people during times of need,” shesaid. The story shifts from the news—the lack of adequate blood supplies—to the organization’s purpose. Yet that purpose has not changed since the Red Cross was established. Thus, the second paragraph says nothing new, nothing likely to retain interest in the story. Fortunately, the problem is easy to correct: Local Red Cross officials expressed alarm Wednesday that blood supplies are dangerously low heading into the long holiday weekend. Restocking those supplies will require a 50 percent increase in blood donations over the next three days, said Nancy Cross, executive director of the Broward County Chapter of the American Red Cross. “Holiday periods are often a problem because people are traveling or have other plans and don’t think about the need for blood,” Cross said. “But the holiday period is also a busy time for emergency rooms and trauma centers, which increases the demand for blood.” The revised second and third paragraphs describe the solution to the blood supply problem and explain the reasons for the issue—details central to the story, not minor or unnecessary ones.
Ending the Story The term “kicker” can have two meanings: It can refer to an additional line set above the main head of a story that helps draw attention or to the ending of the story. Ending the story well is important because it helps to nail down the central point and can leave a lasting impression in people’s minds. Sometimes the kicker, in the latter sense of the word, is just as important as the lead. “Want to write well? Open with a punch, close with a kick.” This advice from Matthew Stibbe, freelance journalist and CEO of A rticulate and Turbine, serves journalists well. By default, many writers will use a dramatic quote to Bruce DeSilva, formerly of AP, says that endings must tell people the end the story. While this can be an effective story is over, nail the central point, and resonate. He says, “The very kicker, there are other ways to end a story that best endings . . . surprise you a little. There’s a kind of twist to them rely onthe reporter’s skills of observation and that’s unexpected.” creativity to tell the audience the story is over. Waiting until the end to use a dramatic quote can often d iminish its power. It may be better to use an anecdote that ties into the story’s lead, d escribe a scene as a wrap-up, or focus on a detail, such as a statistic, that is tied to the central point. Here are the first couple of paragraphs from a story in the Philadelphia Inquirer about research that led to the discovery of freshwater mussels—which scientists had long thought extinct—in the Delaware River: If not for the heat of a summer day, one of the major biological finds in the Delaware River in recent years might not have occurred. It was June and researchers were scouring the banks and shallows of the river between Trenton and Philadelphia for evidence of freshwater mussels, important water-filtering organisms that are becoming increasingly hard to find in the region’s streams. The story continues to describe how one researcher, Danielle Kreeger, became hot sitting in her boat and decided to go for a swim; she discovered the mussels while snorkeling along the bottom of the river. Other subsequent paragraphs describe the scientists’ reactions and explain the mussels’ benefits to the ecology of the river. The last two paragraphs form the kicker, tying the story to the central point: If subsequent research shows that the newly discovered mussel beds are large enough, Kreeger and others think they just might be the ones responsible for cleaning up this stretch of the river. She hopes to be back out in the water come summer. Notice that the second paragraph builds on the lead and adds detail to the central point it introduced. The last two paragraphs of the 45-paragraph story mention a detail about the mussels being the reason for the health of the river and the need to continue the research.
T he Inver ted - P yr amid St yle This story from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports on efforts to deal with financial problems at the city’s science center: The St. Louis Science Center will slash $600,000 in expenses this year and hopes to cut $1.5 million more next year in an effort to tighten spending, Interim President Philip Needleman said Tuesday. The announcement comes one week after the science center’s board of commissioners approved a restructuring plan that reduces the number ofvice presidents to four from nine. The board also expanded its oversightof executive pay and six-figure spending. The second paragraph adds a chronological detail to the board’s actions that explains the central point of the rest of the story—the board’s efforts to trim costs to make the center more efficient and able to maintain its programs. In the story, the writer addresses criticisms from the board and others that executive pay was too high. The story ends with a quote kicker from one of the board members: Another board member, real estate broker Jerome Glick, said during the meeting, “I think they got the message.” The following story from The New York Times about a decline in Brazil’s oil production and the dire consequences for the country begins with a summary assessment of the problem and continues with details about the dilemma. The last paragraph, the kicker, invokes a warning of what the future holds for the country. RIO DE JANEIRO—Brazil’s oil production is falling, casting doubt on what was supposed to be an oil bonanza. Imports of gasoline are rising rapidly, exposing the country to the whims of global energy markets. Even the nation’s ethanol industry, once envied as a model of renewable energy, has had to import ethanol from the United States. Half a decade has passed since Brazilians celebrated the discovery of huge amounts of oil in deep-sea fields by the national oil company, Petrobras, triumphantly positioning the country to surge into the top ranks of global producers. But now another kind of energy shock is unfolding: the colossal company, long known for its might, is losing the race to keep up with the nation’s growing energy demands. The kicker of the 27-paragraph story ties into the central point and leaves the reader with a dire prediction: José Carlos Cosenza, a Petrobras executive, has warned that Brazil may need to import large amounts of fuel for almost another decade. Moreover, gasoline demand is expected to climb even higher as Brazilians buy more cars.
Complex Stories Stories that contain several major subtopics may be too complex to summarize in a brief lead. The U.S. Supreme Court, when it is in session, may in one day take action in several cases. Two or three may be important, but most news outlets
T H E B O DY O F A NE W S S T O RY report them all in a single story to save space and time. Because reporters can mention only the one or two most significant actions in their leads, they often summarize the remaining ones in the second, and sometimes the third, paragraphs of their stories. After summarizing all the major actions, reporters discuss each in more detail, starting with the most important. By mentioning the cases in their stories’ opening paragraphs, journalists alert the audience to their entire contents. People interested in the second or third case immediately learn that it will be discussed later in the story. If the lead and following paragraphs mention only the most important action, people might mistakenly assume that the entire story concerns that one case. Many might stop reading before reaching the story’s account of other cases that might be of greater interest to them. The following story begins with the Supreme Court’s newest action and, in subsequent paragraphs, summarizes others taken the same day: WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court Monday refused to overturn a ban on the private possession of machine guns. A National Rifle Association lawyer called it “the first ban on firearms possession by law-abiding citizens in American history.” In a defeat for the NRA, the justices refused to hear a Georgia gun manufacturer’s argument that the Second Amendment “right of the people to keep and bear arms” allows him to make or possess a fully automatic weapon. The Court also decided cases involving anti-abortion protests, the sanctuary movement, libel and local regulation. NRA lobbyist Jack Lenzi said his organization was “disappointed but not surprised.” He said the federal ban is “an infringement on the rights” of about 100,000 Americans who collect automatic weapons. Gun control and law enforcement groups told the high court that the NRA’s argument would permit private persons to have “bazookas, hand grenades, Stinger missiles and any other weapon of mass destruction. . . . The public safety implications of such a position are truly staggering.”
In other matters, the court:
• Refused to lift limits on demonstrations by opponents of abortions at a Dayton, Ohio, abortion clinic and a ban on protests by the opponents at the homes of the clinic’s staff and patients.
• Left intact the criminal convictions of eight sanctuary movement members who helped Central American aliens smuggled into this country.
• Heard arguments in a libel case in which a psychologist says a New Yorker magazine staff writer made up quotes attributed to him.
• Agreed to decide whether communities may regulate the use of pesticides or whether such local regulations are pre-empted by federal law.
T he Hourgla s s St yle Journalists often use lists in news stories that involve several ideas, subtopics or examples. If all the ideas or examples are important, reporters may begin a news story by summarizing one or two main points, adding a brief transition and presenting the other ideas or examples in a simple, orderly list. They can discuss each point in greater detail later in the story. The initial summary may contain all the essential information about a topic; in that case, it need not be mentioned again. Each item in a list must be in parallel form. If one item is an incomplete sentence that begins with a verb, the rest must have the same structure, as in the following example: The governor said he wants to raise the state’s sales tax and to increase state spending on education.
He told the National Education Association he would use the money to
• Raise teachers’ salaries.
• Test new teachers to assess their competence.
• Place more emphasis on English, science and math.
• Reduce the number of students in each class.
• Give schools more money to educate gifted students.
Organization of the Hourglass Story Inverted Pyramid
The Turn
Reporters also use lists to summarize less important details placed at the end of news stories. Lists are particularly useful when the details are minor and concern several diverse topics that would be difficult to organize in any other manner. Some newspapers number each item in a list; others mark each item with a dash, bullet, asterisk, check mark or some other typographical symbol.
Chronological Conclusion
Figure 9.3 The Hourglass Style The hourglass style begins with a summary lead and inverted pyramid and then turns into a sequence of events.
The Hourglass Style Roy Peter Clark, senior scholar at the Poynter Institute, found that the inverted pyramid often forced writers to tell their stories in unnatural ways. It also homogenized the news, making stories about bank robberies and congressional debates sound similar. At the same time, writers who experimented with narrative structures for their stories often lost sight of the news. The most important and newsworthy information might be buried so far down that frustrated audiences never found it. Clark offered the hourglass style (Figure 9.3) as one that combines the strengths of the inverted pyramid and the narrative format (discussed later in the chapter). The hourglass story has three parts: an inverted pyramid top that summarizes the most newsworthy information, a turn (or pivot)
Journalists Adam Nossiter, Aurelien Breeden and Katrin Bennhold used the hourglass style for their story on the Paris terrorist attacks.
T H E B O DY O F A NE W S S T O RY paragraph and a narrative. The inverted pyramid top, which may be only three to five paragraphs, gives the audience the most newsworthy information quickly. The narrative allows the writer to develop the story in depth, using the storytelling power of chronology. The key, Clark says, is the turn, which makes the transition between the two formats. Here’s an excerpt from a 15-paragraph Washington Post sports story illustrating the hourglass style:
The hourglass style of story can begin with a standard summary lead or an alternative lead, such as an ironic, suspenseful, shocker or question lead.
The Washington Capitals couldn’t finish any of their scoring chances
through the first 40 minutes against Carolina on Friday night and entered the third period trailing by one goal. One might think they had the Hurricanes right where they wanted them. Third-period tallies by Alex Ovechkin and Matt Hendricks along with a 40-save outing by rookie goaltender Braden Holtby propelled the Capitals past the Hurricanes, 2-1, at Verizon Center, giving
The beginning of the story is written in standard inverted-pyramid style. It continues for several more paragraphs, giving more detail about the Capitals’ winning streak; the play of certain players in the game, especially Holtby and Carolina goalie Cam Ward; and the coaching that helped the Capitals win. Following the inverted pyramid that provides readers with basic facts regarding the story, the writer provides a turn to let the reader know that the story is changing direction.
Washington its longest winning streak of the season at seven. Six of those wins, and nine of the team’s last 20 wins overall, have been decided by one goal.
The close contests have become a calling card for the team that now finds itself with 88 points and a three-point lead over Boston for second place in the Eastern Conference.
(The story continues for another five paragraphs describing the game and win streak before reaching the transitional paragraph.) Carolina’s advantage wouldn’t even last a minute into the third as Ovechkin, after a nice drop pass from Marcus Johannsson, let a
wrister fly that beat Ward blocker side to tie the contest at 1 just 47 seconds into the final frame. Although the Capitals showed more energy after tying the game, the Hurricanes continued to pepper Holtby with 16 shots in the third period. One shot that the Washington netminder wouldn’t be required to stop, however, was a shot by Carolina’s Tim Gleason in the waning seconds of a Hurricanes’ power play. Hendricks made one of the Capitals’ 26 blocks on Gleason’s attempt and the puck jumped out to center ice, where Jason Arnott picked it up as he came out of the penalty box. Arnott raced down the ice on a breakaway. Ward made a stellar
The second part of the story provides more complete facts in a sequential or chronological order. The story on the Capitals’ game continued for several more paragraphs, sequentially listing the facts in the pivotal third period, and ended with a quote.
stop on the initial shot but Hendricks, trailing his teammate, was able to send the rebound into the net to give Washington a 2-1 lead.
(The story continues for three more paragraphs before ending with a quote from then Coach Bruce Boudreau.)
“I think they carried the play to us. They were beating us to the puck. We made the plays in the third period that you had to make to win, that was it.”
T he Focu s St yle
The first seven paragraphs tell the story in traditional inverted pyramid fashion, reporting the newsworthy facts that the Washington Capitals won the game and continued their winning streak. The eighth paragraph is the turn: It tells the reader how the momentum of the game shifted in the third period. The next paragraph (not included here) begins to sequentially tell the rest of the story in a more narrative style, using quotations, details and anecdotes to enhance the details. The hourglass style will not work for all stories, as Clark admits. For stories that have no meaningful chronology, such as an account of a city council meeting in which topics are discussed in no particular order, the hourglass style is useless. But for stories about many newsworthy events—sports contests, criminal investigations, natural disasters and political campaigns—the hourglass can be an effective way of organizing information.
The Focus Style The Wall Street Journal’s front-page feature stories usually employ the focus style, which the newspaper has used for years. Many other newspapers and their reporters have adopted the focus style as well. Like the hourglass style, this method tries to incorporate storytelling techniques in news writing. But unlike the hourglass, the focus story begins with a lead that focuses on a specific individual, situation or anecdote and uses it to illustrate a larger problem. The focus story has four parts. The first is the lead; unlike the lead for an inverted pyramid story, it may run three or more paragraphs. Also unlike the hardnews lead, the focus lead describes a person, place, situation or event that may not be newsworthy by itself but exemplifies a larger problem that is newsworthy. The second part of the focus story is a nut graph—which can actually be two or three paragraphs—stating the central point of the story and how the lead illustrates that point. The third part is the body, which develops the central point in detail. The final part is a one-, two- or three-paragraph close kicker that concludes the story. The kicker usually relates to the person, place or situation described in the lead. The following excerpt from a story in the Philadelphia Inquirer shows some elements of a focus story:
cupboard inside St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Lower Northeast.
The focus style begins with a focus lead, an anecdote of one to several paragraphs that highlights someone involved in the story. That person’s experiences are used to introduce the story.
and scrambled to be first in line at Feast of Justice, the free food
Awake at 4 a.m., Rodney Walker dressed for a bitter-cold morning
The beginning of the story is often very descriptive in order to give a general impression of what the story is about and dramatically highlights the experiences of the person in the focus lead.
Exhausted by the stress of needing handouts to feed his family, the 57-year-old part-time security guard set his cell phone to chirp every hour so he wouldn’t fall into a deep sleep in line. By the time the doors opened at 9 on a recent day, more than 150 unemployed, retired, or working-poor residents of the brick rowhouse neighborhoods near the church were assembled behind him, enveloped in clouds of frozen breath. To be sure, there are much poorer parts of Philadelphia. Average household income here is about $50,000. In Fairhill, Philadelphia’s poorest section, about five miles southwest, average income is just under $18,000.
The nut graph of the story is used to create a transition from the focus lead into the body. The latter then adds details about the subject of the story.
T H E B O DY O F A NE W S S T O RY But the Oxford Circle/Castor-Tacony/Wissinoming-Mayfair swath of the Lower Northeast, formerly one of the city’s most stable sec-
tions, had the greatest increase in the percentage of people living in poverty over the last decade—up a whopping 110 percent since 1999, according to U.S. Census Bureau data released in December.
The first paragraphs of the story describe the focus, the plight of the poor in a section of Philadelphia. The writer introduces Rodney Walker and describes his life and his struggle to provide for his family. Several paragraphs into the story the writer then provides the nut graph—explaining in detail the story’s central point, the growing level of poverty in Philadelphia. Following paragraphs expand on the nut graph, providing much more detail. The body of the story continues for another 33 paragraphs, weaving Walker briefly into the story in some parts but mainly focusing on the causes of poverty in the city and what volunteer organizations are trying to do to help. In those paragraphs, the reporter also writes about the neighborhood’s changing demographics, the work by city officials to address the problems and the lack of economic and employment opportunities in the area. The last three paragraphs of the story provide the kicker—tying the end of the story back to the beginning and providing a sense of conclusion to the story: Julie Zaebst, policy-center manager for the 10-year-old Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger, said the changes were particularly hard on longtime residents in proud neighborhoods. “We are seeing more people unemployed over the long term, and the consequences of that on family finances. Primary breadwinners are forced to take jobs that just don’t support their families at the level they need to. More and more folks who haven’t sought [food The kicker is used to conclude the story. It ties the body of the story back into the beginning and sometimes the person who was the subject of the focus lead.
cupboard] assistance in the past are needing it now,” she said.
“It’s an explosion of need,” she said, in an area still better off than much of the city.
The success of the focus story depends on the selection of the lead. Some beginners start their stories with interesting anecdotes or descriptions that have little or no connection to the central point. Without this connection, the audience is likely to be confused and frustrated. The focus style also has flexibility. The body of the story can be developed in any number of ways. If the story has several subtopics, they can be arranged in descending order of importance. Or if the material lends itself to a narrative structure, the information can be arranged chronologically.
The Narrative Style A narrative has two components: a story and a storyteller. A storyteller writes as a playwright or novelist would, depicting people interacting with other people and within their surroundings. To write in the narrative style, a reporter must find people who are crucial to the story and record their actions. This technique requires more than just interviewing sources, recording quotes and reporting numbers. It requires observation.
T he Narr ative St yle
Observation does not mean reporters are free to interject their opinions intoa story. Instead, journalists observe people, places and events important to a story and describe them in vivid detail. Through those particulars, the audience gets a better sense of what is occurring. But to paint a picture with words, reporters must be specific. Notice the difference between the following sentences: Students are angry about the board of trustees’ decision. Students gathered in the administration building lobby waving signs protesting the board of trustees’ decision. The first sentence presents an opinion. Without using attribution it says the students are angry at the board’s decision. The reader does not know whether the writer is reporting a fact or his or her opinion. The second sentence, however, shows the student’s negative behavior in response to the board’s decision. The narrative approach allows reporters to be more creative. Reporters can describe the drama—even if it is not high drama—at a school board meeting, for example. What happened? What did they see? Were people shouting? Were people laughing? Did the participants exchange views? Journalists cannot answer these questions and others unless they take extensive notes. Longtime writing coach Don Fry describes the style this way: Narrative writing requires narrative thinking, narrative reporting and narrative forms. Narrative thinking means seeing the world in terms of people doing things, not as piles of disparate facts. Actions connect to one another to create meaning, mostly based on human motives. The best journalistic storytellers let their curiosity lead them into stories, because they want to find out why real people do things. A story written in narrative style can still lead with the news—the most important part of the story—but then quickly switch to using chronology, flashbacks, dialogue and other storytelling techniques. Or it can employ a strictly chronological organization, ending with the most recent (and perhaps most newsworthy) information. Generally, such stories have a beginning, middle and end, each of relatively equal importance. It is more difficult to cut the final paragraphs of narrative stories than those of stories written in the inverted- pyramid style. The following story about railroading in Pennsylvania by Harrisburg Patriot-News writer Ford Turner illustrates the narrative style: The railroad engine looks like a sleeping blue-and-white giant, resting on thetracks in the half-light of a cloudy dawn.
Rolling Stone and other magazines, such as Esquire and The New Yorker, are well known for the narrative style of their articles.
T H E B O DY O F A NE W S S T O RY It dwarfs John Rudy as he climbs aboard. On the metal catwalk that clings to its side, Rudy swings open a door and leans into the dark interior cavity filled by the huge, silent motor. In a moment, the 1,500-horsepower engine shudders to life. It puts out a wall of grinding, rumbling diesel sound, and throbs with energy as Rudy walks to the cab. Another day on the railroad has begun. The raw mechanical might of engines mesmerized Rudy 50 years ago, when he was a little boy growing up in Enola, across the street from one of the biggest railroad yards in the nation. That same might shaped his career in railroading, which has spanned 30 years. It was the same way for generations of boys and men in central Pennsylvania, and particularly around Enola. A childhood fascination withsmoke-belching engines, followed by a career in one of the region’s formative industries, one where long hours and danger often were part of the job. A key rail state Rudy, 57, is an engineer for Norfolk Southern. He still recalls his childhood days of watching, awestruck, the powerful engines and long lines of freight cars. But railroading was ingrained in his family even before he was born. Two uncles, a grandfather and two great-grandfathers were career railroad men. Their triumphs and frustrations mirrored the rise and decline of the industry and the Enola Yards, whose massive spread of tracks, trains andequipment remains a riveting image of the mid-state’s blue collar history. The yards formally opened in 1905 on 316 acres along the SusquehannaRiver, where more than 50 tracks ran side by side. Seven major freight routes converged there. Cars were sorted and assigned to trainsbound for places such as Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, and St. Louis. The geography of the maturing nation made Harrisburg a natural transportation center. About 8,000 people worked on railroad jobs in and around Harrisburg—including the Enola Yards—in the industry’s heyday from 1910 to 1930, according to mid-state rail historian Daniel Cupper. The Enola Yards was fantastically busy. With all its tracks, nearly 9,700 railroad cars could be accommodated at one time, and it once handled 20,661 cars in a single day.
T he Narr ative St yle A dangerous job Bill Rudy, John’s uncle, still remembers the black snow. That’s what the feathery granules seemed like when they wafted down after being shot skyward by steam engines in the Enola Yards. Bill Rudy, now 81, grew up in West Fairview. Seventy years ago, he and his grade school buddies loved the engines. They’d go out on a plank bridge above the Enola tracks just to be close to the blasts of smoke and steam. The grimy fallout, though, wasn’t popular with neighborhood women who were doing laundry. It would stick to clothes drying on clotheslines. “They would have black stuff all over the clothes, and it would really make them mad,” he said. Bill Rudy quit school in the ninth grade. It was the middle of the Depression. He worked for a plumber for a time, then went to work at 45 cents an hour for Pennsylvania Railroad, where his father had been a machinist. “It was a dangerous place,” he said. His father’s stepfather had been scalded to death by steam from an engine. At work, Bill Rudy once saw a brakeman get thrown into the air when two boxcars collided and land on the couplers between cars, breaking some ribs. He once saw a man near the tracks who had just lost a leg beneath a train. Another day, the side of a train car fell on a man in the Enola Yards’ steel shop, killing him. Bill Rudy kept working for “Pennsy” and its successors, though, and it became a career. He was a mechanic, and over his 40 years he repaired steam, electric and diesel engines. He retired in 1980. “It was rough,” he said. “If I ever had my life to live over again, I’d hunt something different than the railroad . . . I did it because it was a living.” An industry in decline The great hum of railroad activity that reached its zenith in central Pennsylvania during World War II began to decline soon afterward. One factor was Pennsylvania Railroad’s 1952 decision to spend $34 million upgrading the Conway Yard near Pittsburgh. After that, Conway became Pennsy’s major east-west freight yard. Another factor was heavy government regulation. For years, it sapped railroad profits while competition in the trucking industry benefited from government spending on highways. As profits dried up, ownership changes occurred.
T H E B O DY O F A NE W S S T O RY Pennsylvania Railroad, via a merger, became part of Penn Central. Then, bankrupt, Penn Central was wrapped into the government- supported Consolidated Rail Corp., or Conrail. Later, Norfolk Southern took over a portion of Conrail, including most of the former Pennsylvania Railroad. A kid’s fascination As a kid growing up in Enola, John Rudy was just as fascinated by the Enola Yards as his uncle had been decades earlier. He’d watch the engines blasting steam and smoke. “I couldn’t wait to see the dirt and the cinders come flying out . . . They made coal dirt so thick you could put your hand up and catch it,” he said. He and his buddies roamed about Enola. There were livestock pens, where pigs and cattle were fed during breaks in their journeys to slaughter houses, and John and his friends poked the animals with sticks just for something to do. John became a tool and die maker. In 1972, at the age of 27, he was operating a Mobil service station in Lower Paxton Township, and having some success. But he heard that the Penn Central Railroad had a job opening that might fit him. Because of damage caused by the [Hurricane] Agnes flood and a rash of retirements of men hired in the war year of 1941, the railroad needed people. John applied. “I always wanted to be on the railroad,” he said. Full time, and then some He makes $52,000 a year now. He has daytime, weekday hours, assigned to a “yard job” in York where he drives engines around a small Norfolk S outhern yard, grabbing a car here and two cars there to put together trains. In past years, he made even more money. But he worked 65, 75, or even 85hours some weeks. “Twenty-four hours a day, you are on call. Seven days a week,” he said. “. . . The freight does have to move, and you have to be responsible enough to say, ‘Yeah, I’ll be there to do it.’” The railroads, he said, had a penchant for hiring men whose fathers or uncles had been in the business because those men would know what they were getting into. He said, “I would classify it as a hard, good life.” Notice how the writer has used quotations, dialogue and description to give readers a sense of working on the railroad and of each source’s distinctive personality. The details easily bring images to the reader’s mind. One can imagine the train’s engine “shuddering to life,” or the Rudys as youngsters “mesmerized by the
E xplain the Unfamiliar smoke and steam.” Notice, too, the length of the story. Stories using the narrative style tend to be longer, yet the rich detail and concrete imagery make them easier to read than many shorter, straight news stories. Narrative style can be a refreshing change from the inverted pyramid, but it is not appropriate for all stories. Stories about breaking news events, speeches or most government meetings, for instance, often make more sense to readers when told in traditional inverted-pyramid fashion. Narrative touches, such as dialogue and colorful descriptions, can make any story more readable, however. Regardless of the occasion, the success of a narrative story depends on the depth of the reporting. A writer who has not attentively gathered details and quotations will have difficulty constructing a narrative story.
Using Transitions Transitions help stories move from one fact to the next in a smooth, logical order. Recall from the train analogy we used at the beginning of the chapter that the transitions are the couplings that hold the cars together. Reporters introduce ideas by relating them to others reported earlier in a story. Often, the natural progression of thought, or sequence of facts and action, is adequate. Alternatively, journalists may repeat a key name or pronoun: Richard Nolles, editor of the Weekly Outlook, said the newspaper tries to report the truth even when its readers do not want to hear it. “A newspaper that reports only what its readers want to hear is dodging its moral obligations,” Nolles said. In a speech Wednesday, Nolles added that many readers want to avoid unpleasant news, and threaten to cancel their subscriptions when he reportsit. “But if a problem exists, they need to know about it so they can correct it,” he said. “Ignorant citizens can’t make wise decisions.” In the example, the repetition of the words “Nolles,” “newspaper” and “readers” and the use of the pronouns “they” and “their” make it easier for readers to follow the progression of thought. Other transitional devices include words that can indicate time, addition, causation, comparison or contrast. Word phrases, sentences and questions also can serve as transitional devices.
Explain the Unfamiliar Reporters should avoid words that are not used in everyday conversation. When an unfamiliar word is necessary, journalists must immediately define it. Stories that fail to explain unfamiliar terms may annoy as well as puzzle the audience. Astory about a 19-year-old Olympic skater who collapsed and died before a practice session at the University of Texas reported that she died of clinical terminal cardiac arrhythmia. The journalist placed the term in quotation marks but failed to define it. Many people would be interested in the death of an Olympic skater
T H E B O DY O F A NE W S S T O RY and would wonder why an apparently healthy young athlete had died, but the story failed to satisfy their curiosity because it failed to explain the medical term. Instead of using an unfamiliar term and then defining it, journalists may use only the definition instead: accept children from kindergarten through the sixth grade
➤ ➤ She said the school will have K– 6 facilities.
Journalists can make even the most complicated stories understandable. For example, former (Tucson) Arizona Daily Star environmental reporter Jane Kay wrote about several wells in Arizona contaminated by trichloroethylene. The topic was complex, yet the stories were clear and dramatic. Kay explained that the chemical, also called “TCE,” is an industrial degreaser that may cause cancer in humans: TCE is a tasteless, odorless, colorless—and very toxic—chemical. It is volatile, meaning that it evaporates quickly, much like common household cleaning fluids. Only a teaspoon of it poured into 250,000 gallons of water—about the amount used by five people in an entire year—would create a taint slightly beyond the 5 parts per billion suggested as a guideline for safety by the state Department of Health Services. The wells contaminated by TCE were closed, and government officials assured people their drinking water was safe. But after hundreds of interviews, Kay discovered, “For 10 to 30 years, many South Side Tucson residents unknowingly got minute quantities of TCE almost every time they turned on the tap water.” As many as 20,000 people “drank TCE at home, inhaled it in the shower and absorbed it through their skin when they washed the dishes.” Apparently as a result of the TCE contamination, residents of Tucson’s South Side suffered from an unusual number of serious illnesses, including cancer. Large numbers also need explaining. For example, few people who read, watch or listen to stories about a city’s or the country’s budget and deficits would really comprehend the numbers. Reporters can help audiences understand large numbers by converting them into something related to everyday life. For example, The Washington Post reported that an investment bank offered to pay $20.6 billion to take over RJR Nabisco Inc., a conglomerate that made Oreos, LifeSavers and Camel cigarettes. (The company has since split into R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. and Nabisco.) RJR Nabisco rejected the offer, saying it was not big enough. If $20.6 billion cannot buy a cookie company, what is it good for? A Post writer calculated it could, among other things, provide shoes for every American for a year, house two million criminals in prisons for a year, sponsor 80 million destitute children around the world for one year and cover the cost of every movie ticket bought in the United States in the previous four years. When a sentence must explain several items in a list, the explanation should precede the list, not follow it. If the explanation follows the list, people might fail to grasp the relationship between the items or the significance of the list: The senator said he voted for the bill to
➤ ➤ To provide children with better nutrition, better health care and better educational opportunities were the reasons the senator voted for the bill.
T he U s e of De s cription
The Importance of Examples Examples make stories more interesting, personalize them and help audience members understand them more easily. A story about a teenager who became an alcoholic and flunked out of college might include examples of the problems she experienced: She said school became unimportant, adding: “I can remember staying up all night before my public health final. When I took the test I was smashed. And if that wasn’t bad enough, then I ran the entire 10 blocks back to my apartment so I could drink some more. Of course, I flunked public health.” Examples are especially important in stories about abstract issues. Sometimes numbers help put those issues into perspective. A story about the lives of people who drop out of college might include the percentage of students who drop out of college nationally, their reasons for dropping out and what they do afterward: join the military, get married, find a job. In addition to reporting the general trends, a good writer would illustrate the story by describing the lives of two or three dropouts—specific examples of the trend. Reporters can clarify unfamiliar concepts by comparing them to familiar things. Many people struggle to understand business and finance, and stories of financial fraud can be extraordinarily complex. Paul Krugman, a columnist for The New York Times, used the following analogy to help readers understand how mutual fund managers and major investors were cheating ordinary investors: You’re selling your house, and your real estate agent claims that he’s representing your interests. But he sells the property at less than fair value to a friend, who resells it at a substantial profit, on which the agent receives a kickback. You complain to the county attorney. But he gets big campaign contributions from the agent, so he pays no attention. That, in essence, is the story of the growing mutual fund scandal.
The Use of Description Descriptions, like quotations, make stories more interesting and help people visualize scenes. But many journalists are reluctant to use descriptive phrases; they summarize whatever they hear but are less likely to describe what they see, feel, taste and smell. For instance, a student who attended a speech by an expert in communications technology handed her instructor a story that said: The speaker, John Mollwitz, showed some examples of electronic newspapers and talked about how they fit into the newspaper industry. The student failed to describe what the electronic newspapers looked like and how they “fit into the newspaper industry.” She also neglected to mention that the crowd intermittently applauded Mollwitz, who has developed some profitable electronic newspapers. When asked to write descriptions, most students rely too heavily on adverbs and adjectives. Nouns and verbs are more effective. They are also less redundant and less opinionated than adverbs and adjectives.
Three Ways to Explain the Unfamiliar Here are three techniques journalists can use to define or explain unfamiliar terms: 1. P lace a brief explanation in parentheses: The law would ban accessory structures (sheds, pool houses and unattached garages) in new subdivisions. 2. P lace the explanation immediately after the unfamiliar name or term, setting it off with a colon, comma or dash: Amy and Ralph Hargis of Carlton Drive filed for bankruptcy under Chapter 13, which allows them to repay their creditors in monthly installments over a three-year period. About 800 foreign students at the university are on F-1 student visas—which means that they are allowed to stay in the United States only until they complete their degrees. 3. P lace the explanation in the next sentence: The major banks raised their prime rate to 12.5 percent. The prime rate is the interest rate banks charge their best customers.
T H E B O DY O F A NE W S S T O RY Beginning reporters sometimes resort to vague generalities when they try to write descriptions: She spoke with authority. She seemed to enjoy talking about her work. Neither sentence is an actual description. The first fails to explain why the writer concluded that the woman spoke authoritatively. Moreover, what one observer interprets as speaking with authority might seem as overbearing arrogance to another. The second does not specifically describe either the speaker or what she said. Reporters train themselves to observe and describe specific details, such as descriptions of people’s voices, mannerisms, facial expressions, posture, gestures and surroundings. They may also include details about the height, weight, age, clothing, hair, glasses, jewelry and family of the people they write about. For example, a journalist might describe a man’s hands by mentioning their size, calluses, nails, smoothness, wrinkles or veins. Avoid generalities and conclusions. In the following examples, the first sentence is vague, but the second is descriptive: He is a large man. He is 6 feet tall and weighs 210 pounds.
FROM THE NEWS Describing the Aftermath of Hurricane Harvey The following descriptive passage is an excerpt from Manny Fernandez’s New York Times story on the destruc tion of Houston and surrounding areas of Texas by Hurricane Harvey: ROCKPORT, Tex.—In the days since Hurricane Harvey slammed into his hometown, Colin McBurney has become his own first-responder—a 16-year-old in a backward baseball cap with bare feet, a pistol and a truck. He drove to the houses of his neighbors all weekend, checking on the people no one had heard from. One friend made the kind of request people make in this bay town of nearly 11,000 whose spiritis equal parts fishing village, millionaire’s retreat and w orking-class country—please get thehorse. Right before sunset Saturday, Mr. McBurney, still in bare feet and beach shorts, tied a piece of rope into a leash and waded into his friend’s front yard. She had evacuated, but her horse, Stew, had wandered out of the stable
through the busted fence. Mr. McBurney walked past the blown-down barn, put the leash on Stew and led the horse back to the stable, a barefoot cowboy after the storm. “We’re just going to get through this together,” said Mr. McBurney, a student at the storm-damaged Rockport-Fulton High School. The most powerful hurricane to hit Texas in decades struck land here on Friday, damaging or destroying hundreds of homes, apartments, businesses, churches and government offices and killing at least one resident in a mobile-home fire. Rockport is a piece of rural Texas on the water, sandwiched between Copano Bay and Aransas Bay, and separated from the Gulf of Mexico by thin strips of islands. Not far from its palmbeach-lined waterfront, cattle graze. Not far from its multi-m illion-dollar mansions, there are trailer parks, water towers and homes with boats in the front and pigs in the back. Or at least there were.
T he Final Step: Edit Your Stor y Butler looked as though he had dressed in a hurry. Butler’s shirt was buttoned halfway, his socks were mismatched, his shoelaces were untied and his hair was not brushed. Descriptions help the audience see the situation or person through the eyes of the reporter. When describing people, however, journalists should not write anything about a woman that they would not write about a man in the same situation and vice versa. Do not note, “The woman had long slender legs” if you would not write in the same situation, “The man had long slender legs.”
The Need to Be Fair Regardless of how a story is organized, it must be balanced, fair and accurate. Reporters who write about a controversy should present every significant viewpoint fully and fairly. They must exercise particular care when their stories might harm another person’s reputation. A reckless or irresponsible charge may destroy an innocent person’s reputation, marriage or career. If a story contains information critical of an individual, that person must have an opportunity to respond. It is not enough to get the person’s response after a story has been published and report it in a later story because not everyone who read, watched or heard the original criticism will catch the second story. The New York Times has an unbreakable policy requiring that a person criticized in a news story have an immediate chance to respond. If the person cannot be reached, editors and reporters should consider holding the story. If the story cannot be held, it must describe the efforts made to reach the person and explain that those efforts will be renewed the next day. When the subject of a negative story is unavailable or refuses to respond, that fact should be mentioned. A brief sentence such as one of the following three options might explain: Repeated attempts to reach a company employee were unsuccessful. A vice president at the company declined to comment about the charges. Company officials did not return phone calls made by reporters.
The Final Step: Edit Your Story After finishing a story, edit it ruthlessly. Novelist Kurt Vonnegut said, “If a sentence, no matter how excellent, does not illuminate your subject in some new and useful way, scratch it out.” Vonnegut also urged writers to have mercy on their readers: “Our audience requires us to be sympathetic and patient teachers, ever willing to simplify and clarify—whereas we would rather soar high above the crowd singing like nightingales.” Good reporters will reread and edit their stories. Lazy ones immediately submit their stories to an editor, thinking their work needs no editing or expecting the editor to correct any mistakes. That attitude ignores the realities of today’s newsrooms. Many news organizations have reduced staff, including copy
T H E B O DY O F A NE W S S T O RY editors. Increasingly, journalists are expected to edit their own copy, particularly if the story is one that will appear online almost immediately. Copy editors have less time nowadays to edit more stories, which increases the possibility that errors will be missed. In such cases, the reporters are the ones who suffer the embarrassment and bear the responsibility. If a poorly written story receives careful editing, the editor may decide it needs extensive changes, perhaps even total rewriting. When that happens, reporters often complain about the changes. Reporters who correct their own errors will develop reputations as good writers and earn better assignments, raises and promotions.
The Writing Coach How to Find the Right Endings to Stories BY JOE HIGHT
Reporters sometimes ask this question about their stories:
I suggest that you end with a quote or phrase that leaves
How do you know when you have a good ending? Gary Pro-
an impression. Ask yourself, someone who sits near you
vost, author of “100 Ways to Improve Your Writing,” offers
or an editor if your ending solves a problem, stirs an emo-
the advice I’ve heard the most:
tion (for example, it takes the person back to a significant
Look at the last sentence and ask yourself, “What does the reader lose if I cross it out?” If the answer is “Nothing” or “I don’t know,” then cross it out. Do the same thing with the next to last sentence, and so forth. When you get to the sentence that you must have, read it out loud. Is it a good closing sentence? Does it sound final? Is it pleasant to the ear? Does it leave the reader in the mood you intended? If so, you are done. If not, rewrite it so that it does. Then stop writing.
moment in his or her life) or makes a point about an issue. If it did, the ending is appropriate. So strive for powerful endings, and, if you’re an editor, don’t automatically whack the ones with that power! Joe Hight has been editor of the Colorado Springs (Colorado) Gazette and the Oklahoman of Oklahoma City. He is now the owner and president of Best of Books, Inc.
T he Final Step: Edit Your Stor y
The Reporter’s Guide to Writing News Stories Use the following checklist to evaluate all your stories.
1. Place the most important details in your lead. 2. Throughout the story, emphasize the details most likely to interest and affect your audience.
3. Include details from your observations to create a picture your readers can visualize.
4. In the story’s second paragraph, continue to discuss the topic initiated in your lead.
5. Do not leapfrog. If your lead mentions an individual, and your second paragraph begins with a name, provide a transition that makes it clear you mean the same person.
6. Make your sentences clear, concise and to the point. (Avoid passive verbs. Also, use the normal word order of subject, verb, direct object.)
7. Vary your sentence structure. 8. Avoid overloading your sentences.
9. If your story discusses several major subtopics, mention all the major subtopics in your story’s opening paragraphs so your audience knows what to expect.
10. If you use a list, make sure each item is in parallel form.
11. Provide transitions to lead your readers from one sentence or paragraph to another smoothly and logically.
12. Make your transitional sentences specific; say something intriguing to sustain interest in the topic.
13. If you use a question as a transition, make it clear, short and simple.
14. Avoid generalities that have to be explained in a later sentence or paragraph. Be specific.
15. Resist the temptation to end your story with a summary, conclusion or opinion.
16. After finishing your story, critically edit and rewrite it.
Review Exercises 1. The Body of a News Story Section I: Second Paragraphs Second paragraphs are almost as important as leads. Like leads, second paragraphs must help arouse the public’s interest in a topic. Critically evaluate the second paragraphs in the following stories. Judge which of the second paragraphs are most successful in providing a smooth transition from the lead; continuing to discuss the topic summarized in the lead; and emphasizing the news—details that are new, important and interesting. Give each second paragraph a grade from A to F. 1. A Pinkerton courier was robbed at gunpoint and fatally wounded on Tuesday while leaving Merchants Bank with the day’s daily transaction records. Edwin James, 59, of 826 Bell Drive, was following standard bank procedures and carrying no money. 2. A 41-year-old teacher who fell and broke an ankle while stopping for a cup of coffee on her way to work sued a convenience store Monday. The teacher, Tina Alvarez, has worked at Washington Elementary School for 21 years. 3. Two young men are presumed dead after falling off a 30-foot rock formation into the Pacific Ocean at a California park Saturday. The men remain unidentified, and their bodies have not been recovered. 4. Police responding to a 911 call about a shooting at 10 p.m. Sunday discovered Ralph Beasley on Bennett Road with a gunshot wound to his head. County sheriff’s deputies arrived at about the same time in response to a radio request for assistance. An ambulance was already at the scene, as were Fire Department paramedics. 5. A 32-year-old woman who said she smoked marijuana to ease the pain of a rare intestinal disease was charged Tuesday morning with possessing illegal drugs. Ruth Howland was stopped at the Municipal Airport after a K-9 dog singled out her suitcase. She and her husband, Terry, were returning from Mexico.
6. Three gunmen who entered a restaurant on Wilson Avenue at 10:30 p.m. Tuesday held four employees and 12 customers at gunpoint while taking more than $3,000 from several cash registers. Peggy Deacosti, the restaurant’s hostess, was on duty when the robbery occurred. 7. Eileen Guion, 38, a food and beverage coordinator at Walt Disney World for 18 years, died at her home Tuesday of unknown causes. Although she was offered many other jobs at restaurants, she never accepted them. She once said, “I’ve loved working at Disney because I get to work with people from all over the world, and I think that is very neat.” 8. Police are searching for a man who attacked a woman outside the Bayside Bar & Grill Thursday night. Terry Smythe, a bartender at the restaurant, said he heard a woman screaming outside the entrance at 9 p.m. Smythe darted to the foyer, where he saw the woman trapped in the entryway. Smythe said it was “kind of like a tug of war,” with the assailant trying to pull the woman outside while waitresses tried to pull herinside.
Section II: Transitions Critically evaluate the following transitions. Which would be most likely to entice you to continue reading the stories? Which provide a smooth, specific, informative and interesting introduction to the next idea? Give each transition a grade from A to F. 1. Other students said they would tell their teachers about cheaters because cheating is not fair to those who take the time to study. 2. But what should happen when a husband and wife disagree about having a baby? 3. A concerned citizen then addressed the commission about the fence. 4. Next, the Task Force presented its plan for preservation and renovation of the downtown. 5. In a flat, emotionless voice, Howard responded that he and Jackson stole a red Mustang convertible on the night of June 3, picked up the two 14-year-old girls and took them to the motel.
6. Gary Hubbard, superintendent of schools, then addressed his concerns about security in the city’s schools. 7. Police Chief Barry Kopperud said his department is trying to combat juvenile crime by changing the way officers interact with children. 8. He then discussed prejudice as a problem that plagues society. 9. She also spoke about the different religious celebrations and rituals. 10. Parents who love, care for and respect their children don’t raise delinquents, she said.
2. Pro Challenge: Writing Complete NewsStories Write complete news stories based on the following information. Select the story structure that best fits the information in the scenario. Where more than one story structure could be used, write a story using each and compare the results. Be thorough; use most of the information provided. Because much of the material is wordy, awkward and poorly organized, you will have to rewrite it extensively. Correct all errors in your rewrite. When you finish, you can compare your work to a professional’s. Experienced reporters have been asked to write stories for each set of facts, and their work appears in a manual available to your instructor. 1. Your county officials are running out of money. The need for services in the county has increased with the growing population. According to 2010 census data released by the United States Census Bureau, the county population increased more than 18 percent. Revenue for the county declined by more than 31%. The county is growing faster than its ability to generate revenue, county officials said. The county needs a new, larger jail, which could cost 30 million dollars to build. The county also needs to modernize and expand its courthouse, which could cost between $20,000,000 and $30,000,000 as well. The county also needs to expand and modernize its nursing home facilities and roads and bridges in the county are in need of repair. The county library system needs more money as well, according to officials. “The county has been
Review E xerc i s e s
growing so rapidly that it will be unable to supply these services without more revenue. The county needs more income to deal with the unprecedented growth it is experiencing,” said Harold A lvarez, who is the county administrator. County commissioners want to increase revenue two ways. They want to institute an impact fee on all new construction—residential, commercial and industrial—in the county. They want to reassess all existing properties—residential, commercial and industrial—that are subject to property taxes. County officials say they want new residents, businesses and industry moving into the county to pay for some of the impact the growth is having on the county, but that current residents should share in the burden as well because they are getting benefits from the growth as well. Six months ago the county hired a consulting firm to investigate the situation. The consultants presented their report last week and county commissioners intend to vote on the recommendations at their meeting next Tuesday at 7 p.m. According to the recommendations, the impact fee to construct a single-family home in the county would be $3,500. Construction of a multi-unit dwelling consisting of three or more units, such as an apartment complex, would have an impact fee of one thousand dollars per unit. Current residential, business and industrial properties that are subject to county property taxes would be reassessed according to their market value. Many residential properties have not been reassessed for more than 20 years. The reassessment could raise property taxes more than 10 to 15 percent for some residents and five to 10 percent for some businesses. Developers object to the idea, saying the proposed fees would raise the price of a new home above the level that many new and current residents could afford. In addition, developers say the increased cost to do business in the county would cause business and industry to look to other counties in the state to locate their facilities. County commissioners plan to issue $500 million in bonds to finance the needed improvements for the county. The impact fee and the reassessment of existing property are expected to generate approximately $38,000,000 a year, which will be used to repay the bonds. County commissioners say their goal
is to keep pace with and perhaps get ahead of the unprecedented growth the county is experiencing. County officials say that without new revenue services that residents have come to expect will have to be curtailed. Roads and bridges will deteriorate. The library system will have to be shut down. The county nursing home facility would have to close because it will not meet state regulations. 2. Accidents occur in your city nearly everyday. One of the accidents listed in the police reports Tuesday morning was a hit-and-run accident. A pedestrian who was walking along the roadway in the 700 block of Meadow Creek Drive was killed. Police said the accident occurred around 11:20 p.m. Monday. The victim was identified as Vivian Hoffmann, who is 67 years of age and lives at 711 Meadow Creek Drive. Hoffman was a clerk at the Quik Shoppe convenience store located four blocks from her home on the corner of Meadow Creek Drive and Gladsen Boulevard. Hoffman was a widow whose husband Gary died five years ago. There were no witnesses to the accident but this morning, three days after the accident, police announced the arrest of a suspect in the case. The suspect is Todd Burnes, 27, of 1502 M atador Drive, Apartment 203. Police Chief Barry Kopperud made the announcement at a press conference this morning. “No one—not one of our officers, not even me—is above the law. Sadly, today, I have to take one of our own into custody because he failed to live up to our motto of to protect and to serve,” Kopperude said. Burnes is a police patrol officer with your city’s police department and has been with the police department for four years. Police charged Burnes with vehicular manslaughter, fleeing the scene of an accident, failure to report an accident, failure to render assistance and filing a false police report. Burnes was driving a tan unmarked police car when the accident occurred. Kopperud said the investigation is continuing and charges are pending against police detective Marlene Griffin, a 10-year veteran of the police department. Griffin is 32 years of age and lives at 3130 Joyce Drive. Griffin is facing charges of conspiracy, aiding and abetting a crime and filing a false police report. Griffin was the detective who was investigating
the hit-and-run accident that killed Hoffmann. According to the police report, Burnes was responding to a reported car accident and was driving west on Meadow Creek Drive when his police vehicle apparently struck Hoffmann as she walked along the road. There are no sidewalks or streetlights and the road is narrow along the wooded section of Meadow Creek Drive where the accident occurred. Burnes told investigators that he did not see the victim but heard a loud thump. He said he thought he hit a dog or deer or something but did not stop to check because he was hurrying to respond to the accident call. The morning after the accident news organizations reported the death of Hoffmann, Burnes noticed that the front right fender of his patrol car was damaged. He is dating Griffin and told her about the incident. Griffin told Burnes not to say anything until he heard from her. The two later took the patrol car to a secluded, abandoned building lot and drove toward a utility pole, sideswiping the passenger-side fender to hide the damage. She told Burnes to report that the damage occurred as he was responding to the accident, but that he did not think the car was damaged that badly until he checked it the following morning. Burnes filed a false report stating that he had lost control of his vehicle on the way to the accident scene and damaged the car. Police said a resident of the apartment complex where Burnes lives saw the detective and the officer the morning after the hit-and-run accident looking at the fender. The witness said she saw the officers leave and later Burnes returned, but there was more damage to the fender than she noticed before. The witness’ report was handed over to the Internal Affairs Division of your city’s police department and detectives began to question Burnes about the accident and his report. They found gray wool fibers stuck to the fender of the car. Hoffmann was wearing a gray wool coat at the time of her death. Griffin had reported to her superiors earlier that there were no suspects in the hit-and-run accident. 3. The demand for energy products is growing. Your state has seen a growth in the number of gas wells being drilled. Many of the wells being drilled use
a process called hydraulic fracturing or fracking. The process involves injecting millions of gallons of water, chemicals and sand deep into shale rock beds to fracture, or shatter, the rock and release methane gas that is trapped there. The problem is what to do with the wastewater byproduct of the drilling. The wastewater contains salts and heavy metals that are harmful to humans. Your state’s Department of the Environment recently announced that it will conduct a study in an effort to determine the most effective way to dispose of the wastewater. Currently, gas drilling companies treat the wastewater to remove the most harmful byproducts in the wastewater and then dump the treated water into rivers and streams that are the source of drinking water for many residents of your state. State regulators and state legislators are trying to deal with the boom in gas drilling and tighten environmental regulations because of health concerns regarding the wastewater. State environmental officials say the brine that gushes from the wells as wastewater contains carcinogenic chemicals used by the gas drillers in the fracking process, as well as barium, radium and strontium. The wastewater brine is 10 times saltier than seawater and often contains bromides. Bromides can mix with the chlorine used to disinfect public drinking water to form trihalomethanes. High levels of trihalomethanes can cause an increased risk of cancer. State researchers want to determine whether it is better to treat the wastewater and discharge it into streams as is currently done or if the drilling companies should be forced to drill wells thousands of feet deep to dispose of the wastewater. In the past year, drilling companies have released more than 4.5 million gallons of treated wastewater into the state’s rivers and streams. Jim Abbott is the director of public information for CleanEnergy Oil and Gas Company, a major driller. He said: “The wastewater from fracking has not caused any serious harm anywhere in the state. The water that is dumped into the state’s rivers and streams is treated to remove many of the harmful chemicals and minerals, and it is safely diluted by the streams and rivers we dump it into. We wouldn’t do anything that is harmful to the environment because we live in
Review E xerc i s e s
that environment and our employees live in that environment, too. Treating the wastewater and dumping it into streams is the most cost effective and efficient way to dispose of it. If the state requires CleanEnergy and other gas drillers to dig wells that are thousands of feet deep to dispose of the wastewater, it is going to increase the cost of energy and cost jobs.” CleanEnergy Oil and Gas Company is a subsidiary of APEC Corporation, which is a holding company that also is a major stockholder of News Media Company, the media organization that owns your newspaper, as well as the local television station. State Representative Constance P. Wei is spearheading the effort to create stronger regulation of the drilling process. Wei said: “We want to determine the best way to dispose of the wastewater in a safe and cost effective way. No one wants to drive the drilling companies out of business. But we want regulations, sensible regulations, that will set guidelines on how the wastewater should be disposed of and how dirty that wastewater can be when it is disposed of.” The study by your state’s Department of Energy is expected to cost $3.3 million and take 18 months to complete. Currently the Department of Energy is requiring daily testing of drinking water in cities and towns that get their drinking water from streams that are downstream from drilling wastewater treatment sites. According to Department of Environment records obtained by you, several communities in the state have reported rising levels of salts and heavy metals in their drinking water. 4. Yesterday happened to be “Take Our D aughters to Work Day,” a special occasion observed by people all over the United States, including people in your local community as well as people nationwide. No one knows how many people participated nationally or locally, but from accounts you received at least several hundred local parents took the opportunity on this special day to take their daughters to work with them. The purpose of the occasion local sponsors and promoters say was to expose young girls to a variety of career opportunities, some traditionally not pursued by women. One of the persons locally who participated with his 14 year old daughter
was Joseph Murphy, who is 40 years old and lives at 114 Conway Road. Murphy is the director of research at Collins Industries, which specializes in making and selling health care products and medical equipment. Murphy and his daughter, Jennifer, arrived for work at 8 a.m., Murphy’s normal starting time. Jennifer observed her dad at work much of the morning, talked to some co-workers, and ate lunch with her dad in the company cafeteria. “Its better than school lunches,” Jennifer said. At 2 p.m., Joseph was called in to talk to the director of personnel, who told him he was being fired. Marilyn Quentin, the personnel director, told him that, because of financial problems, the company was eliminating a number of middle managers in the company and his position was one that was being eliminated, that the company no longer needed his services. A total of 8 mid-level managers were being let go effective immediately as a necessary cost cutting measure. Murphy was then escorted back to his office by security officers, given an hour to pack his office, then escorted from the building with his daughter, then in tears. Murphy had worked for the company since graduating from college 18 years ago. He started as a research assistant. He got two promotions during that period of time and eventually was appointed director of research, managing a staff of fourteen researchers and their assistants. The President of the company was called five times by you but has not yet returned your call. “It’s not me I worry about,” Murphy told you. “It’s my daughter. It’s not right. They shouldn’t have fired me yesterday when I had my daughter there. I can’t believe they couldn’t have waited one damn day. It was too traumatic for Jennifer, seeing me treated like that, and I think we’ll have to get help for her, professional help. It was just so unbelievable, so cruel, that they would do that with my daughter there.” All company employees had been sent by the company’s Office of Human Resources an email reminder that they were free and encouraged to bring their daughters to work with them for the day. The company will give Murphy three months severance pay and help finding a new job. “The timing of the dismissal of Mr. Murphy was
regrettable,” said Quentin. The company has been laying off employees and restructuring itself after disclosing unexpected and mounting financial losses last Summer in the wake of the economic downturn that hit the nation. Murphy’s wife, Kathleen, told you that she thinks the family should sue the company for the way the dismissal was handled. 5. Marilyn Picott is a judge in your city. She has served as a judge for eight years after a distinguished career as one of the areas most successful defense attorneys. As a judge, she has a reputation as being a tough, no-nonsense presider over trials. Attorneys who appear late are chastised. Her sentences are tough. She attended a party one night several weeks ago at a daughters home, celebrating the daughters engagement. On the way home, her BMW sport sedan rammed into the back of a Chevrolet Traverse stopped at a stop sign at the intersection of Hanson Road and Wendover Avenue. Police called to the scene cited Picot for failure to have her vehicle under control. Officers at the scene testified today that she appeared unhurt but belligerent and wobbly with the odor of alcohol they smelled emanating from her. They therefore proceeded to administer a roadside sobriety test, which she failed. Today she appeared in court for her trial, since she pleaded not guilty, on a charge of drunken driving, which lasted five hours. She was convicted after the officers testified, and Circuit Court Judge Edward Johnson sentenced her to serve one year on probation, pay $750 in fines and court costs and drive only on business for the duration of her probation. The jury in her case deliberated less than an hour. Prosecutors were hampered because Judge Johnson prohibited them from telling jurors that her blood alcohol content had been measured at 0.21 percent. He made that ruling after the defendant’s attorney pointed out to the court that the machine used to measure such blood alcohol levels had not been properly maintained according to its manufacturer’s specifications, or at least there were no records showing that it had been properly maintained although such records are supposed to be meticulously kept. Her defense attorney also throughout the trial attacked the credibility of the prosecution witnesses.
After her conviction her defense attorney said an appeal is very likely. As part of her sentence, Picot must attend a victim awareness program. Counselors determined she has no alcohol problem. Picot refused to take all but one field sobriety test, claiming that blindness in one eye would affect her ability to perform successfully. Prosecutors, however, showed a video of Picot during her arrest and called some of her answers slurred and argued that she seemed unable to walk straight or steadily and that she was loud and belligerent, telling her arresting officers that they were “making a big mistake” that they would soon regret. Her defense attorney tried to discredit the accident victims, Samuel and Lucinda Jones of 4851 Edmee Circle, who were in the Chevrolet Traverse when it was struck and who were both injured so they required hospitalization for treatment of their injuries, and who both testified that judge Picot seemed drunk in their opinion from what they saw, smelled, and observed, pointing out that a verdict against the judge would help the Joneses in their civil lawsuit against her, as they are suing her for thousands of dollars as compensation for their pain, suffering, loss of work, and damage to their vehicle in a separate civil suit. Her defense attorney also argued that people at the party said the judge drank only two drinks, both vodka, and that she seemed sober to them as she left. 6. It is a bizarre story. It is a sad story. It involves a wealthy couple in your city. Both were sick, very sick. Police notified by neighbors found their dead bodies this morning. They were in their car, a Cadillac Sedan de Ville, parked in the garage attached to their home at 976 Grand Avenue. The motor was still running and the couple apparently died from asphyxiation brought about by carbon monoxide poisoning. A friend, Sonia Meir, who lives two blocks away at 811 Moor Street who attends church with the couple, found them. Meyer told police that when she got up this morning to get her newspaper off the front porch, she found an envelope containing a letter taped to her front door. The letter was from the couple and asked her to notify the authorities. The note was apparently taped to the door sometime after Meyer went to bed around 11:30 p.m.
Review E xerc i s e s
last night after watching the 11 p.m. local news cast on television. Also enclosed was a lengthy letter explaining the couple’s actions. Samuel and Terest Pinckney had no family, no children, no known relatives still alive. Mrs. Pinkney had an older sister, but she died eight years ago. Their estate is estimated by their attorney to be worth about a total of $10 million, and their will states that they want to leave the entire amount to local charities. The attorney said that $1 million each goes to the Salvation Army, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and United Way, $5 million goes to their church, the Faith Assembly of God, and smaller amounts go to other charities in the city. The couple had been married 52 years. Samuel was 78 and his wife, Teresa, was age 79. Both were well educated with college bachelor’s degrees, his in business and hers in home economics. In recent months, Samuel had been confined to a wheelchair after suffering a third stroke, which partially paralyzed the left side of his body and made it impossible for him to walk or even go to the bathroom by himself. His wife, Terese, suffered from rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes and was losing her vision so she could no longer read a book or newspaper or magazine. Meyer told you that Mrs. Pinckney was afraid that the state was going to take her driver’s license away because of her health problems and she would no longer be able to get around. The Pinkneys needed 24-hour care and, after Samuel’s third stroke, hired nurses to help care for them. “We have the means to afford the best doctors, hospitals and around-the-clock home care to the end of our lives, which could be years away, but neither of us wants that kind of life, confined to our house in constant pain,” the Pickneys said in the note to Meyer. Identical notes were found in the car with their dead bodies and also on a kitchen table. “It would consume a substantial part of our money, which through our will and through the mission work of our church and other charities is destined to help many young people throughout the world who may one day be able to help many more. We have no immediate family or heirs. In a sense, this legacy represents the final purpose of our lives. It would be a poor
use of money to spend it on care for our deteriorating bodies.” The Pinckneys made their money through hard work. As a young couple, newly married, they established a bakery, Pinckney’s Bakery, worked 12 to 14 hours a day 6 days a week, never on S undays, gradually over a period of years expanded, e ventually employing a total
of 74 employees, selling their goods to restaurants and supermarkets throughout the city as well as to individuals who came to their shop at 1012 2nd Avenue where they continued to work, although only about 10hours a day in their later years, until they retired at the age of 70 at which time they sold the bakery to their employees.
rock Turner, a 20-year-old swimming champion and former Stanford University student, walked into a Santa Clara, California, courthouse to learn his fate. About
10 “Words can be like X‑rays if you use them properly—
two months earlier, he had been convicted of sexual assault,
they’ll go through anything.
which under state law carries a maximum prison sentence of
You read and you’re
14 years. Prosecutors said the circumstances of the assault warranted a stiff sentence. The victim, whom Turner met at a fraternity party but who was not a student, was intoxicated
pierced.” Aldous Huxley, writer
and unconscious during the incident, which occurred behind a trash bin. Witnesses discovered Turner, who was also drunk, lying on top of the partially clothed woman. Furthermore, the court had reports Turner had prior alcohol and drug violations.
But Judge Aaron Persky decided that a much lighter punishment would be appropriate. He sentenced Turner to six months in jail and three years’ probation. Persky explained, “A prison sentence would have a severe impact on him. I think he will not be a danger to others.” A probation officer had recommended a lenient sentence because Turner had been drunk at the time of the assault. Turner’s father, Dan Turner, submitted a long plea for leniency that included this statement: “His life will never be the one that he dreamed about and worked so hard to achieve. That is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action out of his 20 plus years of life.” This passage, or parts of it, appeared in many of the news stories about the sentencing. To some, it seemed to minimize the injuries inflicted on the victim. The New York Post considered the quotation one of the year’s most memorable. Quotations like the one from Dan Turner can illuminate issues, reveal emotions and heighten the public’s understanding of events and the people involved in them. That is why reporters attach so much importance to getting and effectively using quotations.
Strong quotations reveal strong emotions, as these two headlines about the sentencing of Brock Turner demonstrate. The first focuses on the emotional reaction of Turner’s father and the second on that of Turner’s victim.
Reporters can incorporate quotations into their stories in one of three ways: direct, indirect or partial. Direct quotations present a source’s exact words and, consequently, are placed entirely in quotation marks. Indirect quotations lack quotation marks because reporters use their own words to summarize, or paraphrase, the source’s remarks. Partial quotations directly quote key phrases and paraphrase the rest. See Table 10.1 for examples.
When to Use Direct Quotations Reporters use direct quotations when their sources say something important or controversial or state their ideas in a colorful manner. The best quotations are often short and full of emotion. A story about a herpetologist included this quotation: “I’ve caught over 1,000 rattlesnakes in Nebraska and I’ve liked every one. I can’t say the same for the people I’ve met.” In 22 words, the writer captured and conveyed to the audience why this man enjoys his work and some insight into his personality. Direct quotations are so much a part of news stories that reporters and editors may think a story is incomplete without them. But journalists who merely decorate their stories with quotations are not using them effectively. Jack Hart, former managing editor for staff training and development at Portland’s The O regonian, has identified several reasons for using direct quotations: ●● To let the sources talk directly to the reader. ●● To give the speaker’s exact words when you cannot improve on them or match
the speaker’s wit, rhythm, color or emotion. ●● To tie a controversial opinion to the source. ●● To provide evidence for a statement. ●● To reveal the speaker’s character.
TABLE 10.1
Types of Quotations
Direct quotation
Ambrose said, “Journalism students should be dealing with ideas of a social, economic and political nature. There’s too much of a trade-school atmosphere in journalism schools today. One spends too much time on minor technical and mechanical things, like learning how to write headlines.”
Indirect quotation
Ambrose said journalism students should deal with ideas, not mechanical techniques.
Partial quotation
Ambrose criticized the “trade-school atmosphere” in journalism schools and said students should study ideas, not mechanical techniques.
Quotations Archbishop Desmond Tutu, recalling the days when he and others worked to end apartheid in South Africa, told of meeting a nun in California who said she prayed every day for him and for all opponents of segregation. “We’re being prayed for in the woods in California at 2 in the morning. What chance does the apartheid government stand?” Tutu asked. His remark satisfies many of Hart’s criteria. The best stories combine quotations and paraphrases for a pleasing effect. Good reporters can usually summarize facts and major ideas more succinctly than their sources, but a story that has only a reporter’s voice can be dull. In the following passage, the journalist’s description and summary effectively sets up a direct quotation from the source: The most important thing women’s basketball coach Vance Coleman carries in his briefcase is not a sketch of a new defensive scheme, a gameplan for the upcoming opponent or even the phone number of a basketball colleague. It’s a crumpled, yellowed piece of paper with a list full of scratches and redos. It’s his list of five life goals. Coleman lists living a long and healthy life, playing the role of a good father and husband and earning a million dollars as his top three goals. The other two, he said, constantly change as he ages. But the point, Coleman said, is to always have them. “There is an equation I use that works on the basketball court, on the playing field, in business and in life,” Coleman said, “and that is performance equals ability times motivation. You may have all the ability in the world, but with no motivation, you won’t accomplish anything. Zero times anything is nothing. “No matter what you do in life, you have to have goals. And you have to stick to those goals.” Reporters often summarize a major point before offering a direct quotation. The quotation augments the summary with emotion, details or controversy, but it must provide new information. The following excerpt, from a story about a corporate executive’s speech to college students, is an example of how a quotation can effectively support a point: Gather five people in your life who helped to shape your views, Johnson said. Whether it’s a mentor, a parent, a preacher or a friend, he said, advisory board people can provide support and confidence. “My mom is part of my advisory board. As a person of color, it really wasn’t popular to be nonwhite in my elementary school,” he said. “My mom had to come to school every day because I was picked on. She’d say: ‘Art, you are the best. Always remember that.’ She instilled a sense of self-confidence in me that I still have today.” A quotation should not repeat, or echo, facts reported earlier in a story: Company officials said they are not worried about the upcoming audit. “We’re not expecting anything to worry about,” treasurer Peter VanNeffe said.
Q U O TAT I O N S A ND AT T R IBU T I O N Quotations can emphasize a story’s dramatic moments, which, because of their importance, should be described in detail and placed near the beginning of a story. Myeshia Johnson, the widow of La David Johnson, a U.S. soldier killed in an ambush while combating terrorists in Niger, said the way President Donald Trump spoke to her in a phone call angered her. “He (Trump) couldn’t remember my husband’s name. The only way he remembered my husband’s name is because he told me he had my husband’s report in front of him,” she told reporters. That quotation appeared high in many of the news stories reporting on the incident and even in some of the headlines.
When to Use Indirect Quotations Some sources are more quotable than others, but even colorful ones sometimes say dull things. Reporters may be tempted to use whatever quotations happen to be available, but a weak quotation is worse than none. If a quotation bores or confuses people, many will immediately stop reading, listening or watching. Compare Myeshia Johnson’s quotation with these: “It’s something that’s pretty unique here,” she said. “The positive response was tremendous,” Wesely said. Neither of these quotations is interesting; each should be paraphrased or omitted entirely. Reporters use indirect quotations when their sources fail to state their ideas effectively. Indirect quotations allow them to rephrase a source’s remarks and state them more clearly and concisely. Journalists can also emphasize the source’s most significant comments and revise or eliminate ones that are unclear, irrelevant, libelous, pretentious or otherwise unprintable. Here’s a quotation from an FBI statement about a shootout in which an agent was killed. The quotation is wordy and dull; the paraphrase that follows it states the essential point more clearly: “Preliminarily, information suggests the agent may have been fatally wounded as a result of the accidental discharge of another agent’s weapon during a dynamic arrest situation.” An FBI statement said the agent might have been killed by a round fired by another agent during the shootout. Reporters can never justify a weak quotation by responding, “But that’s what my source said.” They should use their interviewing skill and judgment to elicit and report quotations that are clear, concise, dramatic and interesting. Asking questions that encourage the source to elaborate on her or his ideas or reactions or provide examples or anecdotes often produces good quotations. Avoid quotations—direct or indirect—that state the obvious or let sources praise themselves: “We really want to win this game,” coach Riley said. (Does any coach want to lose?)
Quotations Lyons called her program a success. “We had a terrific crowd and a particularly good turnout,” she said. (Would she be likely to say her program was a flop?) Extracting material for an indirect quotation can be difficult, especially when the source is unclear or simply incoherent. President Trump’s streamof-consciousness style of speaking produces “word salad,” or passages that jump from topic to topic with little logical connection. In one address during his presidential campaign, Trump covered several topics in 90 seconds: Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientistand engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes,OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if,like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of thesmartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you’re aconservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’swhy I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, wentthere, went there, did this, built a f ortune—you know I have to give mylike credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—butyou look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it wouldhave been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, thepower and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power ofwhat’s going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?),but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners—now itused to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, Iwould have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because,you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarterright now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them aboutanother 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us. Not only is this passage difficult to read, it is difficult to paraphrase what Trump was trying to communicate. This example is an extreme one, and any person who speaks extemporaneously is likely to utter jumbled sentences. The reporter’s job is to clarify such sentences by asking the speaker to explain or rephrase his or her ideas.
When to Use Partial Quotations Sometimes reporters try to get around the problem of weak or confusing quotations by directly quoting only a few words from a sentence. Most partial quotations,however, are awkward, wordy or unnecessary. Sentences that contain several partial quotations are particularly distracting. Usually, the quoted phrases can be turned into indirect constructions, with the quotation marks simply eliminated: ➤ ➤ He said the press barons “such as William Randolph Hearst” a
created “an amazingly rich variety” of newspapers.
FROM THE NEWS Defamatory Quotation Marks Can sloppy use of punctuation make a sentence defamatory? A New York judge said yes. New York police were investigating the murder of a business executive named Brenhouse. A story about the investigation in the New York Post contained these paragraphs: As police delved into his tangled business affairs, several women described as “associated” with Brenhouse were questioned at Hastings Police Headquarters. Among those questioned were Mrs. W.B. W ildstein who, with her husband, shared the
second half of the two-family house in which Brenhouse lived.
Walter and Arlene Wildstein sued the Post, saying the quotation marks around “associated” implied she was having an extramarital affair with Brenhouse. The judge agreed, saying, “The use of quotation marks around the word ‘associated’ might be found by a jury to indicate that an inverted meaning was intended by the writer and so understood by the average reader of that newspaper in the community, and not its normal or customary meaning.”
Journalists also should avoid using orphan quotes, which put quotation marks around an isolated word or two used in an ordinary way. The quotation marks imply the word or phrase is being used in an unusual, sarcastic or ironic way. Such implications are inappropriate for news stories. Similarly, there is no reason to place quotation marks around profanities, slang, clichés or grammatical errors: ➤ ➤ He complained that no one “understands” his problem. ➤ ➤ She said that having to watch her child die was worse than “hell” could possibly be. Reporters may use partial quotations to attribute more clearly controversial, important or interesting phrases to a source: Phil Donahue accused the television critic of “typing with razor blades.” The petition urged the City Council to ban the sale of Penthouse and Playboy magazines “for the sake of our wives and children.”
When Sources Seek Quote Approval Sources often ask that information be kept off the record or on background (the information can be used, but the source cannot be named or quoted in the story). Lately, they have been making a new demand: the opportunity to approve specific quotations that appear in the stories. Officials in a range of federal agencies have made this demand, as have politicians. When Barack Obama ran for re-election, leaders of his campaign and
B lending Quotations and Narr ative that of Republican Mitt Romney routinely demanded the right to approve quotations as a condition for any interview. The campaign workers were not objecting to the accuracy of the quotations; they wanted to prevent the publication of statements their opponents might use against them. News organizations pushed back. The New York Times, the National Journal, the Washington Examiner and some other publications prohibit their writers from allowing sources to approve quotations. Others urge their writers to resist such requests. Reporters confronting such a demand should know their organization’s policy. Even if the organization does not forbid such agreements, they should carefully weigh the value of the information they expect to learn from the interview before agreeing. They should also remember that allowing sources to approve or edit quotations drains interview stories of their spontaneity and humanity. The result is a story that portrays the sources and the issues less accurately and completely.
Blending Quotations and Narrative Every news story must have a central point, and everything in the story must relate to that point. The sources may have spoken about a number of topics, but only some of what they said may bear on the story’s central point. Reporters must blend relevant quotations with the narrative to create a coherent, well-focused news story. This blending presents several problems and dilemmas for journalists.
Explaining Quotations Sometimes reporters use a quotation and then realize the audience needs background information to understand it. In print journalism, they might insert explanatory material in parentheses or tack on the explanation after the attribution. Others might put a large block of background information high in the story, hoping it will give readers the information they need to understand the quotations and new facts reported elsewhere. Neither of these approaches works well. Lazy writers insert explanatory material in parentheses within the quotation. When reporters pepper their sentences with inserted explanations, the stories become difficult to read. Each bit of parenthetical matter forces readers to pause and absorb additional information before moving on with the rest of the sentence. The occasional use of parentheses to insert brief clarifications may be acceptable, but reporters should paraphrase quotations that need several explanations. If reporters find themselves using parentheses repeatedly, they should consider reorganizing their stories. The following sentence can be rewritten to remove the parentheses: “When (head coach Tom) Whitman decides on his starter (at quarterback), the rest of them (the players) will quit squabbling,” the athletic director said. The football players will quit squabbling when head coach Tom Whitman selects a starting quarterback, the athletic director said. The next example includes an acceptable use of parentheses: Dr. Harold Termid, who performed the operation, said, “The technique dates back before the 20th century, when it was first used by the French to study ruminants (cud-chewing animals).”
Q U O TAT I O N S A ND AT T R IBU T I O N Adding the explanatory information after the quotation or attribution is little better than using parentheses. Such backward constructions force readers to complete the sentence before they can figure out what the topic is. Here’s an example: “We’re mobilizing for an economic war with other cities and states,” the mayor said of his plan for attracting new businesses to the city. Instead of using this “said-of” construction, turn the sentence around and quote the speaker indirectly: The mayor said his plan for attracting new business amounted to mobilization for an economic war with other cities and states. Beginning journalists sometimes think they must report their questions so that the audience can understand the source’s answers. The news is in the answers, however, not in the questions. Using both is repetitive and dull: The president was asked whether he plans to seek a second term, and he responded that he would not announce his decision until winter. Reporters usually omit the question. If the question provides important context, they incorporate it in the answer: The president said he would not announce his decision regarding a second term until winter. Or In response to a question, the president said he would not announce his decision regarding a second term until winter.
To Change or Not to Change Quotations A source may use words inappropriate for a news story; reporters may be tempted to alter these words to make the quotation usable. Whether writers should ever change a quotation is a matter of debate among journalists. Some accept making minor changes to correct grammatical errors or delete profanity. Most, however, say reporters should never change quotations. The Associated Press Stylebook says, “Never alter quotations even to correct minor grammatical errors or word usage. Casual minor tongue slips may be removed by using ellipses but even that should be done with extreme caution.” The guide also states that if a speaker’s words are unclear, seek a clarification or don’t use them. The New York Times follows a similar policy: “Readers should be able to assume that every word between quotation marks is what the speaker or writer said. . . . The Times does not ‘clean up’ quotations.” Some sources are well known for the way they misuse words or create confusing sentences. Cleaning up their quotations would rob stories about them of their color. For example, President George W. Bush is famous for his malapropisms, mispronunciations and fractured syntax. When during his first presidential campaign he mispronounced “subliminal” as “subliminable,” many news reports noted the slip. Bush later joked about it by intentionally mispronouncing the word.
B lending Quotations and Narr ative
Using a source’s exact words also eliminates questions about accuracy. Reporters who are uncertain about the source’s exact words or who think a statement needs rewriting should use indirect rather than direct quotations. Doctoring a quotation could lead to a mistake that would injure the source’s reputation and the journalist’s career. Even those who oppose altering quotations recognize a few instances where changes are necessary. A reporter should paraphrase a quotation if it is so ungrammatical that it becomes difficult to understand: “The council and the mayor is giving them corporations too much tax breaks so the load’s not fair no more,” Andrews said. Paraphrasing makes the sentence much clearer: The council and the mayor have given so many tax breaks to corporations that the tax burden is no longer fairly shared, Andrews said. Other situations involve the deletion of unnecessary words and profanities (discussed in the next section): N
➤ ➤ He said, “Look, you know I think nuclear power is safe, absolutely safe.” Reporters may use an ellipsis—three periods—to show where they deleted a word or phrase. An ellipsis that appears at the end of a complete sentence should have four periods. Policies vary from news organization to news organization, and some journalists do not use ellipses in reporting ordinary interviews. Reporters are more likely to use them when quoting formal statements or documents. Reporters are obliged to present a source’s views as faithfully as possible; therefore, they must be certain that they are not removing important context when quoting a source. During his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz argued against Obama’s plan to allow 10,000 refugees from Syria to enter the United States. Cruz said ISIS terrorists were likely to be among the refugees and, to support his view, said Obama’s director of national intelligence, James Clapper, agreed with him:
There is a reason the director of national intelligence said among those refugees are no doubt a significant number of ISIS terrorists. It would be the height of foolishness to bring in tens of thousands of people including jihadists that are coming here to murder innocent Americans. In fact, Clapper said no such thing. He had described the situation in Syria as a major humanitarian crisis that western nations had to address. Then he added,
I don’t, obviously, put it past the likes of ISIL to infiltrate operatives among these
Tennis star Serena Williams (right) told Vogue some people may see her game face and think she’s mean, whereas they are likely to think of Maria Sharapova as nicer. A British newspaper distorted the quotation and made it appear there was a feud between the two players.
Q U O TAT I O N S A ND AT T R IBU T I O N refugees. So that is a huge concernof ours. We do have a pretty a ggressive program for those coming to this country, for screening their backgrounds. I’m not as uniformly confident about each E uropean country that is going to be faced withwelcoming or allowing refugees intotheir countries. So this is a huge issue for allkinds of reasons. The security implications arejust one small part of it. The economic, the social impacts, arehuge.
Anthony Scaramucci, who for a brief time was the White House communications director, gave a profanity-laced interview to Ryan Lizza of The New Yorker. The interview made big news, and news organizations had to decide whether to use any of the profanity and how much.
While Clapper admitted there were security concerns, he stopped far short of saying a significant number of the refugees admitted into the U.S. would be ISIS terrorists.
Deleting Profanities
Reporters usually omit profanities from quotations. Children read, view and listen to news, and some adults find four-letter words offensive. News organizations are becoming more candid, however, and some publish mild profanities that are essential to a story. Casual profanities—those used habitually and unnecessarily by many people—remain forbidden in most newsrooms: ➤ ➤ “Shit, I wasn’t going to try to stop that damned idiot,” the witness testified. “He had a knife.” Print and broadcast journalists face a dilemma when a prominent official uses profanity in a public statement. What government officials say is important to the public they serve, but reporting quotations with profanity verbatim may offend many people. During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump often used profanity in his speeches. On one occasion, he said companies that do not like his tax plan can “go fuck themselves.” Most news organizations omitted or disguised the profanity. In a video released late in the campaign, Trump talked about grabbing women “by the pussy.” Many broadcast news organizations bleeped the last word and many publications avoided using it as well. Democrats responded to Trump in kind. Party Chairman Tom Perez described the Trump administration’s proposed budget this way: “They call it a skinny budget, I call it a shitty budget.” When CNN reported the story on its web site, it replaced the “i” in “shitty” in the headline with an asterisk, but used the full word in the body of the story.
Editorialization Avoid unintentional editorials. If worded carelessly, partial quotations, and even the form of attribution used, can express an opinion: said
➤ ➤ The mayor made it clear that the city cannot afford to give its e mployees a raise.
At tribution
The phrase “made it clear” implies that the mayor stated a fact in a convincing manner. Others might regard the statement that the city cannot afford pay raises for employees as an opinion or political posturing.
Attribution The Purpose of Attribution Reporters are not economists or ecologists, detectives or diplomats. Nevertheless, they must write effectively about such things as unemployment, the effects of oil spills on the environment, the search for serial killers and the prospects for peace in the Middle East. To Connecticut State Police Lt. Paul Vance talks to the media about Sandy Hook Elementary School during a press conference in Newtown, write these stories, reporters rely on experts Connecticut. Readers, viewers and listeners have more confidence in and insiders for information and ideas. Attrinews stories when they know whom the information comes from. bution lets the readers know who the reporter’s sources are. Ideally, all direct quotations, opinions, evaluations and secondhand statements of fact should be attributed to specific individuals. This information lets readers draw their own conclusions about the credibility of the story. Reporters can attribute information to people, documents or publications but not to places or institutions. For example, reporters can quote a hospital official, but not a hospital: A
➤ ➤ The hospital said the epidemic had ended. The mayor of
➤ ➤ Atlanta announced that all city offices would be closed Monday.
Statements That Require Attribution Reporters need not attribute undisputed facts, such as that World War II ended in 1945, that Boston is in Massachusetts or that three people died in a given accident. Nor must they attribute things they witness. However, they must attribute facts that are not common knowledge, statements about controversial issues, statements of opinion and all direct and indirect quotations. An audience will interpret statements lacking attribution as the reporter’s personal opinions rather than as the sources’. Two or three words of attribution are usually adequate: Director Sally Malone said the
➤ ➤ The Birthing Center is an alternative for pregnant women who prefer more personalized care. Reporters must attribute statements that praise or condemn any person or organization. The audience should immediately recognize that a story reports what someone else said, not the journalist’s or news organization’s opinions: The House Republican leader said
➤ ➤ Congress has wasted time while the problem of unemployment has worsened.
Q U O TAT I O N S A ND AT T R IBU T I O N The deputy said she was a
when she
➤ ➤ Acting in self-defense, the deputy shot the teen three times in thechest. Statements that imply carelessness, recklessness or culpable conduct can provoke lawsuits. Careful attribution, particularly if the statements come from official sources, reduces the risk of being sued.
Guidelines for the Placement and Frequency ofAttribution Attribution may be placed at the beginning or end of a sentence or at a natural break within it. However, it should never interrupt a thought: I shall
➤ ➤ “I shall,” Gen. MacArthur said, “ return.” This form of attribution is acceptable: ➤ ➤ “Some men are killed in a war and some men are wounded,” P resident Kennedy said, “and some men never leave the country. Life is unfair.” Attribution should appear as early as conveniently possible; readers, viewers and listeners should never have to guess who is speaking. Stories written for broadcast usually put the attribution at the beginning of the sentence. In print stories, the attribution should appear near the beginning of quotations of one long sentence or of two or more sentences. It should not be delayed until the end of the second or third sentence: ➤ ➤ “However close we sometimes seem to that dark and final abyss,” the president said, “
let no man of peace and freedom despair. For he does not stand alone. If we all can persevere, if we can in every land and office look beyond our shores and ambitions, then surely the age will dawn in which the strong are just and the weak secure and the peace pre. served,” the president said. For print stories, the attribution should come at the beginning of any quotation—even a short one—when there is a change of speakers. If reporters fail to provide transitions from one speaker to another, readers may not u nderstand who is speaking, particularly when the statements are contradictory: The newspaper’s editor said he no longer will accept advertisements for X-rated movies. He explained: “These movies are worthless. They contribute nothing to society and offend our readers. They’re depressing and pornographic.” “Newspapers have no right to pass judgment on matters of taste. If they do, they should also ban the advertisements for other products considered harmful: cigarettes, liquor and pollutants like automobiles,” a theater owner responded.
At tribution These two paragraphs are confusing. Readers beginning the second paragraph might think the editor is contradicting himself. The writer can avoid the confusion by placing a brief transition at the beginning of the second paragraph, such as the following: However, a local theater owner responded, “Newspapers have no right. . . .”
Direct Quotations A direct quotation should be attributed only once, regardless of the number of sentences it contains: ➤ ➤ “I’m opposed to any laws that prohibit the sale of pornography,” theattorney said. “The restriction of pornography infringes on . A mericans’ First Amendment rights,” he said. “I like to picture . myself as a good guy defending a sleazy thing,” he concluded. Even a direct quotation that continues for several paragraphs needs attribution only once. Reporters must avoid “floating” quotations, direct quotations that lack clear attribution to a speaker. Careless writers sometimes name a source in one sentence and then deliver an unattributed quotation in the following sentence or paragraph. The reader must guess whether the quotation comes from the person just named or someone who will be identified later. The uncertainty halts the reader, and several such delays can cause him or her to put down the newspaper or magazine. Clear attribution makes the reader’s work easier: ➤ ➤ Wendy Mitchell, a sociologist, said there is a trend toward vocationalism on college campuses. ”
“Many students now demand from college not a chance to think, she said, “
but a chance to become qualified for some job.”
Partial Quotations On the rare occasions when writers quote part of a sentence, they should separate it from complete sentences that also are being quoted. Combining partial and complete quotations sometimes causes confusing pronoun shifts, which can be avoided by either placing attribution between the partial quotation and the full-sentence quotation or paraphrasing the partial quotation: ” He added, “
➤ ➤ Ross said he expects to find a job “within a few weeks. And when I do get a job, the first thing I’m going to buy is a new car.” Or “
➤ ➤ Ross said he expects to find a job “within a few weeks. And when I , he added .
do get a job, the first thing I’m going to buy is a new car.”
Q U O TAT I O N S A ND AT T R IBU T I O N The original passage is confusing because of a shift in pronouns. The first sentence uses the third person, referring to Ross as “he.” But in the second sentence, which is the full quotation, Ross refers to himself in the first person. Rewriting the partial quotation eliminates the confusion.
Indirect Quotations Indirect quotations need more frequent attribution than do direct quotations. Every opinion or unverified fact in an indirect quotation must be attributed. In the following example, the first version is missing attributions; the revised version corrects the problem: The police chief insisted that the death penalty must be retained. The death penalty, harsh as it may seem, is designed to protect the lives and rights of law-abiding citizens. Without it, criminals’ rights are overly protected. Because of the almost endless mechanisms of the appeal system, it is unlikely that an innocent person would be put to death. The police chief insisted that the death penalty must be retained. The death penalty might seem harsh, he said, but it is designed to protect the lives and rights of law-abiding citizens. Without it, criminals’ rights are overly protected, he said. Because of the almost endless mechanisms of the appeal system, he said, it is unlikely that an innocent person would be put to death. Often, every sentence of indirect quotation should have attribution, but writers should avoid inserting phrases that attribute a quotation twice, as in this example: ➤ ➤ In making the announcement, the fire chief said arsonists caused 20 percent of the blazes reported in the city last year. Here are more examples of double attribution, each of which can be replaced by either “said” or “added”: made it clear that
said that he thinks that
further stated that
brought out the idea that
went on to say that
went on to say that in his opinion
With both direct and indirect quotations, writers strive to vary the location of the attribution. Writing becomes dull if every sentence begins “She said” or some variation. Moving the attribution keeps stories interesting. Often the most effective location for attribution is after the first natural pause in the sentence.
Word Choice in Attributing Statements The verbs used to attribute statements must be accurate and impartial. For straight news stories, they also should be in the past tense. For feature stories, writers may use present tense attribution. Some form of the verb “to say” best describes how sources speak. For variety, reporters sometimes use such verbs as “comment,” “reply,” “declare,” “assert,” “explain,”
At tribution “state,” “continue,” “point out,” “note,” “urge,” “suggest” and “warn.” Each has a more specific meaning than “say” and can be used only when that meaning accurately reflects how the source spoke. “Explain,” for instance, means to make something comprehensible or less obscure. Unless the source was discussing a complicated or unclear topic, “explain” would not be an appropriate verb for attribution: The city council meeting will begin at 8 p.m., he explained. This sentence states a fact that needs no explaining. The next sentence clarifies a point of law that may be confusing; therefore, “explained” is acceptable: She explained that tort law requires that the injurious consequences of a person’s actions be foreseeable before that person can be held liable for damages. Even worse than using an inappropriate verb for attribution is using no verb at all, as with “according to.” Beginning reporters find it tempting to use this phrase, but they should remember that verbs always strengthen sentences.
Identifying Sources Ideally, every source quoted should be fully identified so that what he or she says is on the record and can be quoted directly and attributed properly. The amount and nature of the identification depends on the type of story and the source’s contribution. For many basic news stories—crimes, fires, business actions or rallies by interest groups—the major sources are public officials, business executives or owners and officers of interest groups. The best way to identify these sources is by name, title and organization: The robbers left the store in a dark red 2011 Chevrolet Malibu, police Sgt. Maureen Fonoti said. “The purpose of this protest is to demand that the legislature repeal or revise the state’s voter identification law,” said Robert Watson, the executive director of Voters Unbound. People being quoted because they witnessed newsworthy events or because their opinions have been sought through an informal poll should be identified by name, age (if the person is willing to reveal it) and address, if they live in the same city where the news is published, or hometown, if they live in another town. Aperson’s occupation may also be relevant: Patricia Mulrooney, 39, of 1748 N. Third St. said she first saw the smoke about 3 p.m. and called the fire department. Wendell Morgan of Altoona, Kansas, said he had opposed the Affordable Care Act when it was before Congress. But Morgan, a 56-year-old hardware store owner, said he had changed his mind now that he can find an insurance policy that fits his budget. People increasingly are concerned about their privacy. They may prefer that news organizations not use their home address in a story. In such cases, the reporter can identify people by their neighborhoods.
Q U O TAT I O N S A ND AT T R IBU T I O N Names alone fail to provide enough information about the sources for a story. Audiences want to know enough about each person quoted to form at least a general picture of who he or she is. This is especially important with people who are quoted in or are the subjects of feature stories or are the subjects of anecdotal leads. Here are the first few paragraphs from a story about December as a popular time of the year for couples to get engaged: Carmen Nunziata loves this time of year. Every Thanksgiving, she puts up holiday decorations and listens to nothing but Christmas music until the beginning of January. Each room in her house has Christmas flair, even the bathroom, which has a Santa hat hanging from a towel rack.
Guidelines for Using Anonymous Sources On the rare occasions when justification exists for using anonymous sources, news executives tell their reporters to follow guidelines like these: ●● Do not use anonymous sources without the approval of your supervising editor or news director. ●● Be prepared to disclose the identities of anonymous sources to your editors or news directors and, possibly, to your news organization’s lawyer. ●● Use anonymous sources only if they provide facts that are essential to the story, not just interesting quotations or opinions. Be sure the source is appropriate for the story and that he or she is in a position to give authoritative information. Even then, information from anonymous sources should be verified. ●● Be sure you understand the m otives of the anonymous source, such as whether he or she is carrying a grudge or trying to puff a program or an agency. The motives help
Grady Smith, her live-in boyfriend, knows how special the holidays are to Nunziata. He also loves the holiday season, and thought it would be the perfect time to propose. Nunziata and Smith are certainly not the only couple to become engaged during this holiday season. In fact, a trendy new label describes this time of year as “Engagement Season.” Who are Nunziata and Smith? What do they do? How old are they? Where do they live? The story provides none of these details. One might have a different reaction to it if Nunziata and Smith were retirees living in a center for senior citizens than if they were university students getting ready to graduate. A story that fails to identify sources fully is incomplete. Occasionally, reporters use sources who want their identities concealed. They will speak only on background—sometimes called not-for-attribution—meaning the reporter can quote the source directly but cannot use his or her name. In this case, the journalist must describe the source using phrases such as “a law enforcement officer familiar with the investigation,” “a source close to the president” or “a legislator who is participating in the negotiations.” Editors and producers dislike the use of unnamed sources because it diminishes the credibility of the news. Readers, viewers and listeners are skeptical of stories with unnamed sources, in part because of some well-known incidents in which reporters simply made up sources and quotations. Editors at The New York Times, which was the victim of a journalist who manufactured sources, tell their staff that anonymity for sources is a last resort. If reporters want sources on the record, why do so many stories use a nonymous sources? Sometimes sources want to remain anonymous for legitimate reasons. Corporate or government officials who want to blow the whistle on waste, fraud or other illegal or unethical conduct at their workplace may fear retaliation. Many have lost jobs or been demoted because they disclosed truths that made their supervisors uncomfortable.
At tribution Reporters on some beats have to rely on anonymous sources. Bill Hamilton, the New York Times’ Washington editor, says people with knowledge about security issues almost never talk on the record. Obtaining information about the National Security Agency or the Central Intelligence Agency has become increasingly difficult as federal officials have tried to stop leaks. Some people who have spoken to reporters have been criminally prosecuted or threatened with prosecution under the Espionage Act. And reporters who cover national security issues have been subpoenaed to reveal their sources’ identities. If they refuse to do so, they may be jailed for contempt of court.
you evaluate the reliability of the information. ●● Identify sources as specifically as possible without revealing their identities so that the audience can judge their importance and reliability. For example, instead of attributing information to “an informed source” or “a key official,” you might attribute it to “an elected city official.” This tells readers, viewers or listeners the level of government in which the official works and alerts them to the fact that he or she may have political interests. Never include any misleading information about the identity of a source, even if your motive is to protect him or her. ●● Explain in the story why the source does not want to be identified. ●● Never allow an anonymous source to attack other individuals or groups. Anonymous attacks risk involving you and your employer in a libel suit and are inherently unfair to the person attacked.
The Writing Coach Do You Use Said Enough? BY JOE HIGHT
Can you claim too much in your stories? Or explain? Or
perhaps under pressure); “admitted” (implies reluctance);
“alleged” (charged or claimed without proof); “conceded”
It seems less experienced writers want to use every word except said when quoting a source in a story. This can be especially dangerous in crime and courts stories when the verb “claimed” is used but a simple, impartial “said” would be better. Remember, “claimed” calls into question the truthfulness of what was said. It has a negative connotation, however unintended.
(can mean acknowledged grudgingly or hesitantly). Then, in feature stories, words such as “explained” are often overused. In short, stick to “said” or “wrote” as verbs of attribution. Joe Hight has been editor of the Colorado Springs (Colorado) Gazette and the Oklahoman of Oklahoma City. He is now the owner and president of Best of Books, Inc.
Here are a few other words of attribution that could have negative connotations: “acknowledged” (disclosed,
The Reporter’s Guide to Quotations and Attribution Quotations 1. Use quotations sparingly to emphasize a point or change pace, not to tell the story or state facts. 2. Place only the exact words of the source within quotation marks. 3. Use quotations to serve a purpose, such as to reveal the source’s character, describe or emphasize a point or present an opinion. 4. Include direct quotations that are clear, concise, relevant and effective. 5. Avoid awkward combinations of partial and direct quotations. 6. Report only the source’s answers, not the questions you asked. 7. Eliminate orphan quotations and floating quotations. 8. Make sure the quotations do not repeat facts reported elsewhere in the story.
9. For a one-paragraph quotation that includes two or more sentences, place the quotation marks only at the beginning and end of the entire quotation, not at the beginning and end of each sentence. 10. Capitalize the first letter of all quotations that are full sentences but not of partial quotations. 11. Divide long quotations into shorter paragraphs; place open quotation marks at the beginning of each paragraph, but place close quotation marks at the end of only the final paragraph. 12. Use single quotation marks for quotations that appear within other quotations.
Attribution 1. Attribute all secondhand information, criticisms, statements about controversial issues, opinions and all direct and indirect quotations. (Do not attribute undisputed facts.)
At tribution
2. Punctuate the attribution properly. Put a comma after an attribution that introduces a one-sentence direct quotation and a colon after an attribution that introduces two or more sentences of direct quotation. 3. Put the attribution at or near the beginning of a long quotation. 4. When including an attribution in the middle of a sentence, place it at a natural break rather than interrupt a thought. 5. Vary sentences and paragraphs so that all do not begin with attribution. 6. Place the attribution outside the quotation marks. 7. Attribute each direct quotation only once.
8. Attribute each separate statement of opinion in indirect quotations. 9. Attribute statements only to people, documents or publications, never to places or institutions. 10. Provide transitions between statements from different sources, particularly when a quotation from one source immediately follows a quotation from a different source. 11. Select the verb of attribution that most accurately describes the source’s actual meaning and behavior. 12. Do not use such verbs as “hope,” “feel,” “believe,” “think,” “laugh,” “cough” and “cry” for attribution. 13. Make the attribution as concise as possible.
Review Exercises 1. Improving Quotations and Attribution Section I: Avoiding Double Attribution Rewrite the following sentences, attributing them only once. Correct any other errors. 1. In a report issued Tuesday, the state Departmentof Environmental Quality said fertilizer runoff from farms was endangering fish populations in 12 percent of the state’s rivers and streams. 2. In her speech to the members of the Home Builders Association, Carson added that the demand for new homes and apartments was expected to pick up in 18 months, she said. 3. Professor Heather Wong said the companies that benefitted the most from U.S. defense spending were concentrated in six states, according to her data.
Section II: Correcting Placement Errors Correct the attribution placement in the following sentences. Correct any other errors. 1. No matter how famous a person has, she said, been, no one can win an election on fame alone. 2. The team should win, the coach said, every game this season. 3. Kopperud said, “Crime is down in this city for two reasons. First, the department has added 30 new patrol officers who have concentrated on highcrime areas. Second, unemployment is down, and the crime rate always declines when more people are working.”
3. Judge Hall added that her experience shaped her belief that short sentences for nonviolent offenders were more effective than long ones. 4. Grauman went on to point out how surveys by several local professors demonstrated that few people were willing to pay more taxes to have more paved roads. 5. Modern corporations waste too much of their investors’ money on public relations, Carson said as he began offering his analysis of the stock market in a speech to the Chamber of Commerce. 6. Politicians must pay more attention to climate change, he continued by insisting that listeners realize the need for immediate action, or the country will face droughts and famine in the near future.
Section IV: Improving Attribution Correct all the problems and errors in the following sentences. 1. Hendricks said, ‘winning this case was the most satisfying of my career. It’s saved the county’s taxpayers $5 million. 2. Saul Bellow once said “a novel is balanced between a few true impressions and the multitude of false ones that make up most of what we call life.’ 3. When Datolli was asked why she had rejected the Fire Department’s request for three new fire trucks, she replied ‘because we don’t want to raise taxes this year.”
Section III: Condensing Wordy Attribution
4. The bank president said the “dollar” and the “euro” were the two currencies that were most likely to suffer because of the “economic policies” of China.
The attributions in the following sentences are toowordy. How many words can you eliminate? Rewrite the attribution if necessary. Correct any other errors.
5. “All immigrant groups in the United States, said the FBI director, deserve the same level of respect and legal protection as citizens of this county.’ he explained
1. Mayor Datoli announced to the council members at the start of her speech that she will interview 10candidates for the city comptroller job.
6. The president spoke to the students telling them that. “The challenge of the next half century is whether we have the wisdom to use our wealth to enrich and elevate our national life.
2. School board member Judy Lu pointed out that in her opinion the district was spending 20 percent too much on salaries.
7. “The basic tenet of black consciousness” said Steve Biko “is that the black man must reject all value
systems that seek to make him a foreigner in the country of his birth”. 8. “For several years, winter has been bringing less and less snow.” “Meanwhile, summers have been longer and hotter.” Said Bonita Nichols, the director of the state Office of Agriculture. 9. ‘The enemy of the market.’ argued economist John Kenneth Galbraith. ‘is not ideology but the engineer. 10. The $1 million shortfall in revenues for the city should be “easy to replace,” Mayor Sharon Datolli said. “Although no one wants to pay more in taxes.” She said. “The city should be able to coverthe deficit with a small additional tax on cable television’. 11. The veteran of fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan praised the commanders and comrades of her military police battalion. “I’ve never worked with a more determined group of people”. “The conditions were horrible and the enemy implacable”. “If we hadn’t held together, we all might have died”. 12. Sure, I swipe credit card numbers sometimes.” said the waiter who asked not to be named. “Its easy to just write down the numbers and then use them to order stuff over the Internet.’ “I’ve done that several times and haven’t been caught so far. “I think these people must not look at their credit-card statements.” The waiter added. 13. “Too many pupils think school is dull or doesn’t matter.” ‘They must be getting these ideas from their parents or siblings. And their coming to school with these attitudes at younger and younger ages, as young as 7 or 8, said the principal. 14. Chester Johnson, a teller, described what happened during the bank robbery. I was in my teller’s cage when these three guys came in. They were all wearing raincoats, which was strange on a sunny day. But then they pulled out their guns. One had a shotgun I think and the others had pistols.
2. Using Quotes in News Stories Write complete news stories based on the following information. Use some quotations in each story to emphasize its highlights, but do not use them to tell the entire story. Use the most interesting, important
Review E xerc i s e s
and revealing quotations, not just those that happen to appear first. 1. Carlos Vacante is a police officer who has worked 3 years for your city’s police department. Last night he had an unusual experience. This is his story, as he told it to you in an interview today: “Iremember his eyes. They were cold, the eyes ofa killer. He was pointing a gun at me, and it fired. Ismelled the gunpowder and waited for the pain.I thought I was dead. The whole thing had started at about 11 p.m. This man was suspected of stealing from parked cars, and I’d gotten his description by radio. Then I spotted him in a parking lot. This morning we learned he’s wanted in the robbery and murder of a service station attendant in Tennessee. There’s no doubt in my mind he wanted to kill me last night just because I stopped him. I was an object in his way. I’d gotten out of my car and called to him. He started turning around and I spotted a handgun in his waistband. As he drew the gun and fired, I leaned to the right and dropped to one knee. It was just a reflex that saved my life. When I heard the shot, I thought he hit me. I couldn’t believe it was actually happening to me. I thought I was going to cash everything in. Then I was running— zig-zagging—behind some cars. He fired another shot, but my backup a rrived, and he fled. Maybe 60 seconds had passed from the time I spotted him. Five minutes later, we found him at the back door to a house, trying to break in and hide. I ordered him to stop, and he put his hands up and said, ‘You got me.’ I still smell the gunpowder this morning. I thought I was dead.” 2. The city’s Ministerial Alliance spoke out today against the death penalty. A copy of a resolution it adopted will be sent to the governor and to every member of the state legislature. As its spokesman, the Rev. Stuart Adler declared: “None of us is soft on crime. There must be just punishment for those who commit violent crimes, but what we are saying is we stop short of taking another person’s life. We object because several independent studies have concluded that the death penalty is no deterrent to crime, rather the violence of the death penalty only breeds more violence. Also, the method of sentencing people is inconsistent. Thereis a
great disparity between the victim being black or white. Defendants accused of killing black victims often are not sentenced to death, but when the victim is white, the death penalty is often imposed. People are frightened by the amount of violence in our society, and they’ve been sold a bill of goods. They’ve been told that the death penalty is a deterrent, and yet every major study disproves that reality. We’re not getting at the deeper causes. We’re a violent society, and getting more violent. Half the households in this city have guns, and it’s inevitable some are going to use them. If we’re really serious about stopping crime and violence, we have to recognize and correct its root causes: poverty, racial and sexual discrimination, broken homes and unloved children. Also drugs and alcohol. That’s what’s responsible for most crimes. And television. Studies show the average child in America witnesses, on television, 200,000 acts of violence by age 16. So we’re against the death penalty. It’s not going to solve our problems, and it’s not fair, not fairly applied. It’ll take time, but we intend to abolish it, and we’ll persist. We’re already beginning to stimulate discussion, and we expect that discussion to spread.” 3. A rise in insurance rates is being blamed for a rise in hit-and-run motor vehicle accidents within the state. Richard Byrum, state insurance commissioner, discussed the problem during a press conference in his office today. He said, “The problem is serious. At first, we thought it was a police problem, but police in the state have asked my office to look into it. There has been a dramatic increase in hit-and-run accidents in the state, particularly in big cities where you find the higher insurance rates. I’m told that last year we had nearly 28,000 motor vehicle accidents in the state, and 4,500 were hit-and-run. People are taking chances driving without proper insurance coverage, or they’re afraid of a premium increase if they have insurance and stop and report an accident. They seem to think, ‘What the heck, no one saw it, and I won’t get caught,’ and they just bug out of there. If you look at the insurance rates in the state, it’s practically impossible for some people to pay them, and as insurance rates go up, the rate of leaving the scene of an accident increases. Drivers with the
worst records—those with several accidents and traffic citations—pay as much as $3,600 a year in insurance premiums, and they may pay even more than that if they are young or have a high- powered car. Even good drivers found at fault in an accident may find their rates going up several hundred dollars for the next three to five years. So leaving the scene of an accident is definitely tied to the economic situation, yet the insurance company people I’ve talked to say they can’t do anything about it. It’s just not realistic to expect them to lower their rates; they aren’t making that much money. Right now, I’m not sure what we’ll do about the situation. In the meantime, we can expect more hit-and-run accidents and more drivers going without any insurance coverage because of its high cost.” 4. Michael Ernest Layoux, 22, is a clerk at a convenience store at 1284 East Forest Boulevard. He was robbed late yesterday. Here is his account of the incident: “First, you have to understand where the store is. It’s located in a remote area in the northeast corner of town. There’s nothing around that’s open at night, so I’m all alone in the store. I started carrying a gun to work last year after I read where two clerks at another convenience store in the city were robbed and killed. Carrying a gun is against company policy, but I figured I had to protect myself. We’re open 24 hours, and the store has a history of holdups, particularly at night when there aren’t any customers in the store. But it never happened to me personally before. Just after 11, when the store was empty except for me last night, this guy walks in and asks for a pack of Winston cigarettes. I handed him a pack, and then he pulled a gun and says, ‘You see what I got?’ He had a pistol, and he held it low, level with his hip, so no one outside the store could look in and see it. Then he asked me for the money, and I gave it to him. We never have more than $30 in cash in the register. It’s company policy. We put all the big bills we get into a floor safe we can’t open. So he didn’t get much, maybe $20. Then he motioned for me to move toward the cooler. We have a big cooler in the back for beer and soda and other stuff we have to keep cold. When he started shoving me toward the cooler I really got
scared. There’s no lock on the cooler, so he couldn’t lock me in while he was getting away. There’s no reason for him to put me in the cooler; I could walk right out. The only thing I could figure was that he wanted to shoot me, and he wanted to do it in some place where no one could see what was happening. That’s where the two other clerks were shot last year, in a cooler in their store. Since they were killed, I’ve kept a .25-caliber pistol under the counter, and when he motioned for me to get into the cooler I shot him. He’d started turning toward the cooler, and then he must have heard me cocking the pistol because he started jerking his head back around toward me. I shot him 3 times in the chest and side, but I didn’t know right away that I hit him. He just ran out through the front door. He didn’t even open it. He ran right through the glass. I called the police, and they found his body in a field about 200 yards away. He was dead, and now I’ve lost my job. But I wouldn’t do it any different. The police talked to me for almost two hours, and they said it was OK, that I acted in self-defense. Then this morning, just after 8, I got a call at home from my district manager, and he said I’m fired because it’s against company policy to have a gun in the store. It’s a real shame, because I’m still a college student, and I need the job. I can attend classes during the day and then work at night at the store. I’ve been doing it for 4 years now, and I want to graduate in a couple more months. But I can understand the company’s rules. Most people don’t know how to handle guns. I do. I’ve been around them and using them all my life.” Company officials refused to comment about the robbery or the firing. Ramone Hernandez, the district attorney, confirmed that his office considered the shooting self-defense and would not prosecute Layoux. Officer Alan Nega, who investigated the incident, said the body found in the field near the store was that of Robert A. Wiess, 2032 Turf Way, Apt. 388. 5. Lillian Shisenaunt is a pharmacist. She was elected president of your County Pharmacists Association at a meeting held last night. During an interview with you today, she talked about an issue of concern to pharmacists, one that the group talked about at the meeting, along with
Review E xerc i s e s
possible solutions. She said: “We find that we’ve got an awful lot of older people taking three or four or five different drugs all at once. If they think that’s going to do them any good, they’re fooling themselves. We find that, in many cases, the medicine—the dosage and the way it’s taken—are all wrong. Patients, especially the elderly, sometimes get all their different drugs confused, and then they take two of one and none of the others. Even when the elderly take all the right pills, sometimes the different drugs nullify each other. Different doctors these people see give them prescriptions without knowing what else a patient is taking for some other problem. So some of these oldsters become real junkies, and they don’t even know it. As they get older and have more problems, they take more and more medication. After a few years, their children think their minds are going because they’re so heavily sedated all the time. But if they get a good doctor, or a good druggist, they probably can stop taking some of the medicines, and then they don’t actually have all the problems people think they have. A lot of these older people aren’t senile; they just take too many different drugs, and then it hits them like senility. Drug companies don’t help. If you look at most drug companies, they test their products on healthy young adults, a 25-year-old, 180-pound male. Then the companies set a normal adult dosage based on the clinical tests with these young adults. But the things that determine how drugs affect you change with age, so what the drug companies set as a normal daily dosage doesn’t always fit an older person with a number of conditions. If you look at studies of hospital emergency rooms, you’ll find that people over 60 are admitted twice as often for adverse drug reactions as the young. Most people don’t know that. They think about all the problems of the young, not the old. But most of the problems can be solved, and without too much effort. People should talk to a good pharmacist or physician. Unfortunately, we find that most people are scared of their doctors and don’t ask them enough questions and don’t understand what their pharmacists have to offer. Patients also should make a list of all their different medicines and dosages each time they go to a doctor
and tell him what they’re taking. Then when they get a new prescription, they should write down the doctor’s instructions, and they should get alltheir prescriptions from just one pharmacist so the pharmacist knows everything they’re taking and can watch for any problems. If they ask, the
pharmacist can color code their pill bottles so they can’t be confused. But patients also have a responsibility for their own health care. Each morning, they should sort out all that day’s pills ahead of time, and then they’d be less likely to make a mistake.”
eporters rarely turn to Supreme Court justices for reactions to events on a football field. But during her 2016 interview with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg,
11 “I talk with people and notice things, and then
Katie Couric asked the jurist about San Francisco ’49ers
I turn those things into
quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s refusal to stand during the
a column for the most
national anthem as a protest against police killings of blacks. “I think it’s dumb and disrespectful,” Ginsburg said, while acknowledging Kaepernick and other athletes had a First Amendment right to express their beliefs.
wonderful gift a storyteller can be given—an audience on the other end.” Bob Greene, columnist
After Turing Pharmaceuticals acquired the drug Daraprim, which is used to treat patients with parasitic diseases and to prevent pneumonia in HIV/AIDS patients, company founder and then CEO Martin Shkreli raised the price of a pill from $13.50 to $750. The 5,000 percent increase angered many, but Shkreli responded: “To me the drug was woefully underpriced. It is not a question of ‘Is this fair?’ or ‘What did you pay for it?’ or ‘When was it invented?’ It should be more expensive in many ways.” Just six months into his presidency, Donald Trump undercut the position of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who recused himself from decisions regarding the investigation into Russian involvement in the U.S. presidential election. “Sessions should have never recused himself, and if he was going to recuse himself, he should have told me before he took the job and I would have picked somebody else,” the president said. All three of these comments made news; some had an impact on government policies and national politics. Why did these three people say these things? Ginsburg later regretted her remark and apologized to Kaepernick, but neither Shkreli nor Trump backed down from their remarks, even though many found them shocking. Whatever the reason, the comments were made in response to questions asked by reporters. The Couric–Ginsburg interview appeared on Yahoo News. Shkreli was giving an interview to a Financial Times reporter, and Trump’s remarks came in a 50-minute interview with reporters and editors for The New York Times.
IN T E R V IE W IN G Interviewing—asking questions, getting ans wers and asking more questions—is a basic tool of the journalist. For the experienced investigative reporter as well as the fresh-from-college police reporter, interviewing provides much of the fact, background and color for any news story. When used properly, interviewing can be an effective method of gathering information.
Preparing for the Interview No matter what kind of story a reporter writes, it usually will require at least one interview. Successful interviews do not just happen; they Katie Couric (left) interviews Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Along are the product of thought and planning. An with her question about the NFL players’ protest, Couric covered interview’s purpose determines the length and various topics, including the judge’s recently deceased colleague, A nthony Scalia, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and his travel ban required preparation. Often interviews are short onMuslims. and focused on gathering a few specific pieces of information. A journalist may ask a legislator a few questions about a bill’s objective or provisions. Another may question a police officer to get details about a recent crime. On other occasions, reporters may ask one or two specific questions of many people to gather an unscientific sampling of public opinion. Some reporters specialize in writing profiles of famous or interesting people. They usually conduct long interviews—sometimes stretching over several days—with the subjects of their stories. Reporters preparing to interview a source should ask themselves, “Why am I conducting this interview? What kind of story will I write from this information?” The answers to these questions will determine what they ask, the sources they seek and their conduct during the interview. The reasons for interviewing are as varied as the resulting stories, but most often journalists are seeking information for one of three story types: the news story, the feature story or the investigative story (see Table 11.1). Reporters who cover a news story, such as a crime or a city council action, usually interview several individuals to gather all the relevant information. They may seek just a few facts or a brief reaction from each individual. Collectively, however, the material allows them to construct a complete narrative of a newsworthy event or explanation of an important issue. Reporters writing feature stories, such as personality profiles, must gather additional information that will provide the color and detail the audience needs to better understand a person or a situation. Investigative reporters must dig deeper still to uncover actions and motives that their subjects may prefer to keep hidden (see Chapter 18). Many experienced interviewers think of an interview as a conversation, but it is a conversation with a specific purpose: gathering information for an unseen audience of readers, viewers or listeners. To accomplish that purpose, interviewers must control the conversation, and they can do that only if they have properly
Preparing for the Inter view
TABLE 11.1
Information Reporters Seek, by Story Type
Information Reporters Seek
Stories in Which the Information Is Used News
Facts and details, including dates, names, locations and costs
Chronology showing the unfolding of events
Relationships among the people, organizations or issues involved
Context and perspective, including the significance of events or issues and their relationships to other issues
Anecdotes that illuminate events or issues and make them more dramatic and understandable for readers or viewers
The environment in which the subject lives or works
How the subject appears and dresses
The subject’s mannerisms
Smells, sounds and textures associated with the subject’s home or work
The subject’s version of events and how it differs from that of other sources and records
Explanations of contradictions between the subject’s version of events and that of other sources or of contradictions within a subject’s version
The subject’s replies to all charges and allegations the reporter may have heard from other sources during an investigation
prepared. In the case of in-depth personality interviews or investigative interviews, the planning process might be long and complicated, but even with simpler interviews, it can involve several steps.
Selecting Interview Sources Once reporters know an interview’s purpose, they decide whom to interview. For a personality profile, they will interview the subject and his or her friends, enemies and co-workers. But when the story is about an issue or event, they may have to determine who has the necessary information. Reporters working on stories that will be published days or weeks later can try to interview everyone who might have relevant information. They can ask each subject for the names of people who might contribute information and repeat the process until the list of potential sources has been exhausted. Journalists working on deadline must find the best possible sources quickly. They want sources who possess knowledge, expertise or insight relevant to the story. The subjects
Journalists speak with doctors following a press conference about the mass shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. In this interviewing situation, reporters are able to question several sources in one venue, but they have little time with each subject.
should be able to explain complicated matters in a clear and interesting manner. Sometimes the best available source is a document or record rather than a person. Reporters can save themselves and their interviewees time and trouble if they begin by searching for documents or public records that provide the factual background for a story. When choosing interview subjects, reporters should never let any organization, governmental or private, make its public relations person the scapegoat. Tony Kovaleski, an investigative reporter for KMGH-Channel 7 in Denver, said the job of the reporter is to hold accountable the real decision maker, not the PR person.
Beginning reporters sometimes wonder how many sources they need for a story. The answer depends on at least four factors: deadline pressure, the expertise of the sources, the degree of controversy raised by a topic and the complexity of a topic. When stories involve breaking news, which readers, viewers and listeners need as soon as possible, reporters lack the time to search widely for sources and information. They must construct a story from the materials readily available. Still, they should get as complete an account of the event and include as many points of view as possible. If a journalist cannot interview a key source before the deadline, the story should say so clearly. If sources possess broad expertise in a topic, three or four might be enough. If interviewees have more limited experience, reporters might need to speak to dozens. Academic and government economists, for instance, may have extensive knowledge about the economy of a city or region, while individual business owners may know what is happening only in their particular business. The degree of controversy also affects the number of sources. If a topic is not controversial—the cause of polio, for example—one source may be sufficient. If the topic is the likelihood of developing cures for diabetes or Alzheimer’s disease from fetal stem cells, about which experts disagree, a reporter must include all reasonable points of view in the story. Finally, the more complex the story, the more sources the reporter will need. Astory about a particular crime committed by a particular teenager may need only a few sources. A story about the causes of teenage crime in general would require talking to dozens of sources from such fields as law enforcement, criminology, psychology and social work. However many sources reporters talk to, they must evaluate each one by asking, “What is the basis of the source’s knowledge?” “How credible or reliable is the source?” When a subject makes an assertion, ask him or her, “How do you know that?” Determining the credibility and reliability of the source requires
Preparing for the Inter view asking about his or her credentials and cross-checking information from one source with that from others. The process is not simple or easy, but it is essential for producing sound, accurate news stories.
Steps in Preparing for an Interview
Researching Sources and Topics Lawrence Grobel, a journalist who has interviewed scores of famous and important people and has written about interviewing, says the successful interviewer must be well informed. That means reading books and articles by or about the person the reporter will interview, researching a company’s annual reports and reviewing public documents. When Grobel prepared for an interview with mystery and western novelist Elmore Leonard, he read 14 of the author’s books. Sportscaster Jeanne Zelasko was once assigned to cover the Daytona 500, but she knew nothing about NASCAR—in the two weeks she had to prepare for the assignment, she read every book she could find about the sport in a local bookstore. Pat Stith, a former investigative reporter for The Raleigh (North Carolina) News & Observer, says the goal is to know more about the small portion of the subject’s job the reporter is interested in than the subject knows. Journalists who have thoroughly researched a person or topic before an interview will ●● Have fresher, more interesting questions for the interview subject. ●● Not waste time asking about already established facts. ●● Not embarrass themselves by appearing ignorant. ●● Be prepared to recognize newsworthy statements the subject makes and ask
intelligent follow-up questions. ●● Be prepared to spot inconsistencies and evasions in a source’s responses. ●● Discover additional sources. ●● Encourage sources to speak more freely, because they are more likely to trust knowledgeable reporters.
Preparing Questions for the Interview Good questions elicit interesting quotations and details. Constructing good questions begins when reporters select a unifying central point for their story. With this point in mind, interviewers can decide whom they should interview and what questions they should ask. Say a journalist is planning a profile of a local bank executive who has won several marathons. The central point for the story may be that long-distance running enhances the bank executive’s personal and professional life. That idea suggests certain questions to ask the executive and his or her friends and family. If the reporter is investigating the bank’s treatment of minorities, however, he or she may still want to interview the same executive, but the central point will be different. It may be how the bank’s lending practices affect minorities who want to buy homes or start businesses.
1. Define the purpose. Is this a news, feature or investigative interview? What information is necessary for the story? 2. Decide whom to interview. Sometimes the choices are obvious; other times the reporter may have to research who the best sources are. 3. Assess the character of the interviewee. This may be crucial for feature and investigative interviews where the reporter will have to shape the interview strategy to the interviewee’s character. 4. Identify the areas of inquiry. What topics will the interview focus on? What questions will yield the information necessary to write about those topics? 5. Anticipate possible answers to questions. Reporters often can predict an interviewee’s answers from their advance research. On the basis of those predictions, they can plan the interview and prepare possible follow-up questions.
FROM THE NEWS Preparation Helped FBI Interrogate Al-Qaida Suspects Ali Soufan—a former FBI agent, native of Lebanon and Arabic speaker—was one of the lead interrogators of al-Qaida suspects following the 9/11 attacks. Al-Qaida operatives had been coached to appear to cooperate with investigators by answering questions without offering any new information. Nevertheless, Soufan was able to get valuable information from the suspects he questioned, without using torture—or enhanced interrogation techniques, as it was euphemistically called by some U.S. officials. The key to a successful interrogation, Soufan explained in his book “The Black Banners,” is thorough preparation. He and other FBI interrogators studied al-Qaida extensively and learned as much as they could about the background of each person they questioned. “You have to
convince the detainee that you know all about him, and that any lie will be easily uncovered,” Soufan wrote. “To do this, you plan the interrogation around what you know.” Journalists rarely will encounter interview subjects as reluctant to cooperate or as well trained in techniques for deflecting questions as al-Qaida operatives. But the principle of thorough preparation still applies. The reporter who has prepared thoroughly for an interview will know when interviewees are being deceptive, trying to spin a topic to make themselves look good or providing newsworthy information. Sometimes, a journalist may find it helpful in an interview to feign ignorance. While this tactic may be useful in certain cases, being ignorant never helps the journalist.
Once reporters have selected a central point and have researched the topic, they write their questions in advance. They need not write out full questions. Often it is enough to jot down a word or phrase to remind themselves what toask. Reporters craft questions to elicit as much information as possible. This means asking open-ended rather than closed-ended questions. The latter canbe answered with a yes or no: “Will the state’s new tax lid hurt schools?” If journalists want more information, they have to ask follow-up questions. An open-ended question would be, “What will be the effect of the state’s new tax lid on schools?” The question requires the source to provide an analysis of the problem. John Sawatsky, an investigative reporter renowned for his interviewing skill, advises journalists to ask short, neutral questions thatbegin with “what,” “how” and “why” and to a lesser extent “who,” “when” and “where.” Questions structured as Sawatsky suggests encourage interviewees to tell their stories and reveal their feelings. Questions like “Are you angry?” or “Were you scared?” are not only close-ended but also imply that the interviewer has a preconceived notion about how the subject should have acted or felt. The source might not want to tell his or her story to a reporter who appears to have already decided what happened. When interviewees have a story to tell, such as how they survived a plane crash or what happened during a bank robbery, reporters should simply let them talk. Something like “Tell me what happened to you” might be enough to encourage
C onduc ting the Inter view people to tell their story as they remember it. As interviewees talk, journalists should listen carefully. They might think of questions as the subject tells the story, but they should not interrupt. They should wait until the interviewee has finished and then ask any specific f ollow-up questions. For feature interviews or personality profiles, some reporters have questions they often use to gain insight into the subject. Here are some examples: ●● What do you read? ●● Who are your heroes? ●● What goals do you have? ●● What is a typical day like for you? ●● What are your weaknesses or drawbacks? ●● How do you compensate for your weaknesses? ●● What caused the most significant change in your life? ●● How did you cope with that change?
When news sources generalize or give vague answers, reporters ask for anecdotes and examples that support the generalizations or clarify ambiguous responses. Reporters can use the anecdotes, examples and quotations to make their stories more colorful, interesting and understandable. Here are examples of questions crafted to elicit anecdotes and quotations: ●● What crime was the most difficult for you to solve in your career as a detective? ●● How has the state’s new science curriculum changed the way you teach? ●● What do you fear the most when you perform before a live audience? ●● What steps will you take to prepare your business for the city’s sales tax
increase? ●● How did you overcome your fears following your accident? Reporters should ask for clarification when they do not understand things sources say. Sometimes that means asking questions that might appear naive or silly, but journalists should not fear asking them. Those who assume they understand what a source said or who fail to ask a critical question out of fear of appearing ignorant could make serious and embarrassing mistakes when they write their stories.
Conducting the Interview Selecting a Location The prospect of being interviewed creates anxiety for some people, making it harder for them to answer questions. Reporters can reduce the unease by conducting interviews in sources’ homes or offices, where they feel more comfortable. Additionally, reporters can learn more about a subject by being in his or her e nvironment. Eric Nalder, former senior enterprise reporter for Hearst Newspapers, advises reporters to survey the person’s office or home, looking for clues and details. The photos people display on their walls, the clutter on their
IN T E R V IE W IN G desks or the items on their refrigerator doors all give insights about their lives or suggest questions to ask them. No matter where reporters interview people, they always look for details that will reveal information about the subject. They look for body language, facial expressions, manner of dress, tone of voice and anything else that reveals the source’s character. Louisa Thomas’ profile of Australian tennis star Nick K yrgios for The New Yorker included a brief conversation between the two after he had lost a match in a French tournament. Notice how Thomas incorporates d escription of Kyrgios’ dress and appearance: Half an hour after the match, I was waiting for the elevator in the lobby of my hotel, when I heard Kyrgios request a new room key. He was still in his kit: black shorts, a magenta Nike top, shoes smeared with ochre clay. His beard was trimmed tight along his jawline, his dark hair shaved on the sides of his head and sculpted on top like a flame. He stared at his phone as he shuffled to the elevator. As he stepped inside, he looked up. We had met the previous day, and he sounded surprisingly cheerful as he greeted me. “Sorry about the match,” I said. He gave a quick, harsh laugh, and then his voice lightened. “It’s all right. It’s not a big deal,” he said. He stepped out of the elevator, and I watched the doors close behind his slumped shoulders. There are message-board threads dedicated to K yrgios’s posture, with dozens of comments debating whether the curvature of his upper back requires surgery, interferes with his hormone circulation, or is a faker’s lazy pose. Some places are poor locations for interviews. For example, people unfamiliar with newsrooms may find their noise and chaotic pace intimidating. Lunch appointments also have drawbacks. The idea of a leisurely interview over a meal sounds pleasant, but crowd noise and interruptions from servers interfere with the c onversation. Also, r eporters or their news organizations should pay for lunch to avoid any appearance that they can be influenced by a generous source. Thus, the practice of interviewing people at a restaurant can become expensive. Whatever the location, a journalist should always arrive early, keep the interview within the agreed-on time and dress appropriately, usually in b usiness clothes.
As shown in the documentary “Citizenfour,” Glenn Greenwald (right) interviews Edward Snowden about the NSA documents he leaked to the public. The interview took place in a Hong Kong hotel room, not forSnowden’s comfort but to protect him from extradition to the United States.
Organizing the Questions Reporters should start an interview with a clear statement of its purpose, if that’s not already understood. For brief news interviews, they
C onduc ting the Inter view usually try to get right to the main questions. Longer i nterviews often begin with a few minutes of small talk to put a source at ease. Once the serious questioning begins, reporters should take charge of the conversation, decide what questions to ask, keep the interview on track and make sure the source answers every question fully. If a subject wanders or tries to evade questions, journalists bring the conversation back to the central topic and politely but firmly ask him or her to respond to the questions. Questions should be grouped by topic. A reporter who is planning to profile a candidate for mayor, for example, may want to cover the person’s education, work history, family life, community service, political experience and c ampaign platform. For each of these topics, the reporter might have four or five questions. Journalists try to organize the topics, making it easy for the interviewee to move from one to the next. Chronological organization and reverse chronological order are two methods used. For a reporter i nterviewing a scientist about the effects of global warming, chronology is meaningless; it would make more sense to use a different organization, such as moving from effects on oceans and ocean life to effects on land animals and finally to effects on humans. In still other situations, the reporter might let the topics comeupon their own and simply make sure that the interviewee covers all essential points. Reporters organize the questions they ask as well as the topics they want to cover. One approach—sometimes called the funnel—starts with a general question and moves to progressively more specific ones (see Figure 11.1). The reverse funnel starts with questions about specifics and moves to more general matters. Journalists start interviews with some noncontroversial comments or soft questions that will break the ice. Even a polite question about the weather can start the conversation. Once the interviewee becomes comfortable talking, the reporter asks more difficult questions. The most embarrassing or difficult questions are held for the end. By then, the subject should be more at ease. Moreover, if a source refuses to answer embarrassing questions and abruptly ends the interview, the reporter will have already obtained most of the information needed for the story. Experienced interviewers prepare so thoroughly before an interview that they encounter few surprises, but occasionally an interview yields unexpected information. If the information is newsworthy, reporters abandon their original plans and pursue the new angles. “Morning Joe” hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski were wrapping up an interview with Michael Avenatti, attorney for Stephanie Clifford (better known as Stormy Daniels) who claimed to have had a sexual encounter with President Donald Trump, when Brzezinski asked Avenatti if Clifford had been threatened to keep silent about the incident. Avenatti’s statement that she had been threatened surprised them and became the most newsworthy disclosure of the interview. At the end of an interview, reporters should always ask sources if they have anything to add. Sometimes the most newsworthy information emerges in their response. Journalists should ask for the names of other people to interview or for documents that might provide additional information or verification. They also should determine the best time to call sources if they have follow-up questions. Finally, they should thank subjects for granting the interview.
Interview Traps toAvoid Reporters have an infinite number of approaches they can take to conducting an interview, but they should avoid some traps: ● Don’t make statements; just ask
questions: Questions will elicit thesubject’s opinions and ideas, but statements might lead the subject to suspect the journalist is biased and will not report the interview fairly. ● Don’t ask double-barreled ques-
tions, which might have more than one correct answer: An interviewer asked Bill Clinton, when he first ran for president, “Was Gennifer Flowers your lover for 12 years?” Clinton answered, “That allegation is false.” But which part was false? Splitting the question into two might have yielded a better answer. ● Don’t use loaded words in ques-
tions: “Mayor Datolli, will your budget scheme save the city from bankruptcy?” A “scheme” may seem disreputable. A more neutral term would be “plan.” ● Don’t ask questions that suggest
what you think the answer should be: Asking “Was the robber carrying a shotgun?” implies that you think the robber did so. An uncertain interviewee might be tempted to confirm that suspicion, even if it is wrong.
The Interview Funnel Most general
Has the presence of large numbers of non-English speaking residents changed the way the police force operates?
Dealing with Reluctant Sources and Asking Tough Questions
Most sources cooperate with reporters because they welcome the opportunity to tell their side of a story. Some, however, dislike talking to journalWhat kinds of changes has the department made? ists or are hostile. They may fear a topic is too difficult for reporters to understand; they may have Has the department changed any of its policies to deal with been embarrassed by reporters in earlier internon-English speakers? views; or they may suspect the resulting story will Is the department portray them in a bad light. requiring or Reporters first try to learn why the source encouraging officers is hesitant to speak to them. They may then be to learn an additional able to overcome the specific objection. In some language? Most specific cases, sources fear the interview will turn into an interrogation. Journalists might ease this anxiety by showing empathy. Grobel has said, “To be a good interviewer, you have to become a chameleon, changing the colors of your personality to fit the mood of the person you are Figure 11.1 The Interview Funnel The funnel style of organization interviewing.” Good interviewers convey the places the broadest—or most general—questions at the top and the feeling they are more interested in sources than most specific at the bottom. The reverse funnel approach moves from in themselves. most specific to the most general. The approach a reporter uses depends on the situation, topic and source. When sources fear their words will be distorted or misunderstood, reporters can demonstrate their knowledge of the topic and background by asking intelligent questions or pointing to other stories they have written on the topic. The interviewees may then be willing to fill in the gaps. Explaining the purpose of the interview and the story also can help convince sources that reporters are knowledgeable and trustworthy. Some sources worry the story will cause them to lose their jobs or money or even to face criminal prosecution. Reporters can soothe these fears by explaining that the interview is an opportunity for subjects to put their side of a story before the public and that failure to do so will make them look worse. Interviewers have a variety of tactics for getting reluctant sources to talk. If an interviewee is unresponsive, reporters may switch topics, trying to find something that will get him or her to talk. In some instances, journalists can build rapport with sources by expressing admiration (if it is genuine) for something the person did or said. Or they might draw on their background to establish a connection with a reluctant source. If the interviewee is a college president, the reporter might mention that his or her father was a college professor (if that is true). Many interviews—whether done for feature or investigative stories—require reporters to ask tough questions that the source might find embarrassing or potentially harmful. Failure to ask the questions, however, means an interview will be incomplete and lack news value. Asking difficult questions is easier when reporters maintain their neutrality. If interviewees believe reporters are just asking questions and not expressing opinions, they answer tough questions more willingly.
C onduc ting the Inter view
Reporters can enhance their appearance of neutrality by asking questions in ways that distance them from the opinions the questions may imply. They can, for example, ●● Attribute the question or point of view implied in the question to a third party
or to public opinion generally. For example, “Chancellor Smith, some faculty members have said you attach more importance to intercollegiate athletics than to academics. What is your response?” ●● Sugar-coat questions. Asking a person, “Is there anything about your marriage that you now regret?” is easier than asking, “Did you abuse your spouse?” ●● Ask interviewees to explain their previous statements or actions or give their versions of controversial events. ●● Ask interviewees to talk about others. Once they begin, it often is easier to shift the interview to their own ideas and actions. ●● Ask interviewees for the names of people who support or criticize them. Then ask them to guess what their critics are most likely to say about them. Nalder says this tactic often elicits information and tips for additional interviews. No matter what approach reporters use, they must be persistent. If sources refuse to talk, hang up the phone or slam the door, reporters should go back the next day or next week and try again. Sources pressed to talk about sensitive topics sometimes try to evade the question or even lie. When subjects avoid an issue or give fuzzy answers, reporters can restate the question, forcing them to be more forthcoming. Reporters can also simply remain silent, which tells sources their answer is insufficient and pushes them to elaborate. In some cases, journalists might want to confront sources d irectly about evasive answers, saying they will note evasions in the story. Reporters who have done their homework will often know when a source is lying. Nalder lets interviewees he suspects are lying spin out their tales. He interrupts them only to ask for elaboration or more detail. Once he has the source’s entire story, he can begin to use the facts he has already gathered to pick the story apart and get that person to tell the truth. Although he probably was not aware of it, Soufan’s interrogation method, described earlier in this chapter, follows Nalder’s techniques for dealing with sources who lie. In his book mentioned earlier, Soufan says the questioning never began with big or intimidating questions like “Did you meet Osama bin Laden?” Instead, the FBI agents focused on getting details with questions like these: ●● Why did you go to Afghanistan? ●● How did you travel there? ●● How was the trip funded?
Award-winning journalist Eric Nalder, former chief investigative reporter for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, offers various tips for interviewing reluctant sources in his article “Loosening Lips: The Art of the Interview.”
FROM THE NEWS An Interview with Bill Cosby Sometimes a source will simply refuse to answer the hard question, as happened when National Public Radio’s Scott Simon interviewed Bill and Camille Cosby for Weekend Edition. Simon was interviewing the Cosbys because they had contributed to an art exhibit. But shortly before the interview, The Washington Post published a column by Barbara Bowman, who said Cosby had sexually assaulted her several times in 1985. Simon felt obliged to ask Cosby about it. Here is their exchange: SCOTT SIMON: This question gives me no pleasure, Mr. Cosby, but there have been serious allegations raised about you in recent days. BILL COSBY: [SILENCE]
COSBY: [SILENCE] SIMON: Shaking your head no. There are people who love you who might like to hear from you about this. Iwant to give you the chance. COSBY: [SILENCE] SIMON: All right. Camille and Bill Cosby. They have lent 62 pieces from their collection of African and A frican-American art to create an exhibit called Conversations: African and African American Artworks in Dialogue. It’s now on display at the Smithsonian National Museum of African Art through early 2016. Thank you both.
SIMON: You’re shaking your head no. I’m in the news business. I have to ask the question. Do you have any response to those charges?
●● Who picked you up at the airport? ●● Where did you stay in Afghanistan? ●● Whom did you meet?
By focusing on the small details, the FBI investigators made it hard for the al-Q aida operatives to maintain a cover story. Inconsistencies in the details exposed lies and revealed areas where the interrogators could focus their efforts. Reporters should never try to bully hostile sources or try to deceive them about the purpose of an interview. Information obtained from a source who has been intimidated may be unreliable. People who have been led to believe an interview will be about one topic when the reporters want information about something else will feel unprepared to respond fully and accurately.
Special Situations TELEPHONE INTERVIEWS Telephone calls save reporters enormous amounts of time. Some sources are more comfortable talking without someone watching them; others consider it a welcome break in the day. But telephone interviews have disadvantages, too. They must be brief and superficial. Sources usually have other work, and long t elephone conversations may bore or annoy them. Particularly frustrating for reporters is playing phone tag with a source while on deadline.
C onduc ting the Inter view Telephone calls are an unsatisfactory means of conducting in-depth interviews about controversial or complex issues and personalities. Cultivating sources is difficult if they are known only by telephone. Getting a source to discuss embarrassing or personal matters requires a rapport best established face to face.
EMAIL INTERVIEWS Email offers another way of interviewing sources. Reporters use this method to contact hard-to-reach or reluctant sources. Even people who travel a lot check their email. Sources who dodge phone calls or hesitate to return voice mails may answer a journalist’s email. A reporter trying to contact several sources for similar information can use email to send the same message to each of them. Email interviews have some advantages over telephone interviews. Besides being more convenient for some sources, the format also affords them an opportunity to develop their thoughts in detail, which means reporters get more thorough answers to their questions. Email also provides a written record of the interviews, lessening the chance for misquotation. However, journalists relying on email interviews are deprived of their sources’ facial expressions, vocal inflections and body language, all of which can help reporters understand their sources better. Also, the email response is less spontaneous. The offhand comments sources make in person or telephone interviews give reporters additional insights that they can follow up on quickly. Finally, reporters conducting email interviews recognize the possibility that the person responding is not the one they want to contact. For example, a business executive might have a PR person draft an answer to a journalist’s email.
ONLINE INTERVIEWS Reporters can use their computers to interview subjects, using programs like Skype or Zoom. Because the programs use the computer’s video capabilities, reporters and subjects can see as well as hear each other. And the responses the journalist gets are more spontaneous than those obtained through an email interview. Some of the programs for online video allow one or both parties to record the conversation, creating a permanent record of what was said. Online interviews, however, are essentially high-tech telephone interviews, so subjects are just as likely to get bored. If the subject is at work or at home, he or she may have to deal with distractions. And if one party or the other has a poor internet connection, the interview may become difficult or impossible to carry out.
INTERVIEWING FOR BROADCAST Reporters interviewing sources for radio or television experience problems print reporters don’t face. Terry Gross, host of the NPR program “Fresh Air” and one of the best interviewers in the business, told American Journalism Review, “For most print journalists the interview is the raw material for the piece, along with everything else the reporter has seen and heard in researching the story. For me the interview is the piece.” Gross arranges her questions so that the answers produce a narrative, not just a series of disconnected answers. Television reporters need to plan their interviews in advance with the technicians who will be operating the cameras and sound equipment, especially if the interview needs to be shot quickly for broadcast that day or if the source does
Telephone and Email Etiquette For telephone interviews, reporters should ● Identify themselves and their
news organizations clearly at the start of the conversation. ● Never pose as someone other
than a reporter. ● Ask permission to record the inter-
view digitally or on tape. For email interviews, reporters should ● Use a salutation (such as “Dear
Mrs. Ramirez,”). ● Identify themselves and the news
organization they represent. ● Usually review the background of
an event or issue before they ask their questions. ● Tell sources their deadline and
thank them for their time and expertise. ● Never write in all capital letters,
which some regard as shouting. ● Never use acronyms, such as
“BTW” (“by the way”), because not everyone understands them.
IN T E R V IE W IN G not want to appear on camera. They also should show the interview subject doing more than talking. Where possible, television journalists ask the subject to demonstrate an activity or respond to a video or another source.
Taking Notes Skilled interviewers take copious notes, w riting down much more information than they can possibly use. Unless reporters take d etailed notes, they will forget much of what is said. They might not recognize the importance of a piece of information until well after the interview—or several interviews—when they are writing their stories. Recording as much as possible decreases the chances for errors or Terry Gross interviews musician Questlove for a live “Fresh Air” omissions. Reporters can easily ignore notes recording at the Penn Museum in 2016. that later prove to be unimportant or irrelevant, but filling gaps left by poor note taking is more difficult. Most reporters develop their own shortcuts for taking notes. They leave out some words, abbreviate others, or jot down names, numbers, good quotations and key ideas. When sources speak too rapidly, interviewers can ask them to slow down or repeat important statements. Note taking makes some sources nervous. Journalists should explain that the notes will help them write more accurate and thorough stories. After completing interviews, reporters review their notes immediately, while everything is fresh in their minds. They may want to fill gaps in their information or be certain they understand everything a source said. Journalists often write their stories as soon as possible after their interviews. The longer they wait, the more likely they are to forget some facts or distort others.
Recording Interviews
Reporter Vanessa Schledier Bild interviews Major Aryeh Shaliker, a spokesman for the Israeli army, near Ashkelon, Israel.
Using a digital or a tape recorder frees reporters to concentrate on the questions they want to ask and sources’ responses. Recorders also provide verbatim and permanent records, so interviewers make fewer factual errors. When reporters play the recording, they often find important statements they failed to notice during the interviews. Recorders also have drawbacks. After recording a one-hour interview, reporters may have to replay it at least once before writing the story. They may also have difficulty locating important facts or quotations. By comparison, they may need a minute or less to find a fact or a quotation in their handwritten notes. Even reporters who record major interviews usually augment recordings with written notes.
Writing the Inter view Stor y They can consult their notes to write the stories and use the recordings to verify important facts and quotations. If a recorder has a counter, reporters can use it to note the location of important or interesting quotations. Although recorders are commonplace, some sources still refuse to be recorded. Recorders are small enough that reporters can easily hide them in their pockets or handbags, but taping a conversation without the other party’s consent is sometimes illegal. As noted in Chapter 5, in most states, one may record a conversation with the consent of only one party. In the case of an interview, the consenting party would be the person doing the taping. Eleven states require the consent of all parties in most or all circumstances. Even where it is legal, taping a conversation without the other party’s consent raises ethical questions. Undisclosed recording seems manipulative and invasive. Audiences may consider any information reporters obtain in this manner tainted.
Final Thoughts Interviewing is an art form that requires practice. Journalists who are most successful at interviewing have done it for years and have developed insights into their sources and into their own strengths and weaknesses in relating to other people. Gross says, “My theory of interviewing is that whatever you have, use it. If you are confused, use that. If you have raw curiosity, use that. If you have e xperience, use that. If you have a lot of research, use that. But figure out what it is you have and make it work for you.” Student journalists often lack the experience and the maturity to know what they have and how to make it work for them. Their initial attempts at interviewing may disappoint them. Young reporters should not become discouraged, however. With time and persistence, they can become excellent interviewers.
Writing the Interview Story Writing a story based on an in-depth interview, such as a personality profile, is little different from writing any other news story. Most interview stories begin with a summary lead that presents the story’s central point. The following paragraphs include the highlights. Reporters may use an alternative lead, such as an anecdote or description that introduces a nut graph containing the central point. The body of the story usually is organized by topic, with facts and quotations presented in the order of their importance, not the order in which the source provided them. Reporters must be sure that they keep every direct and indirect quotation in its proper context. A well-written interview story will not string together quotations from the sources but use them for emphasis and impact. Journalists also usually limit background information to a minimum and incorporate it where it is most necessary and helpful for explaining a source’s remarks. An alternative form for writing an interview story is the question-and-answer format. Few reporters use it, however, because it requires too much space and makes it difficult for the audience to grasp a story’s highlights quickly. The Q-and-A structure works best with celebrity interviews, self-help stories and sidebars for main stories. Q-and-A stories are never verbatim transcripts of interviews, even though the format creates that impression. The interviews are usually heavily edited to eliminate boring and irrelevant passages.
Guest Columnist Interviewing Three People about a Deadly Accident BY DON STACOM
Celebrating one of the last summer nights of school vaca-
night of horror. The father of one of the dead girls, the first
tion in Connecticut, four teenagers hung out at a friend’s
cop on the scene and the front-seat passenger in the Taurus
pool party and then sped home on a dark, two-lane road
would relive what they went through.
in a Subaru WRX.
That was the theory. But how do you make that actually
Police estimate the driver was doing 100 to 140 when
happen? Step one is the research; a reporter who already
he lost control on a curve. The WRX slid sideways, demol-
knows the fundamental facts will have much more credi-
ished a Taurus in the other lane and then slammed roof-
bility when approaching these people to talk. To do that,
first into a utility pole. Everyone in the WRX was killed.
reporters for the Hartford Courant reviewed the police
For news reporters across the state, this was another “reckless teenage drivers” story. They happen a lot.
reports, read obituaries and Facebook memorials and revisited the scene.
Covering them can be as depressing as a funeral, and
Next came building rapport with the dad, the cop and
every bit as predictable: It starts with a splashy story,
the woman from the Taurus. This story hinged on their
follows with profiles of the dead teens, and then shifts to
cooperation; a reporter must develop their trust that the
the memorial services, the weeping friends, the grieving
story won’t be tawdry or exploitative. At the same time, the
reporter gently talked them through what the interviews
And that’s about it. The news moves on.
will be like—letting them know ahead of time that these
Every so often, though, there’s a chance to report some-
conversations would bring up the worst of the painful stuff.
thing much deeper. At these times, the reporter’s work
This was the time to invite them to decline; if they’re com-
becomes as challenging, emotionally draining—and as
mitted, they’ll persevere.
rewarding—as any job that exists. You get to do something that genuinely makes a difference.
Pre-interview preparations are crucial here. To build intelligent questions, first imagine a bit of what they saw
With the WRX case, it began with thinking about all
and felt. Imagine being the first police officer at such dev-
the people who were hurt: Literally hundreds of teenagers
astation; this brings the interview questions “Whom do
showed up at the crash scene to stare and cry. And there
you go to first?” and “How does your mind even process
were, of course, the four devastated families.
all of this?” For the woman from the Taurus, you ask about
Beyond that were the overlooked victims: the innocent
her memory of the moments before the impact—and those
people in the Taurus who sustained crippling injuries, and
right afterward, too. Has she made peace with being the
the emergency crews who saw carnage that battered their
entirely innocent victim of such a horrific crash?
Through the interview, the reporter had to stay alert for
They all suffered in very different ways, but they also
what’s fresh and what’s powerful, for the sights and sounds
shared an agonizing frustration at how needless this trag-
and feelings that these people recall. And most importantly,
edy was. They desperately wanted to put some meaning to
the end of the talk was time to softly, genuinely thank each
their pain.
person for putting themselves through that again. After
All of that provided the structure for a story showing
that came the job of organizing and writing a story that
how one bad decision could crumple many, many lives. The
would make it worthwhile.
plan was simple, though not easy: Months after the crash,
Don Stacom is a reporter for The Hartford Courant in Connecticut.
three people would tell exactly how they experienced that
T he Repor ter ’s Guide to Inter viewing
The Reporter’s Guide to Interviewing 1. Determine whether the story will be a news story, a feature or an investigative story. 2. For all types of stories, interview to get facts, details, chronologies, context and anecdotes. 3. For feature stories, capture the source’s environment, appearance and mannerisms. 4. For investigative stories, get the source’s version of events, explanations of contradictions and replies to charges. 5. Identify the best available sources who can provide the necessary information for the story. 6. In deciding how many sources to interview, keep in mind deadlines, the expertise of the sources, the degree of controversy regarding the issue and the complexity of the issue. 7. Research people and issues as thoroughly as possible before conducting any interviews. 8. Select questions that will address the central point of the planned story. 9. Use questions that will encourage interviewees to talk—then let them talk with as few interruptions as possible. 10. Interview sources in places where they will be comfortable, not newsrooms or restaurants.
11. Organize questions by topic and raise topics in an order that will make it easy for sources to move from one to the next. 12. If a source is reluctant to talk or is hostile, find out why and try to address the concern. 13. Maintain neutrality when asking tough questions. Sources are more likely to answer tough questions from neutral interviewers than from those who seem to be advocates for a point of view. 14. Telephone interviews save time, but they are unsatisfactory for long, in-depth interviews. 15. Email is an effective way of interviewing some sources, but the interviewer is deprived of information about the source’s demeanor and personality. 16. Remember that a broadcast interview is the story and not just raw material for a story. 17. Take thorough notes during the interview, making sure to write down names, dates, numbers and good quotations. 18. Recorders provide a verbatim permanent record, but they are sometimes clumsy to use.
Review Exercises 1. Class Projects 1. List 10 interviewing tips provided by other sources. 2. Interview an expert on interviewing, body language or nonverbal communication, perhaps someone in your school’s psychology or speech department, and report on the information’s usefulness to journalists. You might also invite the expert to speak to your class. 3. Interview government officials who frequently deal with reporters. Ask what they like and dislike about the interviews and how they handle the questions (to avoid echo) and the reporters conducting the interviews. 4. Ask several government officials which local reporters are the best interviewers, and then interview those reporters about their interviewing techniques. You might invite one to speak to your class. 5. Ask every student in your class to write one paragraph about the three most newsworthy experiences in his or her life. Select the students with the most interesting events and have your entire class interview them, one by one, and write news stories about their experiences.
2. Interview with a Retired FBI Agent Write a news story based on the following interview with Edward Vargas. He was born in your city 62 years ago, and graduated from your university 40 years ago with a degree in sociology. For the last 35 years, he has been an FBI agent, much of it working undercover. He retired from the bureau earlier this year after being recognized as one of its top agents. He lives in the Cleveland area, but he is on campus to receive an award as a distinguished alumnus. Vargas has agreed to be interviewed for a story you’re writing for the school newspaper. Here are the notes of your interview. Statements in quotation marks are the words of Vargas; all other material is a paraphrase. Came to the university when he was recruited by Coach Bill Sandman to play football. Was recruited by several
other major universities, but chose this university because of Sandman. “When I came here to visit, I talked with Sandman. He took me to lunch and then to a basketball game that night. And we hit it off pretty well. Recruiting wasn’t the big deal it is nowadays. It was all pretty informal. Ireally loved the school spirit here, so it just seemed natural to come here.” Was lineman. Weighed 250 pounds, height 6′2″. “At 250, I was big for that day. It wasn’t like today where you have linemen who are 300, 320 or even 340. I don’t see how any one that big can move, but they do, and they’re faster than I was when I played.” Majored in sociology because it didn’t require too many hours, could take lots of other courses. Also, really loved professor Ed Mitchell’s criminology class. “That’s where I got my first taste of law enforcement. I didn’t think about it as a career until several years later, but Mitchell’s class really set my imagination on fire.” Jobs were scarce when he graduated. Tried to find some entry-level job in a business or corporation. But everyone wanted either business administration grads or people with experience. “I even took the test for a federal government job, but I didn’t do well enough to get ahead of those guys who had been in the military. They kind of went to the head of the line, so to speak.” Only job available was working in a meat packing plant. His ability to speak Spanish was key. Many meat workers were Spanish speakers even then. Helped him move up to foreman after about a year. Also played for a semi-pro football team for three years. “Man, that was tough. I thought college ball was physical, but some of those semi-pro guys were suicidal. And you were playing with second rate equipment. Hell, you even had to buy your own helmet. Actually, they took it out of your pay, so the first half of my first season I was paying off the helmet.” After a little more than 3 yrs at the meat packing plant, got a call from a local FBI agent asking if there were any Spanish-speaking college grads at the plant. FBI needed Spanish-speaking agents. Vargas couldn’t think of any other than himself. Wasn’t sure he was interested.
“But then I got another call from the agent and he said, ‘Why don’t you give it a try?’ So I figured, what the hell, I’ll take a shot at it and I bombed completely.” After that he got a job at the university supervising maintenance crews, but the agent called again. That was about the time he married Ellen, his sweetheart from college. “I wasn’t sure it was worth trying to take the test again, but this guy was persuasive. I flew back to Washington to take this test I was sure I would fail, so I really didn’t care. That attitude must have worked because I aced the thing.” Less than a month later, he was sent to the FBI training center at Quantico, Va. Split his time for next 17 weeks between Quantico and Washington. After training sent with Ellen to El Paso, Texas. First job was trailing a KGB agent from Soviet Union who was getting information from someone on the Ft. Bliss Army base. Had to trail agent w/o being seen and get enough photos and information on his travels through Texas, Mexico and Cuba that he would be worthless to KGB as an agent. The plan worked. KGB realized its agent was known. Stopped using him or gathering information from Ft. Bliss. “I don’t know who on the base was giving out information or whether it was intentional or simply carelessness. That end was handled by someone else, but I think they did get that leak plugged.” While Vargas working on this assignment, Ellen gave birth to their first child, a son named Edgar. He next went to Denver where he was assigned to help with the investigation of a group of militant Chicanos. “I was only one of 45 Mexican Americans employed by the FBI at this time. So we received a lot of assignments dealing with Mexican gangs and drug dealing.” First assignment over quickly. The gang was suspected of making bombs. Were being tailed while delivering bombs to others in gang. “These guys were real amateurs, though. They didn’t know how to handle the explosives, and they blew themselves up, all except one guy who had left the car to buy some beer from a liquor store. He was pretty shaken when he came out and saw what happened. But we picked him up and he spilled all the details when we questioned him.” Next assignment was undercover doing sting operation on robbers and burglars in the Denver area. This was first of several undercover assignments.
Review E xerc i s e s
Vargas and team set up a sting operation in Denver. He posed as a fence for stolen goods. Guys with stolen property came to him to unload it. “They didn’t know they were selling their booty to a federal agent. Nor did they know they were being photographed, videotaped and audio taped throughout the whole process. So it was easy to go back and arrest all of them.” Worked that for more than 2 1/2 years. Made many arrests. Still holds the record for sting arrests in the state of Colorado. From Denver he was sent to Miami. Family had grown to two children with birth of daughter, Daniella. In Miami, his first target was gangs of Haitian revolutionaries. Jean-Claude Duvalier was the ruthless dictator of Haiti. Had the nickname Baby Doc. But U.S. State Dept. saw Duvalier as a bulwark against spread of Communism in Caribbean and Central America. “Knowing what I knew about conditions in Haiti, I kind of hated to bring some of these guys in. If I’d been a Haitian, I probably would have been trying to get rid of Baby Doc Duvalier myself. But I don’t set policy.” Helped round up most of the revolutionaries, about 20; rest fled U.S. Much of rest of career was focused on drugs. “95percent of all cocaine that comes into the United States moves through Miami. That was true then and it’s still true now.” His assignment was working on air transport of illegal drugs. He used impounded planes to make contact with dealers, to buy and sell drugs and build cases for arrest of dealers. “Some of the deals I worked on involved 150 to 300kilos of cocaine. When you consider that one key of cocaine at that time sold for $2,500 on the streets, well, you can see a lot of money was involved.” Most of the information FBI used came from former dealers or couriers who were in trouble with one or another of the South American drug cartels. “Once you got crossways with one of the drug cartels, you needed to find some protection, and the FBI could offer that. It was from sources like these that we learned that most of the drugs coming into the U.S. were being smuggled in small, single-engine planes that could carry about 150 keys.” Vargas offered tips for students interested in career in FBI.
“You should never do drugs, not even once. The FBI will find out and most likely you won’t get the job. Also, you should learn a foreign language, and today, it would be best to learn Russian or Chinese as these are the new drug traffickers and violent gangs entering the world market.” Vargas now retired. Living in Cleveland area with wife. Children grown and in college, one at Ohio State and one at Penn State.
3. Interviews with Spelling Champions Next week the State Spelling Bee will be held in your community. The winner of the competition will go to the National Spelling Bee, which is held in Washington, D.C. You have found the names of five people who won your state’s spelling bee in past years and you want to write a story about them, their recollections of the event, how it affected their lives and what word they misspelled. Your notes from the five interviews follow. The material in quotation marks is direct quotation from the subject and may be quoted directly. All other material is paraphrased. Use this information to write your story. Wendy L. Shavers of Cotter Creek Born Wendy Langston. Won state Spelling Bee 35 years ago. Was 14 at the time. Went to school in the same town where she lives now. Misspelled “turnstile.” Had excuse. At the time there was a chain of department stores in the area called Turn Style. Remembered seeing the name on the store and in newspaper advertisements for the store. So when she was given that word to spell, she spelled it the same as the department store chain. Now she thinks about it all the time. “Every time I walk through a turnstile, I think about that. I had gotten so many harder words right, and I go out on ‘turnstile.’” Finished 20th at the national bee. Came home and was a successful student at Cotter Creek H.S. Graduated 3rd in her class and won a scholarship to a state university. Scholarship didn’t pay for everything she needed. And she met Cole Shavers. Fell in love and married him. He was two years older and had graduated. Wendy dropped out to help him start a business, but Cole died 7 years later in a car accident. The business—a hardware store—failed. Had a 4 yr. old sonto raise, so she took a job as a truck driver.
“There were damn few women driving over-theroad trucks when I started. And the other guys were not friendly to me. And the long stretches away from home were hard. But the money was so good, I was determined to stick it out. I’m lucky my mom and sister lived in town so they could keep an eye on Jimmy as he was growing up.” Never remarried. Still loves words. “I’m addicted to crossword puzzles. I’ll do them in almost any newspaper, except the New York Times. Ionly do that when I’m brave.” Todd Drolshagen, 2604 Alabama Av Competed in the bee 22 years ago at 13 yrs old. In 8th grade at North Middle Sch. Prepping for bee taught good study habits. Helped later in H.S. and college. Graduated at top of class from North H.S. and went to Stanford University. “It shaped the study habits for the rest of my life. It helped me develop a tolerance for really diligent, repetitive study that I used in high school and college.” Bee also helped him bond with his mom, Daniella Drolshagen—died 3 yrs ago. Spent 2 evenings every week with his mother studying for the bee. “It really brought us closer together. A teenage boy doesn’t have a lot in common with his mother, but those memories are something I’ll never forget.” Was nervous from start at nationals. Didn’t recognize the first word he was asked to spell—paronymous. “I swear, the guy who read that word mispronounced it or I didn’t hear it or something. I thought almost every vowel in the word was an a. So I spelled it p-a-r-a-n-a-m-o-u-s. And that’s how I ended my spelling career.” Studied public affairs at Stanford and returned to work in city government. Is now director of the City Code Enforcement Board. Has held the job for 8 yrs. Paronymous—derived from the same root; a cognate. Tonya Livermore, Chicago Won the state spelling bee 18 years ago. Was in 8th grade at Kennedy Middle Sch. “I loved the atmosphere at the nationals. Everywhere we went we were treated like royalty. We got attention from the media, from politicians, from almost
everyone. That’s what sparked my interest in performing, that’s what made me want to be on stage.” After H.S., went to Northwestern University to study music. She specializes in religious music and broadway show tunes. Did some acting in Chicago and New York. Eight yrs ago returned to Chicago, got teaching certificate. Now teaches music to middle and elementary school children in Chicago. Also performs occasionally in community theater productions, esp in the summers. “The spelling bee was a great experience. It gave me a lot of confidence and opened up a lot of different people and opportunities.” The word she misspelled was “pelisse.” “I had no idea what it meant. The judge said it was a long cloak or outer robe. I certainly didn’t know how to spell it. I don’t remember what spelling I gave it, but I know I was way off.” Clara Warneky, 428 N. Wilkes Rd. Won the state bee 28 years ago. Was 13 yrs old and in 7th grade at Colonial Middle. Of the 108 in the national bee, she finished roughly in the middle of the pack. The word she missed was “acetone.” Knew what it was because father was a painter and had used it as a solvent. Had seen containers of it. But botched the spelling of it. “I was deeply disappointed by that. I knew how to spell that word. But I guess I just got nervous or overconfident or whatever. Anyway, that’s how I was eliminated.” “The trip to D.C. did reinforce my love of words, though. I wasn’t so disappointed that I didn’t continue reading and studying. I still love to read. I read almost everything I can get my hands on. My big love is biographies. I finished a biography of F.D.R. last week, and I’m working on a book on Rachel Carson now.” “I’d love to be a writer. That’s always been and still is my dream. With work and family, I don’t have time for it now. Maybe in a few years I’ll be able to sit down and try to write something of my own.” Thinks she inherited her passion. Mother, grandmother and brother were all ace spellers and all voracious readers.
Review E xerc i s e s
Works as a manager for Hertz car rental. Has held job for 15 years. Her oldest daughter, Karen, 15, seems to share interest in words and writing. But she may not be interested in competing in spelling bees. “I told my husband I had to see if she has the gift. My other two children are younger, so I don’t know if they’re going to have it too. I’ll have to see later if they have the gift and the desire.” Colin Castilango, Eureka, Calif. Placed 18th in the National Spelling Bee 48 years ago. Was a 7th grader at North Middle—then called North Jr. High.
Won $50 because of 18th place finish. Disappointed because his grandmother had promised him $100 if he won. “That was a lot of money then. Now, you can spend $100 in the time it takes to sneeze.” After H.S. went to the state university and graduated cum laude with a degree in teaching. Took a job teaching English to H.S. students in San Jose, Calif. Taught for about 35 years and spent last few years as district coordinator for teaching literature in H.S. Retired 3 yrs ago. Still loves words and considers them magical. “I dream about words. I dream about pronouncing them, spelling them and teaching them. I just love words.” Continues to teach, but now teaching English to refugees in Eureka area. Taught a woman from G uatemala how to read. After reading her first book the woman “thrust her hands into the air to thank God and then gave me a big hug.” “Getting gifts like those makes it easy to go to work.” Tries to keep his income below the level at which he must pay federal income tax. “I don’t want a penny of my money going for these wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. They’re stupid and wasteful. When I saw on TV one of my last students had been killed in Iraq, I just broke down in tears. Why do we have to do this?” Misspelled “plebiscite” to lose the national contest. “I spelled it p-l-e-b-e-s-c-i-t-e. Too many e’s and not enough i’s. I didn’t even know what it meant. Now, I know what it means and why it’s important.”
12 “In the English language, it all comes down to this: Twenty-six letters, when combined correctly, can create magic. Twenty-six
eature stories are everywhere—in magazines and newspapers, on radio, TV and podcasts and online. They can be an emotional story about an illegal immigrant’s escape
from death while crossing the sea, an adventure story about traveling in a submarine or an informative story about holiday celebrations in various countries.
letters form the foundation of a free, informed society.” John Grogan, journalist, non-fiction writer and author of Marley and Me
Audiences like feature stories, also called “human-interest” stories, because they say something about life. Features are soft news because they exclude the news element of immediacy found in hard news stories. Journalists borrow techniques from short stories, often using descriptions, sensory details, quotations, anecdotes and even personification. They might use characterization, scene setting, plot structure and other novelistic elements to dramatize a story’s theme and to add more details. Yet feature stories are journalism, not fiction or creative writing. Everything is factual; nothing is made up. After all, fact can be stranger than fiction. Features are fair and balanced, based on verifiable information. They also are objective—they are not essays or editorials.
Finding Story Ideas and Gathering Information
Almost everything one sees or does has a story behind it—journalists just have to open their eyes and ears. Feature writers find ideas by being curious and observant. News stories may provide spin-off topics for features. A story on a restaurant that closed because it failed inspections may prompt a sidebar on federal cleanliness standards. A report on Trump’s wall between Mexico and the United States may generate stories on types of walls, the labor required to build them, farmers and ranchers affected by the wall and more. A general news story about a hurricane may spark human-interest stories about the reactions of victims, heroism in crises and other “people” angles that bring natural disasters into sharper focus.
Finding Stor y Idea s and Gathering Information The concept of universal needs can also help journalists find stories and attract large audiences—one of the major news elements. Universal needs are those that all human beings have in common: food, clothing, shelter, love, health, approval, belonging, self-esteem, job satisfaction, entertainment and more. Audiences are interested in ways to satisfy those needs. For example, the intersection of health and children might be a story on how the acid in soft drinks corrodes tooth enamel. Sources could be dentists (authorities), parents (affected individuals) and prosthodontists (those who make dentures for children). Visuals might include corroded teeth, dentures for children, people interviewed and an animated timeline of corrosion. Table 12.1 presents a universal needs chart; completing such a chart can help reporters think of ideas for stories. After selecting an interesting topic, journalists narrow it down to a central point that emphasizes, perhaps, a single person, situation or episode. If they fail to identify a central point, their stories become long and disorganized. This leaves audiences confused, and they will quit the story because the point is lost. Journalists personally visit and observe the places they write about, and they interview people in their customary surroundings. They also research the story’s background to ask good questions when interviewing sources and to provide context when writing. Reporters use all their senses; record how people move, speak and dress; and use descriptive verbs instead of adjectives and adverbs. They give audience members a reason to care about the subject. For the lead of his article “New Leash on Life: Group Finds Old Pets New Homes,” Mike Householder described his observations from his visit to a unique
TABLE 12.1
Using courtroom testimony and details of the case to construct a moving narrative of a woman who survived a brutal attack, TheStranger’s Eli Sanders earned a Pulitzer for feature writing.
Universal Needs Food
Parental instincts
Premature births
Breast milk and formulas
Socializing; the use of candy as a reward
Homeless numbers
Fast food
Dorms vs. apartments
Young Adults
Meal kit delivery services
Restaurant costs
Housing costs
Sleep and being a new parent
Ordering online: grocery store deliveries
Social Security
Self-Esteem Importance of smiles
Soft drinks and teeth
Watching TV
Leaving for college
Free medical clinics
Suicides after breakups
STDs Insurance fees
Peer pressure
Unemployment Incomes
In the workplace Stereotyping
F E AT U R E S T O R IE S animal rescue facility. The story described the circumstances and successful placement of older pets into new homes: A 15-year-old cat. A 14-year-old dog with a mouthful of bad teeth, a wart on his head and a kidney infection. Even a 17-year-old parakeet named Bubba. Tyson’s Place Animal Rescue helps old pets find new homes. While gathering the information for feature stories, journalists consult several sources, perhaps a half-dozen or more, to obtain a well-rounded account. Theygather two or three times as much information as they can use in the story, then discard all but the most telling details. Gathering a lot of information is essential to helping the reporter understand more about the issue or event.
Parts of Feature Stories Journalists are creative in writing human-interest stories. Skilled writers use different techniques for the lead, body and ending, depending on the type of feature. Great feature stories capture people’s attention and carry them along like a flowing river. Before they know it, they have reached the end.
The Lead of a Feature Story The only requirement for the lead of a feature story is that it interests people, making them want to stay with the story to learn more. The story can start with either a summary lead or a type of alternative lead (described in Chapters 7 and8, respectively). One cannot help but admire the flowing prose in the lead of “Nation Marks Lives Lost and Hopeful Signs of Healing,” a story written to commemorate Sept.11. The anniversary narrative by Robert McFadden and his colleagues appeared in The New York Times: Once more the leaden bells tolled in mourning, loved ones recited the names of the dead at ground zero, and a wounded but resilient A merica paused yesterday to remember the calamitous day when terrorist explosions rumbled like summer thunder and people fell from the sky. This lead rises to the solemn occasion it represents. It is an emotional, heavy and poetic lead that embodies great sorrow and history. It causes people to pause and reflect, which is the intended effect. Not all stories can carry this type of lead. Yet, no matter what kind writers choose for a feature story, they try to make it as unique as possible. Dick Thien, a founding editor of USA Today, advised that some leads—such as questions, figures of speech and shockers—generally sound trite and should be used sparingly. His list of cliché leads to avoid is available on the Society of Professional Journalists’ website.
The Body of a Feature Story Like the lead, the body of a feature story takes many forms. The inverted-pyramid style may be appropriate for some features and chronological order for others.
Par t s of Feature Storie s
Regardless of the form or style chosen, every feature is coherent. All the facts fit together smoothly and logically. Transitions, which are usually brief, guide the audience from one segment of the story to the next and clearly reveal the relationship between those segments. They might ask a question, announce shifts in time or place or link ideas by repeating key words or phrases. Journalists write concisely and never waste their audience’s time. Features emphasize lively details—the action—and they provide an occasional change of pace. James L. Edwards III of the Lansing State Journal varied his sentence length to emphasize the tension felt by a local golfer in an important game: Nathan Clark knew the pressure was on. (7-word lead.) By the time the former Mason High School and Michigan State golfer . . . The 45-word sentence that made up the second paragraph established the golfer’s connection to the community and identified the tournament and his main competitor. The 54-year-old Matthiesen . . . The 35 words in the third paragraph, composed of two sentences of 19 and 16words, described Clark’s competitor. The graph ended with: And Clark knew he would have to refrain from any serious missteps tohave a chance. He did just that. (4 words) The next paragraph described who won the tournament (40 words), followed by a narrative about the tournament and quotes from the winner. A good journalist uses quotes sparingly. Instead, he or she might use several paragraphs of narrative, followed by some quotations to explain an idea, then some description and finally more quotations or narrative. Journalists use observation to illustrate character and personality. Instead of summarizing that a student was timid, they describe how the person acted or what he or she did: sat quietly in the back corner of the room; listened, but never talked in class; or blushed and stammered when (correctly) answering questions. Successful feature writers use elements such as characterization, setting, plot and subplot, conflict, time, dialogue and narrative. They plan the beginning, middle and end. They reveal the character of the people they write about with quotations and descriptions of mannerisms, body language, appearance, dress, age, preferences, prejudices, use of personal space and a host of other traits. The setting reveals the subject’s character and provides context for the audience to understand the subject. Geography and family may influence physical and mental traits, determine life span and impact ways of earning a living. Journalists This story shares the experience of Sebastian Montiel and Sasha tell where a subject grew up, what the person’s Rivera—two transgender teenagers. The article includes a sidebar with surroundings are now and how these factors a glossary of terms and ends with resources for transgender youths.
F E AT U R E S T O R IE S contribute to who he or she is. Such touches of description sprinkled throughout a story show what the subject is like. The plot often describes the obstacles that lie between the subjects and their goals. The resolution of conflict presents the theme of most human-interest stories. The main variations are the clashes between humans and nature, humans and their inner self, and humans and humans. As journalists ask people about events in their lives, plots naturally emerge. Often a subplot materializes, a secondary line of action that runs in counterpoint to the main action and either helps or hinders the person’s progress. If journalists listen and identify plot and subplot elements as the subject tells the story, a natural order appears. Time is handled in a variety of ways. To organize some types of features, journalists use a dramatic episode in the present as an opener, then flash back to the beginning of the story and bring it forward in chronological order. Reporters can foreshadow the future or build in a series of flashbacks arranged in the order of occurrence. Feature stories need dialogue. Journalists use quotes to show temperament, personality, plot, events, time, customs or continuity. They are careful to select only the best, most revealing quotes, and use them sparingly. For example, a former running back for the San Diego Chargers, LaDainian Tomlinson, was recently inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Associated Press (AP) journalist Barry Wilner chose two short paragraphs from Tomlinson’s induction speech about “Team America” to show why he received standing ovations from the audience during his passionate talk about Americans working together: “Football is a microcosm of American,” Tomlinson said. “All races, religions and creeds, living, playing, competing side by side. When you’re part of a team, you understand your teammates—their strengths and weaknesses—and work together toward the same goal, to win a championship. “Let’s not choose [in America] to be against one another. Let’s choose to be for one another. . . . I pray we dedicate ourselves to being the best team we can be, working and living together, representing the highest ideals of mankind. Leading the way for all nations to follow.” Whereas journalists use dialogue for impact, their narrative weaves the story together. Wilner wrote the following narrative to lead his story: “As he so often did in the field, LaDainian Tomlinson stole the show.” Narrative introduces, summarizes, arranges, creates flow and transitions and links one idea to the next. Narratives are often unobtrusive and subtle, helping to guide the flow of the story.
The Ending of a Feature Story A feature has a satisfying conclusion, perhaps an anecdote, quote, key word or phrase repeated in some surprising or meaningful way. Journalists avoid ending a feature story with a summary. These endings are too likely to state the obvious or to be repetitious, flat or boring. For example, a story about children on an unusual field trip would not end with a summary sentence such as “And they all had a good time.”
Type s of Feature Storie s
Some endings come back around to the beginning. For example, the body of Householder’s story on Tyson’s Place Animal Rescue (see pp. 257–258 earlier in this chapter) uses Bosco, the “14-year-old rat terrier with the lousy choppers” to show how the shelter cares for the health of animals. The story ends with a quote that lets readers know the older dog is now in a good home: Eventually, Jen Wilson and her husband, Frank, came forward for Bosco, giving him a new home in Grand Rapids, where the now-15-year-old is rarely seen without his little tail wagging behind him. “We adore this dog. We love him,” Jen Wilson said. “I started it with: ‘Let’sjust give this dog a loving home throughout the last of his life, lovehim through his golden years and not get too attached.’ “Well, that definitely didn’t happen.” After finishing a feature, a professional is likely to edit and rewrite the narrative many times. He or she will also angle the feature for a particular audience, publication or news program, emphasizing the story’s relevance and importance to it.
Types of Feature Stories Feature stories come in a wide variety. The following sections describe a few of the most common types.
Profiles or Personality Features Profiles describe interesting people—individuals who may have overcome a disability, had a unique hobby, pursued an unusual career or became famous because of their colorful personalities. Profiles reveal the person’s character. They make audiences feel as if they know the person. Profiles do more than list achievements or dates, minutiae that no one remembers anyway. To gather the necessary information, feature writers observe their subjects at work; visit them at home; and interview their friends, relatives and business associates. Completed profiles quote and describe the subjects. The best profiles are so revealing that readers, listeners and viewers feel as though they have actually talked to the person. Here’s a shortened version of Sarah Lyall’s profile of Daniel Tammet. Published in The New York Times, the full story The Oklahoman staff writer Juliana Keeping won a national feature writing award for her four-part series about a dance teacher strugdescribes his childhood troubles that stemmed gling with cancer while organizing an anticipated dance recital. Keepfrom Asperger’s syndrome and his ability to cope ing discovered the former Flamenco expert transformed the lives of with ordinary daily routines because of the love her young pupils. The story and a podcast with the writer are available of his family. on the newspaper’s website.
Conflict (news element) with others and within himself. Surprises! Numbers can be similar to people. Unusual (another news element). Reason for the story—overcoming struggles.
F E AT U R E S T O R IE S Bullied by other children and bewildered by ordinary life, Daniel Tammet
➧ ➧ ➧
spent his early years burrowed deep inside the world of numbers. They were his companions and his solace, living, breathing things that enveloped him with their shapes and textures and colors. He still loves them and needs them; he can still do extraordinary things with them, like perform complicated calculations instantly in his head, far beyond the capacity of an ordinary calculator. But Mr. Tammet, who at the age of 25 received a diagnosis of Asperger’s syndrome, a high-functioning form of autism, has made a difficult and self-conscious journey out of his own mind.
Direct quote to follow up prior sentence. Journalist’s personal observations from interviewing the subject in his home.
“I live in two countries, one of the mind and one of the body, one of numbers and one of people,” he said recently. Slight and soft-spoken, dressed in a T-shirt and casual combat-style pants, he sat cross-legged in his living room and sipped a cup of tea, one of several he drinks at set times each day.
Draws in the audience—they are privy to the conversation in the room.
Examples to support prior sentence.
➧ ➧
Not so long ago, even a conversation like this one would have been prohibitively difficult for Mr. Tammet, now 28. As he describes in his newlypublished memoir, “Born on a Blue Day: Inside the Extraordinary Mind of an Autistic Savant,” he has willed himself to learn what to do. Offeravisitor a drink; look her in the eye; don’t stand in someone else’sspace. These are all conscious decisions. Mr. Tammet’s book is an elegant account of how his condition has informed his life, a rare first-person insight into a mysterious and confounding disorder. He is unusual not just because of his lucid
Observation. Journalist verifies, asking subject to demonstrate what he says he does. Example of being a “savant” (unusual) to educate audiences. More examples of being a “savant” (unusual) to educate audiences. Prominence.
Use of present tense to show this is happening now.
➧ ➧ ➧ ➧ ➧ ➧ ➧ ➧
writingstyle and his ability to analyze his own thoughts and behavior,butalso because he is one of fewer than 100 “prodigious savants”—autistic or otherwise mentally impaired people with spectacular, almost preternatural skills—in the world, according to Dr. Darold Treffert, a researcher of savant syndrome. He wears his gift lightly, casually. When he gets nervous, he said, he sometimes reverts to a coping strategy he employed as a child: he multiplies two over and over again, each result emitting in his head bright silvery sparks until he is enveloped by fireworks of them. He demonstrated, reciting the numbers to himself, and in a moment had reached 1,048,276—2 to the 20th power. He speaks 10 languages, including Lithuanian, Icelandic and Esperanto and has invented his own language, Manti. In 2004, he raised money for an epilepsy charity by memorizing and publicly reciting the number pi to 22,514 digits— a new European record. In addition to Asperger’s, he has the rare gift of synesthesia, which allows him to see numbers as having shapes, colors and textures; he also assigns them personalities. His unusual mind has been studied repeatedly by researchers in Britain and the United States. Mr. Tammet sees himself as an ambassador and advocate for people with autism.
Type s of Feature Storie s
have sorrow; they do experience ups and downs like everyone else. We may not have the same ability to manage those emotions as others have, but they’re there, and sometimes our experience of
“Autistic people do fall in love,” he said. “They do have joy; they do
Direct quote to support prior sentence. Also, audiences identify with joy, sorrow, ups and downs.
them is far more intense than the experience of other people.”
discomfited by disturbances like a suddenly ringing telephone, a last-minute change of plans or a friend’s unexpected visit. When hegets upset, he paces in circles. He splashes water on his face exactly five times each morning, and cannot leave the house without first counting the items of clothing he is wearing.
➧ ➧
But he is not an easy person to live with, Mr. Tammet said. He is
A contrast to the prior sentiment.
Examples to support discomfiture.
Historical Features Historical features commemorate important events, such as the Boston Tea Party, the Civil War or the Great Depression. The 100th anniversary of the beginning of World War I inspired a number of historical features. Stories on 9/11 memorialize the tragedy every year. News organizations also note the anniversaries of the births and deaths of famous people with feature stories. Current events can inspire historical features. If a tornado, flood or earthquake strikes the city, news organizations will likely present stories about earlier disasters. Stories of this type might also describe famous landmarks, pioneers and philosophies; improvements in educational, entertainment, medical and transportation facilities; and changes in an area’s racial composition, housing patterns, food, industries, growth, religions and wealth. In observance of Black History Month, Matt Miller of the Lansing State Journal researched and wrote a story commemorating the 25th anniversary of a black student sit-in at Michigan State University. Building at 4:31 p.m. Dozens more came in behindthem. They broughtbooks and blankets and waited innearsilence for almost anhour. Jeffrey Robinson, head of the campus NAACP chapter and son of a prominent Detroit minister, broke it. “The Administration building is supposed to close at 5:30 p.m.,” hesaid, “but we’re going to stay.” It was 1989, the 9th of May, a Tuesday, the culmination of discontent. No single incident sparked the protest. Over the winter, black students had first asked and then demanded that the university do more to address racism on campus and the academic success of black students. They felt they’d been brushed off, that the people in power weren’t listening. “There was this yearning, this desire for us to make a statement and have that statement heard and responded to by the administration,” said Robinson, who is now the principal of Paul Robeson Malcolm X Academy in Detroit.
➧ ➧ ➧ ➧ ➧ ➧ ➧
The first students arrived at Michigan State University’s A dministration
Chronological order to describe events. Unusual (news element) draws in audience, who doesn’t know what is happening yet. Contrast. Direct quote to support prior sentence. Audience now knows this is a flashback. Explanation for the event. Direct quote to support prior sentence. Flash forward to the present. (Great to have found original subject!)
Pamela Colloff, a national award-winning journalist and former executive editor at Texas Monthly, includes interviews, photographs, police reports and video in her story on how being a victim of the 1966 University of Texas Tower shooting changed Claire Wilson’s life. Colloffalso weaves in information about more recent school shootings.
Prominence of “world’s most.” Present tense, use of second person to put audience with the journalist, who personally visited and observed the volcano.
The full story continues with descriptions of the peaceful protest, sit-ins at other universities, interviews with those same students who are now alumni, and the sentiment of black students today. Visual communication components include a timeline of events that led to the demonstration and photos of the sit-in and rallies that occurred for eight days.
Adventure Features
Adventure features describe unusual and exciting experiences—perhaps the story of someone who fought in a war, survived an airplane crash, climbed a mountain, sailed around the world or experienced another country. Many writers begin with the action, the story’s most interesting and dramatic moments, and use quotations and descriptions. Karin Stanton of the AP wrote her adventure in first and second person to draw in her readers. She used description to enable readers to imagine standing on the edge of a volcano:
When the world’s most active volcano begins belching molten rock into the ocean, you’ve got to see it. Thick, heavy clouds of steam cover the entire shoreline, and each new lava flow adds to the island’s land mass—an additional 550
Journalist uses powers of observation to describe what she sees and hears and the second person to bring the audience with her.
acres at last count. Sounds are whipped away by the wind, but when the wind dies momentarily, you can hear the lava snapping and popping—a reminder that land is being created, right at your feet. A gaggle of volcano-watchers stood within eyebrow-singeing range
The phrase “gaggle of volcanowatchers” better than “tourists.”
of an oozing-sizzling, foot-wide finger of lava flowing from Kilauea to the sea. A wider glob moved at a snail’s pace to the edge of a cliff and toppled off. The glowing frost grayed as it cooled. The wind was scorching and relentless.
Stanton tucked in other information as the story continued, including the history of Kilauea, Big Island, and the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Readers also learn tips on the best way to experience the volcano.
Seasonal Features
The Arctic’s natural beauty lies at the center of this historical feature by Nellie Huang.
Editors and news directors often assign feature stories about seasons and holidays: Christmas, Easter, Hanukkah, Ramadan, the Fourth of July and Martin Luther King Day. Journalists find new angles to make them interesting. Stories about international holidays, such as this one from AP, also are informative and entertaining. The journalist continued his story by tracing the traditional rituals for celebrating the holiday.
Type s of Feature Storie s
on Thursday by giving out 15,000 envelopes stuffed with cash to people in his hometown. President Chen Shuibian handed out a comparable $5.80 in every envelope, totaling about $87,000 in the southern farm village of Kauntien. He ran out of envelopes before he got to the end of a line that stretched out about two miles. People traditionally begin lining up at dawn to get an envelope, which they believe brings them good luck. People of all ages lined up and patiently shuffled past the sheds, machine shops and traditional low-slung farmhouses with tile roofs in Kauntien. There were mothers clutching babies sucking on milk bottles, elderly men dressed in pinstriped suits and teenagers in sweatshirts and baseball caps. All were celebrating the new Year ofthe Ram.
➧ ➧ ➧ ➧ ➧ ➧
Taiwan’s leader marked the first day of the Chinese Lunar New Year
Unusual (news element). Translates currency to dollars so audience can identify and have context. Helps audience imagine the line.
Answers “why” the people line up.
Verbs and description from personal observation. Description of the “people in his hometown” from the lead.
Explanatory Features Explanatory features (also called “local situation” or “interpretive” features or “sidebars”) often are the result of other news stories or accompany them. In these, journalists provide more detailed descriptions or explanations of organizations, activities, trends or ideas in the news. Explanatory features might localize national events or personalize an issue or event. After news stories describe the federal health care reform law, an explanatory feature might highlight how it will affect individuals from different socioeconomic levels or with diverse health issues. An editor might couple a story about a family that won a lottery with a feature on how others who won are doing today.
How-to-Do-It Features This type of feature tells audiences how to a ccomplish a psychological or physical task, such as keeping emotions in check at the office or communicating better with roommates. Stories might focus on strengthening a marriage or overcoming shyness. They can explain how to find a reputable tattooist or how to live on a shoestring budget while in college. Journalists gather preliminary information from several sources, including books, magazines and online articles. They also interview experts and get tips from people who have done what their stories describe. In addition, good reporters try to observe or participate in the procedure. For instance, they might watch a pet masseuse to better understand the topic. Journalists divide the task into simple, clear, easy-to-follow steps. They tell the public what materials the procedure requires and what it will cost in money and time. They often include a chart or end such stories with a list or summary of the process. Stories might range from how to make glasses to watch the solar eclipse to how to tie a tie to how to use silverware properly. Kate Nolan of the Gannett News Service wrote a story on teen sleep deficit. It described a Scottsdale, Arizona, teen whose schoolwork, athletics and job were
Executive pastry chef Jason Etzkin puts one of 2,100 gingerbread bricks onto a holiday season gingerbread house in the lobby of the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco. Holiday traditions and activities often provide ideas for timely f eature stories.
F E AT U R E S T O R IE S keeping him up until 1:30 a.m. almost every night. He finally became so tired he slept for a week. The syndicated story included tips on how to recognize a problem and suggestions for solving it. In one newspaper, the layout included sidebars and charts on the recommended hours of sleep at different stages of life, statistics on sleep-deprived teenagers’ problems at school and advice on helping teenagers get their nine hours of needed sleep.
Occupation or Hobby Features Journalists might prepare feature stories about occupations that are dangerous (mining) or hobbies that are highly specialized (rock climbing). Or they could report on a job many people think is boring (being a server at a restaurant) and turn it into something exciting (meeting celebrities while working on the job). An AP journalist discovered a worker who found her job as a short-order cook rewarding: Journalist personal observation to watch the subject at work in the diner’s kitchen.
Twenty-nine-year-old Jordyn James is going through a lot of eggs this morning. “Eggs are the easiest to do,” James said, barely looking up from the yellow batter on the stovetop to glance at the seven tickets dangling in front of her. “With eggs, you can do a lot of things at one time. I
Unusual (news element). Draws in audience to read further to find out why.
can work on about six orders simultaneously.”
James cracks one after another, and carton after carton is tossed out. Her hands are working at lightning speed, turning the eggs into scrambled, over easy, Benedict and poached.
Present tense used to make the audience feel as if they are also watching James.
“You know, I’ve done a lot of other things with my time . . .” James pauses to place a basket of hash browns on the counter, “. . . but there wasn’t anything that makes me as happy as this.”
Collectors and crafts enthusiasts often make good subjects for feature stories because they are passionately involved and often eccentric, quotable and entertaining. Strange or trendy hobbies and interests, such as noodling, duct tape art and taphophilia (a love of funerals, graves and cemeteries), also make good topics because they tend to involve colorful characters.
Behind-the-Scenes Features Behind-the-scenes features convey a sense of immediacy, allowing the audience to see, feel, taste, touch, smell and understand the “backstage” work that goes into an event. Journalists look for people who perform jobs out of the public eye but essential to many citizens. They interview sources, visit them on location and use the source’s own words to tell the story. They also include details they observe, such as atmosphere, working conditions, physical appearance of people and their workspace, specialized terms and conversations between workers. A story about a dairy farm and the milking process became more exciting when readers were enticed by a headline to “Meet Ellie,” the matriarch cow of the farm. RJ Wolcott wrote a 19-paragraph profile about Ellie, describing her age (“The 11-anda-half-year-old Holstein is two years older than the next eldest cow on the farm”),
Type s of Feature Storie s
personality (“not a troublemaker”) and appearance to readers (“Her dark-colored eyes shined bright as she hung her head below a nearby guard rail”). As readers followed Ellie through her day, they also learned about the inner workings of a dairy farm and the milking process. “Ellie contributed 28 pounds of milk during her time at the milking parlor . . . The 15-minute process involves . . . Over her lifetime, Ellie has given more than 240,000 pounds of milk, which becomes . . . Once the milking is done, . . .” Readers also learn interesting tidbits about the calves, the bulls, the naming process and when they could visit the farm.
Participatory Features
For his feature story on the Foo Fighters, Barry Nicolson spent three days with the band as it prepared for the 2017 Glastonbury Festival.
Participatory features give another kind of inside view, this time through the senses of a journalist who is actually experiencing an event or situation. Reporters might immerse themselves totally into the world of a police officer on patrol or a chimney sweep on the job. They arrange such experiences with the person they are shadowing or that person’s supervisor, making it clear that they are journalists and will write a story about the experience that will appear in the media. Whereas news stories are usually written in the third person, with the journalist as a neutral observer or outsider, feature stories can be written in the first person, addressing audience members directly. For example, Casey Jones and her fiancé decided to start their marriage by dispensing with television. Her participatory feature described the year they spent in a TV-free home. She organized the year into subheads: The Plan, The Beginning, The Adjusting, The Verdict. She ended with the following sentence: “For now, as peculiar as it may seem, this TV-free experience is giving us a priceless gift: the ability to kick off our marriage with a solid foundation of communication.”
Other Types of Feature Stories Successful journalists find the human interest on all reporting beats and topics— politics, medicine, sports, business, technology, education, medical and science. Reporters find individuals affected by the status quo or by change. They look for emotion. The narratives may portray typical conditions or unique aberrations to common systems, but they all include a human element. Journalists gather facts from documents, experts and individuals affected by a situation to give a story context and to present it on a personal level. They might talk to family and friends of individuals who are subjects for the story. They use quotes, allowing subjects to tell about their experiences and feelings. Journalists go to the scene of the story—a person’s home or a place of business, for example. They observe the details found in the physical surroundings and in people’s mannerisms and body language. Other elements such as smell, sounds, taste or texture make the story more interesting and realistic, drawing the reader into the narrative.
The Reporter’s Guide to Features 1. Select a topic likely to interest a large number of readers. Often a spin-off from a major news story or event can be such a topic. 2. Profiles or personality features reveal the character of the person who is the subject. 3. Historical features may be pegged to anniversaries, describe famous leaders or landmarks or illuminate trends. 4. Adventure features describe what happened to people who had unusual experiences, such as climbing a mountain or surviving a plane crash. 5. Seasonal features are tied to holidays, annual events or changes in the weather. 6. Explanatory features might illuminate new scientific
8. Hobby or occupation features describe what people with unusual hobbies or in interesting jobs do. 9. Behind-the-scenes features take readers or viewers backstage, describing what is involved in making a public event happen. 10. Participatory features often involve the journalists in the actions they are describing. 11. Feature stories are more likely to use alternative leads—ones that describe a scene or tell an anecdote—than they are to use a summary lead. 12. Features can use an inverted pyramid form but often they develop chronologically or use flashbacks or foreshadowing. 13. The ending of a feature story does not summarize
discoveries or describe how people are coping with
the story, but it should use some scene, quotation
the aftermath of a disaster.
or anecdote that brings it to a conclusion. Often the
7. How-to-do-it features tell readers or viewers how to make something, accomplish some goal or solve a problem.
ending harkens back to the lead.
Review E xerc i s e s
Review Exercises 1. Generating Ideas with Grids
story ideas, fill in the blanks and then identify three d ifferent types of people to interview.
1. The following grid lists items associated with Christmas in various countries. To generate
Netherlands United States
Santa Claus
December 25
Turkey and ham
Santa Claus, mistletoe
Presents and stockings
Cold foods and gold nuggets
Christmas bushes
Roast beef and plum pudding
Christmas crackers, Yule log
White clothes
Year 336, Roman Emperor Constantine
Holy Birth Festival (Sheng Dan Jieh)
Christ’s birth (Ganna)
Stollen Christmas cake
December 5 Birth of Jesus
Other Traditions
Lanterns, red paper chains and pagodas January 7
2. Prepare a version of a students’ universal needs chart, using the example in the chapter as a guide. Write some universal needs across the top of the chart (e.g., finances, technology, food, time, health) and list different facets of college down the left side (e.g., classes, dorms, apartments). 3. What are some current concerns in your hometown (e.g., finances, embezzling, street conditions, court cases, festival locations)? Create a grid that includes the problems across the top and those affected by them down the left side. Fill the grid with story ideas. 4. States have worries similar to and different from each other. List issues in your state across the top of the grid (for example, gender identification, voting laws, gun control, state fairs and industry). List those who might be affected down the left
side. Or list the 50 states and find out how each one deals with the same concern. Fill the grid with story ideas. 5. List across the top of the grid some current national issues (e.g., click bait and fake news, media literacy, military spending, civil war m onuments, health care, illegal immigrants, social s ecurity, foreign aids. List ethnicities, cultures, religions and genders down the left side. As you fill in the grid spaces on how different ethnicities might be affected, you might also make comparisons. 6. Identify some global discussions (e.g., North Korea, climate change, agriculture and food, population, tourism, violence, drugs) across the top of the grid and various countries down the left side. Your intersection spaces might produce story ideas on how these global issues affect various countries.
7. You can also downsize the topics in a grid. For example, if a local university experiences a dramatic decrease in enrollment, how do the different areas associated with the decline (e.g., student population, housing, university employees, state funding, reputation) affect the university (e.g., budget, jobs, dorms, classrooms, c afeterias) or the community (e.g., businesses such as apartment owners, grocery stores, health clinics)?
2. Finding Ideas and Selecting a Topic 1. Politicians on the campaign trail make promises to their constituents. They espouse a particular political platform that makes up their beliefs and goals for when they are elected. Compare an elected official’s platform goals to actual accomplishments and use the results to create a story idea. Elected officials may range from student body president to the mayor to the governor to the president. 2. Al Tompkins of the Poynter Institute offers 50 story ideas that can trigger other interesting topics: https://www.poynter.org/news/holidaybonus-50-stories-you-can-do. Choose three ideas that interest you most and explain why. 3. Delve into the Census Bureau website to ignite your imagination on story ideas. Its “special topics” areas and its “press releases” site offer history and statistics on many subjects. Compare national and your state stats with those of your local community. Click on the Newsroom menu to find Facts for Features and Stats for Stories: http://www.census.gov/. 4. Explore posts on social media, such as Twitter, Facebook and blogs. What issues are people discussing? What seems to be uppermost on their minds? 5. Find a list of the top 10 searches for the day or week. Create a story idea for three of the items on the list.
building or other popular places on campus and ask students about their major concerns. For instance, they might be troubled by NFL players being arrested for domestic abuse, North Korea’s nuclear program, problems at their dorm, dating or student government. Qualify or narrow your questions to get informative responses. 8. Pair up with another student. Write for 10 minutes, completely free and uncensored, about one or more of the following topics: my pet peeves; things I am curious about; favorite places in my hometown; my biggest problem in school. Read each other’s papers and discuss how you could conduct research and interviews to make a story from an idea one of you generated. 9. With your partner, list college experiences, such as advice to first-year students, what you wish you’d known when you first came to college, good experiences, bad experiences, medical facilities, friends and living arrangements. Which ones would generate the most interest for a school newspaper? How would you conduct research and whom would you interview? What type of research is needed for context? 10. Observe your surroundings as you walk to class. Make a list of 10 potential story ideas, such as dangerous traffic circles, bicycle safety, students who talk or text on cellphones while walking to class or places to eat on campus. 11. People in every region, city and school have experienced interesting events. Some students get ideas for stories by reading newspapers that publish “On This Date in History” columns, by interviewing the historians of clubs or by visiting the community or state historical society. A good feature writer will learn more about those events, perhaps by consulting historical documents or by interviewing people who witnessed or participated in them.
6. Listen and observe to find a feature topic. Ride a city bus to the end of the line; sit in the student union or in a cafeteria. Based on what you see and hear, make a list of potential feature topics.
12. Scan newspaper notices, chamber of commerce websites or news websites for community hobby club meetings, senior citizens’ activities, church and school events and speeches on unusual topics. Develop a story idea based on your findings.
7. Survey students to get a story idea. Stand in the lobby of the student union or administration
13. Ask other people what they do to relax. Read classified ads and seek out people with a unique
occupation or hobby. Develop a story idea based on your findings. 14. Look for the human interest in stories of promotions, new businesses, the local economy and even the election of club officers. Find a human-interest angle by highlighting one person or aspect of local commerce. Consider, for example, fad businesses such as singing messengers and diaper delivery services; online dating sites, computer software merchants and shopping services for elder citizens that respond to new needs in society; and old, established firms, perhaps focusing on the personality of a founder or dynamic leader. 15. Think about health and medical story ideas. Everyone is interested in mental, emotional and physical health stories, and subjects abound: the cost of being sick, new treatments for illnesses, pregnancy, child rearing, andropause and menopause, death and the grief process, steroid use, sports and concussions, support groups, workshops for patients with a chronic disease, volunteer programs, new medical equipment and ethical issues surrounding medical advances. You can gather facts from medical experts, people with a particular condition, relatives and friends. Use the latest published research or go to the local hospital to discover any recent services.
3. Ideas for Campus Features Here are 20 ideas for feature stories that you can write about your campus. Interview some students affected by the issues as well as authoritative sources. You need to identify the purpose of the story in order to write it well. 1. Identify college trends happening nationally. Make a local comparison, using the people and data from your campus. 2. Tuition is increasing nationally because state support and enrollments are declining. Are there other reasons? What is the situation on your campus? How are students paying for their college education? 3. More campuses offer classes online and hybrid courses. How do students compare these educational experiences to campus classes? 4. Do more students today than 10 years ago work to support themselves? What are the numbers of
Review E xerc i s e s
students who work full or part time? Do they work on campus or elsewhere? How hard is it to find a job on campus? 5. Is the number of international students increasing on your campus? Compare your local statistics to national levels. Why do international students choose to attend undergraduate or graduate programs in the United States? Do international enrollments affect domestic acceptances? 6. What does your campus do to assimilate international students into the student body? Are international students comfortable on campus while pursuing a degree from your campus and in your city? 7. Some research says that reading a printed textbook and handwriting notes on paper (compared to using a computer to read a digital textbook and take notes in class) is better for learning and retention of information. What does the data indicate, and what do students and faculty think? 8. Most students do not get the amount of sleep they need. What is the average number of sleep hours for students on your campus, and how does this affect them? 9. Students often experience stress while completing a college education. Is there a different type of stress associated with undergraduate, master’s or doctoral students? 10. Many campus counseling centers are overwhelmed, and students often have to wait several weeks for their first appointment. What are the most common reasons that students visit these facilities, and how are the counseling centers responding to student needs? 11. Does your campus have a university ombudsman? If so, what are the most frequent problems he or she hears? 12. Many colleges and universities have study abroad programs, where faculty members take students to another country to study a topic for credit in a particular class. What are the most popular programs? Why are they so popular? Are there programs in warring countries, and, if so, what safety provisions are made? You should get some quotes from students who have participated in these programs.
13. Plagiarism and fabrication seem to be increasing on campuses nationally. What is the situation on your campus? Compare it to national figures. What are the punishments for cheating? 14. Write about a successful teacher, coach or another interesting personality on your campus. Interview other students, friends, relatives and colleagues so you have enough information for a well-rounded portrait of the person. 15. Find a campus club that helps people, such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Gamblers Anonymous. Interview club members about their problem and how it affects their lives. 16. What excuses do your faculty members hear most often from students who miss classes, assignments and tests or simply do poorly in a class? 17. Do students on your campus ever complain about faculty members they have difficulty understanding, especially ones from other countries? How serious is the problem, what’s being done to correct it and how successful is the effort? Also, why does your college employ faculty members with language problems? 18. Write about the problems and perceptions of students with physical challenges. Are all buildings accessible? You might look specifically at the problems of students who are blind or use wheelchairs. 19. Write a historical feature that describes your college’s establishment and early years. 20. What, if any, are the advantages to being an athlete (or an honors student) at your institution? Do athletes meet the same entrance and graduation requirements as other students? Do they have special courses or degree plans, tutors, housing, food or financial aid?
4. Information for Features Write a feature story based on the following set of information regarding missing people. Assume the data is correct. Revise writing errors and stereotypes. You won’t believe the numbers involved. They’re astonishingly high. Its typical of the situation in each and every one of the nations 50 states. Last year alone in just your one state alone a total number of 57,152
men, women, and children were reported at one time or a nother to be “missing.” A total of 48,384 of the missing individuals sooner or later reappeared or were found or otherwise recovered. But nearly 9,000 remain missing, and that seems to be a typical number for a years total annual figures for your one state. Some of the missing people each year are kids—assumingly runaways. Others are people with Alzheimers—supposedly old people who wander some distance away from their homes. There are deadbeat dads, too. There are people trying to run away from their debts. There are always young men and women running away with lovers with whom they are deeply and idealistically, and perhaps unrealistically, in love. And there are each year a few, but very few, bona fide crime victims: people apparently kidnapped or robbed or murdered, with their bodies hidden, perhaps burned or buried or tossed into some deep body of water somewhere and thus hidden. Police estimate that the true crime victims total no more than 75 in number and perhaps as few as 40 or 50. Sgt. Manuel Cortez of your citys police dept. said a woman may disappear, and everyone—friends, co-workers, relatives, everyone—swears that she was a totally reliable person and happy and stable, so everyone believes she’s a victim of foul play. 5 years later she may call her parents to say she’s now happily married and has three kids, a new job, and a new name, and ran off 5 years ago because she was in love with someone her parents didn’t like, or didn’t like pressures at home or work or just wanted to try someplace new, or hated a boyfriend or her husband at the time who, unknown to all others, perhaps drank or beat her or abused her both physically and mentally. “I’ve worked around missing persons for the past 10years, and it’s rare to find someone after more than a year,” Cortez said. “We find a lot of people d isappear because they’ve got troubles, want to leave them behind and start over again. A lot of people think about it, and some do more than think about it. Normally its more men than women, except among juveniles. Among juveniles, runaway girls outnumber boys 3to1. Kids, particularly those 11 to 17, flee in droves.” A nother a uthority, Psychology Prof. Alan C hristopher, says, “Most adults will stick around and handle their problems, but a lot of kids think its easier to run away. Or they just don’t think. They see some place on social media, and it looks good, so they try to go there.”
Nationwide, 450,700 youngsters were reported to have fled their homes and juvenile facilities and all sorts of other places they were supposed to be living last year and a nother 127,100 were “thrown away,” meaning their parents or guardians or whoever in the world was caring for them would not let them come back, a ccording to statistics compiled by the U.S. Justice Dept. Three-fourths of the missing persons in your state last year were runaway juveniles. Nearly 6,500 have not yet been found or located. Sabrina Diaz, a 14 yr. old, is an example, now residing at 1987 Holcrofte Ave. in your city. “My parents got divorced” she told you after you promised not to use her last name. “I hated my stepfather. He’s a jerk. He got drunk and hit my Mom and expected us to wait on him like we were his slaves or something. “So, uh, I met this guy on Snapchat—‘cause you only have to be 13 to use it—who was moving to New York, and sent him a picture of me. We talked and then met. He didn’t want to take me, said I was too young, but I, uh, got him to change his mind. So, uh, like I was there two years, then got caught shoplifting and prostituting and the cops somehow they came up with my real name and
Review E xerc i s e s
my mom came and got me. She’s dropped the jerk, so it’s better now, just the two of us, and so we can, uh, talk and stuff.” Another example is Jason Abare, who is a 31 year old man currently residing in your county jail on charges of nonsupport. At the time of his divorce from his wife, Anne, of 9 years, he was ordered to pay alimony and child support for his four kids, a total of $940 a month. Ann currently resides at 855 Tichnor Way. “I wasn’t going to give her a penny, not with the hell that woman put me through,” he said. He left the state. “It was easy, real easy,” he told you during a jailhouse interview today. “I’m in construction, a carpenter, and good, so I can pick up a job almost anywhere and kinda drifted around. If I liked where I was I’d stay a couple months, even a year. Other times I just stayed a week or two until I got my first payday then skipped town. I figured no one could ever find me that way. I got caught last month, charged with drunken driving and didn’t have a drivers license anymore so they checked my prints and found out who I really was. Then they searched social media and found my old Facebook postings and returned me here. Bad luck, that’s what it was, just bad luck.”
the world doesn’t mean
you are wiser than when
is one too many.
“Just because your voice reaches halfway around
t the time of writing this chapter, things in America are tense. The president is trying to dismantle Obamacare; hurricanes are flooding cities along the coastline and
fires are raging across California; and a single mass shooting
itreached only to the endof the bar.” Edward R. Murrow, broadcast journalist
People want regular updates on these events because they depend on Obamacare, have family homes teetering on the brink of disaster or worry about safety. Duringthe day they check their news apps, listen to news on the radio or podcasts, or read their RSS(really simple syndication) news feeds while working on their computer. When they get home from school or work they often pick up the remote to watch the news, either from their local station or a 24-hour news network. Radio, TV and podcast news informs audiences in ways different from print media. Text-based news provides detailed information structured to be read, using the eyes. Audio news is written for the listener’s ears, hearing only spoken words and environmental sounds that are combined to create a story. Video news is for viewers tuning in with their eyes and ears. Unlike print or audio consumers, TV viewers do not have to draw on their imaginations because they see exactly what happens as the journalist covers the event. Reporters convey important information with aural and visual elements, creating stories in real time (live) or delayed broadcast, satellite or cable. This chapter introduces ways to think about broadcast news style and focuses on the basics of broadcast news writing. “Broadcast” is used here because it is a generally accepted term for news written for radio, TV or podcasts, although more precise terms might be “audio news” and “video news.”
The Broadcast News Story Although writing styles vary among media, good news judgment and the types of news stories chosen are similar. The best audio and visual stories typically resemble the best stories for print. They involve the audience. Compelling themes and writing draw people into a story, encouraging them to connect to the issue.
T he Broadc a st News Stor y
Similar to print reporters, broadcast journalists identify a newsworthy angle for a story and then thoroughly research the issues and events to tell the story accurately. They home in on a central point, conduct background research on their sources, ask important questions and employ good interviewing skills to obtain interesting quotes because this part of the process is recorded. All reporters write well and spell correctly so their work is easy to understand. Broadcast copy must be error-free so that announcers can read it easily. It must be written smoothly because audiences have only one chance to hear it, unless the story is published online. And it must be Pam Oliver covers the National Basketball Association (NBA) and the written well because sometimes the transcript National Football League (NFL) for Fox Sports. She graduated with a of the story appears online. degree in journalism, began her career as a news reporter and also worked for ESPN. She was named Outstanding Woman in Journalism Whereas print journalists think about the by Ebony magazine. readability of their story, broadcast reporters also consider how audiences hear or see the story. Other differences between print and broadcast center on the structure and style of stories. The following is an example of how the same event is presented in each form. For a list of the differences between them, see Table 13.1.
Broadcast News Copy
Print News Copy
Escaped Convict
Escaped Convict
Shannon Ha
Shannon Ha
Police are looking for an Austin woman this afternoon.
A woman from Austin escaped yesterday from the Travis County Courthouse after being convicted ofassault and battery charges from last May.
Maria Lopez fled the Travis County Courthouse moments after being convicted of assault and battery.
Maria Lopez hit a guard after her trial ended at 3 p.m. and ran out of the courthouse, according to Darnel Rodriguez, a county assistant prosecutor.
Assistant prosecutor Darnel Rodriguez says Lopez hit a guard, and ran for freedom at three o’clock.
“We consider Lopez to be armed and dangerous,” said Sheriff Lyle McNeil.
The woman is 28-years-old and was wearing jeans, a white short-sleeved shirt and red tennis shoes.
Lopez, 28, was last seen wearing jeans, a white short-sleeved shirt and red tennis shoes.
Sheriff Lyle McNeil says Lopez is armed and dangerous. ###
TABLE 13.1
Differences Between the Escaped Convict Broadcast and Print Stories
The lead focuses on one fact.
The lead is a summary of who, what, where, when and why.
The next sentence answers why.
The bridge answers how from an authority.
Verbs are in present tense.
Verbs are in past tense.
Attribution begins sentences (who said what).
Attribution follows statement (what, said who).
Listeners cannot hear quote marks.
Direct quotes signal authority.
Leads As the previous example shows, the summary lead of a broadcast story is shorter than that of a print story. When read aloud, print sentences are often long and difficult to follow, which frustrates listeners. Broadcast leads give one or two important facts and ease the audience into the rest of the story. The best leads capture attention by connecting the news to audience’s lives. People care more about stories that are relevant to them or their situations. For example, Iowa has many corn farmers, who all care about corn market prices. Other people might disregard a story on the topic because they think it does not involve them. A good lead convinces them otherwise. Even if they are not farmers, almost everyone will encounter the domino effect of market prices when they shop for fresh, frozen or canned sweet corn or for meat from animals that eat feed corn. Consumers also may feel the effect because of the crop’s other competitive uses, such as corn pellets, corn ethanol and high-fructose corn syrup, the major sweetener in most processed foods and beverages in the United States. Consider the following two leads regarding corn prices. The second lead also includes the body of the story: It is expected that corn market prices will increase as the drought continues throughout the Midwestern states. ### Thanks to the abnormally long dry weather in the Midwest, your grocery bill is likely to go up this year. The drought has wasted thousands of acres in top corn-farming states. Iowa, Nebraska, Illinois and Minnesota—the four states that farm most ofour corn—have been hit especially hard. What does this mean to you? Well, the price of gum, soft drinks, cereals and hundreds of other products that use corn sweetener will increase because of the higher demand for the corn that survives the heat. ### Although the lead focuses on one or two points, it also withholds much important information until later because people usually do not hear the first two or three words of a story. They mentally tune in after they hear or see something that interests them.
Lead s
Broadcast journalists rewrite leads quickly throughout the day to update audiences waitingto hear the latest news about an ongoing story. When broadcast stories are rewritten, they focus on a new angle to update or localize the story. Four common types of leads are the hard, soft, throwaway and umbrella. Each is written to intrigue and interest listeners or viewers and provides a transition to the rest of the story.
The Hard Lead Hard leads give important information immediately. Some audience members want to hear the most meaningful details first. However, some broadcasters believe that the significant facts are gone before audiences realize they need to “tune in” to what is being said. Here is an example of a hard lead, followed by the remainder of the story: Car bombs have killed at least 23 people this morning in an Iraqi [i-RAK-ee] holy city. Two bombs exploded in a crowd of Shiite [SHEE-eye-t] pilgrims ending a 40-day religious mourning period in Karbala [kar-BAH-lah]. Similar bombings have killed about 160people during the past week. This has raised concern about the abilities of Iraqi [i-RAK-ee] forces to take over their own security in the face of a full U.S.military pull-out.
During Facebook’s initial public offering, CNBC provided frequent updates on the stock trades, keeping audiences informed.
### Notice that this copy contains the pronunciation of certain words. Including this information makes it easier for the announcer to read them and avoids mistakes.
The Soft Lead The soft lead tells a broadcast audience that something important is coming up and invites them to continue with the story. Soft leads, like soft news stories, feature some information before getting to the hard news. This lead usually reveals why the upcoming information is important or how it affects people: As we near the April 1 tax deadline, you might want to know that the Internal Revenue Service has a new phone app that offers tax tips.
W R I T IN G F O R BR OA D C A S T N E W S The story continues: The I-R-S’s new app helps you with filing instructions and notifies you when your refund hits the bank. . . . ###
The Throwaway Lead The throwaway lead intrigues listeners or viewers and makes them focus on the story. The second sentence begins the real lead. A story would make sense without the throwaway—but, without it, the story might not attract attention: Finally, it’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas. After more than a week of unseasonably warm weather across our state, cold temperatures are back. Light snow is possible today in the Texas Panhandle and in other parts of the state. Today’s highs are expected to reach about 40 degrees. ###
The Umbrella Lead The umbrella lead summarizes or ties together two or more loosely related news stories before delving into each separately. In other words, it describes the relationship between the stories: The bitter cold snap outside is thought to be the cause of two separate deaths in the city this morning. Here is the rest of the story: Police say an 82-year-old woman who apparently fell on the ice outside of her home in Bunker Hill Township died of hypothermia this morning. Alva Saint Clare slipped on her sidewalk sometime during the night, broke her hip and froze as temperatures dipped in the single digits. About three hours later and a few miles away, neighbors found Joshua Johnson frozen to death in his truck in his driveway. Police are unsure why Johnson, who was 57-years-old, was sleeping in the vehicle on a night when temperatures dropped below zero. ###
The Body of a Story The body of broadcast news stories usually is one of two types, depending on the story being reported. Broadcast hard news stories follow the pyramid formula, in which the one or two most important facts come first, followed by more information (Figure 13.1). The lead does not tell the whole story. And, because stories
T he Body of a Stor y
Broadcast Story Structure Hard News: Pyramid
Print Story Structure Hard News: Inverted Pyramid Summary lead: who, what, where, when, why, how
Most important facts
Additional important information
Other information
Bridge with additional facts More information in descending order of importance
Figure 13.1 Structures for Broadcast and Print News Hard broadcast stories often have the reverse s tructure of hard print stories.
and newscasts are timed before they are aired, journalists can write a complete story, using as many facts as needed, without fearing that the ending sentence or paragraph will be edited out at the last moment. Soft news stories follow more of a wineglass structure (Figure 13.2). The single most important or emotional information is placed toward the top of the story to catch the audience’s attention. It is followed by several pieces of information important to understanding the issue or event, usually in the form of expert sources. The story then closes with a single memorable ending or summary, sometimes a lesson learned from the main subject. Overall, broadcast stories keep to the point with shorter sentences and fewer facts than those used in print stories. Every sentence of a story is important because when someone leaves it, he or she is usually leaving the newscast. Also, listeners and viewers generally cannot digest a lot of information all at once and cannot review it, so broadcast stories are short. Stories are tight, with every word tied to the central point. Although the most important information comes early, what follows is important, too. Whatever the structure, the facts of any broadcast story are usually presented in one of two ways: descending order of importance or chronological order with a narrative format. For descending order, the broadcast journalist figures out the most significant piece of information, which normally goes in the story’s lead. Then the journalist decides what else the audience wants to know; this information makes up the body of the story. Although a story may contain several pieces of information, their order tends to be dictated by the facts given in the lead. If the lead reports that a man attacked his ex-wife and her husband, as the next example does, people will want to know who the victims are and where, how and why they were attacked. They also will want to know about the suspect and what police are doing about the case: Police are looking for a man who posed as a salesperson this afternoon and used a hammer to attack a Roseville couple. Janna and Dylan Banner are in stable condition at Community Hospital after Marten Keller repeatedly hit the couple and forced his way into theirhome.
Figure 13.2 The Wineglass Story Structure Most soft broadcast stories use the wineglass structure.
W R I T IN G F O R BR OA D C A S T N E W S By the time police responded to a neighbor’s 9-1-1 call, Keller had already fled in his car, a 2015 black Honda Civic. Janna Banner had a restraining order on Keller, who is her ex-husband. Keller is six-feet-tall, and was last seen wearing a light blue suit. ### In the chronological type of broadcast news story, the climax—the most significant part—is the lead. Then, the journalist relates the details in the order of their occurrence, not the order in which he or she learned each fact:
Reporter and Emmy Award–winner Jackie Nespral anchors the 5 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 6 p.m. and 11 p.m. newscasts for WTVJ-TV in Miami. She has a degree in journalism and has worked at Univision, Television Marti, CNN and the Today Show.
A Roseville couple was hospitalized this afternoon after being repeatedly attacked by the woman’s ex-husband.
Authorities say Marten Keller knocked on the Banners’ door at noon, posing as an evangelist. When Dylan Banner tried to shut his door, Keller became violent, repeatedly hitting Banner with a hammer while forcing his way into the house. Keller then attacked Janna Banner when she tried to help her husband. Keller had disappeared in a 2015 black Honda Civic by the time neighbors called police, who arrived about five minutes later. An ambulance took the Banners to Community Hospital where they are in stable condition. Police are looking for Keller, who is six-feet-tall and was wearing a light blue suit at the time of the attack. ###
Updating Broadcast News Stories Many radio and television stations have several newscasts throughout the day. Different new stories replace old ones. In addition, stations keep the public updated on developments to older stories. Thus, the same story may be a topic throughout the day, but freshened with new angles, additional interviews or more recent information. The lead sentence and body of the story never stay exactly the same in successive newscasts. Here are three updated leads for the story on the Banners: 1. A Roseville man accused of attacking his ex-wife and her husband has been arrested in Houston (Or, Police have arrested a Roseville man. . . .) 2. Police say a man who attacked his ex-wife and her husband was trying to regain custody of his son. 3. A woman and her husband are out of the hospital this afternoon after her ex-husband attacked them with a hammer.
Guideline s for C opy Prepar ation
Guidelines for Copy Preparation The format and aesthetics of broadcast news copy are important because too many marks can distract an announcer and, consequently, detract from the story. If an announcer gets confused, the audience surely will be.
Formatting Copy Many instructors require their students to submit printed copy of their stories. And announcers often practice with printed news copy. Television announcers usually read the final version from a teleprompter, but might have printed stories or stories on an iPad nearby for emergencies. Radio announcers use printed stories, monitors or iPads or other types of tablets to read the news. The tablets have software that allows announcers to add hand-drawn symbols to personalize the copy, which can remind them to slow down their tempo, emphasize certain words or group certain words together in a phrase. Broadcast news copy preparation may differ from station to station, but it is similar to print in many ways, such as including the slug in the top left corner and double-spacing the lines of the story for readability or for adding copy-editing symbols. Copy can be in all uppercase or all lowercase letters. Sentences and paragraphs begin and end on the same page so audiences do not hear the ruffling of pages, which might obscure the announcer’s words in the middle of a story. Sometimes an announcer discovers that a page is missing or is in the wrong order. If sentences and paragraphs are kept together on one page, the story will sound coherent; the announcer will not scramble for something to say while he or she looks for the rest of the sentence or story. Using a symbol (###) at the end lets the announcer know that the story is finished.
Editing Copy Broadcast reporters never use newspaper copy-editing symbols because they are too difficult for an announcer to interpret quickly while reading on air. To edit a word, simply black it out and rewrite it in the space above it. If the copy requires a lot of editing, type a new copy. The fewer editing marks, the fewer times an announcer hesitates or stumbles while reading.
Timing Copy Margins are often set at 60, with an average of 10 words to a line. Depending on how fast one reads, three lines of copy take about 10 seconds. For most announcers, nine lines of copy are about 30 seconds and 18 full lines equal one minute of reading time. The timing of the story in seconds (for example, “:30”) and the number of lines are written in the top right corner of the copy page. Some journalists prefer to note only the number of lines. And some announcers circle the timing, as well as the slug and end mark, to indicate that that it is not to be read on air.
Reviewing Copy A journalist or announcer reads all copy aloud to become familiar with what has been prepared for the newscast. If the reader stumbles, the story must be revised.
W R I T IN G F O R BR OA D C A S T N E W S While reading each story, the announcer confirms that his or her reading time matches the average number of lines per minute. One reason announcers use printed copy is so they can make notes to personalize their reading style. The announcer marks the copy for word emphases or difficult pronunciations, for example.
Story Length The time allotted for the story usually indicates story importance. Broadcast stories can run from 10 seconds in a radio newscast or audio podcast to five minutes for a TV or video story. If the story is not visually or aurally interesting, Ira Glass narrates and produces “This American Life,” a long-running it should run less than a minute. If the story radio and podcast documentary series that was also on Showtime. warrants special attention, it could run from one to three minutes. If the story rambles, however, journalists eliminate details that detract from its focus. The type of news outlet—commercial or public—can also affect the story length.
Story Script Journalists write their script after they have reviewed their audio and video bites captured in the field or from any syndicated news clips. Journalists use natural sound and visuals gathered at the scene so listeners can experience the story. The strength of broadcast stories is that they can trigger senses that cannot be experienced through other media. Effective broadcast writing matches words to pictures and sounds. Journalists are careful to avoid words that repeat what the audience member already is hearing or seeing on the screen. Television scripts also require captions, such as the name and title of the people being interviewed. This information must be spelled correctly on the script. Three examples of broadcast news scripts appear in the “From the News” box, starting on page 283. These are actual news stories in their original formats. Scott Pohl, a 25-year radio news veteran of WKAR, an NPR affiliate, wrote the first two stories. Robert Gould, who has been in the TV news business for about 20 years, wrote the third.
Using Audio Planning to record audio requires several decisions: whom to record; where to record; what natural, or environmental, sound is needed; and what music, if any, is appropriate to use. When determining to include the recording into a story, journalists have more choices to make: where to insert the audio clip into the story and how long it should be. The story could include brief statements from someone explaining, emphasizing or dramatizing a point. Or the audio could be a long interview that tells almost the entire story.
Guideline s for C opy Prepar ation
FROM THE NEWS Examples of News Readers 1. EXAMPLE OF A RADIO NEWS READER The announcer reads this story directly from news copy. Ithas no other sound. QURAN BURNING UPDATE DATE POHL East Lansing police say a person surrendered today in connection with the recent desecration of a copy of the Quran [ker AN] at the Islamic Center. A 10-thousand-dollar reward was recently offered for tips on the case, but none of the money was paid out. Police say the individual is cooperating with investigators, and they have determined it was an isolated incident. Officials expect to conclude their investigation early next week, and the case will then be sent to the Ingham County Prosecutor. The burned Quran [ker AN] was found Saturday at the entrance to the Islamic [is LAM ic] Center of East Lansing. ### 2. EXAMPLE OF A RADIO NEWS READER WITH SOUND ON TAPE This reader contains a sound bite. The SOT (sound on tape) from an interview is labeled and timed “(SOT: 0:14).” STATE OF THE CITY DATE POHL Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero [burr NARROW] will deliver his annual State of the City address tonight. Mayor Bernero [burr NARROW] isn’t expected to talk about the city of Lansing’s looming 15-million-dollar budget deficit, as many people had hoped. He will wait to discuss the city budget at a press conference next week, instead. Mayoral representative Randy Hannon says Bernero [burr NARROW] will talk about recent progress in the face of economic challenges, and the prospects for the year ahead. (SOT: 0:14) “Things like GM’s upcoming investment in the Lansing Grand River plant to create 600 new jobs, the long-awaited opening of the Accident Fund’s new headquarters on our riverfront, and the fact that the Lansing region is leading the state’s economic recovery.” The speech will be delivered from the former Knapp’s [NAP’s] department store building downtown. The Eyde
[EYE-d] Company is working on a 30-million-dollar planto renovate the building. This will be Bernero’s [burr NARROW’s] sixth State of the City address. It’s set to begin at 7 p-m. The speech will be televised by W-I-L-X-T-V. ### 3. EXAMPLE OF TV NEWS VOICE-OVER WITH SOT In this story, the viewer sees and hears the anchor read the introduction, then hears the anchor’s voice over a visual (voice-over, VO), then hears and sees event participant Janie Mitchell talking about her experience (SOT) with a total running time of 12 seconds (TRT:12). The camera goes back to the anchor reading the ending of the story (tag line). The time of each tape is noted within the story. MASON NEW ART MUSEUM DATE GOULD Anchor Intro/lead: AFTER 2-YEARS AND 16-MILLION-DOLLARS LATER, ART LOVERS ACROSS THE AREA FINALLY CAN CELEBRATE THE OPENING OF THE NEW MASON ART MUSEUM. Take VO: (:25) MAYOR JONAS CARTER AND THE MUSEUM’S CHIEF DONOR, ALANA LEE, CUT THE RIBBON THIS MORNING . . . THE FIRST VISITORS THEN GOT A V-I-P TOUR OF THE NEW FACILITY. HIGHLIGHTS OF THE MUSEUM INCLUDE 20TH CENTURY PAINTINGS, INTERACTIVE EXHIBITS AND A SCULPTURE GALLERY. THOSE ON THE TOUR SAY THE NEW MUSEUM IS A CROWN JEWEL FOR THE CITY. Take SOT: (Janie Mitchell-TRT:12) This place is amazing. We loved every bit of it and our kids were fascinated with the interactive exhibits. This is a great thing for the area. We can’t wait to come back and really explore it further. Anchor Tag: MUSEUM OFFICIALS EXPECT HUGE CROWDS THIS WEEKEND. THEY SUGGEST YOU ARRIVE EARLY SO THAT YOU HAVE A CHANCE TO SEE THE MANY EXHIBITS. THE NEW MUSEUM WILL BE OPEN BOTH SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, FROM 9A-M to 7 P-M. ###
W R I T IN G F O R BR OA D C A S T N E W S The New York Times produces “The Daily,” a 20-minute podcast that focuses on a single story per episode. It features audio clips from interviews and discussions between the host and other journalists. Through this format, audiences gain a better perspective of a news story and also feel a more personal connection to the journalists by hearing their voices. Many news organizations produce podcasts to enhance digital multimedia packages and give audiences an additional way to understand and connect with a story. In addition to being an important form and element of news stories and podcasts, audio may also accompany news photo slideshows. As a series of pictures is displayed, the audio recording—or VO—of an announcer or narrator explaining the images can be heard. Sometimes, natural sound accompanies the slideshow.
Using Video Journalists have the same considerations for video as for audio: it is used as a tool to better explain or illustrate a story. In planning for video in a story, journalists decide if it will be a short clip of a source or subject, a several-minute analysis highlighting several people or VO analysis of a scene from b-roll video. Many news documentaries use multiple long interviews interspersed as narratives over video scenes or photographs and music to give viewers a sense of place. For a short TV news story or video podcast on a property tax increase, reporters consider whom to record. Government officials would explain why they think the increase is needed and how the additional revenue will be spent. Business leaders and local residents would respond about how the proposed tax increase affects their businesses and personal income. B-roll might add context to the video story. It could be a city council meeting in which the proposal is debated or images of the community affected by an increase, such as storefronts in a downtown area or homes in a local subdivision. The reporter also may include video of the places that are to benefit from the increased tax revenue, such as local schools or road construction. (For more on using audio and visual elements, see Chapter 14.)
Sources for Broadcast News Broadcast journalists get their news from the same sources print or online journalists use. However, instead of writing down what a source has said, broadcast reporters record the interviews for portions to be played on the air. This change in voice—the use of sound bites—enables the audience to feel close to the people involved in the news and to hear their exact words. Although personal interviews are best, broadcasters sometimes record telephone interviews with the source’s permission. Common sources for broadcast news include news services or news feeds, people, newspapers, news releases from public relations agencies and internet resources, all of which are attributed.
News Services News services have written, audio and video stories on their websites for subscribing stations to use. “News feeds” is the term for audio or video stories that journalists can integrate into their newscasts. At designated times of the day, forthcoming story topics and lengths are listed by the news service, and the news
S ourc e s for Broadc a st News
feeds are transmitted to subscribing stations. Journalists can record any stories they want, then simply add the opening and closing.
Newspapers, Online News and Broadcast News Sources Reporters scan local newspapers, broadcast competitors or other news outlets for news of important events to make sure their station has covered them. They can report on these events by focusing on different angles. On the rare occasions that journalists use information from their competition, they rewrite the story in broadcast style for newscasts and credit the source.
Public Relations News Releases Public relations (PR) practitioners who represent governments and businesses flood news organizations with print and video news releases (VNRs) announcing events or happenings (see Chapter 19). Journalists can also go online to press release sites such as prnewswire.com. News releases are quite helpful on slow news days. Reporters look to them for ideas or additional information about changes within the community, updates on local companies or to localize a story happening elsewhere. Ideally, the release is regarded as a news tip, to be followed up with research and interviews that incorporate opposing viewpoints. Rarely are news releases objective; they always favor the PR company’s client.
People Many good news tips come from people who contact the station about an event that has just happened or is about to happen. Some stations encourage tips by advertising a telephone number to call or text or an email address. Following up on tips with indepth questions and research can uncover more sources and interesting stories. In addition, interviewing people about one subject can lead to tips and ideas on other subjects.
Broadcast Interviews Interviewing for broadcast requires the reporter to behave differently from one who interviews for print because the audio or video footage is recording all sounds. Broadcast journalists minimize their movements so that the microphone does not pick up unnecessary and distracting noise. They also respond nonverbally—with nods—to their subjects during the interview so that their voices will not be recorded. Facial expressions in an interview should be minimal because they can be misinterpreted as agreement with everything the source is saying. Nods should indicate that the source’s words are being heard.
Lester Holt, center, interviews U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Todd Straw of Davenport, Iowa, as part of NBC’s “The Today Show” from Kabul. Holt began his career as a disc jockey while in college. He anchors “NBC Nightly News” and “Dateline NBC.”
W R I T IN G F O R BR OA D C A S T N E W S Journalists select sound bites that convey the heart of the story. Reporters ask open-ended questions to encourage discussion during an interview. Then, they write a script around the chosen sound bites that most represent the issue or event. Most sound bites are six to 20 seconds long. The text of the script lets the audience know that a sound bite is coming up, but it does not repeat what the subject will say on tape.
Writing the Broadcast Story Broadcast journalists adhere to a combination of Associated Press (AP) general rules and a broadcast presentation style. Many networks and stations have their own style guides. The procedures given in the following sections point out the major differences between AP and broadcast writing styles, but are by no means exhaustive. No matter what style they use, broadcast journalists think in terms of time because newscasts fit into a standard time frame. Newscasts begin and end on the minute, considering introductions and closings, commercials or public service announcements (PSAs) and transitions from story to story. Thus, journalists must total the length of all their stories to fit the allotted time. In terms of presentation, they write for both the audience and the announcer.
Writing for the Audience Broadcasters structure stories for audiences who multitask. They might be drivinga car while listening to the radio or a podcast or eating dinner while watching TV. Thus, as emphasized throughout this chapter and book, a news story must capture and retain audience members’ attention throughout their day and in concert with their habits. Here are some general guidelines for broadcast news writing: ●● Adopt a conversational, informal and relaxed style. Write the way you would
talk to a friend. Sometimes this style includes using contractions, incomplete sentences and first- and second-person pronouns (e.g., I, me, us, we, you) to establish a rapport with listeners. Yet, one should keep the conversation more formal and respectful than too casual. ●● Write short, declarative sentences that are to the point and limited to one idea. People cannot listen to a long sentence and always associate the end with the beginning. Sentences in broadcast style often have fewer than 15 words, and none should have more than 25 words. They are simple sentences in the active voice, keeping the subject, verb and object together—and in that order. Long sentences should be divided into shorter ones, as in this example: A park, or some people might call it a farm or facility, is being planned by several developers, who they themselves are not farmers but plan to rent acreage to others, will be ready on the east side with irrigation and other necessities that would make it one of the largest places to growing marijuana plants, sometimes termed “weed” or older folks called it “marijane” and they are still a controversy for our city. The following revision is clearer: A proposed two-hundred-acre medical marijuana park on the east of town will be the second-largest in the country.
Writing the Broadc a st Stor y ●● Use present-tense verbs to emphasize recentness. People turn to radio and
TV news for quick updates to breaking stories. Examples include “says,” not “said”; “is searching,” not “searched.” If the present tense does not work, try thepresent perfect tense: Two scientists have found a potential cure for hepatitis C. ●● If past tense is used, include the time element immediately after the main verb
totell listeners how recent the information is: Senator Deb Schmidt announced this morning that she will not run for public office again. ●● Use round numbers. It is difficult for someone to remember the exact figure of
2,898. It is easier to remember “almost three-thousand.” ●● Give numbers meaning. What does it mean to a resident that “the school board approved a 64-million-dollar bond proposal to taxpayers”? Sound overwhelming? Saying that “for a person with a 100-thousand-dollar house, it would equal about 140 dollars a year” gives listeners and viewers a personal context and clearer understanding. ●● Shorten long titles. Long titles can be confusing and use up most of the time allotted to a story. Use one- to two-word titles. For example, “Andrea Dove is a lottery advocate with the North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries” could be shortened to “lottery advocate Andrea Dove.” ●● Never put a name first in a story. People might miss it. Also, the individual’s name is usually less important than the actual focus of the story. Delay the name until the story has captured the audience’s attention, or at least until thesecond sentence of the script: The uncle of the two missing boys says he is praying for their safe return. The last time Charles Hastings saw his two nephews was near the family’s lake cabin this morning. ●● Omit a person’s middle initial, unless it is commonly recognized as part of that
person’s name. Broadcast writing uses a conversational style, and speakers rarely refer to others by their initials in conversation. ●● Place the description, age or identification before a person’s name. Newspaper style, with description often placed after the name, is not conversational: Meredith Hinojosa [eenoh HO sah], 13, a Friendswood Middle School student, has won the national championship spelling bee. In broadcast the style, the sentence would be revised to A Friendswood youth is being celebrated this afternoon in Washington, D-C. ●● Leave out ages and addresses if they are unimportant to the story. However,
writers might need to include general information to differentiate people withsimilar names, especially in stories reporting arrests or allegations of criminal conduct. ●● Place the attribution before what is said. The broadcast formula “who said what” is the opposite of newspaper style “what, said who.” Journalists prepare
W R I T IN G F O R BR OA D C A S T N E W S the audience for the quotation or paraphrase coming next, to allow them to concentrate on what is being said: County Circuit Judge Horacio Diddi [hor RAY shee oh DEE dee] says that his colleague engaged in disruptive behavior while presiding over cases last week. ●● Avoid direct quotes. People cannot hear quotation marks, so broadcast
journalists paraphrase what someone said. If a direct quote is necessary, usespecial language to make it clear, as in these examples: And quoting directly here, “. . . As she put it, “. . . In his own words, “. . . ●● Avoid homonyms. Words that sound alike but have different meanings and
spellings can confuse listeners. (“The gambler cashed/cached his chips before going to his room.”) Audience members might miss the rest of the story if they spend time wrestling with a confusing sentence. ●● Avoid too many pronouns. It is often difficult to figure out who is being referred to in a particular sentence: Rasheeda Longman and Sung-Mi Lee were in the canoe when it tipped over. She is credited for saving her friend, who doesn’t know how to swim. ●● Use descriptive language, but sparingly. Some words help a listener to better
visualize an event (e.g., “hurled” instead of “threw”). However, too much description can take away from the rest of the story. The audio or video that accompanies stories can provide the description.
Writing for Your Announcer Broadcast copy is “announcer-friendly.” At some stations, the writer is the announcer, but at many others, writers and announcers are different people. Therefore, a broadcast journalist writes stories that can be delivered aloud by someoneelse. Here are common writing tips broadcast writers use to make announcing easier: ●● Add phonetic spelling. To mispronounce a name on the air is a journalistic sin.
Announcers often need the name of a place or person spelled out phonetically, directly after the word. The Voice of America has a pronunciation guide online for words that are in the national and international news. Juanita Diaz [Wha-NEE-ta DEE-ahz] has placed first in the Rifle Association’s annual sharpshooters contest. ometimes, the same spelling is pronounced differently in different regions of S the United States. Thus, “Charlotte” can be [SHAR-lot] in North Carolina or [shar-LOT] in Michigan.
Writing the Broadc a st Stor y ●● Hyphenate words that go together in a group. Announcers will then avoid
taking a breath between these words, saying them as a group: A 15-year-old boy from Arkansas has won the national fishing contest. The 18-52 volume of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” is a first edition. ●● Spell out numbers one through eleven. Spell out eleven because it might be
confused with two letter l’s. For example, an announcer might pause when reading “11 llamas” instead of “eleven llamas.” ●● Use a combination of numerals and words for large numbers and generalize. An example is “40-thousand.” Also, the numeral 6,500 is written as six-thousand-500 or as 65-hundred. Announcers might stumble at the numeral “$10,110,011,” but can glide along more easily when reading (androunding) “about ten-million-dollars.” ●● Use words instead of abbreviations. Spell out rather than abbreviate titles, state names, months of the year, measurements and other words so that an announcer can easily recognize and pronounce them without guessing their meaning. The following are examples: Saint or Street, not St. Association, not Assn. miles-per-hour, not m.p.h. ●● Spell out figures, signs and symbols. And never use a period for a decimal.
Tryto round numbers or use fractions instead of decimals, as shown here: 70-percent, not 70% 500-dollars, not $500 three-and-a half-million or three-point-five-million, not 3.5 million ●● Hyphenate some numbers and some abbreviations on second reference.
yphens let an announcer know that the letters are to be read individually, H not as a word: C-N-N News Triple-A Insurance cronyms, such as Navy SEAL and OSHA [OH shuh], are written without A hyphens because they are pronounced the way they are spelled. ●● Use hyphens for numbers to be read individually. Numbers in phone numbers and addresses are usually read individually. That telephone number is 5-2-7-0-0-6-6. His apartment number is 21-85. ●● Avoid alliterations or tongue twisters. These word combinations might trip
up an announcer. Also avoid words in a series that have several snaking “S” sounds or popping “Ps.” They don’t translate well into a microphone, which magnifies these sounds. ●● Limit punctuation because it functions as a brake. Use only periods, commas and ellipses. While reading the script, a comma denotes a slight pause, a
W R I T IN G F O R BR OA D C A S T N E W S period represents a little longer pause and an ellipsis (. . .) means that the announcer should take a much longer pause. However, in print, an ellipsis means that there is an omission of words. All other punctuation is unnecessary in broadcast because the audience cannot see it. ●● Never split a word between lines, nor a sentence or a paragraph between pages of copy. The announcer needs to read smoothly and not have to look for extended endings on other pages. Furthermore, the story will sound less confusing if a thought (paragraph) is completed even though the rest of the story happens to be on another page that might be missing.
Being a Broadcast Journalist To many students, broadcast journalism looks glamorous. It is fun, but it requires hard work. For example, radio and TV stations have several daily newscasts. News outlets produce several podcasts daily. And public radio stations, such as NPR affiliates, host news talk shows and news documentaries and schedule longer news programs with more stories than do commercial radio stations. Many local and national radio and television news channels, such as MSNBC, Al Jazeera and Fox Business Network, run news stories 24 hours a day on cable and satellite and feature live stream and news podcasts. Broadcast reporters obtain news tips from various sources, call people to verify information or interview and record sources at the scene, analyze what was recorded, write the news, read it aloud, personalize the copy, and edit it for broadcast and again for online. Reporters have several daily deadlines, so they learn to connect to sources quickly while covering the issue accurately, efficiently and ethically. Radio and television require reporters to be physically at the location to cover the story, rather than gathering information via phone. Those who can become proficient at conveying the heart of a story in a few words should do well in this area of journalism. With enough practice, writing stories quickly and well can become a habit.
The Reporter’s Guide to Broadcast News Writing Style 1. Write in a conversational style for the listener.
first and save important information for when the
2. Make your copy announcer-friendly for quick, easy
listener has mentally tuned in.
reading. 3. Use the present tense. 4. Construct simple sentences in subject, verb, object order. 5. Focus on one important news element when framing your story. 6. Do not start a story with a person’s name or important information; capture your listener’s attention
7. Use numbers sparingly, round them and give them meaning. 8. Write out titles, numbers and symbols. 9. Keep sentences short, about 15 words or fewer. Details are added through the use of audio and visuals. 10. Place a person’s title before his or her name. Attribute before what is said (who says what).
Review E xerc i s e s
Review Exercises 1. Identifying Broadcast Style The following are correctly written broadcast leads. Explain how they differ stylistically from leads written for digital and print newspapers. Think about time, verb tense, titles, personal identification, amount of information and a conversational mode. 1. Another actress has stepped forward to accuse Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein [WINE stine] of sexual harassment. Lena Headley [LEE na HEAD ly], the star of H-B-O’s television show called Game of Thrones, tweeted today about her encounter with Weinstein [WINE stine] when she met him at the Venice [VEN iss] Film Festival a few years ago. 2. People are in shock over the Las Vegas shooter who killed almost 60 people and left 500 wounded. 3. Brace yourself for another scorcher. Temperatures are expected to hit 95-degrees today, the hottest it has been on this day in history since 19-0-7. 4. There’s a new sheriff in town. Wanda Clarke has won the city’s election for mayor with one-thousand votes over incumbent Asa Mullingsworth. 5. A Northwest University football player has been charged today with driving with a suspended license. This is the seventh driving violation for running back Stephen Marshal, and could mean up to one year in jail if convicted. 6. A Harrisburg woman was killed at about 8:30 this morning when her pickup truck hit a curb and struck a utility pole on Seagull Street. 7. A seven-year-old girl is credited with saving a man’s life near Tulsa, Oklahoma. 8. A city council member wants to put an end to motorists’ text messaging while driving within the city limits.
11. Prosecutors want more time to build a case against a city official accused of illegal trading. 12. After encountering barriers to raising money to pay for a new stadium, officials say construction finally is expected to begin next year. 13. Medicare officials say that a new auditing system will hold insurers more accountable. 14. About 40 members of the Texas Air National Guard returned to Dallas today after serving a year in Kuwait [Koo WAIT]. 15. Government offices are closed in honor of Columbus Day.
2. Identifying Different Broadcast Leads The following broadcast leads (the first sentence) and the subsequent paragraphs are written correctly. Identify the style of each lead: hard, soft, throwaway orumbrella. 1. You hear a ring, and reach for your cell phone to find out that it actually is not ringing. Stanford University researchers are calling this state of panic . . . “ringxiety.” Researcher David Hill says people feel as though the phone is another limb of their body. The cell phone has become people’s connection to their friends, family and colleagues. The ring of the phone acts as a reassuring mechanism to let them know that they are not isolated from other people. 2. A Friendswood teenager is the center of attention today at the governor’s mansion. Sixteen-year-old Gordon Elliott has received the state’s Good Citizenship Award for saving two children from drowning in Grand River last fall.
9. Good news for many workers. Minimum wage is expected to increase eight-percent in five months. Minimum-wage workers currently earn sevendollars an hour.
3. Smoke still fills the air over western Colorado. A wildfire that injured 30 firefighters and threatened homes has already burned 12-thousand acres. High temperatures and strongwinds make the job harder for the 15-hundred firefighters who continue working around the clock.
10. The U-S has begun extradition procedures against the political leader of an Islamic militant group.
4. Police are looking into the possibility of a connection among 20 recent dognappings in the area.
Parson’s Animal Shelter Director John Ertos says he has received 12 inquiries about lost dogs since yesterday. Most of these dogs were in fenced-in back yards or on leashes. In nearby Colleyville, police officer Annie Bearclaw says the station has logged eight calls reporting missing dogs within two days. 5. The chair of the House Ways and Means Committee says she wants to abolish our currenttax structure. Texas Republican Rachael Morgan set that as her goal today as she opened hearings on our tax system. 6. You can be 25-thousand-dollars richer if you tip police with information that helps solve a homicide case. Metropolitan Police Chief Stone Willow says that people who provide information that leads to a conviction stand to receive ten-thousand-dollars more than they did last year. 7. More than 165 passengers are safe, after a seven47 jetliner made an emergency landing at the Minneapolis Metro Airport today. Airport director Jean Richards says shortly after takeoff, a door blew open in the luggage compartment. The plane then dumped its fuel and returned to the airport. 8. When faced with the choice of paper or plastic, environmentally conscious grocery shoppers should choose neither. It is more environmentally beneficial to instead purchase reusable quality bags or carts to take with you to the grocery store according to the Washington Post. Plastic bags are not biodegradable, and paper cannot degrade because of a lack of water and light available at most landfills. 9. The use of lethal injection in death penalty cases has been put on hold in Missouri and Delaware. Critics claim that the method is unconstitutional and inhumane because it causes unnecessary pain. 10. Even the South is no escape from cold weather this week. According to the National Weather Service, temperatures in parts of Arizona will reach an icy20 degrees over the next two days.
3. Broadcast Style and Format The following are groups of facts, written for hard news text stories. Turn these stories into radio readers, using correct broadcast style and story format. Time each one for 30 seconds. Remember to use phonetic spelling when necessary, use a conversational tone, spell out large numbers and correct any errors. Think about putting the attribution first and shortening the description of someone’s title. Your instructor might ask you to use the same group of facts to write one or more of the following: radio stories with an SOT, TV stories that include a VO or TV stories with SOT. 1. Millions of protestors in Egypt celebrated the news that President Hosni Mubarak had abruptly resigned. Mubarak’s resignation today brought to an end 18 days of largely nonviolent protests. The Egyptian army has taken charge of running the country until free elections can be held. The Head of the Constitutional Council has joined the military council in leading the country in the interim. Mohamed ElBaradei, the leading figure in the opposition to Mubarak, expected elections would be held in about one year. Mubarak, 82 and a former air force commander, left without comment for his home in Sharm el Sheik. His departure ended nearly 60 years of rule by a secular dictatorship. 2. A St. Peter’s Catholic High School student in your city who police said had a handgun in his locker is being treated at a psychiatric hospital and could face charges in juvenile court when he is released. Sherlock County sheriff’s deputies were called to the school Oct. 13th, after a student told the principal that the boy had a gun in his locker. The school went on lockdown for about an hour. The boy was taken into custody, and his parents were called, officials said. Sherlock County Prosecutor Meredith McDougall said that her office is waiting for results of psychiatric tests and for the boy to be released from the hospital. She did not know when that might happen. McDougall would not say if she has decided to bring charges against the boy. 3. In an update to No. 2, apparently the gun was loaded with two bullets. According to a note in the boy’s locker, one bullet was intended for his girlfriend and the other for himself. It is unclear as
to whether the boy told a friend about the gun or whether the friend saw the gun in the locker. 4. In another update to No. 2, Sherlock County Prosecutor Meredith McDougall said that they boy might be tried as an adult because the evidence looks as if it could be premeditated murder. 5. A woman was mortally wounded when a car struck her as she was crossing Main St. yesterday. Apparently, Estrella Sanchez, who was 60, slipped and fell on some ice in the intersection of Main and Mountain Streets, according to police reports, as she was on her way to a church rummage sale at the First Presbyterian Church of your city. Due to the icy conditions of the weather, the car lost control as it rounded the corner at too high of a speed, according to a passenger in the car, the driver’s sister, named Tina Concorde, who was not injured and neither was the driver. and it could not stop. There were no other passengers. The car was a 2002 black Honda Civic that the driver Eric LaFey had just bought secondhand. The victim was pronounced dead on arrival at St. Mercy Hospital. 6. Shabazz Daas, 19, of the 400 block of Turnball St., was charged Friday in your city with 11 felonies and 5 misdemeanors in connection with a series of home burglaries this month, mostly in the Beauregard neighborhood. From Sept. 9–17th, Daas, sometimes with others, broke into or attempted to break into 7 homes in the 1200 block of Elm St., the 1200 block of James Ave., the 2600 block of Downhill Lanes, the 4200 block of Johnson Blvd., the 1600 block of Quaker St., and the 300 block of
Review E xerc i s e s
McDonald Avenue, according to police. Daas admitted to police he stole electronics and guns and some other items, and sold some of them. He is on probation for burglary and has a prior conviction for robbery, according to court documents.
4. Story Ideas and Format 1. Choose several stories—one hard news, one soft news or feature—from today’s newspaper (online or print) to rewrite in broadcast style as a radio news reader (all text format). Time each one for 30 seconds. Remember to use phonetic spelling when necessary, use a conversational tone and spell out large numbers. Think about putting the attribution first and shortening the description of someone’s title. 2. Pretend that you are at the scene, covering the story you wrote in No. 1. Rewrite and format the radio story as if you were including a short soundbite. 3. Imagine that you are at the scene, covering the story you wrote in No. 1. Rewrite and format a TV news story, using a short video clip. 4. Choose a hard news story from today’s newspaper (online or print). Rewrite it as two radio stories, the first story with facts appearing in chronological order and the second one with facts in order of descending importance. 5. Practice using broadcast style and radio reader format by rewriting the exercises for leads and stories in Chapters 7, 8 and 9.
14 “If your pictures aren’t good enough, you aren’t close enough.” Robert Capa, photojournalist
mages have the power to convey information. From the cave drawings at Lascaux, France, to the paintings of the Battle of Waterloo to photographs of the Great Depression, the
Vietnam War and terrorist attacks, audiences find compelling and dramatic images in newspapers and magazines and on television and websites. While drawing and painting were the means of conveying visual messages for centuries, the development of photography, motion pictures and television introduced a sense of realism that the earlier formats lacked— with a painting, for example, an artist can make the subject more appealing or dramatic than it actually is. Paintings also require an exclusive artistic talent that many individuals do not possess, but photography became the art form of the masses.
Today, the internet and social media host millions of images taken by professional photographers and videographers with years of training and experience as well as by ordinary people with little or no training. In addition, these media are able to capture events as they happen and transmit that information quickly to an audience, making it an ideal tool for news organizations.
The Roots of Visual Journalism Written communication has always been a visual medium. In ancient times, information was passed by word of mouth. People performed scenes that represented an event, but it was hard to maintain the accuracy of the message because different actors told the story. As writing systems were invented, stories were carved into clay, stone or wood tablets. With the development of writing on paper
T he Root s of Vi sual Journali sm
by the Chinese and Egyptians, information became truly transportable and permanent; the printing press, invented in the 13th century, allowed information to be accurately reproduced and made available to a wider audience. The introduction of images—hand-drawn engravings at first, then photographs—made print media visual. Frenchman Louis Daguerre is credited as the father of modern photography for his invention of the daguerreotype, the first commercially viable photographic system, in 1839. While its novelty made it spectacularly successful, other technological advances in the science of “picture-taking” soon overshadowed it, such as those by George Eastman, the founder of Kodak, bringing the world of photography and visual communication to the masses in the late 19th century. Photographers such as Matthew Brady and Alexander Gardner, whose images of the American Civil War in the 1860s brought the reality of war to the attention of Americans, helped transform photography from a scientific curiosity to a tool for visual journalism. French inventor Louis Daguerre is Initially, engravers had to make copies of photographs to print them on paper, credited as the father of modern which sometimes altered or eliminated details from the original. When the halfphotography with his creation of tone process was developed in the late 1870s, newspapers and magazines were the daguerreotype. able to reproduce photos more easily and thus included more with their stories. However, it was not until the early decades of the 20th century that modern photojournalism, the telling of stories with pictures, was born. A number of people were involved in the development of photojournalism. Erich Salomon, who worked for the German pictorial magazine Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung, was in the vanguard of the field when, in 1928, he began taking candid photographs of world leaders. Eight years later, Henry Luce purchased Life magazine, a humor and general interest publication, and turned it into a newsweekly with a focus on photojournalism. Henri Cartier-Bresson, a French photographer whose emphasis on “street photography” led him to be credited as the father of modern photo- A sample of four daguerreotypes, c. 1840s, by W. Vogel of St. Louis, journalism, shot numerous assignments for Life. Missouri. From the 1930s through the 1960s, it and other magazines, such as Look, created the “window on the world” that served audiences until the widespread adoption of television assumed that role. As photography developed, inventors strove to use the new medium to produce “moving pictures.” Thomas Edison invented the first motion picture camera in 1891, which was improved upon by the French brothers Auguste and Louis Lumière. When the modern motion picture industry was born in 1895, audiences flocked to storefront “movie houses” to watch moving images of everyday life, some that lasted only several minutes. The debut of director D.W. Griffith’s “Birth of a Nation” in 1915 ushered in the modern era of film in America. This feature-length silent film, which was three hours and 10 minutes long, introduced
new filmmaking techniques, such as panoramic long shots and panning camera shots, and included an orchestral musical score to be played simultaneously. The sound era of film began in 1927 with the release of “The Jazz Singer,” a film that featured actor Al Jolson singing to the audience. Two years later, the talking picture, or “talkie,” had taken over the movie industry. The concept of transmitting moving pictures, or television, was established in the 1870s. Like many ideas, it took decades and inventors in several countries to develop the required technology. In 1888, Heinrich Hertz, a German physicist, discovered radio waves; 11 years later, Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi, who based his pioneering work on long-distance radio transmission on Hertz’s findings, was sending radio signals nearly 10 miles over open water. By 1901, he was sending signals across the Atlantic Ocean. Marconi’s radio could send only signals, but improvements led to the transmission of voices and music. Other inventors explored the possibility of sending and receiving images on the same radio waves that carried sound. The first transmission—using a still image of letters of Scottish television pioneer John Logie Baird, seen here, invented the alphabet—occurred in 1909. It was not until the original television model. It includes a rapidly revolving disc with 1926 that Scottish inventor John Baird, using an lenses that the object being recorded reflects through; a slotted electromechanical device, successfully demondisc that also spins quickly and breaks the light down further; and a light-sensitive cell that receives many flashes consisting of minute strated the first transmission of a moving image: squares of the image and generates electrical impulses transmitted to a human face. The picture was very crude comthe receiving apparatus. pared to today’s standards, but it had a tremendous impact on the distribution of images. In 1936, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) began transmitting the first public television service from London. The company originally used Baird’s electromechanical system, but it was soon replaced by an all-electronic system employing a cathode ray tube (CRT), which would be the dominant means of transmitting and receiving television signals until the digital age. The concept of this technology was established in 1908, but it was not successfully employed until the late 1920s and early 1930s. American inventor Philo Farnsworth was instrumental in developing an all-electronic television system. The system he helped develop began regularly scheduled broadcasts to the public in 1939, when the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) transmitted the opening of the New York In the first news event covered by television, David Sarnoff, founder of RCA, dedicates the company’s pavilion at the 1939 World’s Fair. World’s Fair. Many people attending the fair
Vi sual Journali sm Today
were seeing television for the first time, and it was not long before the new technology began spreading throughout the country. By the late 1950s, television had become the major means by which Americans received news and entertainment. Technologically, film—a flexible, permanent material for capturing images for photography and television—was the prevailing medium used by journalists from the late 1880s until the digital revolution of the 1990s. The invention of videotape in the 1950s made capturing and editing images for television much easier than working with film clips during newscasts. Attempts to develop digital imagery began in the mid-1970s, but it was not until the 1990s that the process of digitizing and storing images became commercially viable. By the beginning of the 21st century, digital had supplanted film as the preferred means of capturing and distributing images to audiences.
Visual Journalism Today With the introduction of the personal computer, followed by software applications for word processing, publication design, photography and video, the ability to create visual content for the media exploded. What artists, page designers and production people once did by hand could now be done on a computer in less time and with fewer people. Electronic pagination allowed newspapers and magazines to design pages and send them directly to production, eliminating several steps in the process. Digital production made it easier to create and incorporate elements such as pictures, illustrations and infographics on the pages, making them even more visual. The digital revolution hit photography as advances in the quality of digital cameras began to rival film. News organizations adopted the former because images could be captured, edited and put into production faster and more cheaply than processing film and making prints. Digital photography also eliminated the need for expensive and environmentally harmful chemical processing facilities. And when the internet arrived, it opened a visual platform that became a showcase for photography and video. Now, an hour of video is loaded onto YouTube every second and more than four billion videos are viewed every day. Over 300 million photos are added to Facebook every day. More than five billion photographs were uploaded to Instagram within four years of its launch. The internet and social media play an increasingly important role in the dissemination of visual content, including news. Recall from Chapter 1 that more and more Americans get at least some of their news online. In today’s world of digital journalism, visual elements are easy Jonathan Bachman of Reuters took this photograph of Ieshia Evans to record and distribute and have become intebeing arrested during protests in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, after a gral to every story package (see Figure 14.1 for an black man was shot by police. The photo went viral and Bachman was example). Increasingly, people are getting their a Pulitzer Prize finalist.
V IS UA L J O U R N A L IS M news and information from digital sources, and much of the content they access includes photography and video.
Ethics of Visual Journalism As the digital age of photography and video began to evolve, it opened a Pandora’s box of ethical concerns. A major issue for media analysts is the manipulation of digital imagery. There have been some rather embarrassing moments involving major media organizations allowing photo editors or photojournalists to change images. AdWeek magazine featured a photograph of actress Kerry Washington that had been manipuFigure 14.1 Compelling infographics are now important tools for lated in Photoshop to change the bone structure delivering news. of her face and the color of her skin. Actress and singer Zendaya posted on social media side-byside images of the real photo and the manipulated one that Modeliste magazine published, showing how photo editors had slimmed her torso and hips and altered her skin tone. In one of the historically more infamous examples, Time magazine digitally altered the police mug shot of O.J. Simpson to make him look more sinister after he had been accused of killing Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. Unfortunately for Time, Newsweek magazine ran the same photo— not manipulated—on its cover the same week. Audiences could compare the two images side by side in newsstands across America. Whether they use film or digital, photojournalists have always had the ability to manipulate photographs and video. They can distort the scene by choosing whom and what to photograph and how to compose the shot. They can alter the image through cropping and other production processes. These changes can influence the message presented. Although it often takes a trained eye to see what has been manipulated, the willful elimination or digital alteration of elements in a photograph or video crosses an ethical line that has cost photojournalists their jobs and news organizations their credibility. When it comes to news, what readers and viewers see must reflect reality. The National Press Photographers Association (NPPA), a professional organization for photojournalists, states: “Accuracy in our work and integrity in our relationships with the public we serve are essential qualities for all photojournalists.” The question is, “What can and cannot be changed?” Editing images to improve quality is permissible. For example, correcting exposure problems, eliminating unwanted background elements or emphasizing the subject usually has been allowed. If a photographer wants to remove “red eye” in a head-and-shoulder image, it is easy to do in a software program such as Photoshop. Such improvements, however, do not alter the message or the reality of the scene recorded. In some cases, photographers may take multiple shots of a scene at different exposures, then combine them to get the best exposure possible. Again, the reality of the scene has not been altered. The photographer is trying only to provide
T he Digital News Package the sharpest and best-exposed image. If something intrudes on the edge of the photograph—such as a pole, sign or other distracting element—the photographer can crop it out without affecting the reality of the image. Changing the content of an image crosses the ethical boundary. However, there are times that, for artistic or illustrative reasons, a page designer or photo editor needs to manipulate an image. Doing so is unethical only if the public is not informed that the photo has been altered. An image always should be labeled as an illustration or composite so people know and understand that what they are seeing does not represent reality. In a well-known example, Newsweek ran a cover photo of Martha Stewart upon her release from prison, looking thinner and younger than usual; the magazine had put her head on a model’s body and digitally altered her face. Officials at Newsweek responded to criticism by saying that the photo was never meant to represent reality and was only an illustration of what Stewart might look like when she was released. Editors had put a small credit line on the contents page, indicating that the photograph was a fake, but the image looked real; therefore, people could mistake it for an actual photograph of Stewart. The disclaimer should have been placed where readers could see it easily. Intentional or not, falsifying reality is unethical and undermines the media’s credibility.
The Digital News Package Beginning reporters need to be multi-skilled and able to gather information in a variety of ways for dissemination on a variety of platforms. Creating news packages for digital media goes beyond writing and editing a story. Journalists working with digital media need to not only be comfortable with the written word but also be able to think about the other elements that enrich the web news environment—photography, video and audio. Remember that visual elements should add value to the story, not merely repeat information that is already there. The images should create a richer story that will draw people to the website and keep them coming back.
Capturing Photographs The web is changing the role played by photographs in journalism, sometimes making them seem less important than videos. Part of the reason perhaps lies in the nature of website design and how pictures are viewed online. While photographs have a central role in the design of a newspaper page, they may not be the main element of a website. The photos may be small and require readers to click on them to enlarge—or even see—them. However, photography on the web remains a powerful tool that can attract readers and help tell a story. The key is learning how to incorporate photos in the story and then planning what and how many are needed. Photographs can dramatize or emphasize specific parts of a story, or they can tell the entire story. Life magazine was famous for its photo stories that featured numerous images surrounded by brief explanatory text. Newspapers occasionally ran photo stories; however, they did not have as much space to devote to photographs as Life did. Newspapers might include two or three photos with a story, if warranted. Stories of historic importance, such as the 9/11 attacks, would use numerous photographs to help tell the story.
Newsweek magazine had its ethical judgment questioned when it ran this digitally manipulated cover photograph of Martha Stewart.
National Press Photographers Association’s Code ofEthics Visual journalists and those who manage visual news productions must uphold the following standards in their daily work: 1. Be accurate and comprehensive in the representation of subjects. 2. Resist being manipulated by staged photo opportunities. 3. Be complete and provide context when photographing or recording subjects. Avoid stereotyping individuals and groups. Recognize and work to avoid presenting one’s own biases in the work. 4. Treat all subjects with respect and dignity. Give special consideration to vulnerable subjects and compassion to victims of crime or tragedy. Intrude on private moments of grief only when the public has an overriding and justifiable need to see. 5. While photographing subjects do not intentionally contribute to, alter, or seek to alter or influence events. (Continued)
6. Editing should maintain the integrity of the photographic images’ content and context. Do not manipulate images or add or alter sound in any way that can mislead viewers or misrepresent subjects. 7. Do not pay sources or subjects or reward them materially for information or participation. 8. Do not accept gifts, favors or compensation from those who might seek to influence coverage. 9. Do not intentionally sabotage the efforts of other journalists. Ideally, visual journalists should: 10. Strive to ensure that the public’s business is conducted in public. Defend the rights of access for all journalists. 11. Think proactively, as a student of psychology, sociology, politics and art, to develop a unique vision and presentation. Work with a voracious appetite for current events and contemporary visual media. 12. Strive for total and unrestricted access to subjects, recommend alternatives to shallow or rushed opportunities, seek a diversity of viewpoints, and work to show unpopular or unnoticed points ofview. 13. Avoid political, civic and business involvements or other employment that compromise or give the appearance of compromising one’s own journalistic independence. 14. Strive to be unobtrusive and humble in dealing with subjects. 15. Respect the integrity of the photographic moment. 16. Strive by example and influence to maintain the spirit and high standards expressed in this code. When confronted with situations in which the proper action is not clear, seek the counsel of those who exhibit the highest standards of the profession. Visual journalists should continuously study their craft and the ethics that guide it. Source: https://nppa.org/code-ethics
V IS UA L J O U R N A L IS M Websites have unlimited space compared to newspapers and unlimited time compared to television news programs. Newspaper websites can include numerous photographs with a story. The images do not have to be laid out on a page as they would be in the print edition, but could be “stacked” one behind another—the reader simply clicks on the series to “flip” through them. Thumbnail images can also be lined up beside or below the story or under the main photograph, and the reader can click on and view them in a larger format. Finally, a series of photographs can be arranged in a slideshow accompanied by narration and music and hyperlinked to the story. The reader can click on the link to see the images appear automatically in a timed sequence and hear the narrator tell the story. An important aspect to remember when shooting digital photos for print or online use is the resolution, or the number of pixels, in the image. Photographs displayed on a website are set at 72 pixels per inch (ppi) to match the calibration of computer monitors. Saving an image at a higher resolution makes the file larger, which means longer download times for readers. Even with today’s highspeed internet connections, the reader will “turn the electronic page” and move to another area of the website or to another site if a large file takes too long to download. While photographs for websites display at 72 ppi, those printed in newspapers or magazines need higher resolution to appear sharp and clear when printed. Newspapers normally require resolutions of around 200 ppi because of the lower quality of newsprint. Magazines usually require 300 ppi because of the high-quality, coated paper used in printing, which allows the pictures to “pop” off thepage. When planning to shoot photos, one of the first things to consider is where the photographs will be used—online only, print only or both. Digital cameras can be set to shoot in small, medium or large image quality, which basically corresponds to the ppi of an image and the amount of space it takes up on a memory card. Photographers can pack more images on a memory card by shooting in the small format, which is suitable for pictures that will appear only online. Because reproduction quality is limited, the camera controls should be set to medium or large for photos that will appear in print. In these formats, the resolution will be high enough for the photos to print on paper. Journalists can then “shrink” the images with compression software for use on a website. To get the best results when shooting photographs, keep the following points in mind: Focus: Most digital cameras feature automatic focusing (autofocus) to ensure that the subject appears clear and sharp. However, if the photographer points the lens at the wrong spot, such as just to the side of the subject, the camera may focus on the background instead. When taking photos of a person against a busy background, focus on his or her face. Steady the camera: Keep the camera as still as possible; any movement can blur the image. Move around: Instead of shooting the photo straight on, look for a different angle or viewpoint. Shooting from a slight angle is better than shooting from
T he Digital News Package
Neither photo is a successful visual element: the one on the left is out of focus, and the one on the right contains a merger (the plant seems to be growing out of the sleeping woman’s head).
straight on because it creates depth. Shooting from a high or low viewpoint adds drama to a photo. Take tight shots: Close-ups and medium shots are the best in most cases for telling the story. A combination of medium and panoramic shots can be used when including more than one photograph. Panoramic shots are used to set the scene. Shoot action: Static photographs are boring. The key to a good photograph is to capture action at its peak. Whether shooting a sports event or a speaker at a presentation, take pictures of people in motion. Avoid mergers and intrusions: Look at the subject carefully to make sure nothing is protruding into the photo or out of the subject’s head or body that interferes with the image. A signpost or tree branch that appears to jut out of a person’s head can create an unwanted intrusion with sometimes comical results. Digital photographs can be downloaded to a computer and edited with software such as Adobe Photoshop, Corel AfterShot Pro, Apple’s iPhoto or free online editing programs such as PicMonkey, Picasa, Pixlr, Nik Collection or SumoPaint, which offer basic and advanced photo editing tools. Here are some basic steps for this process: Do not edit the original photo: Always edit a copy of the photograph rather than the original. Save the original image in case you need to use it again. Crop the photo: Cropping a photo simply means cutting out unwanted background. This step can make a photo more dramatic and improve its composition. However, a photo should not be cropped so tight that it alters the meaning. Size the image: Depending on the resolution at which the photo was taken, it will probably be too large to put online or in print. If it is going to be used online, it can be resized as a small, low-resolution image. If it is going to be printed in a magazine or newspaper, it will have to be a large, high-resolution image. The physical size of the photo is determined by the amount of space
V IS UA L J O U R N A L IS M provided on the website, measured in pixels, or on the page, measured in picas or inches. Set the resolution and file type: The resolution should be set while the image is being resized. Photos for display on websites are usually saved as JPEGs (joint photographic experts group), which allows the files to be smaller and thus load faster on a website. Photos that will be published on paper are usually saved as TIFFs (tagged image file format), which are much larger files. Since JPEG is a compression format, you will lose a bit of quality each time you edit and save the image. If you are going to publish the image online and in print, save a copy of the original file as a TIFF and edit it instead of working from a JPEG. You can always change the resolution to 72 ppi and save it as a JPEG later. Adjust exposure: Photo editing software provides tools to improve the image quality of a photograph by altering the brightness and contrast, both generally and for specific areas. You will need to adjust the exposure if you plan to use the image both online and in print. What seems normally exposed on a computer monitor may look very dark when printed because the reproduction process applies ink on paper rather than appearing on a brightly backlit computer display. An image that is to be printed often needs to be lighted as much as 20–30 percent for it to be properly exposed in a newspaper or magazine.
Capturing Video Many reporters, from small to large news organizations, carry compact, handheld digital video recorders to capture images to be viewed on a computer monitor or a mobile device. NPR has developed a major presence in digital media with its website, which includes written stories and commentaries, blogs, video stories, photographs and numerous audio segments. NPR is a radio network, after all, but its website shows the depth and richness digital media offer audiences. With the advent of digital video technology, anyone—with patience and practice—can create digital video. Gone are the days of using small but bulky 8 or 16 mm film cameras to make grainy home movies that took time and effort to produce and edit and required a projector and screen to view. Many of the current recorders have overcome these limitations with standard or high-definition digital recording that is captured on internal hard drives or compact flash storage devices and downloaded to and edited on a computer. One has only to look at the growth of YouTube to see the impact that video has had in regard to digital media. But reporters must decide how to use video and how much to use with the story. Digital journalists typically shoot much more video than they will need. There are three possible approaches to video story content: b reaking-news, highlight, and full documentary-style. Each one varies in content, time and presentation. There is no rule for how long a video segment in a web story package should run—it often depends on the subject and length of the story and the quality of the video available.
T he Digital News Package
BREAKING-NEWS VIDEO Breaking news is difficult to plan for because reporters do not know in advance what the story will be. They have to react to the situation as it develops, but they can have an idea of what video they need to shoot. For example, if they are covering a fire that is still burning, they will shoot the scene, capturing images of the burning building and the firefighters working to extinguish the blaze. This material will serve as background video, or b-roll. The story’s main footage will be video reactions of witnesses and fire officials. Breaking-news video that accompanies a story may be from two to three minutes long.
Videographer Lindsay Pierce shoots footage of Brutus, a Rottweiler who lost his feet to frostbite when he was a puppy and was later outfitted with four prosthetic legs.
Highlight videos are short clips—sometimes no more than 15 or 20 seconds—that can be used to explain complex elements or emphasize dramatic moments of a story. Sometimes, only one person is interviewed in the video; other times, several people may offer comments. The clips can be assembled into a video story of one to three minutes long. Many reporters use a highlight video in the same way as a breaking-news one, interspersing short segments of action with comments from sources. These short clips accompany the written story to dramatize the action and place the audience at the scene. One of the differences between the two forms is that reporters have time to plan for the highlight video. They can determine what footage they want to shoot and who may be the best source to capture on video.
DOCUMENTARY-STYLE VIDEO This type of video content is the longest of the three, often five or more minutes in length. A New York Times’ web video about the disappearance of 796 Irish children who had been placed in homes for unwed mothers over several decades was more than 11 minutes long. The video featured interviews with the amateur historian who uncovered the story and several adults who had been children in the homes, along with video footage of the location of the demolished home and what it looks like now, diagrams of the location, video of government officials and voice-overs by a reporter narrating the story. The documentary-style video is the most complex of video story formats and needs the most planning to be successful.
Creating Good Video The key to creating good video for the web is to plan the shots around the story you are writing. Reporters usually have an idea of what video clips they need to capture, whether it is just a short series of comments from the person being interviewed interspersed with action and scenic shots or a longer documentary-style
V IS UA L J O U R N A L IS M piece. However, even when journalists plan for the video they need, they must be flexible enough to change their plans as the facts demand. Part of that is thinking through the series of shots, which has to be logical, smoothly flowing and dynamic. Static videos—such as those where the camera remains stationary and the scene never leaves the action or the subject’s face—are boring, even if action takes place during an interview. Good videos combine a variety of shots: close-ups, or tight shots; medium shots; and distant, or wide-angle shots. A tight shot of the subject becoming emotional is more dramatic than a medium shot. Yet if there is action, a medium shot is needed so the viewer can make sense of the scene. A wide-angle shot places the scene in context. Changes from shot to shot, called jump-cuts, take practice to make the transitions smooth. Video editing software, such as Apple’s iMovie and Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premiere, provide tools to make jump-cuts that flow seamlessly from one scene to the next. Care must be taken when going from one shot to the next. Nearly every digital video recorder has a zoom function that allows the videographer to go from one shot to another without having to move. Yet zooming in and out can create problems with focus as well as with the appearance of the video. The same problems arise with panning, or following the action with the camera. When recording a video story, it is best to stop recording, adjust the video recorder for the next shot and continue from shot to shot until done. Use the zoom function as sparingly as possible. The different shots can be pieced together during editing. With longer video interviews, reporters sometimes become a part of the video by recording themselves or their voices as they ask questions. In this case, journalists should work from a script and rehearse the questions to avoid stumbling over them during the interview. Of course, the reporter needs flexibility to follow the interview where it leads, but having prepared questions ensures things will flow smoothly. Long pauses during an interview that is being recorded can lead to awkward jump-cuts. While brief highlight videos may need only titles, credits and an introduction, longer videos may also need voice-overs, or narration, to introduce new segments or new subjects being interviewed, as well as background music. Adding voiceovers to a video can be done in the editing process and is usually best accomplished by first writing a script, as was discussed in Chapter 13. Reporters often rehearse the script and warm up their throats by reading a few lines before they begin recording the narration. When reading, they try to talk in a normal, conversational tone that is not rushed or overly dramatic. Pace is important in narration, as is inflection. The former should not be so fast that the narrator runs out of breath, and the latter—the rhythm or pattern of speech—should not be monotone or too up and down.
Capturing Audio Just as technology has simplified the process of recording video, so has it simplified gathering, editing and distributing audio. The New York Times and other news organizations sometimes include short audio clips on their websites to dramatize, emphasize or explain something in a story.
T he Digital News Package Reporters may record an entire interview and then edit the audio for the parts that will make a good presentation. Or they may prepare a series of questions to ask a source specifically for the audio clip. They may also want to add narration to put the clip into context, along with environmental, or natural, sound. To ensure variation in natural sound, they should record 10- to 15-second segments from different places and times; doing so also provides options during editing. If a reporter is interviewing a contractor at a construction site, for example, he or she may gather several seconds of machinery and other construction noise to play in the background during a voice-over. The narration may include an introduction at the beginning of the clip and the questions posed to the source before his or her responses. An audio clip that accompanies an online story may not need any context beyond the accompanying text and visual elements. But if the clip is downloaded, the narrator will have to provide the story’s background in an introduction. If the audio story includes the voice of more than one source, the narrator will have to introduce each new segment and identify each person. Audio stories can be just about any length, whether they accompany the story on the news organization’s website or are posted as podcasts. Interviews can be recorded face-to-face or over the telephone. As stated in Chapter 11, location is one of the most important considerations for in-person interviews. In the preceding example, the reporter would need to find a quiet place to conduct the interview and gather natural sound later. Background construction noise could drown out the speaker or force him or her to shout over the noise. If the noise ends, the person may still be shouting a response. An office or home is a good location, but avoid restaurants, coffee shops or anywhere with a lot of crowd or background noise. If the audio is going to be used for a lengthy podcast, reporters usually prepare the subject. As with a written interview, they tell the person what the story will be about, how long the interview will last and where and when the podcast will be available. Journalists sometimes send a few questions to sources prior to the interview so that they have an opportunity to prepare answers. This practice is especially helpful when interviewing sources about complex topics. Sometimes reporters do not start recording at the start of the interview but talk to the subject to help relax him or her before turning on the recorder and beginning the real interview. The key to successful podcast interviews is to keep the tone conversational and natural sounding as though the listener is in the room with you. When a reporter finishes recording material for a story, the editing process begins. Most digital audio recording devices can be connected to a computer with a USB cable and the audio files then downloaded for editing. A number of free software programs, such as Audacity, are available for both PCs and Macintosh computers. Most of these programs offer time track marks so that interview quotes can be flagged at minute/second marks and can be easily found when compiling the final audio story. The first step in editing is to cut poor or unnecessary segments. Remove long pauses in which there is no sound, the “ums” and “ahs” that sources sometimes utter, verbal gaffes and any small talk at the start or end of the interview. People
V IS UA L J O U R N A L IS M sometimes do not realize they are still being recorded at the end of the interview and say something inappropriate or irrelevant. Next, voice-overs, music clips and natural sound can be added. Several techniques can be used to flow from one audio segment to another, such as fades and segues. There are also a number of helpful guides and online resources that offer detailed assistance in editing audio effectively for podcasting and audio highlights.
Required Technology Reporters writing for the web need a wider array of tools than those who write only for print. BuzzFeed employees use software to edit video and audio stories for Nevertheless, most of the technology is easy to the website. learn and available at a reasonable cost. Even journalists new to digital media can create video and audio segments using a medium-priced video recorder and Apple’s iMovie or Adobe’s Premiere Elements digital video editing software. However, mastering the skills takes time, patience and practice.
Digital Video Recorder More and more cameras are able to shoot video clips. For shooting longer, more involved video stories and highlights, however, it is best to use a digital video recorder. Professional video cameras and recorders used for television and documentary films cost thousands of dollars, but amateur standard and high- definition digital video recorders cost from around $200 to $1,200 and take good quality video for display on a website or mobile device.
Digital Camera While smartphones are becoming more popular for point-and-shoot photographs and will perform adequately in an emergency, professional photographers still favor the image quality of a standard digital camera. There are hundreds to choose from at varying levels of complexity, quality and cost. Inexpensive point-and-shoot digital cameras have limited zoom range, flash power and ability to capture high-speed action, which makes such cameras less than ideal. The full-function point-and-shoot looks similar to digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) cameras but is a bit more compact. The difference is that the former has a fixed lens while the latter has an interchangeable lens system so that different focal length lenses, such as normal or telephoto, can be used. Cameras can range in price from $250 to $600 for a full-function point-and-shoot and from $600 to several thousand for a DSLR. Many beginning photographers often question whether an 18-megapixel camera is better than a 10- or 12-megapixel in terms of image quality. “Megapixel”
Required Technolog y
refers more to the file and print size than it does to overall sharpness of the image. The sharpness is controlled more by the photographer, the quality of the lens and the type and quality of sensor the digital camera uses to capture the image. A three-megapixel camera will produce an excellent 5×7-inch image at 300 ppi and a good quality 8×10-inch image at 200 ppi. A 12-megapixel camera will produce an excellent 10×15-inch print at 300 ppi and a good quality 14×21-inch image at 200 ppi. The questions to ask are: How big does the image need to be? Where will it be displayed? The answers will determine the size of the file.
Digital Audio Recorder Miniature digital audio recorders can capture high-quality stereo sound at a very affordable price. Key things to consider when buying this device are recording quality, ease of use, battery life, computer compatibility for transferring files and external inputs for headphones and a microphone. Good digital audio recorders range from $100 to $200. High-quality recorders can cost as much as $500.
The Reporter’s Guide to Visual Journalism Photographs
1. Create a list of photo opportunities for the story.
1. Determine how much video you want to or can use
2. If posting online, decide how photos will be dis-
for the story.
played on the website—as a series of photos or an
2. Shoot close-up, medium and wide-angle shots.
audio slideshow.
3. Limit panning and zooming to prevent blurring video.
3. Select image quality—small, medium or large—at which you want to capture images. 4. Make sure the subject is in focus. 5. Keep the camera steady. 6. Look for the best angle or viewpoint to shoot photos. 7. Take tight shots to dramatize and emphasize the subject. 8. Shoot action as often as possible to make photos more interesting. 9. Avoid background mergers. 10. Crop and size the photo when editing. 11. Set resolution at 72 ppi for the web and adjust the exposure when editing.
4. Edit the video to remove poor quality scenes; piece together different segments of video to tell the story. 5. Add voice-overs during editing to explain a scene or introduce a new source.
Audio 1. Decide whether you will use just clips of an audio interview or the entire interview as an audio story. 2. Decide whether the interview will be face-to-face or over the telephone; be sure to inform a source on the telephone that he or she is being recorded. 3. When interviewing face-to-face, pick a quiet spot for the interview to avoid intrusive background noise. 4. Record natural sound to use for background in the audio clip or story.
Review Exercises 1. Photojournalism Project Select a photo or photos of a news event, controversial issue or feature story (e.g., the aftermath of a natural disaster, a fire or vehicle accident, or a demonstration) from a newspaper, news magazine or news website. Choose an image that depicts the event or controversy, not a mug shot of someone involved. Analyze the photo(s) you selected by answering the following questions: ●● What do you see? ●● What story is the photographer trying to tell? ●● What message is he or she sending? Is the photograph
conveying it successfully? Why or why not?
●● Does it dramatize, emphasize or help summarize the
story? Give details to explain your answer. ●● Why do you think the photographer chose that particu-
lar scene to capture and explain the story? Why do you think the photo editor and editor selected the photo or photos for publication?
2. Video Journalism Project Select a video embedded in a news story or one that stands alone. As with Exercise 1, choose something connected to a news event, a controversial issue or a feature story. Analyze the video by applying the questions from the previous exercise.
rom the moment Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination until his election 16 months later, news organizations struggled
15 “Today’s public figures can no longer write their own
over how to cover him and his campaign. Trump’s promise to
speeches or books, and
build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, his attacks on the
there is some evidence
characters of fellow candidates such as Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina, his denigration of John McCain’s war record and many other statements broke nearly every custom of political campaigning. At the same time, Trump said—and repeated— things that were demonstrably untrue, such as his insistence
that they can’t read them either.” Gore Vidal, author
that he had seen thousands of Muslim Americans cheering as the World Trade Center buildings collapsed on 9/11 and that African-American communities were in the worst shape they had ever been. News executives wondered how they should cover such an unconventional campaign, and reporters grappled with how to let readers know that much of what Trump said was false without calling him a liar.
One assignment that seemed to be straightforward was Trump’s inaugural address. Covering speeches is a staple of journalism. What knowledgeable and important people say about current events is news, and journalists make that information available to members of the public who may not be able to attend the speech or listen to or read all of it. The reporter’s job is to present in concise and clear form the essence of the speaker’s message and some sense of what those who attended the event experienced. Equally important, and equally common as assignments, are the meetings of local governments or of civic groups concerned about public issues. The actions taken at these meetings often directly affect how people in a community live.
S PE E CH E S A N D M E E T IN G S Reporters assigned to cover speeches or meetings usually write two kinds of stories: an advance story and a follow story. The former alerts people to a soonto-happen event, and the latter describes that event for those who were unable to attend it in person.
Advance Stories News organizations usually publish advance stories the day a speech or meeting is announced or shortly thereafter. As a reminder to their audiences, they may publish a second advance story a day or two before the event. For an important speech or meeting, the initial announcement is often followed by additional advance stories about the purpose, participants and location of the event and about opportunities to attend. For events of unusual importance, news organizations may run several advance stories. For example, Trump’s inauguration received extensive coverage beforehand. The date of the inauguration was known well in advance; it’s set by the 20th Amendment to the Constitution. News organizations, nevertheless, had a wealth of material for stories leading up to the event. The New York Times reported that Trump would take the oath of office on the same Bible used in the inaugurations of Abraham Lincoln and Barack Obama. Another story reported that the inaugural luncheon would include lobster and shrimp for the first course and beef with chocolate and juniper juice and potatoes gratin for the second. Yet another story reported the times and locations of the Inauguration Day events, such as the Trump family’s private prayer service, the swearing-in ceremony and the inaugural parade. What the new president would say in his speech, however, was still a matter of speculation. The leads for advance stories should emphasize what is important and unusual, not just the fact that someone has scheduled a speech or meeting. Often, leads mention celebrities who will be involved or the topics that will be discussed. The rest of the story, usually no more than two or three paragraphs, might elaborate on the speaker or the topic or the most important items on the meeting’s agenda. The date, time and location of the event should also be included. The story should mention whether there is a charge for attending or whether the event is open to the general public. Some news organizations will not publish advance stories about closed events. Because of time limitations, broadcasters usually carry advance stories for only the most important speeches and meetings. Newspapers Nikki Haley, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, speaks during an run more advance stories but, to save space, may emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council, after North Korea publish them in roundups or digests (often called tested an intercontinental ballistic missile earlier in the week. Her “Community Calendars”) that list all the newsspeech was covered by many news organizations, both in the United States and around the world. worthy events for the coming week.
Follow Storie s
Covering the Speech or Meeting Speeches and meetings quickly become routine assignments for most reporters. Covering them effectively, however, requires perfecting some basic reporting skills: advance preparation, sound news judgment, accuracy, an ear for interesting quotations and an eye for compelling details. Journalists may cover speeches about topics they are unfamiliar with or meetings about complicated issues. Meetings of some government agencies can be particularly confusing. In larger communities, a city council might vote on issues without discussing them at its regular meeting because all the discussion occurred earlier in committee meetings. Unless reporters are familiar with the committee action, they might misunderstand the full council’s decision or fail to recognize newsworthy developments. Preparation helps reporters cover speeches and meetings. Journalists usually try to learn as much as possible about the participants and issues before a speech or meeting. As a first step, they might go to their news organization’s library and research the topic, the speaker or the group. Reporters who cover meetings should learn all the participants’ names beforehand to identify the people who are speaking or making decisions. To understand everything that is said, they should also learn as much as possible about every item on the agenda. Journalists can get agendas before many meetings and research the issues that will be discussed. In some cases, an agenda provides more than just a list of topics. It may be a small packet with supporting information on each item coming before the board or council. For instance, if a school board is considering a pay increase for substitute teachers, the agenda packet might include the superintendent’s rationale for the increase, projections of its impact on the budget and comparisons with the pay substitutes earn in nearby districts. Even if the published agenda lists only the topics to be considered, additional documents and information presented to board and council members are public records under most state laws, and reporters can get copies simply by asking and paying for them. Sometimes, unexpected or confusing issues arise during a meeting. Journalists prepare for those situations by arranging to see the leading participants to ask follow-up questions after a meeting adjourns. Reporters who cover speeches often try to talk to a speaker so they can clarify issues or get additional information. Groups that sponsor speeches will sometimes accommodate journalists by scheduling press conferences with speakers before or after the speech. If no formal press conference is arranged, they may ask to see speakers for a few minutes immediately after their appearances. Reporters also like to get advance copies of speeches when possible. Instead of having to take notes, they can follow the printed text and simply record any departures from the prepared remarks.
Follow Stories Published after a speech or meeting, follow stories report on the event in detail. Therefore, they are longer than advance stories and harder to write.
Common Steps for Covering Speeches orMeetings ●● Reporters arrive early and find seats that will allow them to hear and see as much as possible. Those who arrive late may have to sit in the back of the meeting room and struggle to hear what is said or see who is speaking. ●● Reporters introduce themselves to speakers, if possible, or the participants in the meeting, if they have never covered the group before. They may also ask a few quick questions or arrange to talk with speakers or meeting participants later. ●● Reporters take detailed notes. Thorough notes will help them recall and understand what was said or done and reconstruct it for their audience. ●● As they listen to a speech or meeting, reporters try to think of groups or individuals who might have different points of view or who might be affected by any actions taken. They will try to speak to these individuals or groups later so they can provide the public with as complete a news story as possible.
S PE E CH E S A N D M E E T IN G S Like any story, a speech or meeting story needs a central point. But the fragmented nature of most meetings and some speeches makes identifying that point difficult. An expert on economic development in rural areas might deliver a speech on the obstacles such areas face in attracting new businesses and the resources for overcoming them. Should the central point be the obstacles or the resources? Or should it cover both and, therefore, be vague and difficult to understand? In a single meeting, a school board might adopt a set of achievement standards for district pupils, announce a major expansion of the district’s soccer facilities and hear a report on why construction of a new high school has been delayed. All are important but unrelated issues. How can a writer work all three into a single coherent news story? A reporter’s decision on a central point depends on his or her news judgment about what is most important and interesting to the audience. As a result, journalists may differ in their approaches to a complicated story. For example, different news organizations emphasized different themes from President Trump’s inauguration speech. Several stressed the dark picture Trump painted of the nation’s condition. The Guardian said he offered a “bleak portrayal of a nation under siege.” Similarly, The New York Times said that the new president “vowed [to] shatter the established order and reverse a national decline that he called ‘this American carnage.’” The Los Angeles Times also reported that Trump described “a bleak version of a country marked by ‘rusted-out factories scattered like tombstones.’” The Associated Press took a different approach, saying Trump promised “to empower America’s ‘forgotten men and women.’” Bloomberg News said, “Donald Trump began his presidency with a combative, populist address aimed squarely at his aggrieved supporters, making little effort to reach beyond his political base or reassure foreign leaders.” Some news organizations, such as Vox.com, did not simply report the speech but also annotated it with commentary and supplementary information. At one point Trump said: “Politicians prospered, but the jobs left and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories. Their triumphs have not been your triumphs and while they celebrated in our nation’s capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land.” Vox.com staffer Matthew Yglesias inserted this commentary: “This line clearly speaks to how many people feel, but in reality there are more people employed in the United States in January 2017 than at any previous time in American history, and inflation-adjusted wages are higher than they have ever been.” National Public Radio (NPR) also published an annotated transcript of the inaugural speech. Trump said:
Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities, rusted out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation, an education system flush with cash but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge. And the crime, and the gangs, and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential. This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.
Follow Storie s
In his annotations, Eric Westervelt noted that the money for public schools comes largely from local and state taxes and only about 10 percent from the federal government. Overall, spending on public education in many states had declined since 2008. He also noted that while test scores in math for U.S. children had declined relative to the math scores for children from other counties, reading and science scores were stable. On the issue of crime, Westervelt said violent crime rates had been trending downward for many years, although a few cities were experiencing spikes in homicide rates. Stories about the speech included not only the president’s words but also the public’s reaction. The Washington Post quoted presidential historian Douglas Brinkley: “It was a nativist and at times jingoistic speech. People around the world will be frightened that we are really going to hunker in on them, creating a Fortress America. This is American nationalism on steroids.” Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio told The New York Times: “I was pretty shocked by how dark it was. I love this country, and I don’t understand how a president of the United States that loves his country could paint a picture of its failures.” On the other hand, the Los Angeles Times spoke to Trump supporter Pam Lazarites of Dayton, Ohio, who had traveled to Washington with her husband to see the inauguration. “It sounded like someone was speaking to us—finally,” the 61-year-old said. “I’m tired of hearing about the establishment—the government, the politicians.” News stories also reported on the ambiance of the inauguration, including the size of the crowd. The Associated Press said, “At the inauguration, the crowd that spread out before Trump on the National Mall was notably smaller than at past inaugurals, reflecting both the divisiveness of last year’s campaign and the unpopularity of the incoming president compared to modern predecessors.” Other news reports made similar comparisons, and some published side-by-side photos of the National Mall during Barack Obama’s 2009 inauguration and during Trump’s, showing much of it empty for the latter ceremony. The reporting on the crowd size became a matter of controversy the day after the inauguration, when Trump’s thenpress secretary, Sean Spicer, accused the news media of intentionally manipulating the photos so as to minimize the support Trump had. News organizations responded that Spicer’s claims about the inauguration crowd were demonstrably false.
Organizing Speech or Meeting Stories Reporters usually must select one idea or issue from a speech or meeting as the central point for the story. If an event involves several important topics, they generally focus on the most newsworthy in the lead and summarize the others in the next two or three paragraphs. Journalists then develop each topic in detail, starting with
Displaying photos of Trump’s inauguration, Sean Spicer speaks to the press about what he considered inaccurate and unfair coverage of the event.
S PE E CH E S A N D M E E T IN G S the most important. If the opening paragraphs mention only one topic, the audience will think the story discusses nothing else if other topics are not mentioned early in the story. If the topic in the lead fails to interest people, they may stop paying attention. Some beginners report events in the order in which they occurred, as if the sequence were somehow important to the audience. Meeting agendas rarely reflect the importance of the topics discussed. Major issues may be taken up early or late, but readers, viewers or listeners should not have to endure descriptions of minor actions before learning about important ones. Although speeches usually have a more logical order, speakers tend to put their most important points at the middle or end. Reporters write most follow stories in the inverted-pyramid style, presenting information in the order of its importance (see Chapter 9). They can move statements around; for example, they may begin with a statement made at the end of a one-hour speech or meeting, then shift to a topic discussed midway through the event. If topics brought up early are unimportant, reporters may not mention them at all. When writing a follow story, journalists should never simply report that a speaker or group “discussed” or “considered” another topic, even if it is a minor one. If a topic is important enough to mention, give the audience meaningful information about it. As specifically as possible, summarize the discussion or action. The original sentence in the following example is vague; the second sentence is more specific: Finally, Commissioner Cycler expressed concern about the Senior Citizens Center on Eisenhower Drive. Finally, Commissioner Cycler said several people have called her to complain that the staff at the Senior Citizens Center on Eisenhower Drive is arrogant and unhelpful. Another factor to keep in mind when organizing speech or meeting stories is attribution. When a writer fails to vary the location of the attribution, the story can seem dull and repetitious. If reporters see the following pattern or something like it in their finished stories, they need to rewrite: ●● City Manager Faith An-Pong began by discussing the problems that recycling
is creating for the city. ●● Next, An-Pong said . . . ●● Turning to a third topic, An-Pong said . . . ●● She then went on to add that . . . ●● Continuing, An-Pong said . . . ●● In conclusion, she added . . .
Writing Effective Leads Inexperienced reporters often err by writing overly broad leads that contain no news. These leads may say that a speaker “discussed” a topic or “voiced an opinion” or that a group “considered” or “dealt with” an issue. Consider the following examples:
Follow Storie s The president of the Chamber of Commerce discussed the dangers of higher taxes in a speech Tuesday night. The City Council considered the problems of billboards and panhandlers in an eight-hour meeting Monday. Neither lead contains any news. The advance stories for these events would already have included the topic of the chamber president’s speech and the agenda for the city council meeting. The news is what was said or done about these issues, as these revised leads illustrate: If the city continues to raise property taxes, major businesses will leave town, throwing thousands of people out of work, the president of the Chamber of Commerce warned Tuesday night. The City Council voted to ban most billboards and to restrict panhandling to about two dozen zones downtown during a meeting that lasted eight hours Monday. Usually, leads for follow stories emphasize the most newsworthy information to emerge from a speech or meeting. Often that is the speaker’s main point or the most important action taken or issue discussed at a meeting. Sometimes, other aspects are more newsworthy: Follow Story Lead (Emphasis on Main Point): The world needs an immediate reduction in the burning of fossil fuel to head off potentially disastrous effects from global warming, a prominent American scientist warned Sunday in Vancouver. James Hansen, head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies and an iconic figure among climate researchers, said “even the skeptical scientists now agree” that Earth is undergoing a warming trend. (Vancouver, British Columbia, Sun) The scientist referred to here is James Hansen, who is well known in climate science circles for his research on global climate change and his advocacy for cutting the emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. But Hansen lacks the name recognition of prominent politicians, like Al Gore, or celebrities, like Leonardo DiCaprio. Thus, the substance of the message is more important and more meaningful than the fact the message is coming from James Hansen. At other times, who said something is more important than what was said: Follow Story Lead (Emphasis on Speaker): In his first speech since being sworn in as attorney general, Jeff Sessions tied a recent increase in violent crime to a lack of respect for police officers, vowing that his Justice Department would be more supportive of local departments and “not diminish their effectiveness.” Sessions spoke Tuesday in worriedtones about the uptick in violence in a number of major cities, warning that he believed this was not “a onetime blip” but rather “the beginning of a trend.” Hethen suggested that the increase was linked to changing perceptions of law enforcement after years of protests nationwide against how police officers use deadly force. (The Washington Post)
S PE E CH E S A N D M E E T IN G S Some law enforcement officials argued the Black Lives Matter movement and other critics of police were making officers reluctant to use force, even when it was necessary, which may allow crime to flourish. But when the new U.S. attorney general makes the same point, it is newsworthy not only because of Sessions’ prominence but also because it signals a change in federal policy. Sometimes, the most important news is made not in the speech or the meeting but in reaction to it: Follow Story Lead (Emphasis on Reaction): BERKELEY, Calif. — A speech by the divisive right-wing writer Milo Yiannopoulos at the University of California, Berkeley, was canceled on Wednesday night after demonstrators set fires and threw objects at buildings to protest his appearance. (The New York Times) Audiences usually respond politely to speakers, even if they disagree with the views expressed. A completely different response faced Milo Yiannopoulos, then an editor at Breitbart News. Yiannopoulos, whom the Berkeley College Republicans had invited to speak, had been banned from Twitter for inciting trolls to attack actor-comedian Leslie Jones. He is also famous for his denunciations of political correctness, which have sometimes devolved into racially charged attacks. Opponents’ response to his speech was notable not only for its violence but also for the criticism it evoked. Many conservatives cited the incident as an example of left-wing censorship. Yet another approach to the follow story uses a lead that might be an anecdote from the speech, a description that sets a scene or a bit of dialogue from a meeting to introduce a nut graph that states the central point:
Follow Story Lead (Anecdotal): When President Barack Obama visits his home in Chicago, he often peruses a stack of newspapers from before the 2008 election. Obama says he likes to look at what he said during the campaign and compare it with what he has accomplished in office. “Lord knows I’ve made mistakes in this job,”Obama said in a speech Monday at the presentation of the Toner Prize for political reporting, “and there are areas where I’ve fallen short, but something I’m really proud of is the fact that, if you go back and see what I said in 2007 and you see what I did, they match up.” A major reason the two match up, Obama said, is the work of political journalists like the late Robin Toner of The New York Times, for whom the prize is named. Knowing that journalists were recording what he said and would challenge him if he promised too much forced him to check his facts and be realistic, the president said. The task of holding politicians to account and checking their statements and promises is even more important now, Obama said, in a presidential campaign that seems untethered Police carry a man into a building during a protest over a scheduled speech by Milo Yiannopoulos at the University of California, Berkeley. to fact and reasoned analysis.
Follow Storie s
FROM THE NEWS Speech Story Here’s a speech story that illustrates how a description of a dramatic part of the speech can make an effective lead. Internet Brings Pornography to Children, Researcher Says “I sit down as a 14-year-old and type in a few words and let the mouse roam where the mouse will roam,” said Edward Donnerstein as he started to demonstrate what’s available on the internet. And roam the mouse did. Donnerstein, a professor of communication and dean of the division of social science at the University of California at Santa Barbara, typed the words “free porn” into the computer search engine he was using. The program responded with a list of dozens of websites offering pornographic images. Donnerstein clicked on a few of the links as his audience of university students and faculty watched, and he brought to the screen still and moving pictures of naked women and men, vaginas, erect penises and couples having intercourse. And then he moved on to the rough stuff. From sites that specialized in bondage and sadomasochism, Donnerstein opened photographs of women tied up and tortured. One image showed a naked woman with what appeared to be cigarette burns covering her breasts, belly and thighs. “That’s a 14-year-old not being asked age, not paying a cent and getting some pretty violent things,” Donnerstein said. Sex, violence, hate-group messages, bomb-building instructions and promotions for tobacco and alcohol are just some of the culturally nonconformist messages children have access to over the internet, Donnerstein said Monday during a lecture on children and the internet at the student union. And the most frequently mentioned solutions to the problem—government regulation, blocking software, ratings systems and safe sites for children— have weaknesses. The lecture was part of a lecture series on media and children sponsored by the university’s Family Research and Policy Initiative. Some parents may decide the best solution is to keep children off the internet altogether, but Donnerstein said that was wrong. “The solution is not to pull the plug. In fact, it’s just the opposite,” he said. Children need to be online to
access valuable educational information, Donnerstein said, adding that he cannot imagine writing a scholarly paper without using the web. And internet access is likely to become more important, he said, as people conduct online more and more of their daily business, from trading stocks to seeking medical advice. Children have embraced the internet, Donnerstein said, but parents have little knowledge or understanding of what their children are doing. Of children between 9 and 17, Donnerstein said, 79 percent say they are online daily and prefer using their computers to television or the telephone. And 44 percent of those children say they have found X-rated material; 25 percent say they have seen hate-group sites; and 14 percent have seen bomb-building instructions. By comparison, parents are ignorant of computers, the internet and what their children are doing with them, he said. The internet is the first mass medium, Donnerstein said, where children and parents are at opposite ends in terms of their use and knowledge of the medium. Most parents, he said, don’t know what sites their children visit, don’t have rules for using the internet and haven’t installed blocking software, even if they own it, because it’s too complicated for them. Every new medium—movies, radio, television—has raised concerns among parents about how it will affect children, but the internet is different, Donnerstein said. The sex and violence in the movies and on television, even cable, are benign compared to what is on the internet, he said. “The internet is whatever you want. Things that have no other media correlation are available,” Donnerstein said. Also, the interactive nature of the internet may heighten any arousal the user experiences. Theoretically, he said, the effects of the internet may be much stronger than those of older media. Parents are justified in worrying about what effects exposure to internet sex and violence may have on their children, he said, but the most frequently mentioned solutions have shortcomings. Government regulation won’t work, he said, in part because of the First Amendment, which allows government to prohibit only messages that meet the stringent legal definition for obscenity or that are child pornography. (continued)
Speech Story (continued) Even if the First Amendment allowed greater regulation of the internet, it would not stop access to sex and violence. Many of the most salacious sites, Donnerstein said, are based overseas, beyond the reach of U.S. law. Ratings systems suffer a similar defect. They rely on the content providers to rate content as to its level of sex and violence, Donnerstein said. The systems are voluntary and would not bind content providers from other countries. Parents can buy computer programs that block access to certain websites. But Donnerstein said studies of these programs show that sometimes they fail to block pornographic sites. Other times, he said, they may block access to valuable information, such as sites that deal with breast cancer or AIDS.
Websites specifically designed for children can provide a safe environment. National Geographic Kids, Kidsreads and How Stuff Works are examples of sites that allow children to see educational materials but not pornography, violence and hate. Such sites are not likely to satisfy older children, he said. The best approach, Donnerstein said, may be for parents to learn more about the internet and what their children are doing with it. Parents can teach their children “critical viewing,” he said, in which the children and parents view websites together and discuss what they see. Children are aware of computer technologies and will make use of them, Donnerstein said; parents need to teach children how to use those technologies productively and safely.
Quotations can hook readers with a colorful phrase, but they rarely make good summary leads. As a rule, writers should use a quotation in the lead only if it accurately and succinctly states the most newsworthy point of the meeting or speech. In practice, few quotations will satisfy that standard. Quotations can be effectively used in anecdotal or delayed leads, which offer an opportunity to grab an audience with a bit of narrative or description but must clearly lead into and support the nut graph.
Writing Transitions Transitions shift a story from one idea to another. A good transition will connect the ideas and arouse the audience’s interest in the topic being introduced. Transitions should be brief. The repetition of a key word, phrase or idea can serve as a transition to a related topic or can shift the story to a new time or place. If the new topic is markedly different, a transitional sentence or question might be necessary. The transition should not, however, simply report that a speaker or group “turned to another topic.” Instead, it should function as a secondary lead, summarizing the new topic by giving its most interesting and important details. In the next examples, a weak transition is rewritten to include specific information: The board also considered two other topics. The board also considered—and rejected—proposals to increase students’ health and athletic fees. Hunt then discussed the problem of auto insurance. Hunt then warned that the cost of auto insurance rose 9.6 percent last year and is expected to rise 12 percent this year.
Remember Your Audienc e
Remember Your Audience Reporters should write with their audience in mind, clarifying issues so that people can understand how events will affect them and their neighborhood, city or state. Sometimes journalists forget this rule and try to please the people they are writing about instead of the people they are writing for. One news report of a city council meeting began by saying three employees received awards for their 25 years of service. Placing the awards in the lead probably pleased the city officials, but few people would care. The public was likely to have a greater interest in a topic presented later: plans for the city government to help people with low incomes buy their own homes. Reporters also need to clarify jargon, especially the bureaucratic language used at government meetings, so that readers, viewers, and listeners can understand the stories. A story reported that a county commission had imposed “stricter signage requirements” for adult bookstores, theaters and clubs. Instead of repeating such jargon, journalists should give specific details. In this case, the commissioners limited the size and location of outdoor signs advertising adult entertainment businesses.
Check Facts Reporters have an obligation to go beyond what is said or done at the speech or meeting to check facts, find opposing points of view and get additional information and comments. People say things in speeches that may not be true or may be largely opinion. And because a speech represents the views of only the speaker, a journalist who does nothing more than report the speaker’s words may be presenting a one-sided and inaccurate view of a topic. Two websites devoted to checking the factual claims of officials, politicians and opinion leaders are PolitiFact.com and FactCheck.org. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton kept both fact-checking organizations busy during their presidential campaigns. At one point, Trump claimed: Wikileaks also shows how (Clinton campaign chairman) John Podesta rigged the polls by oversampling Democrats, a voter suppression technique. And that’s happening to me all the time. When the polls are even, when they leave them alone and do them properly, I’m leading. But you see these polls, where they’re polling Democrats—“how’s Trump doing” “oh he’s down”—they’re polling Democrats! Trump was complaining about public polls showing he trailed Clinton, but the Podesta emails described internal polls. Moreover, the oversampling did not mean the polls were ignoring Republican voters; oversampling certain demographic groups is a polling technique that ensures there are enough group members in the sample to allow pollsters to draw reliable conclusions about how they will likely vote. Trump’s claim was so false that PolitiFact ranked it as “pants on fire,” its worst rating. A major issue for Clinton’s campaign was her use of a private email server during her time as secretary of state. FactCheck compared some of her statements
about her emails with the facts uncovered by an FBI investigation of the matter and found some contradictions. Clinton had claimed, for instance, that some emails had been deleted from the server before a congressional committee had subpoenaed them; in fact, they had been deleted after the subpoena was issued. Clinton also said everyone in government knew she was using a private email server, but emails sent through that server did not display her address and only 13 people knew what it was. Websites like PolitiFact and FactCheck help PolitiFact’s Truth-O-Meter includes the following rankings of reporters spot and correct errors in speeches bepolitical claims: true, mostly true, half true, mostly false, false cause often the distortions spoken by one politiand pants on fire. cian will be repeated by others. Checking facts about state or local issues may require journalists to invest some of their own time in research. Still, much of the information for checking facts is already on the websites of state and local governments. The web has made the process of holding politicians and public officials accountable much easier than it was decades ago. Reporters must be especially diligent about double-checking personal attacks in order to avoid libel suits. If a defamatory personal attack is made at a speech or meeting that is not an official government proceeding, a person who is attacked may sue both the speaker and any news organizations that report the statement. The fact that news organizations accurately quoted a speaker is not a defense. Even if a personal attack is not defamatory or is made in an official government meeting—and therefore cannot be the basis for a libel suit—the journalist still has an ethical obligation to check facts, get opposing points of view and give people who have been attacked a chance to respond.
Adding Color Report What You Hear Quotations, direct and indirect, help the writer describe debates that occur in a public meeting. The public needs to know why certain actions were taken or why elected representatives voted a certain way. Simply recording votes and actions will not give citizens the information they need to make informed judgments. They also need to know the competing points of view. An effort to train Lincoln, Nebraska, public school teachers to use gender- inclusive terms in the classroom provoked an angry response from many residents. At a 2.5-hour meeting, school board members heard from both opponents and proponents of the program: Courtney Criswell, the mother of three Lincoln Public Schools students, said the materials shared with teachers on gender inclusiveness have broken a trust with middle school parents, who are being held hostage and forced to decide what to do when such materials are used. “We cannot strip away one part of a child’s identity to build another one up,” she said. “Make no mistake, that is exactly what these materials
Adding C olor promote. It creates unnecessary confusion for the majority of students.” Diane Walkowiak, the parent of a transgender child, took some speakers to task and said teachers must be informed about issues of gender identity to reach all students. “You are telling me my son is immoral,” she said, and not worth the staff time needed to learn about the issues he faces. “You may not agree, you may firmly believe in a binary gender, but please accept that staff needs to be informed about this issue and many other issues because education is not just reading, writing and arithmetic. It is so much more. I believe that God is so much greater than all of us and made us in so many different ways, perhaps to test our compassion and love for others.”
Portland residents speak to their City Council during a meeting about rent control proposals.
Describe What You See Vivid descriptions of participants, audiences and settings add drama to speech and meeting stories. The descriptions can appear anywhere. The following example shows how vivid description can enliven a meeting story: A public hearing on an ordinance that would limit the number of animals allowed in homes drew a standing-room-only crowd to a County Commission meeting Thursday. Some of the spectators wore T-shirts inscribed with pictures of their pets, primarily cats and dogs.
The Writing Coach The Expectations of Public Officials toward Journalists BY JOE HIGHT
Despite their watchdog roles, U.S. journalists have two commonalities with public officials in that they want to
you? Accept that criticism with grace, diplomacy and reasons for your decisions.
preserve our democracy, especially the rights granted by
●● You will be vilified if you vilify the press or fail to
the Constitution and First Amendment. They also want
respond to their questions. Be ready to accept the
people to see them as credible, responsible and honest.
consequences of your anti-press sentiments.
After more than 30 years as a journalist, I’ve concluded
●● You’ll need to provide accurate and up-to-date infor-
these commonalities should guide public officials as they
mation to journalists. And accept that you must be
consider how to treat reporters and editors—even in crises.
proactive in getting your message and accurate infor-
So, in dealing with journalists, a public official should
mation to reporters and editors. This works especially
expect the following:
well at local and state levels. Nationally, you can be proactive by providing accurate information through
●● Reporters will be skeptical about what you are saying.
They are trained that way—trained that our
websites or materials pertinent to your cause. ●● After a major event you must serve in an explanatory
Constitution gives them the right to report on and
role to several or many journalists. Realize that your
question the motives of people who serve the public.
role—and perhaps other credible sources—will help
And accept that good reporters are skeptical of anyone in authority, including their own supervisors. So wouldn’t they be skeptical of you?
bolster your positions. ●● You must be consistent with journalists, even in the
mass frenzy after a disaster. That means providing
●● More reporters will cover high-profile events—ones
them with consistent information as soon as possible
that involve many people, force closings of public
and explaining why they’ll have to wait. U.S. General
attractions or sites, are tragic or are unusual. And
Al Gray was correct in saying: “Don’t finesse. Get the
accept that inquiries about these events may come from local, state and national media. ●● Journalists will push for open meetings of public
officials and pursue public records with the tenacity of a pit bull. And accept that these meetings should be open, and that public records deserve scrutiny.
facts before the American people.” ●● The truly objective journalist may not exist. However,
you can know that credible journalists must strive to be fair, ethical and clear to readers, viewers or listeners. And, most of all, accurate. ●● Other views, even ones considered radical, may be pre-
●● You will receive more scrutiny as you are named or
sented in the aftermath of an event. Journalists are not
elected to higher offices or gain public acclaim. My
doing this to spite you but to be fair to all sides. Accept,
father said, “You have to pay the fiddler if you want to
however, that editorial pages are different from news
dance.” That goes for journalists as well as public offi-
pages and may present views different or critical of yours.
cials. As you go higher in public office, accept that you have to support your speculative comments with facts
If you’re consistent, credible, honest and open, you can
and that you’ll be seen unfavorably if you say, “No
expect that the public will listen to you more than others.
comment”—the worst comment of all.
And you’ll be accepted more favorably in history.
●● You will be criticized if you make decisions that go
against the norm. Thomas Jefferson did. Abraham Lincoln did. John F. Kennedy did. So why shouldn’t
Joe Hight has been editor of the Colorado Springs (Colorado) Gazette and The Oklahoman of Oklahoma City. He is now the owner and president of Best of Books, Inc.
Adding C olor
The Reporter’s Guide to Reporting Speeches and Meetings Advance Stories
Follow Stories
1. Report what speech or meeting will happen, when
1. Identify the issue or decision that is most likely to
and where it will happen and who will be involved.
interest your audience and make that your central
2. Keep advance stories short—normally three or four
point. If other important issues or decisions arose
Covering the Speech or Meeting 1. Get background information on the group or speaker, including a copy of the agenda or the speech, if it’s available. 2. Learn the names of all participants. 3. Find out if there will be an opportunity to interview the speaker or the participants before or after the event. 4. Arrive early and find a seat where you can see and hear as much as possible. 5. Introduce yourself to the speaker or the participants in the meeting if they do not know you. 6. Take detailed notes, making sure you record colorful quotations, information about the setting of the event and the responses of the participants and observers. 7. Identify and seek responses from people who may be affected by what happens or who may have views or interests different from those expressed at the speech or meeting.
in the speech or meeting, be sure to mention them early. 2. Focus the lead on specific actions or statements to keep it from being overly broad. 3. Organize the story in inverted-pyramid fashion, not according to the order in which statements were made or topics considered. 4. Vary the location of the attribution in direct and indirect quotations so that the story does not become monotonous. 5. Provide transitions from one topic to another. 6. Avoid generalities and eliminate or explain jargon or technical terms. 7. Check controversial facts and give any person or group who has been attacked in the speech or meeting an opportunity to respond. 8. Include color in speech and meeting stories by providing direct quotations and descriptions of speakers, participants, settings and audience responses.
Review Exercises 1. Evaluating Speech and Meeting Leads Critically evaluate the following speech and meeting story leads, giving each a grade from A to F. Then discuss the leads with your instructor and classmates. 1. The County Commission voted unanimously Tuesday against raising the county tourism tax by one cent to pay for a new baseball stadium. 2. A spokesperson for Citizens Against Crime warned parents Wednesday night about violent crime and its impact on families in the city. 3. By a vote of 5-4, the City Council rejected on Monday night a proposal to build an apartment complex near Reed Road and State Road 419. 4. A heated debate took place at the City Council meeting Thursday night over the need for police dogs. 5. Fifty percent of the drug abusers entering treatment centers go back to using drugs within a year, Mimi Sota told an audience here Monday. 6. In a speech Monday, reporter Samuel Swaugger talked to journalism students about his past as a journalist and his experiences with the two largest newspapers in the state. 7. During a speech to the American Legion last night, former Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North discussed his work in the Reagan White House. 8. County commissioners heard testimony from more than 20 people Tuesday morning on plans to license and regulate snowmobiles. 9. The County Commission reviewed a resolution Wednesday to create a committee that will identify conservation and recreation lands within the county. 10. Blasting opponents of the plan, Mayor Sabrina Datoli last night defended a proposal to establish a police review board. 11. Traveling by airplane has never been more dangerous, Ramon Madea charged in a fiery speech Sunday night. 12. The City Council voted unanimously Monday to change the zoning along three streets from residential to commercial.
13. The business before the School Board flowed smoothly Tuesday night as the board proceeded through the agenda. 14. The county commissioners continued to struggle with the issue of protecting the water quality in Butler Lake at their meeting Monday. They eventually denied a petition to build a new boat ramp on the lake. 15. The County Commission unanimously passed an ordinance that makes it illegal for anyone to possess an open container of alcohol in a vehicle. A previous law made it illegal to drive while drunk, but legal to drink while driving.
2. Writing Advance and Follow Stories Write separate advance and follow stories about each of the following speeches. Because the speeches are reprinted verbatim, you may quote them directly. Correct the stories’ grammatical and spelling errors, including all possessives. You may want to discuss with classmates the problem of handling speakers’ errors in grammar and syntax and statements that seem sexist.
1. Americans’ Work Information for advance story: Leslee D’Ausilio will speak this forthcoming Saturday night to the Chamber of Commerce at the organizations annual meeting. The affair will start with an open bar at 6:30, dinner at 7:30, and the speech to begin promptly at 8:30 PM, all in the spacious Grand Ballroom of the Downtown Hilton Hotel. Cost for the dinner and speech: $39.00 for members and their guests, $49.00 for nonmembers. Tickets are conveniently available at the Chamber of Commerce office until Noon Saturday. The speaker, a famous celebrity and frequent TV guest commentator, is the author of 3 best-selling books, all about American workers, their jobs, their characteristics, their problems. She received her B.A. and M.A. from the University of Wisconsin in Madison Wisconsin where for both degrees she majored in Sociology, and Ph.D. from Harvard where she majored in Management with a speciality in Labor Relations. She currently teaches at Harvard, serves as a consultant for the UAW-CIO,
and was Assistant Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration. Her announced topic will be “Today’s Workers, Workweeks, and Productivity.”
Speech for follow story: Today, the U.S. ranks Number One in the world in productivity per worker. That has both advantages and disadvantages for workers, their families, and employers. On the upside, American families are enjoying more prosperity, but not due solely to rising wages. More family members are working, especially among Black and Hispanic families. During the last 10 years, the average middle-class familys income rose 9.2% after inflation, but the typical familys wage-earners had to spend 6.8 percent more time at work to reap it. Without increased earnings from wives, the average middle-class familys income would have risen only 3.6%. The share of married women working full-time rose from 41 to 46%. Plus, the average workers workweek has risen from about 38 hours for full-time workers to slightly more than 41 hours a week. Executives, on average, work 47 hours a week. On the downside, workers complain they’re working harder and that they’re having difficulty balancing their jobs and personal lives. American workers seemed to be squeezed during both booms and busts. In expansions, companies keep giving their workers more work, and in recessions companies downsize. Then, with fewer employees, those that remain have to work longer and harder to get everything done. So its not surprising that American workers are sometimes frustrated. Forty-one percent feel they do not have enough time to accomplish all their tasks each day. Its a complex issue, and there’re also other culprits. One is technology. More than ever before, technological advances keep people tethered to their office by cell phone and computer. Think about it! It doesn’t matter where you go: to a movie, a nice restaurant, or even a golf course or your church. People carry telephones everywhere and, while some calls are social, many are business. There’s also the American psyche and culture. Much of the increase in time spent at work is voluntary. Workers want to earn more and to move up economically. They’re eager to make a good impression: to impress their boss and co-workers. Also, work is important to them, sometimes the most important
Review E xerc i s e s
thing in their lives. Many are ambitious, even obsessed, with getting ahead. Increasingly, then, some Americans work even on holidays and are forgoing vacations and time with their families and friends. During the past decade, Americans added nearly a full week to their work year, working on average 1,978 hours last year. That’s up 36 hours almost a full week from ten years ago. That means Americans who are employed spent nearly 49 weeks a year on the job. As a result, they worked longer than all other industrial nations last year. Americans work 100 more hours (2 weeks per year) than Japanese workers. They work 250 hours (about 6 weeks) more per year than British workers, and 500 hours (12 weeks) more per year than German workers. Why? Among the reasons for the differences are the fact that Europeans typically take 4 to 6 weeks of vacation each year while Americans take only 2 to 3 weeks. Also, while American employers offer or require lots of overtime, the French government has reduced that countrys official workweek to 35 hours. That’s because the unemployment rate in France is high, and the government wants to pressure companies to hire more workers. Clearly, all these trends, whether good or bad, have contributed to our countrys outstanding economic performance, which translates into more income for employees and more profits for employers. So, no one can deny that Americans are working harder, and I don’t like that, but I don’t see the situation as all bad. Our economy is booming. There are good jobs for most workers, and incomes are going up along with our productivity.
2. College Athletics Information for advance story: Erik Nieves, your schools Athletic Director for the past twenty-four years, has previously announced his retirement, effective at the end of next month. Before then, he’s planning a farewell speech and today he told you it will be “a candid discussion about some serious problems in athletics, primarily college athletics.” Its all free this coming Saturday night at the annual meeting of members of your schools Athletic Boosters Club. The speech is being held in the beautiful Grand Ballroom of your Student Union with only Booster Club members and their guests invited. Each member of the club
donates $500 or more annually to your schools Athletic Foundation. Bronze Key Club members donate $1000 or more, Silver Key Club members $5000 or more, and Gold Key Club members $10000 or more. There’s an open bar at 6:30, dinner at 7:30, and the speech at 9:00pm, with good fellowship for all. “Its my farewell address to the club,” Nieves said. (Press kits will be available, with free seating available to the press. No radio or TV tapings or broadcasts of any type will be permitted, all such rights being exclusively retained by the Athletic Boosters Club.)
Speech for follow story: As I look around this room, I see many familiar faces: good people, generous people who’ve been friends and supporters for as long as I’ve been here. Now, all of you know I’m retiring at the end of next month. I’m 64, and its time. What you don’t know is that I’ve decided to devote the time I have left to increasing public awareness of a serious problem for our athletes and athletic programs. I’ll continue with that effort after I retire. What I’m going to say isn’t going to be popular, but its something I feel I have to say, something eating my heart out. The fact is, its no longer fun to play college football; its become a fatiguing grind. Its a full-time job, a year-around job, and that’s true of every college football program across the country. The insanity has to stop. Coaches demand more, colleges demand more. Alumni demand more, so college football has turned into a 12-month-a-year job that never ends. We’ve got fall games and winter workouts. There’s spring practice, and there’re summer conditioning drills. So our players work and work and work during the season. Then, when the season ends, they work even more. They push harder and stay longer, and it doesn’t matter what time of the day or what month of the year. You’ve got wonderful young players some still teenagers literally working themselves to death, dying so you can have a winning season. Eleven college football players died in the past 12 months year, and its a tragedy we have to stop. Heatstroke is a part of the problem, especially during those damned summer drills. Heatstroke can cause your body temperature to soar to 108 degrees, cause a heart attack, and induce a coma. On college teams its hard to help people 50 to 100 pounds
sometimes even 150 pounds above the ideal weight for their height. With people who are so overweight, often deliberately, you’re going to have problems. We tell our players on a hot day he should drink 16 to 20 ounces of fluid and then continue to drink every 15 minutes whether he’s thirsty or not. You can’t depend on your thirst mechanism. The center of the brain doesn’t click on and tell you that you’re thirsty until a long time after all your fluids are gone. If you’re a coach, whether in high school or college, and your kids aren’t getting water every 15 or 20 minutes, you shouldn’t be coaching. “Actually, heat stroke is one of the easier problems we deal with. Some of our players have pre-existing conditions we don’t know about. We require players to have physical exams before letting them play. Still, right here in our state, we had a freshman die after a series of early-morning agility drills. He was just 19, 6 feet 4, and 230 pounds, with no history of heart problems. When he reported to campus doctors detected no heart abnormalities during his physical exam. That non-detection is no surprise. Many cardiologists say arrhythmia can be difficult to find. Cardiac arrhythmia is an irregular heartbeat. The heartbeat is not constantly out of kilter, so the problem is not likely to be detected even in an athlete undergoing a yearly physical. But at some point under exertion, the heart is pushed beyond its limits, and there’s no way of knowing when or why it will happen. There are a number of causes for this problem, including defects in the heart structure. People are born with these defects but often show no outward signs of the problems. Including high school teams and all sports, about 100 to 200 young athletes die each year from the condition. Now, some of this is the coaches fault and some the fans fault. Coaches work their players too hard. They work themselves too hard. And players give every last drop of their time, energy and effort. They sacrifice way too much for far too little. They have tremendous pride and ambition, and they all want to be drafted into the professionals, so they push themselves through heat and pain. To solve the problems, our coaches at every level need more sports medicine knowledge. We don’t have a system of coaching certification in this country. In other countries, especially Europe, you have to have expertise and take courses and pass tests. In this country
I could be an accountant who never took a course in first aid, and so long as I can win football games, it doesn’t matter. Other things are just common sense. If you’re a coach, you take your team out at 7:00 in the morning or 5:00 or 6:00 in the evening. On hot days, you don’t work outside at noon. Somehow, we also have to cut back on off-season drills. They take way too much of our athletes time, so an awful lot of these young men never graduate. There’s just no time left for their studies. We also need better physicals. That will cost several hundred dollars for every player every year but should be a priority, and schools can afford it. Plus, fans put way too much pressure on their coaches, forcing coaches to put more pressure on their players. You see it in every game, high school, college, and professional. You see coaches send too many injured players back into games before they’re ready. We’ve also got fans who like to brag their teams linemen average 250 or 300 pounds. That’s not healthy for young men to gain an extra 50 or 100 pounds. I’d rather have fans brag about how many of our athletes graduate. To get this awful pressure off coaches, give them tenure just like you give faculty members. No coach should be fired after just one or two losing seasons. Now all this isn’t going to happen soon, and it can’t happen at just one or two schools. It has to be a national effort. Football is a game. Enjoy the game whether your team wins or loses. A few more victories aren’t worth risking a players life.
3. The Police and the Press Information for advance story: Barry Kopperud is scheduled to speak to the local chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists Monday of next week. The club meets for dinner the second Monday of every month at the Blackhawk Hotel. Both the dinner and the speech are open to the public. The dinners are $17.50 per person. Those wishing to hear the speech only may attend free. The evening begins with a social hour and cash bar at 6 p.m. Dinner starts at 6:30 p.m., and Kopperuds speech will begin at 7:30 p.m. Anyone wishing to attend the dinner must make reservations in advance by calling LeeAnn Verkler at the university.
Review E xerc i s e s
Kopperud is the chief of police, and he will speak about issues regarding press coverage of crime and the police.
Speech for follow story: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I’ve met most of you before. A couple of you I’ve seen just within the last hour. I’m glad we have this opportunity to talk under conditions that are more pleasant than when we usually meet. The police beat is among the most active beats for any reporter. I’ve noticed that a good share of the content of the news broadcasts and the newspaper comes from the police. This heavy reliance by the media on the police probably accounts for a situation police and news people have observed in many towns and cities. There is a symbiotic, co-dependent, love-hate relationship between cops and reporters that develops about everywhere. Obviously, reporters rely on the police to provide information about some of the most important and dramatic events of the day. But police need reporters to get out information on the things they want to promote. Police understand that people read and watch news stories about crime. One of the first places people turn to when they get their daily paper is the police blotter. Although the police department has had generally good relations with the press, there are some common problems—points of friction, you might call them—that arise from time to time. One of these points of friction involves the release of information through unofficial channels. The police department has lots of information, some of it secret that it doesn’t want released to the public. A classic example is information relevant to a homicide, such as autopsy information and details about the scene of the crime. Why do we want to keep this information secret? Because doing so helps us investigate the crime. A few years ago we had a homicide in which a man was bludgeoned to death with a tire iron. The killer then doused the body with gasoline and tried to set it afire. The body was in a wooded area and not discovered for several weeks. We got a lot of tips about that murder. We also had a couple of people show up trying to confess. Because we withheld the details about the crime scene and cause of
death, we were able to distinguish the real culprit from the cranks and the real sources from the phony ones. Because the details were never published in the media, we could trace leads back to the one person with firsthand k nowledge—a person who is now serving a life sentence. But those details are exactly the kind of thing reporters most want. One of the banes of my existence is that there are people in the police department who like to release that kind of information. Maybe these leaks are intentional—from disgruntled officers—or maybe the leaks are unintentional, where an officer tells a friend who tells a reporter. Either way, reporters will call us back asking for confirmation of these leaks, but the police department will never confirm or deny anything. That brings me to some ethical questions. Both police and reporters deal with ethical issues. Sometimes we err and release information that we shouldn’t. Sometimes we wonder why you folks in the media publish what you do. I just want to share with you some recent incidents that raise ethical issues and ask you to consider them. A few weeks ago, a police dog bit its handler’s daughter. The dog was retired from service but had been living with its handler. As a result of the incident the girl needed stitches. Somehow a TV reporter got onto the story and wanted to do an on-camera interview with someone from the department. We refused. The reporter suggested it was because the story would embarrass the department or suggest irresponsibility or create problems with the city council. But none of those was correct. We refused because the dog had been put down, and the little girl didn’t know that. She was fond of the dog, and the dog had meant a lot to her. Her mom and dad asked that the story not be released, and we agreed. In another recent case, we had an accidental death of a graduate student in a university dorm. The man had suffocated to death, and the newspaper reported— correctly—that he had died while practicing autoerotic asphyxiation. I read that article and thought, “How crass!” Imagine how that must have made that students mother and father feel. I’d like to think that reporters would take that kind of thing into account before they publish a story. Sometimes the feelings of the family outweigh the publics need to know. The case that for me presented the most searing ethical problem was the Wendy Ray case. You all
remember that Wendy was a university student who was abducted from just outside her parents apartment one night, repeatedly raped, tortured and then murdered. For weeks she was just missing, and no one knew where she was. We got our first break in the case when we arrested a couple of men for burglarizing an electronics store. After we had charged them, Donald Hendricks, the assistant county attorney, called and said one of them, Scott Reed, wanted to cut a deal: He’d tell us about Wendys murder if we promised not to seek the death penalty for him. Reed told us where to find Wendys body. At this point, I went to Bill and Liz Ray, Wendys parents, and told them we had remains and believed them to be Wendys, pending a dental match. I also told them that we knew a lot more about how she had died and that I would tell them as much as they wanted to know when they wanted to know it. They understood that I meant there were grisly details about Wendys death. A few hours later, we had a positive dental match, but before I could get back to Wendy’s parents, one of the radio stations had aired a news story with all the gory details. I can’t tell you how devastated the Rays were. I think it was not a good way for the family to learn those details. I guess the moral of these stories is a simple one: People really are affected by news stories. I hope reporters have enough humanity not to get caught up in the competitive practices of the business and realize how they may hurt others. I understand some people may reach different decisions about how to handle these ethical issues. I have no problem with someone who disagrees with me. I have a real problem, however, with reporters who won’t consider other points of view.
3. Summarizing Speeches 1. U.S. Withdrawal from the Paris Agreement on Climate Change Using the background information and the official transcript provided, write a story summarizing President Trump’s announcement that the United States will withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change. Background on the Paris Agreement The Paris Agreement was negotiated in December 2015 within the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC). It was signed by 195 countries and ratified by 148. Only Syria and Nicaragua did not sign the agreement. The agreement’s goal is first to hold the increase “in the global average temperature to well below 2 degrees C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees C above pre-industrial levels.” Temperatures in the first half of 2016 were already about 1.3 degrees C above 1880 levels, when records first were kept. The agreement also calls on signatories to do the following: ●● increase
“the ability to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change and foster climate resilience and low greenhouse gas emissions development, in a manner that does not threaten food production” ●● make “finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate- resilient development” ●● aim to reach “global peaking of greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible” Under the agreement, each country determines the steps it will take to mitigate climate change. Countries are urged to be ambitious in their goals, and they are supposed to report them every five years to the UNFCCC secretariat. Each new set of goals should be more ambitious than the previous set. Nothing compels any country to abide by its own targets or achieve them by a specific date, although the UNFCCC will report on how much success countries have had in meeting their objectives. This practice has been called a “name and shame” or a “name and encourage” system of enforcement. The agreement also calls for a Global Stocktake in 2018, to assess how much countries have accomplished toward achieving their nationally determined contributions to carbon-emission reduction. That will be followed by further evaluations every five years, the first being in 2023. The participating developed countries said they would contribute $100 billion to finance initiatives to mitigate climate change by 2020 and spend an additional $100 billion a year. In 2016, the Obama administration issued a grant of $500 million to the Green Climate Fund, the first of the $3 billion it had committed to financing the agreement. By June 2017, the fund had received $10 billion, mostly from developed countries, but some from developing countries such as Mexico, Indonesia and Vietnam.
Review E xerc i s e s
A country may withdraw from the agreement three years after it goes into effect in that country, with a oneyear waiting period until the departure becomes effective. Therefore, the earliest the United States can fully withdraw from the agreement is November 4, 2020. President Trump’s Speech White House Rose Garden, 3:32 p.m. Eastern Time THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. (Applause.) Thank you. I would like to begin by addressing the terrorist attack in Manila. We’re closely monitoring the situation, and I will continue to give updates if anything happens during this period of time. But it is really very sad as to what’s going on throughout the world with terror. Our thoughts and our prayers are with all of those affected. Before we discuss the Paris Accord, I’d like to begin with an update on our tremendous—absolutely tremendous—economic progress since Election Day on November 8th. The economy is starting to come back, and very, very rapidly. We’ve added $3.3 trillion in stock market value to our economy, and more than a million private sector jobs. I have just returned from a trip overseas where we concluded nearly $350 billion of military and economic development for the United States, creating hundreds of thousands of jobs. It was a very, very successful trip, believe me. (Applause.) Thank you. Thank you. In my meetings at the G7, we have taken historic steps to demand fair and reciprocal trade that gives Americans a level playing field against other nations. We’re also working very hard for peace in the Middle East, and perhaps even peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Our attacks on terrorism are greatly stepped up—and you see that, you see it all over—from the previous administration, including getting many other countries to make major contributions to the fight against terror. Big, big contributions are being made by countries that weren’t doing so much in the form of contribution. One by one, we are keeping the promises I made to the American people during my campaign for President whether it’s cutting job‑killing regulations; appointing and confirming a tremendous Supreme Court justice; putting in place tough new ethics rules; achieving a record reduction in illegal immigration on our southern border; or bringing jobs, plants, and factories back into the United States at numbers which no one
until this point thought even possible. And believe me, we’ve just be